Pregnancy buddies needed due September 2009 :)

Just got ure pressie Amy, Love it :thumbup: I bought a beanie the other day which will go perfect with the wee outfit!!! Thanx doll :hugs:
Got it at this time lol?! What time does your post get delivered :rofl:

Glad you like it hun :hugs: thought I'd get 3-6m so it lasts through winter etc :thumbup: xxx
Lol my neighbour had took it in coz I was at the hospital.

Yeah its great as I havent got much in 3-6 months xoxo
Ahhh ok then hun, got all confused then! :lol:

Aww wicked, was in Matalan for ages deciding because not everyones tastes are the same! May go get the top next week lol :blush: xxxx
We will be swapping clothes just shortly :rofl:

Hope u and Hollie are doing ok Lauramarie, know u wont be able to get on here as much now :hugs:
Back from the hospital, was up there for over 5hrs! :shock:

BP is down, still had protein in my urine... took my bloods again, more poor poor arms :cry:

Had another sweep... still 1cm and cervix is still high up :growlmad: not happy was expecting to have dilated more, midwife is coming out on Saturday to take my BP etc. And on Monday I have an antinatel appointment to talk plans, can see me being induced :( xxx
Awww doll, just remember things can happen quite quickly so dont give up hope. Ive decided to have an induction booked at my antenatal appt on wed for friday if I still havent went naturally. Will u be 41 weeks on Monday xoxo
Yeah really hoping I go this weekend, naturally...!!

I'll be 41 weeks on Saturday, so on Monday I'll be 9 days over, probably book me in for the Tuesday if I dont go! But this baby gotta come out somehow! xxx
Well hopefully ure sweep today is enough to get things going!!! I dont think i ever actually contemplated going so overdue that I would have to b induced!!! Been getting crampy pains pretty much all day and im praying they are having some effect on my cervix even if it is just bringing it forward ready to dilate. My bump is looking a bit odd too think I might have dropped a bit. Fingers crossed for us both that something happens soon xoxo
Really hope so :( was so dissapointed that I'm still only 1cm!!
Yeah same here, I think alot of people build themselves up to go early or on time - I was one of them, and here I am 5 days overdue lol. :dohh:

Im having tightenings/contractions just not regular enough! I'm just so gutted I wont get the birth I want, in the ward I want. If I get induced the ward is so strict... new rules - 2 visitors at a time, visiting hours between 3-4pm and then 6-8pm :dohh:. The midwife led ward is amazing, brand new like a hotel... visiting hours whenever, as many as you want, huge rooms - Ugh I hope I go before getting induced!!! xxxx
Hiya girls,

im trying to get on here when i can, get my bt line installed at mine on tuesday, im staying at my mums at the mo, as got infection in me boobs and also start of infection in one of my stitches, as they think i have over done it and one of them is slightly inflammed, so on antibios for a week, so fingers crossed it all clears up, feeling bit run down down, but dunno if thats cos of the weather aswell here

awwww your both late cos your having boys, they just dont wanna come out, nearly all boys that i no who have been born have been late!!!

Cant believe hollie is a week old already, dyas just seem to merge, she was a little madam lastnight and wanted to be feed 4 times!!!! having to put her on bottle cos of boobs, had her visit at midwifes yesterday, they really happy with her, shes put 4oz on which is surprising as babies normally lose weight after birth, but my little fatty has put weight on bless her

Let me know how you girls get on, i wanna see pics of your little men!!! xxx
Hiya girls,
Can you believe it we've all had out little buba's finally, i have ben trying to find that list we made of who went in what order, and i think it was amy who said it would be me, vicki then amy!!
We should of got a reward for you!!
A quick question, im a little confused, who got me hollie's outfit from matalan with orange and red leggins? cos i realised whoever sent me that it didnt have a bit on it to say you needed to sign for it, but note that was ut through the door a couple of days earlier said i had a package to be signed for and i asked for this to be redelivered and then i got that outfit? if that makes sense?! so dont want someones pressie gone missing somewhere, i am going to be posting your items this weekend, sorry for such a bloody delay, im terrible!!!
Well friday i went out since having hollie, mum looked after her and said she was perfect and slept whole time woke up dead on for her feed, my night on other had was terrible but gotta laugh, i went to go on the piers moran real lives celeb show, me and jemma got there 5 mins after the doors opened and was queing when some dodgy bloke asked if we was here for the monday show, said no piers and he then said it was fully booked so couldnt go in, but we got stuck in signal failure outside london bridge for 20 mins, then on tube to waterloo we got stuck inbetween stations!!! so we walked around looking for somewhere to get food, we then both got blisters so decided to come back home and went for a mexican they then messed up our order and gave me chicken when i asked for veggie wrap, and they gave jemma some cheese dish, so i kicked off say you gave a veggie chicken blah blah, so we got our cockails for free, we then went back to jemmas finished off bottle of wine and i was home at 10pm haha
Went on my date lastnight it went really well, we chatted for a few hours, went back to mine and watched a film and just cuddled on sofa, was really nice and had a little kiss when he dropped me at jemmas to get hollie who again was perfect woke up once for feed, but she then done huge poo when i got home for me to deal with lol
But that was my weekend, hollie doesnt seem to have colic anymore but i am giving her the infacol coliflo still so she doesnt get it again!!!
How are you both finding being mummies, i cant believe hollie is a month on friday xxx
Hiya hun think we need a new buddies section now we r mummies lol

