Still in pain grr I just want to get to a point where it feels real and baby is definitely coming safe unfortunately pregnancy is always hard and I always worry ... From finding out until 14 weeks I worry about miss carrying and then I breath for a bit then I start worrying about premature labour... By time I get to 30 weeks it puts such a strain on my lungs that I can't wait for it to be over ... Oh I know it's worth it in the end but I wish I could really enjoy pregnancy xx
You and me both

I hope my pregnancy is not robbed from me this time by my body kicking my baby out. I really want to experience full term. Along with my baby being in the NICU and not getting to take her home for 3 months that was one of the hardest parts about it. One day I was pregnant and the next I wasnt, where I should have been. It has taken me a really long time to cope with the experience.