Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Well done for lasting 3 weeks! I only lasted 3 days :dohh: I panicked he wasnt getting enough and couldn't get a hold of my breastfeeding buddy (don't know if yous get them in england?) so gave him a bottle! I will be trying again with this one :)
Whew lots to comment on and as I'm on my iPod I can't easily look hack to refresh my memory so apologies in advance to anyone/anything I miss.

Emma, I'm so sorry to hear about Gavin's nan. I hope she recovers well - some oldies are real fighters, and for some a fall is the beginning of the end and they just never bounce back. That's how it was for my granny (granted, she was in her mid 90s and still managed to hold out til 100, but she was never the same).
I hope work allows you to do the interviews after all. What a lousy excuse that two days of interviewing will be too taxing on you :dohh:

Rachael, yay for a scan date! October 14th will be here before you know it.

Wendy, yay for 6 weeks! I hope the ms doesn't get too bad or last beyond first tri :hugs:

Carly, when's your scan? I hope you get good piccies. My 19 week scan pics sucked :(. And yes show the bump!

Natasha, glad you're remaining so positive. And growth measurements can be so inaccurate so there may not even be real cause for worry. I hope youre able to successfully bf this time :). Good for you for trying and managing as long as you did last time. I hear it can be so hard without proper support and encouragement but I commend anyone who even tries (not that I condemn anyone who uses formula off the bat of course, it's just easy for a lot of people to be squeamish about even trying).

I certainly intend to breastfeed and I'm really clinging to the fact that very few women who want to bf and have proper support (as above, support really is key) are genuinely unable to due to supply issues. And I'm thankful my mom is nearby and she breastfed me so will be able to encourage me too. Arlene I've never heard of a breastfeeding buddy but it sounds intriguing. I guess someone to be an encouragement when you feel like quitting?

I'm also definitely clothing (have a partial stash of newborn cloth diapers/nappies washed and ready to go from day one which will do if I'm not able to expand it as I hope to. I was planning on using cloth long before I even knew about the awesome funky modern ones and would have happily used old fashioned ones (though now that I know about the modern ones I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to use Terry flats lol). For us the biggest factor is expense. Ya it's more upfront but saves a lot in the end especially as we want a big family and will be able to use them for a few children. I'm not bothered by 2 extra loads of washing a week. I also would struggle to throw out that much garbage too. I've worked hard to bring our household garbage output down to 1 grocery bag a week (still room for improvement) and the idea of throwing out 70 diapers doesn't sit well with me (not to mention I have no idea how they'd fit in the bin as ourbins are quite small, and in the summer our yard would stink to high heaven lol. But now I think the biggest drawing factor for me is the cuteness lol. I can't wait to have a cute little fluffy bum :cloud9:

But I also think I'm turning into a bit of a hippy... I also plan on babywearing into toddlerhood and cosleeping (in a sidecar crib/cot though not the same bed, until baby is 6-9 months old. Neither of those really say hippy, but the fact that I'm currently making my own cloth pads to use for post partum and for when AF comes back probably does :haha: (I figured if I'm not willing to use disposable on my baby why should I have to. And did the math on what I've spent to date and that $50 of supplies will have me set for life). But you don't want to read about my hygiene :rofl:

Moving on then... In regard to OHs and appointments, DH did come with me to my first GP appointment as he was free anyway. Wouldn't have booked off work for him to come though. He hasn't been to any of my other GP appointments (I do shared care) though, or my first appointment at the antenatal clinic with a doctor. He did come to my booking in appointment at the antenatal clinic withthe midwife though, as it was our first time to hear the heartbeat. (at 17 weeks lol). He also came to my 12 week and 19 week scans but wasn't able to come to the 8 week one. Basically, he comes to anything if he's already free but as his work situation has not been good we weren't willing to take any time off for it. And there's really no need except for scans and listening to the heartbeat anyway. I'm glad he was at my first GP appointment though as I needed his emotional support. Was petrified she'd say that I wasn't really pregnant lol. And I have social anxiety issues too. Oh I've just remembered, he did come to one GP appointment and my GTT, but sat in the car both times as he doesn't like waiting rooms and we didn't want to drive all the way back home and come back. (I let my license lapse for financial reasons and so have to be chauffeured again lol. It sucks.)

