Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

Thanks girls im glad ive now got somewhere i can come too people who really understand what im going through. I have loads of family and friends but no one truely understands how im feeling..
I had an early scan when i found out mainly just for reasurance i have my 13week nt scan on friday at 11am and see my consultant for the 1st time on the 11th x

This pregnancy is just so strange me and dh only had sex once at the beginning of dec since L'Angley was born and i got caught straight away yet when we were trying for him it took 11months :wacko: If my due date stays same after friday im going to ask consultant if i can be started off early as the 9th of sept is L'Angleys day my day to remember not one to be celebrated every year (thats if i can get that far)
They definately do look very similar Sandi but you can sooooooo tell that is Alex on the right, she still has the same face!!
Mine isn't till 3pm and at the rate Im will take even longer! It's 2:18am and I am not remotely tired!

Congrats on PINK!

Baby is going ninja on my insides. They really do not like the fact I drink a lot of water or sneeze more than I use too. I was all worried because I didn't feel much movement, now its like the Cirque Du Soleil is doing an hourly performance in my stomach.

I hope you get some sleep soon. Is Lakai usually an early riser or will you be able to sleep in a bit? I cant wait to get to that point, you must love those feelings right now.

Thank you.

Don't anyone hate me..but Lakai is a great sleeper. He sleeps 12 hours every night and naps still. :flower: So he went to bed at 9:30pm so he wont be up till 9-9:30 am. It depends on how much just waking up cuddles he can weasel out of me. :cloud9:

I am loving them, but they literally have just started in the last two days and though they are there, they aren't that hard yet. Before that it was hit or miss, I had no flutters or anything. I thought I felt something, but by the time I could stop to stopped.

I hope your little acrobat starts soon! I know it's such a hard period that waiting for it to happen, especially the closer you get to when you think it should and such.
I still don't think I've felt anything. Midwife put down yesterday "? fetal movement felt" as she got me all panicked when she started telling me how in second pregnancies people feel things well before 20 weeks as they know what they are looking out for.

Is your uterus and baby measuring fine for dates Nic? I'm hoping that the reason I'm not feeling anything is just because my uterus is apparently far smaller than it should be (obv not a good sign I know!) and she was really struggling to even find the baby so she thinks that baby is lying at an awkward angle towards the bottom of it. Are the little thuds you hear on the doppler when listening to the heartbeat the baby moving as I am not feeling anything at all when I hear those :shrug:

Also Nic what are you doing about baby clothes? Are you just buying newborn size or are you buying some preemie stuff too?

I haven't been measured for fundal height yet actually, I am not sure why. And my doctor is a total weirdo about my dates and what the US says. My ticker is my dates and the US dates, I had implantation bleeding..and the US says that date is bang on for how big baby is measuring. But my doctor is still going by my LMP date. :dohh:

Those little thuds you hear are baby moving.

Have you had an ultrasound yet? (pretty sure you haven't right?) If not why not?

I wonder if maybe your placenta might be blocking you from feeling movement? Also I have to say Lakai was very active, very early. He was kicking so hard by 20 weeks my MIL could feel it on the outside of my stomach. And this baby? I literally felt almost nothing till two days ago. I swear this baby just wants to give me gray hairs. I was dreading my scan today until I felt movement.

I am not sure what to do about clothing. I have been very weird about buying things or even picking names out loud with my husband. I keep telling him not till after this scan.
Something I have never mentioned on this thread, or forum period (because my MIL was reading my posts..but I am going to be brave here and hope she won't possibly read every single post on this thread?!) is that my husband and I lost a daughter, Isabella at 20 weeks when we were first together (at 19, we had been together 3 years then..). I don't talk about it mostly because it's just too hard, not the loss part but the reasoning why.

Since having Lakai and suffering losses after having him and before....I had surgery done to hopefully "fix" my issues with my uterus. But the chance of this baby being born early is pretty much a to finally answer your question....once we find out the sex, I will likely buy preemie clothing! I can't use Lakai's, it feels too weird you know?
:hugs: Nic, didnt know that. :hugs: :hugs:
Whatever happens, if you dont need preemie clothes you can donate them, or if you decide to have another NICU xmas run? Think about it that way :)
Lottie, here they dont measure your fundal height until 24-28 weeks. I think it varies so much before that. It could be your placenta, as Nic says. With Honey (my third) I didnt feel her until around 26 weeks, it was because the placenta was anterior.

talkingforever, my dates with Kaysie were very similar to Honey's, it scared me but I tried to think of it as a gift from Honey. She was eventually born on the 12th, Honey grew her wings inside me on the 14th and was born on the 16th, chuck in my birthday on the 14th and it makes for a very emotional week, but it means there are some smiles during that time, which is what Honey would want. I was due to be induced on the 13th, but thought it would mean she would be born on the 14th, so refused and my consultant was fine with that, they have to think about your mental health too. I just want you to know you are not alone in these thoughts and feelings.

I am so sorry Nic, you have been through so much. Isabella is a beautiful name. I am finding this pregnancy harder than Kaysie's, so understand feeling weird. Pop me a message if you ever want to talk :hugs::hugs:
Massive :hugs: Nic. You know where we are if you do ever want to talk about her more :hugs:

I didn't feel anything with Findlay until past 24 weeks which was put down to having my placenta right in front of him- which also caused them great fun trying to find him on the doppler- and then when I did start feeling movements it was only where his top half was (it now seems this was prob due to his legs not being as strong). This time my placenta is in a much better place so there shouldn't be a reason I'm not feeling kicks/movement and all that caused the midwife probs with finding him on the doppler was that my uterus is small and that as I'm so slim my aorta is really close to the surface so much louder than it usually is and baby hides behind it so you have to listen really carefully to hear him :haha: Hopefully by this time next week I'll be excitedly posting that I've got a little ninja bouncing around too :thumbup:

We are not planning on buying anything until the baby is actually here due to the risks of not bringing them home but I saw the most adorable little unisex preemie outfit ever yesterday online and whilst the sensible part of me knows that it will be my medical issues that cause baby to be prem and/or small and not because I bought an outfit the illogical part of me doesn't want to 'tempt fate' by buying it iykwim?

