Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

I have just had my appointment with the consultant. I will be having cervical scans fortnightly from 16 weeks and swabs every four weeks from 16 weeks. After each scan I will have an appointment with the consultant to discuss the results.

I asked had they had any updates on progesterone from the optimmum trial but they haven't so my hospital won't prescribe it.
29 weeks here - getting NO extra monitoring at all (apart from my lovely midwife who's kept me on the first-baby schedule of appointments and is doing all she can to push the hospital into action) - think I next see the consultant at 32 weeks.

The one thing I HAVE managed to get now is an appointment with the specialist birth trauma midwife to try to work out a plan of action how the hospital can minimise my stonking anxiety issues following last pregnancy - hopefully she can flag me as a priority not to be transferred back to the horrid hospital we were at last time... but that appointment isn't for a few weeks.

I think next week's going to be the rough one for me when I tick over into the 30-something weeks and start getting near that damned 33 number. Plus crippled with SPD and just found out this new HS2 rail line's coming under half a mile past my house so not in the sunniest moods anyway!
Ah are you not at the Royal :(

Yes I am. I was wanting to know if I could get progesterone without joining the trial but they won't :). Not sure I will join it as false positives would stress me out. Will decide nearer the time.
25 weeker, that it good that they will be monitoring you so closely this time :)

I have my 12 week scan tomorrow and see the consultant :)

I feel so dizzy right now and I am sure my BP is pretty low because every time I stand up everything goes black and feels like the room is spinning
Buttonnose - I always get the dizzy spells when pregnant thing going on (had to sit down five times while trying to make a pasta sauce the other day because otherwise I was going to faceplant in the dog bed - soft but smelly landing if I had done)... they've never found a reason for it- my iron's fine, my blood pressure's resolutely normal (despite the NHS's best efforts to the contrary)... only thing I can think of is that my gran had low blood pressure problems all her life.

It's flipping annoying!

Our local SureStart staff are fab btw - they know I can barely lift the big girl, so they're all helping me lift her out of the buggy and carry her over to where they've got me a chair out when I go to baby group - so kind of 'em all! (I think secretly she's one of their fave babies to be honest - they're all amazed how she's grown from being a teeny tiny preemie - think she would only have been the equivalent of about 37 weeks when I first took her down there)
@25 weeker glad to hear you are going to be watched closely
@blakesmommy welcome, hope this time it will be better for you
Has my 12 week scan today & saw the consultant, we were there 2 hours but we left feeling very reassured and happy, I really love our consultant!

Scan was fab, baby was snuggled right down so had to do lots of jiggling but then they started moving is every direction but the one needed lol, I have been bumped forward 2 days so now due August 14th!

Consultant care plan now in place, I have started aspirin, I will have a growth scan at 28 & 32 weeks, weeks blood pressure & urine from 28 weeks then twice weekly from 30 weeks. We will talk about delivery method after the 20 week scan but have been given all the VBAC info to read ready.

She basically said, because of the severity of the Pre e & HELLP last time, there is a 1 in 4 chance of it happening to that degree again but she expects I will develop some form of pre e at some point but hopefully milder & later than last time.

She set our first aim as 32 weeks, then 34 weeks then 36 weeks, she said once we get to 36 weeks she won't be worried at all about delivery :)
Ah are you not at the Royal :(

Yes I am. I was wanting to know if I could get progesterone without joining the trial but they won't :). Not sure I will join it as false positives would stress me out. Will decide nearer the time.

I see!

Yes it's a difficult one to make. You have to be really disciplined about it. That's all very well me saying that now but when you are pregnant and full of hormones and of course worry its a lot harder to be disciplined about it!

Just remember a positive means naff all really, a negative is more reliable.

I really do think progesterone should be given on prescription, OPPTIMUM is our only hope and I think it's a one in four chance of having a placebo.
Scan and appt with MFM went good. She said I am maxed on everything as far as the docs helping me keep baby in. So now it's just a wait and see. Still get shots weekly and will have next appt feb 26 when I'm 28 weeks. They really want to me to get to 28 weeks, will be very happy! Lol
Baby scan was good. Baby is 1 lb 8 oz! And growing right on time so I'm thrilled that I won't need a lot of appts before feb 26 no poking and prodding for awhile.
Also stich is tight and closed... Cervix short of course but stitch should hopefully hold until 36 weeks.
She said I'm still at extreme high risk for early labor but hopefully I will get to the late 30s weeks.
As far as my pre e, she said as long as my bp stays normal, I should be okay but if it starts getting high, they will want to induce right away. But I think I'm good with bp because it was mild with dd1 too
Sat in dr as lost some plug this morning and now bleeding....

Keep your fingers crossed!
oh Sal I hope everythings ok!
Now off to hospital for proper check! Xx grrr
Sal toes and fingers crossed for you sweetie!!! :hugs: keep staying strong!
Thanks guys xx in now on medication to stop the contractions and have had first lot of steroids! Hopefully he will stay put! Xx
Everything crossed that the meds work and that he stays put for a long time yet x
Oh Sal I pray baby stays cooking inside a little while longer at least! :D

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