Hiya girls,
Sorry abour being so delayed in getting back to ya all, my battery died in hospital as didnt think they would keep me in on thursday with my sweeling.
The labour and borth were really good, had contractions from 2am, didnt say anything to midwife on ward until 4am, as wasnt sure if they were or not, she said she would come check on me at 7am, she did and said i was between 5-6 cm, and to make the calls, i then asked for some gas and air, i went down to labour ward just after 8ish, was checked again, and was told same and that they would check on me again at 11am and if waters hadnt broken they would do it, they did have to break my waters and then thats when the pain got worse, but still wasnt too bad, but with the gas and air take long and hard breaths not short ones as made me gag and wanna be sick, at 12.30 i said i wanted to start pushing mw said i was full and to go for it, 10 mins later she was out.
I pushed her head out, but then mw told me to stop pushing and was trying to push hollies head back in, but i just couldnt stop as you feel the head like a rock hard feeling down there and i had to push rest out and so i tore, i've only needed 3 stiches but with that big push she came sliding out, i had alot of bleeding and her placenta was really big, but everything perfect, she came out screaming, she has a slight bent foot, but its where she was squashed in me and has a bruise on her elbow where midwife caught her lol
but other than that perfect labour couldnt ask for anything more, she took to boob straight away, only problem is by time its bedtime, i dont seem to have enough milk left, so have given her abit of formula, but spoke to mw today and im going to express from tomorrow during the day so she had breastmilk at night.
She is such a quite little baby, hardly cries when she does its nothing major at all, im being very lucky obviously this could all change, but the love you feel for them, lastnight i kept watching her and it felt like a wave came over me, she follows my every move has piercing blue eyes and loads of brown hair lol
I've got the pics on facebook and just posted pics in 3rd tri!!
well you girls were all right and she came before ya both, hope you both have yours asap!!!! xxx