Hey ladies, sorry it's taken me a while to answer these but I've tried my best. I hope these answers help. Praying for BFPs for everyone and healthy babies in our arms in 2013!
Hi SignoraL, congrats on the BFP, I hope all is going well. Could I ask what dose of the supplements you were taking? We're just starting to try for baba no. 2, after being diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve first time round... No idea whether we'll have any luck, but I'd like to give ourselves the best possible chance. X
Thank you! I was on 25mg of DHEA (this was by prescription - I didn't get mine in a store b/c I was in a study) 3x a day, 400 mg of CoQ10 2x a day, 3 mg of Melatonin in the evening, 500 mg Inositol 3 tabs in the AM and 2 tabs in the PM, and 1000 mg L.Arginine 2x a day.
During the IVF cycle we added in 240 mg of Ginko 2x a day, 600 mg NAC 2x a day, and 800 mcg Folic Acid 2x a day plus a daily prenatal and 1 baby aspirin (the latter helps with the lining quality). I was also on a few other drugs to aid with implantation and prevent OHSS.
Please note that everything was prescribed by my doc though. This is the regimen he chose to put me on and I didn't take any of these without him telling me to. I was on the supplements in the first paragraph (along with acupuncture and organic diet for six months or eight cycles (my doc initially thought we might be able to conceive on our own, but b/c of the history of very early menopause in my family, we decided not to wait any longer and do IVF). I truly believe all of that prep improved my egg quality, as we got 9 eggs (we knew we wouldn't get a lot), but 8 were mature and 7 fertilized and we were able to do a 5 day transfer with one perfect blast and one morula. I lucked out during my IVF cycle b/c I didn't end up having any mood swings as a result of the injections but I also tried my best to stay calm and positive (which is surprising, as I tend to worry and am a bit more pessamistic). I think that helped to though.
Thank you. I am not giving up hope. I just feel like I could be doing more but I feel like I don't know where to turn. I have made appointments to interview two new doctors in hopes they will help me figure this all out.
I joined weight watchers in january and have been sticking to plan very strictly and lost a lot of weight. I try to stay away from anything canned and try to eat more all natural foods. If there are any other suggestions you may have please do not hesitate.
I truly appreciate everyone's help.
I'm sorry about your first IVF cycle. I hope you find a doctor you like and can get on the right path for you. I also did acupuncture, which I believe helped a lot. We also switched all our household cleaners to Eco-friendly ones and my beauty products and shampoo and conditioner as well.
Hi Ladies! I'm late in this conversation, but hoping yall are still checking in. I'm 29 and recently learned I have a low ovarian reserve and would really like to avoid medical assistance. I've made the a list of all the vitamins you mentioned, but wanted to ask if you took these vitamins in addition to a prenatal? I'm currently taking a prescription prenatal and another supplement, Pregnitude, that my OBGYN gave me.
Thanks a bunch!

And any other advice is welcomed! I'm meeting with 2 RE's this week to get some more info and see what their options are.
I did take a prenatal in addition to all of the other supplements. Good luck with meeting the REs! Good luck!
Hi Mrs R, I really think the DHEA (3months), CoQ10 (400-800mg/day) helped and Softcups really made the conceptions happen. Out of 15 months of ttc, last 4 with soft cups, 1 chemical, 1 pregnancy.
Saying that I think I've m/c'd last night. So will be hoping to getmy cycle back ASAP or the next go.
Praying for you, 2have4kids.