Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

@ melanie welcome its on this thread i found the courage to get pregnant again.
@ mommy3 OMG CONGRATS on your double bundle of joy!!!!!!
Whaaaaaaat!!!! Mummy3 congrats!!!! Oh. My. Godddddd!!!! How exciting :baby: :baby:
Hi, sorry haven't updated been bit manic...ended up seeing a useless out-of-hours doc on Sunday who said it was just excessive discharge (sorry tmi), and patronised me with the "discharge, lower tummy cramps and backache are all a common part of pregnancy no need to worry" speech .... *insert suitable insult here*

Anyways yesterday I saw my gp who did a brief internal examination and confirmed she thought my waters were leaking as fluid was trickling out and was enough to make her couch wet, so off to hospital we trekked. After a 4hour wait I was examined by a huffy doctor who informed me "you are the 9th person or so we have seen today whose gp has told them their waters have gone and so far not one of them has!!, great rapport builder that was......examined me for literally 2seconds and concluded its not my waters as my cervix is closed there is lots and lots of fluid it must be discharge.

Me and hubby were rather sceptical just because of how brief everything was etc, usually they have a proper look, ask me to cough, take swabs I was discharged and told " given your history you may well leak just put your feet up as much as possible and we shall see what happens".

Immediately called consultant when got home and hoping she will call back today with an appointment sometime soon, just for reassurance!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well and congrats to all new ladies :) x
emaritska I think that was a good call, giving the consultant a heads up xxx
Emaritska I would have done the same thing, good move! I hope everything is okay for you though!
Thanks girls...I was actually in middle of starting a thread simply titled "how to panic a pregnant woman :/" after my conversation with a receptionist at the hospital just now. I called to get results of a swab taken yesterday and this is how it went (bearing in mind we had just established results want be ready until 6-7pm tonight and I thought she was a mw not a receptionist)

Her: anything else I can help with?
Me:erm, this is probably silly, I know you can have bleeding/watery discharge after a speculum exam, but I'm having excessive lumps of jellylike mess fall out, no blood. Is this normal?

Please note here I did go into more detail as am quite concerned about how much there is and it's thick consistency :/

Her: er.....I have no idea I'm a receptionist let me check with a midwife *pops me on hold*

Her again: hi there checked with midwife she said its perfectly normal it's called your show and usually happens anywhere up to week or so before baby comes so no worries!!!

Me: I'm 22 weeks ish so actually that's not good.

Her: well, mention it to mw when you call for results later!

I'm sure it's normal, just only remember watery mess with the boys after internals! And nothing the day after to this extent!
Sorry just realised I've been a right moaning cow!!! Sending happy vibes to all you girls!
Emaritska, reading that with :shock::hugs: Cant believe they are playing around like this, have you got in to see your consultant to get some better answers and guidance?:hugs::hugs:

Thanks guys:kiss:
Nope was told earliest consultant will see me is 23rd jan and was told "the nurses/doctors on the ward are experts sure there is nothing wrong". Maybe I'm just paranoid xxx
:hugs: u must be distraught with all the uncertainty Hun keep hounding them xx
had 16 week consultant appt (minus the consultant grr) so far alls well plan of action made for how often to be seen and what tests etc they'll do next consultant appt not til 28 weeks by then if following my usual pattern ill be in daycare or in hospital but trying to stay positive the extra growth scans are hopefully just an added bonus xx
Mummy - congrats! I have twin boys. Twins are awesome!
Emaritska - you're not being paranoid at all and you're not moaning. The whole thing sounds so stressful.
Bumps - congrats on the good news!
@emarska you have every right to feel the way you do and I don't think they are taking it seriously enough, I hoe yu get in to see the consultant sooner than later
@ bumpsom great news
As for me I jt got the call this morning that I have GD oohh the joys, lets hope nothing else comes up.
@bumpsmum good news extra scans you get to see baby more!
Agiboma ... Sorry to hear about the gd, will it be diet or medication controlled?

Called the assessment unit again at 5am as still have lts of tummy discomfort, always an ache but sometimes cramps and still backache, however was told its prob just growing pains and normal pregnancy backache "you can come up if you feel you need to but will be an awfully long wait as not urgent" :(

Prob going to see how this morning goes, if still not right by lunch will go camp out until someone sees me I guess x
Update! Called assessment unit and spoke to midwife who advised me that on mon when was in hospital there were a few white cells in my wee nothing major and also some protein so she thinks could have urine infection causing tummy and backache.....I asked why this wasn't mentioned on Monday when I was there with same symptoms and she said she didn't know! So going back at 1pm to be retested and checked over as temp little higher than normal and hopefully get better! Thanks for all support ladies :)
Yay emaritska! Finally some real news!! Receptionists... omg
emaritska- perseverance has paid off!
angio - sorry about the gd diagnosis :nope:

I go to see my ob tomorrow morning. I'm sure I'll be freaking out tomorrow. Right now it doesn't feel real. I'm exhausted too. One of the twins threw up yesterday morning and had a fever all day. I took him to bed with us so it was a rough night. He looks much better today though. Nap time for me this afternoon.
Hope your appointment went well emaritska

Good luck with your ob maxii

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