I have my second midwife appointment on Monday and not sure I'd DH should come along or not. If he has to drive me anyway he may as well I guess lol. He's also better at remembering to ask questions than I am. Oh and he'll come to our antenatal classes too of course, which start at the end of October and last for 6 weeks. Eep it's getting so close.

Last thing - happy third trimester to me!
arlene No, we don't have any of the antenatal class type things here. With my first pregnancy we went to a parent's to be course, which was every monday for 8weeks, and it just gave us lot's of information about what to expect in Labour, and the options at our disposal for once baby was born (boob or bottle, disposable or cloth, home birth or hospital, all the different pain relief methods ect ect) There was also a hospital tour arranged too which was really good! But we've not bothered this time (not that we would of had the time anyway) and as far as i know there no other type of classes around, so don't get to meet any other pregnant women either. There's another woman from my work who's due 12days after me though, she finished work a couple of week's ago as she's had a troublesome pregnancy, but we text and will be arranging to meet for coffee at some point :flower:

NDH I must admit, i wasn't eager on trying to breastfeed first time around, though i knew that if i didn't try it i would regret it! It does annoy me however, (not that anyone has said this to me personally) when women say that breastfeeding is disgusting and selfish, (some poor woman in 3rd tri forum was in bits because her sister said that to her) especially when they've not had a child themselves. BTW what's babywearing? :shrug:
And happy 3rd tri!! :happydance:

It's my last shift at work tonight, and im quite looking forward to it!! Mostly im hoping it'll get my mind off of the whole bump issue, as my OH decided to do a bit of google searching last night, and has now worried himself (which is never good, he's more laid back than me, so when he worries i worry!) and said that the lack of growth and protein in my urine are some symptoms of pre-eclampsia!! :thumbup: Well done Nick!! :thumbup: Twat!! Like i need to worry more than i already am! He also said that he'll be coming with me to my appointment next week, and if it does turn out to be this, then i'll probably end up being induced early he thinks, which is mega not cool as i want a November baby!! :growlmad: So naturally, im keeping my fingers crossed that he's wrong!
I know what you mean about OHs worrying causing us to worry more. Mine is so chill most of the time ao when he does worry it gets me all stressed out. I do enough worrying for the both of us and need him to be my rock!

And babywearing is just that - wearing your baby (or toddler) most of the time. Will still have a pram but don't think I'll use it much as baby will be attached to me in a sling or wrap most of the time.
Hi ladies!

Thank you for all your lovely comments about Gavins nan. As far as I am aware she is having surgery today so we will know more later on. Fingers crossed!

Natasha, Men just know how to reassure us!! I am sure things will be ok for you and have everything crossed :hugs: I did nearly spit my soup out whilst reading your post though :haha: I was planning on working until the 23rd December but now I think it is more likely to be the 6th December as I have about 19 days holidays to take.

Natalie, I love hearing about what you do to save money and waste! I only wish I was as inventive as you and had the entusiasm to do it! Although I dont think I could deal with cleaning sanitary products :haha: Happy thrid trimester! When does third trimester start? I have heard people say different things about it!

Arlene- If you are looking to replace your Ugg boots I have just bought a pair of the cardi ones for £56.00 and they are the real deal. Go to uggagogo and see what you can find. I am planning on breast feeding and using disposables!

Anyway, I am back off to work now.. oh the joys!
Rachael :happydance: Yey for the scan date! Only two weeks away, that will fly in! So excited for you x

Natasha I am also a proud dyson owner! :) But the one I just got is the cordless one cause I wanted a light one to do my stairs and the car. I do love it but at over £250 I expected the charge to last a bit longer than 6 fricking mins!! :dohh: lol. It can last 13 mins on low setting but why would anyone want to use the low suction button?? I guess I wont be throwing out my corded hoover just yet!

