PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

if it is implantation, do you think a test would work tomorrow? Or would it be a waste. :S
It could be implantation! Especially since you have a tad bit longer than usual LH. They say once implantation occurs you immediately begin producing HCG. It takes about 2 days to double. I would test to see if you see any faint line tomorrow. If not, then possibly 11 DPO. I have seen ladies on here not get anything until 15 or 16 DPO. It just depends. You are not out yet! :)
:witch:got me :cry:

Plenty of Preseed left though and we only used it the once, so will splash a lot more about this cycle!
Hey Ladies,
This is my 3rd cycle using Pre-seed, Third time's the Charm, Im hoping.
Today is 2 dpo, so the TWW begins!
I am going to try to find something to keep myself busy during this time, but that's easier said then done!!!
Good Luck to you all!!!
After reading some good reports on preseed I will be on my first cycle using it, FX.


Awesome! The 2nd time using it with an OPK, I got my BFP! I would insert it 15 minutes before BD'ing. I only used about 2.5 grams. Good luck! :)

Big thanks for the advice :) Hope I am as lucky as you :) I have been ttc for 13 months and no luck so far x
I would also like to join this club of preseed BFPers.... I got pg after 2.5 years ttc , then mc by Jan 2 2012, today is CD16 , hope to ovulate by CD22... first time using preseed , loved it when we used yesterday....
Its very difficult (not available)to buy preseed in my place.i got it through a frend who went to NY last month . So i am afraid i ll run out preseed b4 i get my BFP , I am not using applicators ...
Can some one tell me if you have heard of any success by using fingers for applying the preseed ?
I apologise if this has already been brought up in this thread but it's huge so sieve through for answers lol. Just wondered when using preseed, do you just use it from when you get a opk+ or every time you BD thorugh your cycle? I have only got 9 applicators....
I apologise if this has already been brought up in this thread but it's huge so sieve through for answers lol. Just wondered when using preseed, do you just use it from when you get a opk+ or every time you BD thorugh your cycle? I have only got 9 applicators....

Hi hun, im not sure when you are supposed to use it, this is my first cycle using pre-seed and i only used it around my fertile period, i started using it the first day of + opk then for 3 days after. Im 9DPO today so please cross your fingers for me!!!
I would also like to join this club of preseed BFPers.... I got pg after 2.5 years ttc , then mc by Jan 2 2012, today is CD16 , hope to ovulate by CD22... first time using preseed , loved it when we used yesterday....
Its very difficult (not available)to buy preseed in my place.i got it through a frend who went to NY last month . So i am afraid i ll run out preseed b4 i get my BFP , I am not using applicators ...
Can some one tell me if you have heard of any success by using fingers for applying the preseed ?

I don't think applying it with fingers will help at all. The applicators are key because you are inserting it by your cervix and inserting at least 2.5 grams. You don't get nearly close to that with fingers and plus there is no guarantee it is going to even get close to your cervix. The theory behind preseed is that when sperm are deposited into it, they will live inside it. It mimics regular EWCM. The more of it, the better chance.

I apologise if this has already been brought up in this thread but it's huge so sieve through for answers lol. Just wondered when using preseed, do you just use it from when you get a opk+ or every time you BD thorugh your cycle? I have only got 9 applicators....

The cycle I got my BFP, I used it everytime we BD'd but that was only 3 times. The day of my positive OPK, the day after, we skipped a day and then BD'd one more time. So I guess the answer would be only when you know you're ovulating. Unless you like the feel and want to use it anyway. It won't hurt. :)
Oh, I just seen that you are preggers Leikela! Congrats!!!!!!! :happydance:
When did you get your BFP? I've seen you around on other threads.
What did you do/or not do different?
I'm 2dpo today, this is my 4th cycle of Clomid, and we have been TTC since Sept 2010. I've also been using pre-seed for the last 3 cycles.
Hoping March is my Month!!!

Best of Luck to you!!! I hope I am soon to follow suit!!

