That's amazing that you're feeling good, and eating well, Nima. I'd love some healthy recipes ideas!! I dropped weight when on suppressant meds, and then it all came back on as soon as I started the estrogen and progesterone for the FET
do you intend to tandem feed? If no, then I'd really suggest weaning your daughter sooner rather than later. They seem to 'move on' fairly quickly once you stop, and she will be fine if you feel it is time to wean
But I'd be worried about jealousy if you try to wean her right before or after the baby comes when she'll have to watch him! Just my two cents- if you want to let her decide when to stop, then rock on, and I hope it will soon be less uncomfortable for you
Love your excitement, Megan! I'm sure that you will be great parents. And I bet no matter what she will still wear the NB stuff. My friend had an almost 10lb baby
and she was still in NB stuff! Probably for a shorter time than a smaller baby, but she didn't come out looking as big as you'd thinker a ten pounder would!
Hope you're well, elencor!
AFM- transfer went well yesterday. It was a really weird experience in many ways. I guess I'd been expecting something magical, and it was really just like any medical procedure. It was cool to see the embryo up on the screen before the transfer. I also saw my name on the petri dish, which was reassuring!!!! But, I don't know- I've felt very down today. I can't explain why, just feel kind of bummed. They said my lining was great, but today called to change my instructions and add more estrogen and progesterone. So, I'm worried that that wasn't optimal. I don't know, just feeling all the feelings!