Pregnant with #1 ~ May Babies 2013!

The story! :)

Went into labor Monday night at 10:00 p.m., Water broke at 2:00 and we headed to the hospital. Isaac was still posterior so I was having quite a bit of pain, we worked all morning trying to move him, I broke down and had one dose of pain medication but had it deluded. Was still a 3 cm and 50 effaced when I got to the hospital around 5 in the morning I advanced to 6cm 80% then to 8 cm 90 % once I got to 9 cm I started pushing to finish off the effacement. 5 hours of active labor, tons of positions, one dose of pain medication and a hot shower to sooth the pain. After delivery I got a couple stitches and got patosin in my IV due to excessive bleeding. A few hours later Bleeding had stopped and Isaac began nursing and has been doing great ever since :) Very Very sore all over due to muscle tension and my down stairs but all in all a very beautiful successful vaginal delivery !! :)


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I realized that I never posted my birth story!

So as you all know I had a scheduled induction for 6 am on May 6th. We got to the hospital and got everything set up and by 7am the putocin had been started. One of my doctors came by and said that I had dilated to a and that he believed that Lucas would be right around the 7lb mark or less. The doctor that delivered came by and said that I was 3 cm and that he was sure he would be at least 8lbs! Anyway, after a hour or so of the putocin my nurse came back and checked and said that I was up to a 4.

At this point I was managing the pain well but wasn't progressing. I had already made up my mind that I would be having an epidural and knew that it helps people relax and make progress. Therefore I went ahead and had the epidural. That was the one part that I was terrified about but it turned out not to be so bad. The next part after really sucked. I ended up with the epidural shakes. Let put it this way I looked like a junky going through withdrawal I was shaking so bad. After a while they decided they could raise my head up some, BIG mistake. My BP bottomed out to 80/30 so in a whirlwind there were all kinds of people in there working to get it back up. My doctor rushed back to the hospital and decided that I had one hour to progress some or he was doing a c-section. At this point I was still a 4, almost completely effaced, but baby had not all!

So my hour went by with no change. We went down for the c-section and Lucas was born at 2:58pm 9lbs 12oz 22in long. My husband went back upstairs which was a good thing because I started losing way to much blood. I was told afterwards that it is okay to lose 400-500 cc of blood during a c-section. I lost 1200 cc of blood so they ended up giving me some shots of meds to make me clot and watched me extra long in the recovery room.

Upstairs Lucas was being checked over and it turned out that his blood sugar was low, so they had to supplement with formula and finally by 11 that night we had his sugar up to a good level and we've not had any issues since then. He has had jaundice and lost a pound of his birthweight (so I'm breastfeeding like crazy). Overall though it looks like he has just about gained his weight back...not positive but when I weighed myself last night I had lost a total of 21 lbs and when I weight with him I was 9.4 lbs he's getting close! Sorry it's so long just thought I would share!

I added a picture too! He was 2 days old here. My avatar picture was from the day he was born!


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Went to my final prenatal visit with my doc today and I'm at a 2 and 80%! She said everything looks very favorable for my induction on Tuesday! I can't wait to meet our little girl!
Well I'm writing from hospital, Thomas James was born yesterday at 7 lbs, 20 1/2 inches, and is perfect. Here's my labor story!

Water broke on 14th at 7am, amazingly when I was on the toilet. Went to hospital and started light contractions. I was still at 0 cm, so they let me wait a few hours but then started pitocin. Was trying to go meds free, and went the next 12 hours with no meds, and really strong contractions. They checked me then and I was at 1cm. I said screw that and got the epidural. Within 90 mins I went to 6cm. Phew. So it took a few more hours until yesterday morning to fully dilate. Pushing was great, I had him out within 6 contractions. He was perfect!

Then, 2 hours after labor I started getting worse contractions and pain than in labor. I was losing huge clots. The doc checked and said I was filled with clots, so they shot me up with Demerol, I basically passes out, and she basically stuck her hands back in (said my freaking out husband) and cleaned me out. Was like a war zone!! But, stayed on pitocin to help with contracting more and I'm much better today. Quite sore though.

Anyways, sorry if it sounds horrible, the labor itself was pretty smooth overall!
Good luck ladies!
Congrats Natalie, curly and Bella!
Adorable boys pixie! They look so big for twins!
Sorry I've been gone so long. We got home Thursday night. Friday we found out at our first pediatrician appt that Dylan's weight dropped too much - 8 lbs down to 6 lbs 14 oz, so we have been on damage control doing feelings every 2 hours. She's gone from barely latching on to wanting to feed for 3 hours at a time. So happy she's back to her birth weight, but man do I feel like a cow! Feeding seriously rules my day and night.


