Pregnant with #1 ~ May Babies 2013!

And i was mine was more rough so it would scrape my membranes! Lol
Hi ladies, just checking in... Things are kinda rotten over here for me lately. I've been told by my job that unless I can work until may 9th (and I'm due may 7th) I have to pay 100% the cost of my insurance, which comes to $1800 per month for the summer!!! I don't qualify for FMLA because I started my new teaching job in September. The only alternative if I deliver early is to go back to work for a few days in June before summer vacation. That way id still have to pay $1800 for June but July and August would be covered. Nothing like being told a week and a half before your due date that they gave the wrong information earlier & you may need to come up with an extra $1800!!! Grr. So despite being told I was almost 2 cm at my 36 week appt, I haven't let my midwife check me again for fear it might start labor!!

Sorry for the rant. Hope everyone else is well!
Wow Bella! That's crazy! Hopefully you can make it! I would hate for you to go past your due date but two more days would be better than $1,800! I know in my case I get to take FMLA but its not paid leave. I have to use up all of sick time and my personal leave and then anything else is unpaid leave. Our kiddos get out o school May 21st and since I started my leave this past week, I'm looking anywhere from 6-9 day unpaid :( oh well, we'll manage!

So I'm pretty sure I'm starting to labor a little. Lots of back and hip pain and the contractions (or what I think are contractions) are starting to come more! I'm just hoping to make it past Tuesday, that's our newborn care class and I would love some more info before Lucas gets here. I have another appt at 2 on Monday. I guess we'll go from there!
Sorry for the misfortune Bella :/ hopefully you figure something out!

Redskin- I'm right there with you, lots of pelvic pressure, have been getting lots off menstrual like cramps, painless contractions and back aches. D: I'm getting nervous with how real all of it is getting now.
Bella, that's horrible!

I honestly still feel pretty normal. Minus the fact that I pigged out for lunch... uggh my brains still hasn't caught up with the fact that I don't have the same amount of room in there anymore!
Redskins - I'm in the same boat - I have 15.5 paid days between personal and sick days but our kiddos get out June 21st so I'm looking at about 3 weeks unpaid :( it's tough...
Here's my really long birth story if you care to give it a read:

Friday, 19 April 2013
So I went in for my usual fetal monitoring and bloods because of the cholestasis. The boys were doing great. Unfortunately, my urine tested positive for protein again for the 3rd time that week, and all the tests for infection had returned negative. My blood pressure was textbook. The midwife decided to look over how my blood pressure had been and she noted that since I had been in on Wednesday my blood pressure had gone up around 20 points. She took some extra blood and a urine sample so that she could run some tests for preeclampsia and she said she’d push them through and give me a call when she had the results, nothing concerning since I already had appointments scheduled back at the hospital on Monday.
I went to a friend’s house for brunch and received a call an hour or two after arriving. The midwife said that I needed to go to the delivery suite as soon as I could. She said they would likely do monitoring, but that I would probably be meeting my boys very soon. Once I got hold of my husband we got everything together and set out for the hospital.
We arrived at the delivery suite around 2:30 in the afternoon. I was booked into the ward immediately and a midwife gave me a large jug and explained that I was to collect my urine for the next 24 hours – she wanted me to get a start on it while we waited to meet with the doctor to find out what the plan of action was. At 4:40 I felt like one of the boys kicked me in the bum really hard, it was really uncomfortable so I stood up and my water gushed down my legs. I had not even met with the doctor yet! Unfortunately, my water had a lot of meconium in it.
I was then hooked up to the fetal monitor, an ultrasound was preformed, and my contractions that had been light all day started to pick up intensity quickly. The doctor came in shortly and talked with me, they said that if labor didn’t kick off then I would be induced as my blood pressure seemed to be rising and the fact that there was meconium meant that they really couldn’t risk waiting too long to deliver. They said they’d monitor my progress and go from there, they did a quick exam and I was 2 cm dilated and fully effaced.
Contractions really picked up and knowing that either labor would pick up or I would be induced they moved me to a delivery room shortly. I had expressed that I wanted an epidural because of the high risk of cesarean and the midwifes were glad because it also comes in handy if they have to manipulate a twin in a vaginal birth. As soon as I got in the delivery room they sought out the anesthesiologist, I was surprised because I didn’t want to get the epidural too early. The contractions really started picking up and there was little to no break between them, I had only been in labor a couple of hours so I couldn’t imagine how bad they might get if they were so bad already. I started using some gas and air to take off the edge. The anesthesiologist came in and placed the epidural – though it took a very long time because there kept being issues, she ended up having to place it three or four times. She ended up having to place it a bit higher than they normally would, so the effect was slightly different from what most women would experience. I could still feel pressure down south and in my bum and I could feel the contractions at the top of my belly – though I wasn’t in pain anymore, the edge was definitely gone.
I told one of the midwives that I was feeling quite a bit of pressure, she was going to wait to check me, but changed her mind, it was a good thing she did because when she checked I was already over 8 cm dilated. They started to prep the room for the boys arrival! (I had been told that I would have to deliver in the OR at previous appts, but the midwife said that unless things got complicated it would just be the two midwives, a nurse, and the pediatricians) I could not believe how fast things were going. I started to push around 10:45, the midwives were perfect for what I needed, they told me to push when I felt contractions coming, rather than them just telling me what to do. It was very empowering how much control they let me have. Isaiah was born at 11:16 weighing 2.02kg. They then broke my second bag of water – which went everywhere and one of the midwives pushed on the sides of my belly to keep twin 2 from being able to turn, she did this for a few minutes until his head was engaged. I told the midwives I was starting to feel pressure again and I felt ready to push so I went for it and at 11:35 Zechariah was born weighing 2.4kg. Zechariah needed a couple rescue breaths, but both boys really did wonderfully. They were doing great, but both boys needed to go to the special care unit, the pediatrician brought them over so I could give each of them a kiss before he took them away.
We finished up delivering the afterbirth and I had no tearing, or so we thought. I ended up having really heavy blood loss over the next few hours so they kept me in the delivery room to be monitored. At approximately 3:30ish I was wheeled in to see the boys after I had been given a quick sponge bath. At 4 in the morning I told hubby to go home and get some rest so he could come back in the morning as I was still bleeding too much for even a shower. It just kept coming so they checked me for tears for the 3rd time and finally found the culprit, 5 hours after I had finished delivering. I had torn high up in my labia, right at a blood vessel. I’m glad I sent my husband home because being stitched up was horrendous and there would have been nothing he could have done. The local anesthetic seemed to do nothing so they ended up giving me 3 of them and I used the gas and air, it was still excruciating because there are just so many nerves there and I guess it ran internally to my clitoral hood. As painful as the stitching was I was just glad to know the bleeding was going to stop so even though I was crying out in pain I reassured the doctor that I knew it was for the best and I would be okay. The gas and air didn’t take away the pain, but it put me in a daze to which I can only describe as knowing you’re in pain but not being able to feel it at the same time, it was so weird. Luckily, I survived and now I feel like I can make it through anything! I have had some phantom pain flashbacks a couple times since because it was that traumatic for me, but I’m honestly feeling fantastic now.
I was officially diagnosed with preeclampsia after I delivered. The first couple days were really difficult because I was so ill from the blood loss and preeclampsia, but I’m feeling great now! (I’m writing this on the 23rd of April, it’s currently 2 AM) They boys are still in special care, but they’ve been out of the incubators since about 12 hours after they were born. I’ve been pumping and have gotten to attempt breast feeding 3 times so far, the boys are currently being tube fed. The boys have only just started their 3rd day, but it feels like they’ve been here forever.
Sorry this was so long, I don’t have internet in the hospital, but hubby brought me my computer and I thought it might be a good idea to type up what I can remember about the labor and delivery while it’s still sort of fresh. I had a wonderful birth experience, it’s better than I could have dreamed it. Even though I’d been having contractions on and off for days, I would say that labor started for me when my water broke and from that time until Zechariah was born was less than 7 hours! It’s remarkable how quickly it went! I’m looking forward to taking the boys home soon, at this point I’m not sure how much longer they or I will be in the hospital, my bloods are still not quite back to normal at the moment. I really should try and get some sleep now, thanks for reading.

