Whew lots to comment on and as I'm on my iPod I can't easily look hack to refresh my memory so apologies in advance to anyone/anything I miss.
Emma, I'm so sorry to hear about Gavin's nan. I hope she recovers well - some oldies are real fighters, and for some a fall is the beginning of the end and they just never bounce back. That's how it was for my granny (granted, she was in her mid 90s and still managed to hold out til 100, but she was never the same).
I hope work allows you to do the interviews after all. What a lousy excuse that two days of interviewing will be too taxing on you
Rachael, yay for a scan date! October 14th will be here before you know it.
Wendy, yay for 6 weeks! I hope the ms doesn't get too bad or last beyond first tri
Carly, when's your scan? I hope you get good piccies. My 19 week scan pics sucked

. And yes show the bump!
Natasha, glad you're remaining so positive. And growth measurements can be so inaccurate so there may not even be real cause for worry. I hope youre able to successfully bf this time

. Good for you for trying and managing as long as you did last time. I hear it can be so hard without proper support and encouragement but I commend anyone who even tries (not that I condemn anyone who uses formula off the bat of course, it's just easy for a lot of people to be squeamish about even trying).
I certainly intend to breastfeed and I'm really clinging to the fact that very few women who want to bf and have proper support (as above, support really is key) are genuinely unable to due to supply issues. And I'm thankful my mom is nearby and she breastfed me so will be able to encourage me too. Arlene I've never heard of a breastfeeding buddy but it sounds intriguing. I guess someone to be an encouragement when you feel like quitting?
I'm also definitely clothing (have a partial stash of newborn cloth diapers/nappies washed and ready to go from day one which will do if I'm not able to expand it as I hope to. I was planning on using cloth long before I even knew about the awesome funky modern ones and would have happily used old fashioned ones (though now that I know about the modern ones I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to use Terry flats lol). For us the biggest factor is expense. Ya it's more upfront but saves a lot in the end especially as we want a big family and will be able to use them for a few children. I'm not bothered by 2 extra loads of washing a week. I also would struggle to throw out that much garbage too. I've worked hard to bring our household garbage output down to 1 grocery bag a week (still room for improvement) and the idea of throwing out 70 diapers doesn't sit well with me (not to mention I have no idea how they'd fit in the bin as ourbins are quite small, and in the summer our yard would stink to high heaven lol. But now I think the biggest drawing factor for me is the cuteness lol. I can't wait to have a cute little fluffy bum
But I also think I'm turning into a bit of a hippy... I also plan on babywearing into toddlerhood and cosleeping (in a sidecar crib/cot though not the same bed, until baby is 6-9 months old. Neither of those really say hippy, but the fact that I'm currently making my own cloth pads to use for post partum and for when AF comes back probably does

(I figured if I'm not willing to use disposable on my baby why should I have to. And did the math on what I've spent to date and that $50 of supplies will have me set for life). But you don't want to read about my hygiene
Moving on then... In regard to OHs and appointments, DH did come with me to my first GP appointment as he was free anyway. Wouldn't have booked off work for him to come though. He hasn't been to any of my other GP appointments (I do shared care) though, or my first appointment at the antenatal clinic with a doctor. He did come to my booking in appointment at the antenatal clinic withthe midwife though, as it was our first time to hear the heartbeat. (at 17 weeks lol). He also came to my 12 week and 19 week scans but wasn't able to come to the 8 week one. Basically, he comes to anything if he's already free but as his work situation has not been good we weren't willing to take any time off for it. And there's really no need except for scans and listening to the heartbeat anyway. I'm glad he was at my first GP appointment though as I needed his emotional support. Was petrified she'd say that I wasn't really pregnant lol. And I have social anxiety issues too. Oh I've just remembered, he did come to one GP appointment and my GTT, but sat in the car both times as he doesn't like waiting rooms and we didn't want to drive all the way back home and come back. (I let my license lapse for financial reasons and so have to be chauffeured again lol. It sucks.)
I have my second midwife appointment on Monday and not sure I'd DH should come along or not. If he has to drive me anyway he may as well I guess lol. He's also better at remembering to ask questions than I am. Oh and he'll come to our antenatal classes too of course, which start at the end of October and last for 6 weeks. Eep it's getting so close.
Last thing - happy third trimester to me!