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Congrats Curly!

Interesting Jdub! I had my 40 week appointment today, and he said I was about a 2 (1.5-2) and 60-70%, and he expects that I'll most likely go into labor this weekend. Then again, we still set up an appointment for next week so it's not 100%!
Sass- Lucas' weight went from 9lbs 12oz to 8lbs 12oz. I've been feeding every two hours too! Last night was the first night that I went every 3 hours instead of 2 but during the day I've been feeding every two hours. I had to supplement from last Thursday to this past Monday. I'm thankful I'm not having to do that now! Glad Dylan is doing better!
Congrats Natalie, curly and Bella!
Adorable boys pixie! They look so big for twins!
Sorry I've been gone so long. We got home Thursday night. Friday we found out at our first pediatrician appt that Dylan's weight dropped too much - 8 lbs down to 6 lbs 14 oz, so we have been on damage control doing feelings every 2 hours. She's gone from barely latching on to wanting to feed for 3 hours at a time. So happy she's back to her birth weight, but man do I feel like a cow! Feeding seriously rules my day and night.

Thanks! I have been told that they look much larger in pics than they really are, but they're both over 6lbs now!
Congrats Curly!
I love the pic Sass!
Massive congratulations ladies! I have loved reading your birth stories and seeing your pics of your beautiful babies! We really have been blessed!

Sass my bump bud... so sorry I have been AWOL and I haven't yet had the opportunity to say how gorgeous Dylan is! What a little beauty she is! What a gorgeous transatlantic girlfriend Leo has... even though he is a tad smaller than her he is busy feeding like mad to become a big and strong rugby player!

Well as you all know I am sure Leo was born 19th April at 13.44 via c section.... As usual he defied the medics and despite being predicted as a big baby he was born a perfectly petite 5lb 13! As usual with Leo nothing went as planned...

Firstly it took 3 attempts to get my spinal block in... she kept hitting nerve clusters and I was literally shaking and sobbing in pain and shock so hard it took 2 MWs and my Husband to try and hold me up and still!

The Consultant told that that it would take 5 mins to get Leo out and then 25 mins to stitch me up... it actually took 40 mins to get him out and another hour to stitch me up. Leo had managed to move up my uterus and as he was transverse they had to deliver him via his feet.... they didn't realise he had one foot over his head and so spent ages disconnecting various parts of me to rummage around to try and find both legs so he could be delivered!

It got scary when they started to squashing my lungs and I couldn't breathe... I was whispering to my Husband (as I couldn't shout) for him to tell them to stop as they were killing me! They squashed my lungs up a bit more and eventually found his legs and delivered him... screaming into the world! I then had 6 hours in recovery being pumped full of drugs as I was in shock and had quite a bit of blood loss... so my BP was falling through the floor... but I am blessed with a healthy beautiful boy! It was amazing!... He is amazing!

There were a number of spooky things that are around Leo, esp dates that coincide with Hubby's parents who have passed away and their Birthdays, dates they died tying in with big scan dates and Leo's EDD... and it continued when he was born. As I was wheeled into recovery they had a radio on.. and it was playing the song that me and my Husband had our first dance to when we got married... Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden! Spooky!

I would like to state that this isn't what is supposed to happen and every other lady I have spoken to who has had an elective c section had a very different experience to me
... as you all know... Leo does things his way... which is not always the easiest way! LOL

So here is a pic of my little trouble maker! The first 2 were literally the first moments after he was born and then the third one was his first bath!.... BTW the woolly hat was one they stuck on his head in the operating theater, not one of our hats... I think it is hilariously huge on his little tiny head!!!


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PB he's beautiful!

I'm still pregnant ladies... just (im)patiently waiting on my LO to arrive!
Aw... Precious PB! Love him. How's your incision doing? Mines still so sore. I'd love to know when it will feel better. :(
Ooo Never... not long to go sweety!

Sass mine is still sore too... and i get some back ache towards the end of the day too. My bruising is still extreme from all the rummaging they did to get him out...

But when you look at them and how gorgeous they are it is all worth it! The fear and pain are momentary compared to a life time of joy!
Thanks for sharing your birth story PB! He's adorable!
Seriously cute pb! I hope you're getting there never, I know it feels like forever!!

Update on me, as I've had a very busy week! Taylor Olivia was born on Tuesday may 21st at 8:41 pm ( vaginal birth)! She weighed 6 lbs, 13 oz, and was 19.5 inches long. She's adorable! We are still trying to get settled in at home, so I'll Give you more details later, but for now, our little family is perfect!

I'll attach some pics when I have out the real computer, the iPad is having issues

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