Oh, I just seen that you are preggers Leikela! Congrats!!!!!!! :happydance:
When did you get your BFP? I've seen you around on other threads.
What did you do/or not do different?
I'm 2dpo today, this is my 4th cycle of Clomid, and we have been TTC since Sept 2010. I've also been using pre-seed for the last 3 cycles.
Hoping March is my Month!!!

Best of Luck to you!!! I hope I am soon to follow suit!!


Thanks Jaime! :) I found out on 2/11/12 at 11 DPO. The only thing I did differently was I used OPK's. It didn't turn positive until CD18. Low and behold I ovulate much later than I thought!

Along with the OPK's I used Preseed as well. I am also taking One A Day Prenatals, which are wonderful! They have so many vitamins and fish oil. I also maintained my weight (didn't lose or gain) and exercise at least 4 times a week. That has been my regime!

Have you thought about perhaps going to a fertility specialist? It took my sister many years to conceive and she finally went to a FS and discovered she wasn't O'ing. I hope all is well and you get your BFP soon! :)
Thanks Jaime! :) I found out on 2/11/12 at 11 DPO. The only thing I did differently was I used OPK's. It didn't turn positive until CD18. Low and behold I ovulate much later than I thought!

Along with the OPK's I used Preseed as well. I am also taking One A Day Prenatals, which are wonderful! They have so many vitamins and fish oil. I also maintained my weight (didn't lose or gain) and exercise at least 4 times a week. That has been my regime!

Have you thought about perhaps going to a fertility specialist? It took my sister many years to conceive and she finally went to a FS and discovered she wasn't O'ing. I hope all is well and you get your BFP soon! :)
Congrats on your BFP!!!!!! Lucky U. I have a question for you, how many gram of preseed did u insert while BD? Am 6dpo today but for some reason i dont feel too into this month(if u get what i mean). My last BD was 3-4 days before O and i used preseed but am thinking its too far from O.
'Nyways FX
Oh, I just seen that you are preggers Leikela! Congrats!!!!!!! :happydance:
When did you get your BFP? I've seen you around on other threads.
What did you do/or not do different?
I'm 2dpo today, this is my 4th cycle of Clomid, and we have been TTC since Sept 2010. I've also been using pre-seed for the last 3 cycles.
Hoping March is my Month!!!

Best of Luck to you!!! I hope I am soon to follow suit!!


Thanks Jaime! :) I found out on 2/11/12 at 11 DPO. The only thing I did differently was I used OPK's. It didn't turn positive until CD18. Low and behold I ovulate much later than I thought!

Along with the OPK's I used Preseed as well. I am also taking One A Day Prenatals, which are wonderful! They have so many vitamins and fish oil. I also maintained my weight (didn't lose or gain) and exercise at least 4 times a week. That has been my regime!

Have you thought about perhaps going to a fertility specialist? It took my sister many years to conceive and she finally went to a FS and discovered she wasn't O'ing. I hope all is well and you get your BFP soon! :)

Well Congrats! I'm so Happy for you, and it really gives me hope seeing other's get there BFP. I also use OPKs, Pre-seed and take a pre-natal vitamin. I have gained a little weight over the fall/winter, that I am working on getting off now, this is my second week on a "Diet" and I've already lost 4lbs!!!
As far as the FS goes, I have only seen my OB, In October 2011, after NTNP for a year, We did a workup and everything has came back great thus far, except my cycles were a little irregular, So she started me on Clomid, this is my 4th cycle, and she said after 6, she would refer me to a FS, I could've made an appointment earlier if I wanted to, but DH was out of work for 4 months, and I didn't want to add more stress to the pot. If you know what I mean, He started working again in January, so I figured I would finish the 6 cycle out, then see a FS.
I turned 29 February, So I know the clock is ticking, but I know I still have some time. The Clomid has regulated my cycles and I am definitly ovulating, So we shall see, what this month brings. Today is 3 dpo for me. I am very hopeful this month, I felt our timing on everything couldn't had been better, so Wish me Luck!!!
Best of Luck to you, Have you gone for your first scan????
Congrats on your BFP!!!!!! Lucky U. I have a question for you, how many gram of preseed did u insert while BD? Am 6dpo today but for some reason i dont feel too into this month(if u get what i mean). My last BD was 3-4 days before O and i used preseed but am thinking its too far from O.
'Nyways FX

