Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

@25weeker - sorry to hear you're still feeling sick. :(
i had check with the OB and LO is weighing in @ 7 pounds looks like i may not get my 10 pounder after all lol, next check is next week YEAHHHH
oh my 7lb already you'll not know how to handle her as your used to a wee thing. Fantastic news x
7lb - what a fab weight. I think Holly must have been about 5/6 months when she hit that mark.
Wow great weight! :) I am so tired I'm certain that madam weighs at least 10lb already and will be close to 3stone by time she arrives :/ lol x scan tomorrow so can get a weight estimate then!

Hoe all you lovely ladies are well xxx
@ emariska yeah for 30 weeks
@bumpmom i certainly wont know what to do with her when i see her thats for sure, i call her the little "fatty", its gonna be strange thats for sure. I guess ill be a new mom all over again
@25 weeker Michael was probably around 5 months when he hit that weight also, to an extent this all feels like a dream honestly a good dream :haha:.
Lovely to hear about all these chubby babies - well done Agiboma and emaritska (you must be very excited for your scan :D ).
Very excited thanks!!! Baby is doing great, currently estimated at 3lb 7oz which is great ( although convinced she feels more like 10lb lol), cervix couldn't be seen as baby's head was in the way, and she didn't want to do an internal. Fluid ok so looks like *fingers crossed* she is going to stay put :)
Emar that is fantastic news!! Beautiful weight!! I have my finger and toes crossed she stays put! :)
Hi all :) do you mind if I join?
I had 2 full term babies before my 3rd was born at 32 weeks. I started going into pre term labour around 27 weeks with him and then at 31 weeks my water broke and a week later he was born weighing in at 3lb 10oz. I'm now a day shy of 26 weeks and I'm beginning to get very anxious
Lisa how has your pregnancy been going? I have my fingers crossed that you get another full term baby :)
It's been completely uneventful so far with the exception of extended morning sickness and SPD. I'm just finding myself over analysing every single BH and abdominal ache that I get
@lisa yes its normal once you are a past preemie mommy you analyze everything, for me i have been looking for signs of everything, its hard to relax and enjoy a pregnancy after having a preemie.
Welcome Lisa :)
Thanks girls, I'm very happy with her weight!

Not sure how to approach this topic....and don't want it to come out wrong and cause any offence, but anyone else still not relaxing even though things are going well? :/ I am so so so so happy all is happy and healthy etc, but I have that niggling anxiety which just won't shift..and I'm finding not having an exact date really difficult ( I know it's a minor detail!), with the boys I had an induction date from 27weeks, monitored few times weekly etc, now after Monday il be not seeing anyone till 34 just feels.....weird... i knew even with induction date, he could come earlier but that was my tarhet date, and i knew if not here by then, then things would start that day, this time im trying to use her due date and the people repeating the whole "she can come anytime" is causing sleepiness nights's not the same!!! How will I know?!

Moan over! I genuinely am happy for her to stay there till 42 weeks if she insists....;)
It is really hard to relax, I hate wishing it away but bring on 37 weeks!
I'm the exact same can honestly say I have not enjoyed a single moment of this pregnancy like yourself if at least I had a date to aim for I'd feel better, too much has gone on in past pregnancies we are all on tender hooks for something to happen its only natural and no one could be critical of you for feeling that way, this thread is to share all our neurotic fears etc no where else would really understand it :hugs: x
@emariska your feelings are normal, for the most part this pregnancy has been very uneventful unlike with my son. But i still could not relax until i hit 34 weeks and then i am still a little anxious to make it to term go figure. Once you have a preemie i think is just normal to be on pins and needles throughout future pregnancies. Even though things have gone well this time around i wont be having anymore i cant go through this mental torture again.

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