Can I join you ladies? It's great that you started a post like this!
I'll briefly share my story.

DH and I first started trying in the summer of 2014 and I got pregnant right away. The most exciting, joyful, blissful time of my life. Unfortunately we lost the little guy in October at 13 weeks. I started gushing blood out of the blue one day, and had some cramping. My midwife said just to rest and drink lots of water. Well the cramping last all night and to the next day. I went for an ultrasound and they said I was in the middle of a miscarriage and there was nothing they could do.

My whole world was shattered. And physically, the miscarriage was drawn out for 3 months. It was a terrible ordeal. But finally in January I felt back to normal. Then I got pregnant again in February and was over the moon, but of course cautious. As I passed every milestone date, I got a little more relaxed. But at 20 weeks doctors noticed my cervix was almost completely thinned. So she put in a pessary (not a cerclage...I don't know what. I think that would have helped more) and that lasted about a week. And one night before bed I felt like the baby was coming out of me...and sure enough my bags were bulging.

I rushed to the hospital...and once again, "there's nothing we can do".
It took 7 months to conceive again after her. And here I am now at 5 weeks. Excited but terrified. Now that they know I have incompetent cervix, I'm taking progesterone suppositories and will get a cerclage around 12/13 weeks. And then switch to the shots starting at 16 weeks, with weekly ultrasounds, too. Bedrest if necessary.
I haven't gotten to read through all the posts yet, but I'm glad there is a place for high risk women to get together.

My sisters and friends have had fairly uncomplicated pregnancies so it's hard to relate to them sometimes.