Thank you! :) I used about 2.5 grams. I used to use 3 grams but then noticed that it was leaking out too much. 2.5 grams was just right. 3-4 days from O could still be a possibility! Fingers crossed for you! :)

Well Congrats! I'm so Happy for you, and it really gives me hope seeing other's get there BFP. I also use OPKs, Pre-seed and take a pre-natal vitamin. I have gained a little weight over the fall/winter, that I am working on getting off now, this is my second week on a "Diet" and I've already lost 4lbs!!!
As far as the FS goes, I have only seen my OB, In October 2011, after NTNP for a year, We did a workup and everything has came back great thus far, except my cycles were a little irregular, So she started me on Clomid, this is my 4th cycle, and she said after 6, she would refer me to a FS, I could've made an appointment earlier if I wanted to, but DH was out of work for 4 months, and I didn't want to add more stress to the pot. If you know what I mean, He started working again in January, so I figured I would finish the 6 cycle out, then see a FS.
I turned 29 February, So I know the clock is ticking, but I know I still have some time. The Clomid has regulated my cycles and I am definitly ovulating, So we shall see, what this month brings. Today is 3 dpo for me. I am very hopeful this month, I felt our timing on everything couldn't had been better, so Wish me Luck!!!
Best of Luck to you, Have you gone for your first scan????

Congrats on the weight loss! And that is great that Clomid has regulated your cycles. It all sound VERY hopeful for you!! My fingers and toes will be crossed!! I will be keeping my eye on this thread for your BFP!! :)

I go for my first appointment this Friday. Not sure if they will do a scan but I hope so! :)
Thank you! :) I used about 2.5 grams. I used to use 3 grams but then noticed that it was leaking out too much. 2.5 grams was just right. 3-4 days from O could still be a possibility! Fingers crossed for you! :)

Congrats on the weight loss! And that is great that Clomid has regulated your cycles. It all sound VERY hopeful for you!! My fingers and toes will be crossed!! I will be keeping my eye on this thread for your BFP!! :)

I go for my first appointment this Friday. Not sure if they will do a scan but I hope so! :)
Yayy! Boosting my hope. Thanx soooo much. H&H pregnancy for u.
I would also like to join this club of preseed BFPers.... I got pg after 2.5 years ttc , then mc by Jan 2 2012, today is CD16 , hope to ovulate by CD22... first time using preseed , loved it when we used yesterday....
Its very difficult (not available)to buy preseed in my place.i got it through a frend who went to NY last month . So i am afraid i ll run out preseed b4 i get my BFP , I am not using applicators ...
Can some one tell me if you have heard of any success by using fingers for applying the preseed ?

I don't think applying it with fingers will help at all. The applicators are key because you are inserting it by your cervix and inserting at least 2.5 grams. You don't get nearly close to that with fingers and plus there is no guarantee it is going to even get close to your cervix. The theory behind preseed is that when sperm are deposited into it, they will live inside it. It mimics regular EWCM. The more of it, the better chance.

I apologise if this has already been brought up in this thread but it's huge so sieve through for answers lol. Just wondered when using preseed, do you just use it from when you get a opk+ or every time you BD thorugh your cycle? I have only got 9 applicators....

The cycle I got my BFP, I used it everytime we BD'd but that was only 3 times. The day of my positive OPK, the day after, we skipped a day and then BD'd one more time. So I guess the answer would be only when you know you're ovulating. Unless you like the feel and want to use it anyway. It won't hurt. :)

I used the applicator for first time . I might be ovulating in two days . I don't us an OPK .I am saving the applicators for then . I am left with 8 of them .:shrug:... some threads say that applicators can be resued , some say not to ... its conufsing ...:wacko: ...
Hey ladies i just bought my preseed today and now im waiting on my AF and OVULATION... So keep your fingers crossed as I am for you guys...
I used preseed for the first time last cycle and got my BFP yesterday
I really recommend it to anyone

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