oh god yeah, ive had them with Tori every 2 weeks from 22 weeks, take them with a pinch of salt. i had loads of positives and none of them came to anything. They normally get followed up with a cervical length scan.
Negatives are reliable though.
They are generally only available through trials here because they arent that fab. But anythings worth it as you know!
Sounds like they are just airing on the side of caution due to the severity of your PreE. I see the midwife next week at 22 weeksw then nothing til 28 weeks when consultant wants to start growth scans. No medication or anything yet and only BP checked at midwife which I was surprised by I expectedregular visit to msternity unit already but I guess thats a good thing. I had to finish work at 30 weeks as I was so ill and had intended working on this time but hubby has a new job and am thinking of winding work down to 30 weeks (also im struggling for sitters as hubby now working away ) xx