Would have been Amy that got u stuff from matalan!! So did u not get my package then? :cry:

I know I cant believe Hollie is nearly a month already!!! Kaiden is doing great he now weighs 8lb 7 0z or did last thursday. We r still BF every 2 hours :sleep:!!! Gave him a bottle last night and he was only up once!! I was really struggling with the night feeds!!!!!

Ooooo glad ure date went well, didnt know u had met someone hun, spill :hugs:
I agree Vicki! And yeah as Vicki also said the outfit from Matalan is what I bought (Hope you like it?!)

Had the worst night ever with Kane last night, just wouldnt settle at all, we changed him, fed him, gave him cuddles, tried winding him nothing would work we and Chris broke down then lol. He ended up falling asleep on my chest thank god, but he hasnt been himself since yesterday :(

Vicki you must be knackered hun!! Glad you enjoyed your night out Lauramarie! :happydance: xxx
Awww doll Kaiden got really bad colic at the moment so know wat its like when they wont stop crying!!!! U could try infacol and see if thats the problem. Does he look sore?

I am shattered but feel better today as got a good sleep as a result of formula feed so think we will keep with it!!

We need to think of a name 4 our wee group then :baby:
Lol did i not tell you

I joined a dating site, but i only put down i was only looking to talk to people that was it, and i put on my profile thing, looking for someone to try and restore my faith in men good luck lol and i said that i was pregnant, and anthony got intouch, we chatted swapped numbers spoke on msn for few months, and we finally agreed to meet on sunday, cos he said he wanted to come out for my birthday, so thought be best he saw me before then, and not drunk lol
and his really nice, but then again they all are at 1st, well for me they are, and we went out for a meal and then went back to mine and watch scream lol and had a cuddle on the sofa

Yeah vicki its lovely and glad its next size up, i cant wait to put her init as got some shoes that will match the outift, yeah Vicki, i dot know where yours is, have you still got your receipt from post office cos you got it to be signed for, cos i remember a package being delivered but no1 was in and i asked for it to be redelivered and then amys package came and i thought it was that

Awwww sounds like he may have colic amy, try infacol and also colifie ist a tiny little bottle that you can get from chemist or sainsburys it does cost £10 but its brilliant a few of the girls from my classes have used both and it settles there babies within 2 days, im still giving hollie her colic stuff even though she aint got it anymore as HV said it was fine for me to keep giving it to her, so if it flares up again it wnt be so bad

Awww good idea vicki give ya some rest at night, hollie is getting more aware of things now and stays awake for longer now and just watches and has started gurling

Yeah what shall our group be called? It was ames to begin with anyway and where shall we put it? xxx
Awww thats dead nice u met someone hun :hugs:

I ll need to look and c if I still have the receipt!! hope I havent chucked it!!!Do u not have the slip bit either? It was delivered to ure mums though right?

The only place we can move to is the groups sections, we could ask 4 this thread to be moved and get amy to change the title to say we r now mummies or start a new one :shrug:
Yeah plus we got friends in common as well, one of his close mates i actually wne to primary school with, its such a small world!!!
No i dont cos i asked for it to be redelivered i chucked it when next day package came im so sorry :-(
Yeah can ask for it to me moved, that way we can always look back on threads and when we all met and this all started, do you still think oh my god i have a baby, i still do, she'll be asleep and i'll be cleaning or something and then she'll make a sound and i'll be like oh god i have a baby lol xxx
Yeah we got him on Infacol, he seems to like it LOL. Ooo I'll keep my eye out for that stuff :thumbup:

Glad your date went well hun :winkwink: you seeing him again? xxx
Hiya hun ive found the reciept, says its being returned to sender so ill try and find out tomorrow wats happening with it. :thumbup:

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