I take home £250 a week just now so SMP will be a big blow to me. I sat and figured out what we would get in extra benefits and it works out at £25 extra a week which will be a help. I'm not entitled to the grant :( Just have to not overspend while on maternity I guess x

Emma I remember you being as bad with sickness, I felt so sorry for you. I feel your pain now hun although touch wood i've still not actually thrown up yet. Glad to hear the interviewing chaos has now been sorted, hopefully you will find a decent assistant this time, can't be any worse than the last one! :haha: Hope Gavin's Gran gets through the op ok, i'm sure she will :hugs: x

Adrienne Thanks hun, I am seeing all the symptoms as a good sign that everything is going as it should :) x

Arlene I'm going to bottle feed I think. I do fancy trying to breast feed but I know how hard my best friend found it and it totally depressed her so that's one reason I don't want to go down that route. The other reason being my hubby has confided in me that's he's really scared the baby will bond with me and not him. I talked to him about bottle feeding and if he took equal turns doing that would it help him bond and he thinks it would so that's the other reason I am going for bottle. Unless of course I get a breast pump and bottle feed with breast milk. That's an option! I like the fact breast feeding helps loose weight so we shall see! With my nipples as sore as they are just now though the thought of anything near them is a nightmare! :haha: As for nappies it's going to be disposables for me. As much as I think the nappies Nat has got are so incredibly cute I don't think I would have the stomach to wash cloth nappies. Bad I know cause my mum used cloth ones on me x

Sorry I haven't finished catching up but it's home time so i'll have to finish when I get home :) x
Right where was I....

Nat I also love hearing about your money saving ideas, I think all your little inventions are fab! Nothing wrong with being a hippy either :haha: Oh wow, can't believe your into third trimester! I remember when you got your BFP, it's crazy! I do like the looks of those baby strap sling things but to be honest I am petrified of the thought of the strap coming loose while wearing it :wacko: x

Natasha yey for your last shift at work! Time to start taking it easy. Oh dear, good old Nick needs a slap :haha: Try not to worry hun, i'm sure everything will be fine x

As for me I am feeling a good bit better today. Still can't stand the smell of coffee though, ugh. I made my 1st baby purchase today too, bad me I know. But I saw this adorable babygrow that says Born to be a Biker so I had to buy it. I know my Dad will love it! I didn't want to buy anything before 12 weeks incase I jinx it but like you girls say, what will be will be. Well I am goinng to get off and get some dinner. Speak to you ladies again soon :flower: x
Natalie Ah, so it is what it say's :thumbup: wasn't sure lol, feel stupid now though :dohh: We have a baby carrier thing, but my OH will use that. I have a bad back as it is, so as soon as Ely's out it's sit down cuddles and buggy pushing for me! We're gettin a buggy board for Auron too, can't wait, he's gonna love cruising :happydance:

Emma That's alot of holiday you've managed to save! :thumbup: do you get time off over christmas anyway in the work you do? My OH's office is closed for roughly 2weeks over christmas and new year
What flavour soup?? Nothing chunky i hope lol. Really fancy some minestrone now!

Wendy I didn't even know there was a cordless dyson?!! How long does it take to recharge? Must be a mission to hoover the house :wacko:
Boooooo for sure start grant!! Are you not even entitled after LO's born?? We got our's after Auron was born as it put us into the receiving child tax credit's category :happydance: shame they changed it so you can only get it with your first child now -sigh-
Oh, and for sore, cracked nipple's (even though your not breastfeeding this moment in time) you should try Lanconol (sp?) it's about £10 a tube but worth every single penny!
Happy 27 weeks Nat :happydance:

Wendypops- The sickness is not good at all! The only part of the day I felt ok was from about 7ish onwards! I think it is because even when you are not being sick the feeling that you are going to is. I even had to eat every few hours just to stop myself from feeling bad! I eat less now than I did then!! Luckily with this new assistant I wont have a lot of involvement with them as I am getting my assistant (who will be doing my job when I am off) to train them and manage them from day 1. I wouldnt worry about buying things! I didnt :haha: I decided after all my previous bad luck I was going to make my own luck..... so far so good!!

Natasha- I have a stupid amount of holidays this year. I get 27 over the year and I also carried 5 over from last year. If I work over on my flexi then I accrue a flexi day as well so have had them coming out of my ears. We cant really take holidays between June and October as well as we are usually snowed under! Yes our office closes down for Christmas and we get the time off free hence why my maternity pay is starting in January. My soup is a carrot and ginger soup, something with plenty of vitamin C in it to try and make me feel better!

Well I am having a nice relaxing night with the hubby on the sofa! He has been a cutie today as he had sent me an e-mail earlier saying he is worried that little pip wont know who he is and wants to be at home for as long as possible when she is born. It nearly made me cry!! He is adorable!! Anyway I have reassured him that she will know who he is and doesnt have to worry :blush:
Yum Emma I love carrot and Ginger soup! (darn autocorrect capitalised Ginger. :rofl: I'm not fixing it).

