Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

Some uplifting long waited news for me and my family...I have the number to the person who handled my angels birth and death certificate so now I can call tomorrow and tell her about the doctors mix up of gender so hopefully we will finally get everything changed to her name! This is huge becuz how can we truly get closure knowing there is no birth or death certificate or anything saying she even existed? :(This had had me depressed the last few days but something told me to call numbers until someone could help and it worked. I may be on bedrest but I can still get this in motion becuz we want some closure before our rainbow baby is born. And if its a boy he will be a jr which is what they put for our angel girl :nope: in my heart I just have to get this hanged before new baby arrives... It's been haunting ever since we found out and we've been told its outta our hands to change but I'm her mama and I promised her I will find a way
@Sal sending you positive energy LO stays baking a while longer.
@mizzpod glad you got the closure you needed
:wacko: everything is crossed for you Sal xx

As for me so far alls well......can't wait for fri to see bubbles again and find out the sex. Had to take my wedding ring etc off but swelling is mild hoping its not the start of the dreaded odema and just normal pregnancy bloat xx
@Sal sending you positive energy LO stays baking a while longer.
@mizzpod glad you got the closure you needed

Thanks. We haven't gotten it yet but we r closer then before :) feb 26 is my next appt and that's when we will begin the physical work (person to person talking) that way we will be in person rather than just on the phone.
Another moan, I took M to his follow up appointment with NICU today. Well i just knew how it was going to go. They put us in this big Gym sized room and he was totally in heaven M loves to run around and he cant stop himself. Well thats exactly what he did, only for the DR. to come in and tell me they are concerned that he cannot sit still long enough to learn anything so his speech can be improved. Im thinking to myself ooo f off. You spend less than 3 minutes with my son and want to diagnoise him already.

I told the nurse the room was too much of a stimulus for my son but NO one listens to me. They keep asking does the daycare complain about his energy level i tell them no and they just cant come off it. So upset with these so called professionals. I know my son and i know the problems he has and having to much energy is not one of them. Friggin get us speech and language thats what we need help with. Moan over
Agiboma so sorry you r dealing with deaf docs! Obviously you know your son more than anyone so it would be common sense to listen to your experiences with your son! Oh I can't imagine going through that, I would probably lose it ;) you r strong mama! :hugs:
Agiboma - I understand your frustration. Holly has congestion in her ears and despite always failing her hearing tests they wouldn't refer her to ent. Yesterday we went for another hearing test he asked my thoughts before starting and I said it will be the same as she is still badly congested in the nose as well. He was giving it maybe not the ears might have cleared. Of course after the test he admitted it hasnt to which I replied she has been like this solid for nearly 2 years so I didn't think it would go away. They have now said they will refer her to ent but they are too late as I managed to persuade my health visitor to refer her last month. Although it is a 12 week waiting list!

Thankfully it is the lower levels she is not hearing so they said it is only when there is a lot of background noise she will be affected like in nursery but she is coping ok in nursery so apart from constant snot and no doubt all her food tastes bland she is coping ok.

I had the same at the hospital they never believe me when I say I am O neg and say we will take blood to double check. I am a blood donor and been pregnant before so how would I not know my blood group!
I am a blood donor and been pregnant before so how would I not know my blood group!

And on this front... our local GP office doesn't keep the results of blood group tests on their database so they end up having to re-run the blood group one with every single pregnancy. Just another silly pointless little thing to waste NHS money and you'd think it would be a straightforward piece of patient data to keep!

They also get locum midwives in, and don't give them access to the part of the computer system meaning they can check blood test results - I don't think anyone ever DID look at my 28 week bloods last time!

30 weeks today... 33+5 is where things went wrong last time... next goal 34 weeks but I have the (useless) consultant at 32 weeks - half expecting them to suddenly decree because of the tearing and mess they made of my nether bits last time with the forceps that they'll want me to have a section - I'm just anticipating some kind of late in the game bombshell to be delivered at that meeting.
Woo hoo on the 30 week milestone Dizz fx for you your better taken care of this time.

25weeker Daniel failed his last heating test also due to 'congestion' he must be due a follow up soon as they said 3 months instead of 6 months. He is always stuffy and congested but personally don't think his hearing is affected he sure hears the baby gate at the bathroom opening :dohh: lol hope ENT appt comes quickly xx
Congrats dizz on making it to 30weeks! Fingers crossed consultant app goes well x
Had my 26week growth/general check up scan this morning, all fine, baby still has plenty of fluid, cervix long and she's huge! Well 1lb 15oz but seems huge for 26weeks if you see what I mean!

Hope everyone's babies are behaving and you are all making time for yourselves too!
I might be joining you ladies again. AF is late.

The thought terrifies me.
@srrm lol welcome back and yes terrified sounds normal for every preemie mommy, who falls pregnant
I am a blood donor and been pregnant before so how would I not know my blood group!

And on this front... our local GP office doesn't keep the results of blood group tests on their database so they end up having to re-run the blood group one with every single pregnancy. Just another silly pointless little thing to waste NHS money and you'd think it would be a straightforward piece of patient data to keep!

They also get locum midwives in, and don't give them access to the part of the computer system meaning they can check blood test results - I don't think anyone ever DID look at my 28 week bloods last time!

30 weeks today... 33+5 is where things went wrong last time... next goal 34 weeks but I have the (useless) consultant at 32 weeks - half expecting them to suddenly decree because of the tearing and mess they made of my nether bits last time with the forceps that they'll want me to have a section - I'm just anticipating some kind of late in the game bombshell to be delivered at that meeting.

Congrats on hitting 30 weeks, fab news :)

The reason they repeat the blood group isn't to waste money, it be because they screen for antibodies at the same time which can change at any time due to a number of factors, it is good they repeat with every pregnancy as they are keeping their records up to date and keeps you & baby as protected as possible :)

If you are so unhappy with your consultant did you not consider attending a different hospital? the way the NHS now works means you can pick which hospital you attend, even if it is in a different trust, just an idea if your really uncomfortable with your current hospital/consultants, might make you feel a little more at ease :)
I'm at the other hospital in the NHS trust this time - still not 100% where I'd have chosen to go (ideally I'd have gone to the neighbouring NHS trust because I live on the boundary) - but the midwife (who is lovely and I wish I could kidnap and take into the delivery room with me) is only really set up to deal with the two hospitals easily so it's kind of a compromise solution.

Consultant is one I've seen before last pregnancy who covers both hospitals and is useless pretty much universally (last pregnancy her opening line is "so why am I seeing you"). I've just got the GP and midwife pushing to try to keep the hospital on their toes at least - if that fails I'll set my mother onto them!
It is a shame your midwife can't work with the other trust, I am having this baby at a trust different to the one my community midwife covers but it isn't a problem and they work together still
32 weeks!!!! Last check the little fatty weighed 4 pounds 5 ounces on monday. I think she is a giant compared to M's weight when he arrived so early. Next goal 35 weeks.
wow thats a fab weight for 32 weeks, Lucas was born at 32 weeks and was 3lb 11.5oz!

fingers crossed you make 35 weeks!

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