We don't even have that many preemie clothes as we didn't buy many as we were told not to as they grow out of them so fast and then he was in them for nearly 6 months :dohh: Other than his plain white sleepsuits and bodysuits I'm a bit precious when it comes to his preemie clothes so I know what you mean about not wanting to reuse them. I've no probs with this baby reusing any of Findlay's other clothes just not his preemie ones. It's funny really how bits of material can have so much meaning to us!
hi everyone.

thought i would update.. been nervous to post because i cant shake the feeling something might go wrong with this pregnancy.

well im now 38 weeks today and so far so good. had a couple of little scares at 26 weeks but baby is still cooking well. this is the longest ive carried so far.

hope everyone is well. :)
Sandi, yay for 35 weeks:happydance: Those pics are so cute and they look so alike!

Nic:hugs: good luck for today hun, I'm thinking team pink.

togetherforever:hugs: He is beautiful hun.

Tasha, team pink, did I read that right?:happydance:

I'm waiting for my results from yesterday, got perinatology at 2pm today so will see what they say. My fundal height is still only 28cm.
Aaaarrrggghhhh Amy I can't believe they make you wait so long, it's a half an hour result process! The gits! :haha: thinking NEGATIVE thoughts for u xxx in a positive way obv
Fantastic geekgirl, I hope the next two weeks are smooth.

Amy, yes team pink :cloud9: Here you get the results in thirty minutes too, I thought the whole point was that it is pretty much immediate. 28cm is 3cm under which is counted in the normal range hun, and remember it isnt an exact science.

Sandi and Lottie know this from my facebook, but will update her too. Firstly my cervix is back to 35mm, so that is good. After my horrible appointment last week, the doctor asked me how I am and I just burst into tears, I felt like a right plank :dohh: But she and the mw were lovely. I explained how anxious coming off the meds is making me, so she said for me to stay on the progesterone, and wrote a note to the antenatal team saying the above. I told her I was feeling unsupported and really scared, she said how that they run the prem clinic every Wednesday and how I can turn up there without an appointment and they will see me and scan so I can see her heartbeat. They wrote that in my notes, also wrote that I could turn up to any antenatal clinic without an appointment and be seen, as well as that the day assessment ward have to see me from now, even though they dont usually until 20+ weeks. Also that I am not to have shared care. And re-referred me to the 1to1 midwife. Feel happier now.
Yeah they make you wait ages at my ob then panic if its positive:dohh: Still waiting, 25 hours in lol, funny you say half hour as thats all I waited at the antenatal ward and it and OB's office are next door so makes no sense.

Tasha, your care plan sounds awesome:happydance: Don't worry about crying, I'm sure they've seen it before:hugs: And yay team pink!!!
Tasha - Your team sounds awesome! I wish we had some of the things you ladies have here. Its funny because I use to think Canada had a good medical system, I don't anymore.

Such great news about your cervix.


Lottie - I think Sandi's suggestion is great for you too....why not buy some things and donate when you bring home a healthy full term baby? :hugs:

Thanks everyone for the support, I know/knew there is tons of support here. I may at some point write her story some MIL doesn't know though, so I am concerned about her reading it on here, you know?
Thanks they were great today, it just seems to be that one man who is a pain and he just walks round the place like he cant be bothered.

Maybe write it in one of the private areas, if/when you are ready?

How long until your appointment?
Amy, is it 2pm ur way yet eh? ;)

Girls I am nesting. I haven't stopped. I didnt realise how strong the need is, it just happened. My SPD is a bugger but instincts just pushed me on today!

I seriously have jumped on here and off but vie been gutting out Alexs room, putting up the rainforest bedding in baby's room, loadsa washing, and finding lil bits from Alexs NICU stay. I even kept the lil leaflets and syringes I got from the hospital.

Alex has been cheery all day too and more interactive with me, when I blow raspberrys she does it right back. That means a lot cause she can't talk yet.
Awww, that is sooooo cute of Alex, she is right cheeky isnt she?

Nesting is good, maybe kick off your labour in two weeks :thumbup: But you will pay for it later, maybe run a nice warm bath to relax those muscles, and use your hot water bottle? And if you got them peas, maybe those.
Been there, done it tasha, just no mccoys today :(
Had a bath for second time this pregnancy (I do showers tbh cause I need my hair washed every day) and Alex stood at the side for a while. Normally I never have time to chill but she let me.

Then she dissapearred. Alex can be pretty much trusted in the house but things were really quiet, I jumped out to see what she was up to and she had paused the Virgin Media box and was trying to fix it :rofl:
Oh no,why no McCoy's? You should of told me earlier, I would of sent you next day delivery to you.

LMAO, she is such a character. Silence here means bad things usually too.
Like the toilet roll being pulled out, Andrex style? :rofl:
Hahaha, exactly that or her climbing some where she shouldnt be, or using make up on her self, or trying to decorate our house by drawing on the walls.

Let me know if you need me to send McCoy's tomorrow x

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