Wendy, that makes sense about hubby wanting to bond over feeds too. Expressing to bottle feed is hard work (there's a sticky in the breastfeeding forum about one womans experience exclusively expressing). I don't think I could do it - would probably end up going for formula. I'd recommend trying bf for even a week or two as it really does help establish the bond before going a route where he can help with feeds. It really would be a lifesaver to have help with midnight feedings lol.

Can't remember who asked about 3rd tri... But yes everywhere seems to have different ways of counting. Most places accept it as 27 weeks, though a few consider it to be 28 weeks. Personally I go by my ticker that says how many months left :haha:. With my cycle it was exactly 9 months and 3 days from LMP to due date so I tacked the three days on to first tri and split the other two into 3 months each. 27 weeks and 3 months to go happened on the same day this time though :). Of course, 3rd tri can technically last 2-3 1/2 months (please please not less) but whatever :haha:

I won't be entitled to any maternity pay, but I will get a $5200 baby bonus (paid out in 13 fortnightly payments) when baby gets here, and should get about $400 a fortnight in family assistance payments too, so that will be a huge help. Hopefully DHs course helps him land a job next week. Can't deal with being flat broke any more (have had no income at all since June, and no savings left at all for 3-4 weeks so depending solely on my parents ATM. Really sucks)
So I have woken this morning and can barely walk! I am waiting on a call back from physio as I don't know how I am going to get through work like this!
Natalie when I told them I was breastfeeding at the hospital they got a member of some breastfeeding support group to come speak to me and you get a personal number its just so you have someone on hand in times of need or worry, unfortunately mines must have been busy :dohh: I think your 'hippy' ideas are great :lol: And that'll help alot that your mum breastfed, I have a huge family of very close minded people who thought the fact I was breastfeeding was just weird.. so that didn't help me either! I cannot believe your third tri already! Its gone crazy fast! Do you have a feeling of which sex your having? I knew deep down it was a boy with Kyle :) That can't be easy just now having to rely on parents, are you not still doing that job with the doctor reports? Sorry if it wasn't you but I seem to remember this!

2rockinboys tell your OH no more googling! Its full of total worse case scenarios and you definitely dont need more worry :) By the way, I love your sons names! :happydance: for the last shift, hope it goes quickly :D

Emma fx'd the surgery went well :) I just checked with the Ugg Australia and it says that website isn't a registered retailer and may be counterfeit. I also googled them and can only find feedback saying they ordered the boots 2 weeks ago and have been told twice they'll be there in 2 days. If you get yours fine i'll go ahead and order some, but sounds dodgy. How sweet of Gavin! How long is he going to take off? We think df will have 4-6 weeks.

Wendy my DF had that fear but we're going to get an electric pump so that he can feed baby as well. I'm really keen on cloth nappies, I think i'll buy enough for the first week and see how it goes, I can always go to disposibles.

As for me..I actually wrote the above reply last night, but for some reason the wireless on my router must be messed up and its only working when it feels like it :growlmad: I was sick yesterday for the first time with the help of a customer who gave me way to much information regarding ear wax :dohh: I had just ate lunch and didn't feel it was settling well then the man came along. Ladies Subway, can we eat it or not? I'm finding very conflicting advice! I had one yesterday before having time to think about it :dohh: Anyway back off to work for me! Hope if your working it goes quick for yous!
Emma, oh no that's terrible! I hope you can get into physio today.

Arlene, that's annoying about your router. And I think having to hear about earwax would set anyone off, pregnant or not :sick: How disgusting! As for Subway, there are lots of conflicting opinions. Personally, I'm only not eating the foods my doctor told me to avoid, which was just pate and soft cheese. Most things get blown way out of proportion and while yes some foods do pose a very very minimal chance of listeria etc which obviously aren't good to get while pregnant, the chance of getting anything is so minimal it's up to personal choice whether to risk it or not. I always get my Subs toasted anyway, and heating the meat kills any bacteria (though the toasters probably don't get it quite hot enough). I'd be more worried about the tuna or seafood from there than the deli meats to be honest, but it's totally your call.

