Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

Congratulations Abigoma! Does she have a name yet? Look forward to hearing your birth story. 38+5!! Go you!! :happydance:
Yay!!! Congratulations agiboma :) lovely weight!!! Can't wait for the story once you are settled xxx
awww congratulations agiboma fantastic weight and a HUGE well done you for managing so long xx
Congratulations Agiboma.

Hi ladies, can I join you please? I had my son at 33+5 a couple of years back and have just found out we are expecting number 2. We are over the moon about the pregnancy but I am also a bit nervous after what happened last time. I had a completely normal pregnancy with no complications until the last day when I had some bleeding and then my waters broke and I had a very quick delivery. Thomas was in the NICU for almost 3 weeks before we could bring him home. I know that 33 weeks isn't that early compared to what others have been through but because we had no explanation for why he came early, I am terrified it could happen again, possibly earlier this time.

I'm just looking for some support really and some reassurance from others in a similar position. I used this forum a lot when my son was tiny but haven't been on for a while.

Also, does anyone know whether I will have any different antenatal care because of my history? I haven't phoned the midwife yet as am only 5 weeks.

Hope to get to know some of you better over the next few months. x
Congratulations Agiboma!!!

cat81 - Hiya, can you remember if anyone told you you would be under consultant care this time? I spoke to my consultant before we got pregnant and he asked me to get a referral from the docs nice and early and see him at 11 weeks. Can you go to your GP and ask them if they think you should be referred to consultant care? Hopefully this time will be very different to your last though. :)
Hi Whistle,

Thanks for your reply. When I had my son I don't remember ever discussing what would happen if I got pregnant again with the doctors / midwife so I have no idea. I think I will call the surgery on Tuesday and get an appointment to see what they say.

I have 2 friends who I met through the NICU who had a similar experience to me first time round and have now carried a second baby to term so am just praying it can work that way for me too.
Fingers crossed for you!

My GP wrote a letter to my consultant to double check what he wanted to do because I couldn't remember when the time came. Let us know how it goes on Tues.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Had my second cervix scan today and it was 3.2cm. They are still happy with the length and she had me press down the top of my stomach to put some pressure on it and it stayed closed and no funnelling. She said it was curved so it may actually be a bit longer than this.

Although it all looks good I think I will worry for the next 2 weeks until my next one as it is 8mm shorter than last week! The logical part of my brain knows it is still a good length and your cervix does change especially as last week it was straight but unfortunately that part of my brain doesn't kick in enough :shrug:

She said baby is very active but I don't feel most of it with an anterior placenta. I did ask her if she could tell the sex of it while looking but she couldn't see and said they would look better at my detailed scan so 2 weeks until I find out.
@25 weeker glad to hear things are going well.
AFM just gor home from the hospital, was readmeitted for high blood pressure, and post partum preeclamsia im home now on a grocery list of bp meds
Hi agiboma, how's things going? Feeling ok? Hope you and the family are well and enjoying the newest addition!

Just an update from me, had my 34 week scan today (34+3) and baby is a chunky 5lb 9oz they estimate and ...wait for it......I have LOTS of fluid! :/ so odd, two previous prom pregnancies and concerns about not enough fluid and today it's at 20 which my hospital class as just mild polyhrydraminos. Wasn't given any further info other than retake my GTT test this week, come ack in 2weeks for anther consultant app and if my waters go in the meantime call an ambulance.....

So here's to a heavy but happy mama :)
Agiboma - hope you're all well and happy now. Pregnancy must seem like a million years ago! :)

25weeker, hope you get a good length on your next check.

emaritska, glad things are sounding good. :)

Well, the last two weeks have been not so great for us. Last week I had a bleed, which turned out to be nothing to worry about. Yesterday I had my first consultant visit (was in the hospital for 3 1/2 hours!!). Everything was fine and normal in terms of swabs, samples, scan etc etc, till the final hurdle when the doctor did a cervical exam and said my cervix is short and scarred. Our plan had been to monitor and control things with progesterone, but now we're going for the stitch in a week.

In some ways I'm glad this is all being planned in plenty of time and giving us the best chances, but in others I'd convinced myself that last time was all an anomaly due to the twins and that this time I'd sail through to 40 weeks, have a natural birth and be perfect, when in reality it does look like I might have a dodgy cervix. Humph. :( Just disappointed, and worried about it all happening again.
Agiboma - hope you have recovered now.

Twinkle - sorry to hear about your cervix. There is a lady on the bliss boards who had twin girls at 23+4 but like us sadly lost one of her twins. She went on to have a singleton boy at 38 weeks. During her cervical scans her cervix was never above 2.5 and that is why they think she laboured carrying the twins but with the singleton it could cope. She also had progesterone for her singleton pregnancy. A preventative stitch as a really high success rate so fingers crossed you will get to term. Xx
Thankyou - yes, fingers crossed. Trying to look on the bright side! :) been googling success rates so feel a lot happier now.
@all im doing well bp still high bu its more managble now hopefullill return to normal in the coming weeks
I keep dreaming that I go into labour and deliver early again :( maybe its because this is the week that my water broke and he came a week later? I'm hoping that's the case. Either way its freaking me out.

Does anyone have any experience with 34-37 weekers? That's when we are expecting delivery and just want to know what I can expect
Hi everyone

Whistle, sorry to hear you had bad news at your appointment. At least they have a plan of action for you and hopefully should be able to prevent any more problems.

I finally got in to see my GP on Tuesday and it was a locum who was as good as useless. Had no idea about my previous history or how it might affect this pregnancy. He just asked me if I smoked and told me not to eat any fish!
Anyway. I am seeing the midwife this Tuesday so am just hoping she has a bit more of a clue. Will update after my appointment. X
I keep dreaming that I go into labour and deliver early again :( maybe its because this is the week that my water broke and he came a week later? I'm hoping that's the case. Either way its freaking me out.

Does anyone have any experience with 34-37 weekers? That's when we are expecting delivery and just want to know what I can expect

How scary! :nope: no experience with being born at that gestation, but you are bound to have worries around the time things went wrong last time. Have the dreams settled down? They're just your minds way of working things out while you sleep.

cat81 - How frustrating! I had a bit of a chocolate teapot of a junior doctor on my first GP visit this time, but luckily by then I knew what was going on and just smiled and nodded! Hopefully the midwife will be able to make you the referral.
Just a quick message to say Poppy Isabelle arrived on sat 13th April at 8.36pm via emcs :) quite a shock, went in for routine app and found my waters had gone, quick scan revealed madam had decided that day to flip herself breech and so straight to theatre it was! She seems very well, feeding ok, very grumpy :/ home already due to quick discharge from east surrey (thank god!) and flopped on sofa xxxxx

Hope you all doing well x
Just a quick message to say Poppy Isabelle arrived on sat 13th April at 8.36pm via emcs :) quite a shock, went in for routine app and found my waters had gone, quick scan revealed madam had decided that day to flip herself breech and so straight to theatre it was! She seems very well, feeding ok, very grumpy :/ home already due to quick discharge from east surrey (thank god!) and flopped on sofa xxxxx

Hope you all doing well x


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