helloooo everyone!!!
cor i thought you said it was quiet on here claire!!!! taken ages to catch up and as usual can't remember much
but...... i really hope your baby starts kicking soon Serina!! i was telling mw before mine not moved much today , then when shes trying to get hb, shes moving round like a crazy thing so its hard to get hb!!! little monkey, prob cos been rushing round all am, been morrisons shopping, bank, then friend round, fed them lunch then mw, so even if she had moved prob wouldn't of noticed!!
so after my scare last week, i got my swabs back, apparently i have a severe case of thrush

...... weird cos i'm not even itching????? i don't know whether you can get it internal and can't feel it???
mw said cramping wasn't BH as in wrong place, she thinks prob cos done too much and strained my self??
anyway i'm fine now..
not on much yest as had bad day with DH to the point we were discussing divorce, not good

.... spent most of yesterday crying , but i'm hoping we got things sorted and we will be staying together.... more crying...

i'm finding it hard to cope at the moment but i'm sure as they say things can only get better!!! i'm prob just v tired, was in bed asleep at 7pm last night, i'm waking up so much during the night needing a wee and my legs twitching i'm always tired...
o moan over.....
who said they were going to blackrock sands???? i love it there used to go loads as a kid!!
good to see you had a good week away claire!!
Jue STOP CLEANING!!!! your making me feel inadequate!!!

but lets say today is top of cupboard cleaning day!!! as i don't have any!!

well i do but they are so close to ceiling can't clean them!!