Yes that was me doing the transcription work. The account I was hired on was cancelled at the end of June and while they were making provisions for everyone to be placed on other accounts, as I'm still a student and was hired for that particular account it was mutually decided I should finish the course first (which I've still yet to do :dohh: My goal is December 1 so I have time to sit the exam before baby gets here.)

I've had a boy vibe since the beginning, but my mom also was convinced I was a boy so who knows if I'm right or not lol. About three months til we find out anyway.
Didn't wanna just read and run!

Emma I hope you get sorted out soon hun!! I get moment's like that with my back, and it's horrible/scary! Hope your alright :flower:

I'll be catching up when i get back Tuesday/Wednesday, as im off to visit my mum and friends for the long weekend! Hope you all have a lovely weekend ladies :flower:
Have a great visit with your mum Natasha :)
Emma sorry to hear your in pain :( hope your physio can help you :hugs:
Well physio wont help me until Monday afternoon! They have no appointments free at all until then and when I told them I couldnt walk and what did they want me to do they told me to rest! That is not really a solution to not walk between now and Monday.
Anyway, they want me to get myself signed off work for a week and I got a lecture about being in work at all! I cant really be off when I was ill at the beginning of the week. It has eased off a bit but I am limping at the minute as my leg doesnt feel strong at all and is still slightly numb!

Natasha, hope you have a lovely time with your mum :hugs:
Oh Emma so sorry about your back, but I know how it is not to be able to get an appointment right away. Try to rest the best you can and I hope you feel better over the weekend.

Arlene ear wax yuk. Not a fun topic especially being preggo. Hope the sick feeling has passed.

Natasha have fun at your Mom's house!!
Natasha It takes 16 hours to charge my dyson!! For 6 mins?? Crazy! :wacko: Stick with your corded one. Although my one is fab for the car and the stairs. I read up on the Sure Start Grant but it says to get if you have to get child tax credit at a rate higher than the family element and from what I can see I would only get the family element :( So looks like I def wont get it. Never mind, anything is better than nothing! Hope you have a lovely time away anyway hun, you deserve it :flower: x

Emma That's exactly how Scott is feeling! He is so worried baby will bond with me but have no clue who he is. I told him later in pregnancy that bubba would get used to his voice before he/she was even born so not to worry. Will just have to make sure we both have equal turns at everything so he feels involved once bubba arrives. Aww i'm sorry to hear about how bad your back is, I really thought with you being pregnant they could have squeezed you in instead of leaving you in pain for the weekend! Try and take it easy hun, i know it's hard :hugs: x

Nat Oh yes I didn't think about that part! Definitely having hubby help with the midnight feeds would be fab! Saying that, it would only be while he was off work cause he's permanent nightshift and leaves at 11.30pm to 8.00am so looks like the nightfeeds are going to be my job :wacko: Not looking forward to that lol. Oh i'm pleased to hear you'll get some benefits when baby is here, that will be a big help to you. Especially if your breast feeding, you wont have to buy milk formula. I have every faith that your hubby will get a job very soon though :) Oh and i've felt like you've been having a boy from the start too so can't wait to find out if i'm right! x

Arlene Sorry to hear that's the sickness kicked in hun but no wonder! Yuck, that's enough to make anyone sick! You know for our midwife appointments next week, do you know if we are allowed to eat and drink as normal before getting our blood taken? I know some blood tests you aren't meant to but I didn't think to ask about this one :dohh: x

Well today is the first time in 8 years I have had to take a sick day from work. Last night out of nowhere I got a stinker of a cold. I continually sneezed and my nose dripped like a tap. Went to bed hoping it would disappear over night but I woke up this morning with a sore throat and no voice and continuing to sneeze etc. I tried to get ready for work but I just had no energy whatsoever so hubby refused to let me go and said I had to think of bubba too, so I took the day off. I feel so guilty for being of work but I just couldn't have got through the day. I still feel awful and now have a headache, wish I could take nurofen! It's the only thing that works for me. Tried to have a nap but whenever I lie down I get a tickle in my throat so i've given up for now. Hope all you ladies are keeping well anyway :flower: x
Hello ladies! Mind if i pop in and out as a pregnant 1?? Still very early days so trying not to get too excited. Already getting mild morning sickness and mood swings but not as tired as last time-didnt have any morning sickness last time so im hoping its a good sign! Also really thirsty alot of the day but not sure if thats a good sign or not...will just have to wait and see! Cant wait until im past 12 weeks!

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