So in hospital with my asthma and because I am on morphine the midwife as referred me to the drug and alcohol team ... Like some druggy 😢😢😢 it doesn't even help. Going to my go Tuesday get permission to stop it I ain't being treated like some addict 😢😢
I hope everything's okay with the pneumonia. You're having such a rough time hun .
I don't know much about the system where you live but maybe they didn't mean to treat you that way and it's just standard procedure for anyone that's on any type of medication like that?
It's because they know how to advise of baby's needs ect and can tell me what to look out for after the hospital stay. Was upset and hormonal but
My consultant today said I'd do more harm then good stopping now and to ride it out I am only on a low dose for sciatica.
Three lots of antibiotics today. They've listen ri little madam but she moves out of the way lol
I just want to be home for Thursday for Lily's birthday xx
I hope it's ok to join in I am due with baby number 3 and I have been told I'm high risk due to haemorrhaging in labour with my second baby. So far I have had no other differences to my other two pregnancies, other than a few more visits scheduled and being told I am not allowed to give birth in my local hospital because they only have a midwife led unit and they wont touch me with me being high risk. That means a 20 minute drive to the hospital in the next town when I'm in labour which could be much worse lol x
Welcome Princessellie!! I'm sorry to hear about the hospital situation that's probably going to be rough for you. Do they know what caused the hemorrhage? Also if you could update me with your due date that would be wonderful so I could add you to the list.
Had another OB appointment today. Our sweet pea princess is doing great. Her heartbeat was 149. They did say that my cervix shorten compared to the last time. The doctor said it was at 30 and that if it gets close to 25 they're going to put in a cerclage. He mentions that it's possible I have an incompetent cervix. That could be the reason why I went into premature labor the first time. They said they will know more at my next ultrasound in two weeks. He said that if it is shorter next time that they're going to start talking about other treatment options which is the cerclage.
Also could any of you ladies update me on what your having if you have found out. Some of you lovely ladies still have yellow storks on the front page.
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