Current update: boys are still in special care, they're currently BFing at every other feed and will be able to come home as soon as they're awake/able to BF at every feed so the feeding tubes can come out! Should only be a day or two more now!
Yay pixie! Sounds crazy, but I'm glad everything is good, hopefully you guys all get to go home soon!

On another note- does anyone know anything about post pregnancy binders or girdles? I just heard about them for the first time and curious what other people heard.
Wow Pixie! I'm so glad they are here! Praying for you and the boys!

Jdub, sorry I'm not sure what that is! You've got my curiosity up though!
Congrats Pixie! I'm glad all is going pretty well! I hope the boys are able to go home soon =)

Jdub, what exactly is that?
So glad everything turned out good Pixie! You and your two boys are troopers! Can't wait to read your next post of progress!
See below. The Belly Bandit is the biggest name it seems like. People say they like them for helping to contour the tummy back, but also just for helping everything feel tighter at first. Apparently, some people kind of feel like their organs are flopping around at first since it's been so crowded, then so suddenly not! This helps that. I just don't know!

The Original Belly Bandit was created especially for a woman's post-pregnancy body. This customized garment features Bandita belly binding elastic that can be adjusted to fit around the belly, waist and hips to help create the ultimate slimming result. With unique, powerful stretch and compress technology, the Belly Bandit is simple yet powerful in its delivery. Made for the savvy no-nonsense mom on a belly-busting mission, this economical and effective garment should be worn for six to eight weeks post delivery for maximum results.
Jdub, it will be way too hot here for me to add an extra layer like that! I see you're in Houston so I can't imagine it will be any more comfortable for you. I think I'd consider getting one postpartum (sending DH or my mom to go get it) if I ended up with a c-section... I say that because of the journals I stalk, so far the only person who has mentioned feeling like their organs were going to fall out after birth had a c-section. I'll still have my belly band that I've used to extend my pre-pregnancy wardrobe and what not. I know it wouldn't be as tight but if I felt like I needed a little bit of extra support after a vaginal birth I would probably try that first before investing in anything else.
I agree with that never, just wondering people's opinions. It is going to be HOT here (already is) so I don't know that I could do it, but it was so strange to have just heard about it now! I felt like I'd read everything on the planet about pregnancy and post pregnancy products, and this came out of nowhere!
Wonderful story pixie! I'm so excited everything worked out so well for you. Thanks for sharing.
I already have my band jd. I bought it at motherhood when I got all my nursing tops. I heard about them right away from all the skinny girls at my nail salon. They say its a Must to get your body back. I've heard many women say their ribs or hips never go back to the same size again. Not sure if this stops that but I'm sure it helps. You just have to wear it early while your bones and body are still full of relaxin.
Just got back from the doctors office. I'm 1 cm dilated and cervix is soft. I go back on Friday and if no change they will induce Sunday.
SO exciting!! I'm so jealous.. but i'm a couple weeks behind you... good luck!
Exciting Redskins!

My parents are coming into the country on Wednesday. They'll be an 18 hr drive away though, and are currently planning to arrive the following Wednesday. I'm thinking baby will stay put until then anyway, but I'm definitely hoping I don't go into labor until they are in the country at least! I know my mom's help after the birth will be invaluable, and they'll come earlier if they need to.

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