I think girl with sickness but as it started as twins I ain't sure as I am craving lots of steak
And crusty bread 💗. Don't mind as long as it's healthy the ex still asnt told anybody 😑 Makes me sad my baby doesn't deserve to be a secret but j can't force him. He came to scan trying to hold my hand. Not sure if it's hormones or not but he just winds me up
No he might be 10 yrs older then me but he's so immature. He wanted to get back together we had a lovely meal then he didn't speak to me or see me for another month unless I messaged him. Seems he's trying keep me on side because he's worried I'd stop seeing the baby which I'd never do. But he's from
Your typical 2:4 children perfect family he's divorced with 2 teenagers and says he just don't now how to tell them. I am doing ok though much rather be single then with somebody for wrong reasons. I do have wobbles though tiny baby on my own with 3 other kids not sure how I will manage if I have a section as I've no family to help but I will manage I always do lol xx
Jkel, I'm so sorry you're having to go through that with your ex. From the sounds of it not trying to judge but you really are better off without him. Good luck at the scan!
I hope the rest of you ladies are doing lovely as well .
I was supposed to start my progesterone shots today but the drug company that was supposed to mail them to me never shipped them. I contacted my doctor and they're looking in to see what happened. Hopefully it won't be delayed for much longer. I won't be having my anatomy scan until 18 weeks.
They did get back to me about the shots. Apparently there was just a mix-up with my insurance would have been nice if they actually called me to talk about it. Everything is fixed now and they said it should be here by Thursday.
I'm happy to see that everyone is moving along nicely with their pregnancies
22 weeks is long to wait for anatomy scan! I would not be able to wait at all.
Kiwi - glad things are getting sorted with your meds and you'll have them by Thursday.
Anyone not feeling movement yet? I don't know if I just can't tell since this is my first pregnancy or if I'm really not feeling them yet. I'm growing like crazy and I have a ton of pulling/tugging sometimes almost cramp like but no bleeding or anything crazy like that.
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