Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

Hi ladies:wave:
Accidentally unsubscribed i think and missed so many pages!

I had a weekend visit to hospital with slight bleed and contractions.All settled now after a drip and patch (that was a new one for me!!) to stop them. Had steroids too.
I think maybe it was a combination of overdoing it last week, the fact that my most recent section was less than a year ago and is classical. :shrug:
I didn't feel like i was 'in labour' and my cervix shortened but didn't open and is still 2cm so hoping it was just a one off blip and baby will stay cooking for at least another 10 weeks.
Had a scan before i left hospital and estimated weight is 2lb4oz.
Emily was born at 25 weeks and 1lb8oz so i've passed that point...
Edward was 32, Alex 34 and Elliot 35 so they're my next milestones to pass...

I agree with all of you about not enjoying pregnancy! Every slight twinge causes panic, i STILL check for blood every time i wipe, and am constantly panicking that baby hasn't moved enough...
I guess past experiences will always affect our present. :shrug:
Lisa that's something nice to hear! Glad you have had a pretty smooth pregnancy so far!!! Hope it stays that way for you

Nicola I still check for spotting/blood every time I wipe too. It never stop sincere first trimester :( scary stuff

Emar- like all the other ladies, it is def normal to feel that way. I feel excited when I get to my goals. My next one is 32 weeks. However in between I get panicky and start worrying because of all the preterm contractions I keep having. In my mind I keep thinking oh when will it be the real time? And it's scary because I want to make it to 32-34 weeks at least. It's all bittersweet. I'm happy to still be pregnant and very blessed but in the same breath I keep having more flashes of my last pregnancy and the two days I went in hospital and came out not pregnant unexpectedly :( I think my most traumatic memory is pushing her out knowing she will pass away if she leaves my womb. That's my fear for this pregnancy even tho my baby is in the viable weeks... Doesn't change my mindset. I just feel guilty sometimes like I pushed her out and she died because of that after breathing for a couple of hours on her own. :( oh goodness I need to stop writing. These are the emotions I can't let out yet, I have to stay strong until I deliver. I just have to.
Thanks ladies, its so reassuring to know I'm not the only one! Just a quick post as flopping in bed...had second ffn test today, still negative but whatever they test for has increased but still negative :/
Doc didn't seem too concerned though, she seemed more surprised that madam is 3/5 engaged and hence lots of uncomfortable feeling down low..I thought 2/3/4 babies etc didn't engage much past 1/5 till labour etc but madams wedged herself there :)
Girls like to do things ahead of time :haha:, glad to hear the test was neg.
Hi ladies :hi: I'm the mom of a little girl who was born preemie and SGA in July 2011. I'm now 4 weeks pregnant with our second :happydance:

Can I join? I have to say, I'm extremely nervous and excited all at once.
Hi ladies :hi: I'm the mom of a little girl who was born preemie and SGA in July 2011. I'm now 4 weeks pregnant with our second :happydance:

Can I join? I have to say, I'm extremely nervous and excited all at once.
Congratulations :)
Congrats aunt bug!
How you other ladies hanging in there?! All ok I hope! Had my 31 week consultant appointment, all fine, was told they will be inducing me at term as boys arrived so fast they want things controlled so happy with that, asked for the date and was told " you can have a date at 34 weeks if you make it that far". :/
I was bit puzzled as I'm convinced will go to term now, I've passed "my usual danger point", all signs are good etc, so said, well everything's ok so why wouldn't I go to term" and she just smiled and said " we will see wont we?"
She is ever so lovely and helpful usually so was bit baffled and left a bit confused, think maybe she just trying keep me grounded lol but instead it just makes me worry lol!
Congrats auntbug

emaritska - Glad everything is looking good. Your consultant is probably looking at worst case scenarios which some of them tend to do.

Today my daughters nursery informed us there has been one confirmed case of chicken pox in her room. As I am not sure whether I have had chicken pox before they have to check my blood to see if I have any immunity to it. Thankfully they do this with the blood they took at my booking in appointment. I am hoping I will get the results tomorrow. Apart from that not much to report. My nuchal results came back with a 1:17395 chance of downs.

Two weeks tomorrow to my first consultant appointment. It was supposed to be when I was 16 weeks but they only do clinic on a Wednesday so 20th March on my EDD meant I was only 15+6 so they delayed it for a week but with my new due date I will actually be 17+3 at my first appointment.

Hope everyone is well.

Agiboma - Term is just around the corner :)
Oh no just what you need 25weeker here's hoping your immune

Well I'm well and truly scunnered just when I'm starting to feel positive the pre eclampsia won't catch me (or at least delayed) I have ++ glucose and have to do the GTT test on thur! That's all I'd need to have gestational diabetes on top of everything else!

Feel as if I've been kicked between the legs (that bruised feeling) midwife think I may struggle if I do go the distance and may need physio or at least a support belt - never plain sailing is it!! X
Hi Ladies-
I've only read through the last couple pages of this thread- so sorry if someone has already covered this...
I had my son (1st baby - 3rd pregnancy) at 34 weeks (first to were early MC at 6-7 wks). He's 9 mo old now. Hubby and I are starting to think about #2- right now we're NTNP. The Dr. told me a few things that make me worry... she said that the chance of me having another preemie is pretty high. When I'm pregnant again she'd want to refer me to a perinatologist (don't know if I've spelled that correctly) and on top of doing progesterone like before they'd consider a circulage too. I never thought having babies could be so hard!! Anyways I'm just scared. Knowing that once I do get pregnant again it comes with all these preventative measures that might not help. Does anyone have experience seeing a pregnancy specialist? What should I expect? Thanks!!
@emariska congrats on making it past your danger point, try not to worry i beleive you also go to term
@bumpsmom :hugs:
@Mizzpod your coming along nicely
@25weeker wow i hope you are immune and the results come back quickly, time is just flying by, if you can try to enjoy the pregnancy
AFM im enjoying all the perks of third tri YEAHHHH!!!! Just 13 days to go until i meet my little princess
1 day til term. One freaking day. OMG Agiboma :happydance:
^^^^ thats what im saying :haha: counting down the hours till one of my lifetime acheivments is accomplished :thumbup:
Eeeek thats so exciting Abigoma, FULL TERM!!!!!!:wohoo:
Gives us all hope. :thumbup:

afm, no further bleeding or pains since i was admitted a couple of weeks ago. 28 weeks yesterday so getting there! Time feels like it's going so slowly since 24 weeks, anyone else feel like that?
I think from this point, if i am admitted again, i'll be going to a much more local hospital with level 2 nicu rather than being shipped out miles away to a level 3 again so feels like a big step! Next milestone for me is 32 weeks which is what Edward was born at.

Hope everyone else is feeling well and still cooking those bubbas.
Just had my results back and thankfully I am immune to chickenpox. Just now on spot watch to see if Holly catches it.
Thank goodness for that 25weeker! x
Well done Agiboma!

Nicola - Must be such a relief to think you won't need to go so far from home now. :)

25weeker - Glad you're immune to the chickenpox.
Clears throat, I just want to make this public announcement, I am officially term today, end of announcement. leaves room.
Happy term day agiboma!!!!!! *sends imaginary cake and hugs* bet you are so pleased!!!

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