PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Hi Michelle, mod and mommytobe (all Ms!!)
Looks like we're all o'ing around the same time and testing around the same time too! Exciting! I got a smile on a digi opk yesterday and it's gone today, which I assume means I'm o'ing literally anytime now! We BD'd yesterday and will do so again tonight and hopefully that should do the trick! With some PreSeed added in for good measure of course!!
Can't wait to ride out the TWW together!

That's great we can all keep each other going through the 2ww always good to have people around the same time to give each other support, how much of the preseed did you guys use, I only used up to 2 on the syringe as I heard that the full 6 is too much and 2 is best, think it was enough for me tbh. I got almost positive yesterday and had been feeling horny since thursday, so dtd on thursday night, friday night and this morning when I got my full positive and will probably dtd tomorrow morning and monday night just for safe measure lol, well will really keep going until my temp goes up so have to keep checking. Fingers crossed for us all and lots and lots of babydust xxxx

Michelle I used 2g of preseed on the syringe because I also heard that anything more than 3 wasn't good. I feel like 2 was plenty and hopefully it worked! Have fun DTD :sex: and babydust to you.
Hi Michelle, mod and mommytobe (all Ms!!)
Looks like we're all o'ing around the same time and testing around the same time too! Exciting! I got a smile on a digi opk yesterday and it's gone today, which I assume means I'm o'ing literally anytime now! We BD'd yesterday and will do so again tonight and hopefully that should do the trick! With some PreSeed added in for good measure of course!!
Can't wait to ride out the TWW together!

That's great we can all keep each other going through the 2ww always good to have people around the same time to give each other support, how much of the preseed did you guys use, I only used up to 2 on the syringe as I heard that the full 6 is too much and 2 is best, think it was enough for me tbh. I got almost positive yesterday and had been feeling horny since thursday, so dtd on thursday night, friday night and this morning when I got my full positive and will probably dtd tomorrow morning and monday night just for safe measure lol, well will really keep going until my temp goes up so have to keep checking. Fingers crossed for us all and lots and lots of babydust xxxx

Michelle I used 2g of preseed on the syringe because I also heard that anything more than 3 wasn't good. I feel like 2 was plenty and hopefully it worked! Have fun DTD :sex: and babydust to you.

I still had negative OPKs today, but I only started seeing a faint line yesterday, so any day now. We still BD yesterday using 2g of PreSeed. I injected it about 15 minutes before we DTD and then laid there all night until about 3 am when I really HAD to pee! Sorry TMI! We will be BD everyday for the next 5 days, just to be sure (and using PreSeed, of course)! We usually only BD before you think we sould mix it up a bit? Does it matter? Especially since we'll be doing it everyday for a week?
I'm feeling kinda down. I was pretty convinced i was pregnant this month and af is due tues. today i feel like im starting to get af cramps :cry: i cracked and tested and got a BFN
Emily Kate how soon before after AF did you get your BFP??
Hi Michelle, mod and mommytobe (all Ms!!)
Looks like we're all o'ing around the same time and testing around the same time too! Exciting! I got a smile on a digi opk yesterday and it's gone today, which I assume means I'm o'ing literally anytime now! We BD'd yesterday and will do so again tonight and hopefully that should do the trick! With some PreSeed added in for good measure of course!!
Can't wait to ride out the TWW together!

That's great we can all keep each other going through the 2ww always good to have people around the same time to give each other support, how much of the preseed did you guys use, I only used up to 2 on the syringe as I heard that the full 6 is too much and 2 is best, think it was enough for me tbh. I got almost positive yesterday and had been feeling horny since thursday, so dtd on thursday night, friday night and this morning when I got my full positive and will probably dtd tomorrow morning and monday night just for safe measure lol, well will really keep going until my temp goes up so have to keep checking. Fingers crossed for us all and lots and lots of babydust xxxx

Michelle I used 2g of preseed on the syringe because I also heard that anything more than 3 wasn't good. I feel like 2 was plenty and hopefully it worked! Have fun DTD :sex: and babydust to you.

Lots of babydust to you to hunni, yeah 2g was definitely plenty, I'm thinking i'm going to ovulate maybe tonight tomorrow sometime, opk has been positive all day, sometimes I dont ovulate until 2 days past my positivie opk so will keep dtd until I see temp rise, keep me posted on how you getting on xxxx
Hi Michelle, mod and mommytobe (all Ms!!)
Looks like we're all o'ing around the same time and testing around the same time too! Exciting! I got a smile on a digi opk yesterday and it's gone today, which I assume means I'm o'ing literally anytime now! We BD'd yesterday and will do so again tonight and hopefully that should do the trick! With some PreSeed added in for good measure of course!!
Can't wait to ride out the TWW together!

