Thanks everyone! Will read everyone else's updates tomorrow I've missed knowing what's happening, all going well here, feeding ok etc. must say the extra week gestation seems to have made a huge difference and I'm so grateful
It wouldn't be a post from me without a rant......OUCH c sections suck sorry to state the obvious but having never had one I had no idea
Also a picture
Emaritska - Wow! She is beautiful! Well done that mummy!
cat81 - glad your midwife is a bit better than the GP! It must be reassuring to know you'll have a consultant.
25weeker - sorry to hear you had a scare, but glad you're back on track now.
As for me, I've been up since 5 (well, out of bed since 5) because I can't sleep. Got the stitch today. I'm all packed up in case of an overnight stay and now I'm just nil by mouth and STARVING! Set myself an alarm at midnight last night to have my last bowl of cereal but slept through it Had nothing but dreams about the stitch, including one where I just couldn't control myself and ate a cream cake and a lump of cheese right before the anaesthetic and got sent home without the stitch, ha ha, that is a serious possibility at the moment.
30+5 today 1 day more pregnant than last time lol x
great news 25weeker and Lisa its the wee milestones that make the difference, if I can make it another 3 weeks (which I'm sure I can) it will be the longest I've been pregnant as boys came 33+4 and 30+4 so fingers crossed any longer than that would just be icing on the cake xx
Had my 20 week scan today and all looked good and they think we are team blue