That's great we can all keep each other going through the 2ww always good to have people around the same time to give each other support, how much of the preseed did you guys use, I only used up to 2 on the syringe as I heard that the full 6 is too much and 2 is best, think it was enough for me tbh. I got almost positive yesterday and had been feeling horny since thursday, so dtd on thursday night, friday night and this morning when I got my full positive and will probably dtd tomorrow morning and monday night just for safe measure lol, well will really keep going until my temp goes up so have to keep checking. Fingers crossed for us all and lots and lots of babydust xxxx

Michelle I used 2g of preseed on the syringe because I also heard that anything more than 3 wasn't good. I feel like 2 was plenty and hopefully it worked! Have fun DTD :sex: and babydust to you.

I still had negative OPKs today, but I only started seeing a faint line yesterday, so any day now. We still BD yesterday using 2g of PreSeed. I injected it about 15 minutes before we DTD and then laid there all night until about 3 am when I really HAD to pee! Sorry TMI! We will be BD everyday for the next 5 days, just to be sure (and using PreSeed, of course)! We usually only BD before you think we sould mix it up a bit? Does it matter? Especially since we'll be doing it everyday for a week?

I was convinced I was going to ovulate this month and was getting in a panick, I seemed to have lots of opk that were about half the colour or a little more for about a week and then boom major positive thank god, but normally i have just a little and a day of half coloured and then a positve right after so its been confusing me a bit the last week. I usually bd before bed during the week, but always am at weekends, think cause I'm generally hornier in the morning tmi hehehe and find it a bit more effort at night probably because I'm exhausted, it wont do any harm I think mixing it up, I have fell pregnant twice (resulted in miscarriage) which both happend on a weekend when i ovulated and bd in the morning, might just be coincidence though but you never know gl and lots of baby dust xxxx
This month I had 3 positive opk, I think I caught the surge on it's way up, it's peak, and the way down. I DTD throughout the whole time it was positive except on the 3rd day so have fun and keep us posted.
Hi Michelle, mod and mommytobe (all Ms!!)
Looks like we're all o'ing around the same time and testing around the same time too! Exciting! I got a smile on a digi opk yesterday and it's gone today, which I assume means I'm o'ing literally anytime now! We BD'd yesterday and will do so again tonight and hopefully that should do the trick! With some PreSeed added in for good measure of course!!
Can't wait to ride out the TWW together!

That's great we can all keep each other going through the 2ww always good to have people around the same time to give each other support, how much of the preseed did you guys use, I only used up to 2 on the syringe as I heard that the full 6 is too much and 2 is best, think it was enough for me tbh. I got almost positive yesterday and had been feeling horny since thursday, so dtd on thursday night, friday night and this morning when I got my full positive and will probably dtd tomorrow morning and monday night just for safe measure lol, well will really keep going until my temp goes up so have to keep checking. Fingers crossed for us all and lots and lots of babydust xxxx

Michelle I used 2g of preseed on the syringe because I also heard that anything more than 3 wasn't good. I feel like 2 was plenty and hopefully it worked! Have fun DTD :sex: and babydust to you.

I still had negative OPKs today, but I only started seeing a faint line yesterday, so any day now. We still BD yesterday using 2g of PreSeed. I injected it about 15 minutes before we DTD and then laid there all night until about 3 am when I really HAD to pee! Sorry TMI! We will be BD everyday for the next 5 days, just to be sure (and using PreSeed, of course)! We usually only BD before you think we sould mix it up a bit? Does it matter? Especially since we'll be doing it everyday for a week?

I was convinced I was going to ovulate this month and was getting in a panick, I seemed to have lots of opk that were about half the colour or a little more for about a week and then boom major positive thank god, but normally i have just a little and a day of half coloured and then a positve right after so its been confusing me a bit the last week. I usually bd before bed during the week, but always am at weekends, think cause I'm generally hornier in the morning tmi hehehe and find it a bit more effort at night probably because I'm exhausted, it wont do any harm I think mixing it up, I have fell pregnant twice (resulted in miscarriage) which both happend on a weekend when i ovulated and bd in the morning, might just be coincidence though but you never know gl and lots of baby dust xxxx

Well we didn't BD this morning because he got up at 4 am to go duck hunting. I may snag him tomorrow morning before he goes to work though. We'll see. Lots of :dust::dust::dust: to everyone on here, especially the girls ovuating in the next couple days!
hey girls...

FX to all the girls about to O

AFM, just an update...well i stopped taking opk b/c i was sick of them being negative for 2 weeks and today i had ewcm when i wiped...not sure if it was sperm/preseed or actual ewcm, but i also started having some ovary cramps...not sure what's going on. Was going to try and bd again, since it's been 2 days but OH and I got into an argument this am and it just wasn't going to happen.

I did order the clearblue fertility monitor for next cycle!!!
hey girls...

FX to all the girls about to O

AFM, just an update...well i stopped taking opk b/c i was sick of them being negative for 2 weeks and today i had ewcm when i wiped...not sure if it was sperm/preseed or actual ewcm, but i also started having some ovary cramps...not sure what's going on. Was going to try and bd again, since it's been 2 days but OH and I got into an argument this am and it just wasn't going to happen.

I did order the clearblue fertility monitor for next cycle!!!

ah i HATE getting into fights around fertile time! it happened last month on the second day i got a +opk and obviously didnt BD. i blame that for my lack of bfp that month. but i've told myself this month even if we get into a fight i'm going to try my HARDEST to get over it and move on. its hard though, i hold grudges preeeetty tightly.
on a more positive note, i'm excited to hear your experience with the fertility monitor. i really dont know much about it keep me updated on how it works for you!!

OH and i went to a party tonight for one of my friends bdays. hes LOADED so it was decked out, there was even a red carpet and someone took everyones picture on it. the theme was "back in time" i chose 80s because thats easiest to put together with what i have in my closet :haha: ANYWAY, we left early to come back for a nice BD sesh. i know i'm not due to O for like another day or 2 but i want it to happen NOW. so i can know quicker whether i'll be meeting AF once again or my dream bfp will be greeting me this month. i read somewhere theres a higher chance to get PG if you BD BEFORE ovulation. so i'm OBSESSED with BDing because i'm right before it, but i'm worried to do it too much because i want OHs :spermy: to be strong. *sigh*
Ohhhh sorry Haj - I meant after AF was due!! Yes she got a faintest line I think only 16dpo so 2 days after AF was late!!!!
Morning Y'all, how are we feeling? Anybody have a good fireworks night last night?

well i think i'm CD4 today and the :witch: is leaving the building. My clearblue digis turned up yesterday, so my drawer is all stocked for my fertile week, can't wait till saturday so i can start testing.
Hi girls ,hope ur all good.

Londongirl- thats so sweet at the bottom of ur post(ur sig).made my heart tingle with warmth,it's easy to forget- but we ARE all together in this after all.thanks:hugs:
one more thing- there's a lady on another thread called: it's not confirmed yet ...but(two week wait) who got her Bfp last week it was her first cycle with preseed,soy iso flavones & softcups.
So there's probably so many ladies getting their Bfp's with preseed etc,which we don't even know about!! x
hey girls...

FX to all the girls about to O

AFM, just an update...well i stopped taking opk b/c i was sick of them being negative for 2 weeks and today i had ewcm when i wiped...not sure if it was sperm/preseed or actual ewcm, but i also started having some ovary cramps...not sure what's going on. Was going to try and bd again, since it's been 2 days but OH and I got into an argument this am and it just wasn't going to happen.

I did order the clearblue fertility monitor for next cycle!!!

ah i HATE getting into fights around fertile time! it happened last month on the second day i got a +opk and obviously didnt BD. i blame that for my lack of bfp that month. but i've told myself this month even if we get into a fight i'm going to try my HARDEST to get over it and move on. its hard though, i hold grudges preeeetty tightly.
on a more positive note, i'm excited to hear your experience with the fertility monitor. i really dont know much about it keep me updated on how it works for you!!

OH and i went to a party tonight for one of my friends bdays. hes LOADED so it was decked out, there was even a red carpet and someone took everyones picture on it. the theme was "back in time" i chose 80s because thats easiest to put together with what i have in my closet :haha: ANYWAY, we left early to come back for a nice BD sesh. i know i'm not due to O for like another day or 2 but i want it to happen NOW. so i can know quicker whether i'll be meeting AF once again or my dream bfp will be greeting me this month. i read somewhere theres a higher chance to get PG if you BD BEFORE ovulation. so i'm OBSESSED with BDing because i'm right before it, but i'm worried to do it too much because i want OHs :spermy: to be strong. *sigh*

that party sounds fun!!!!!!! you're right - bd before ovulation is the best apparently. so nice work! glad you got a good session in ;) can't wait for you to join the tww too!
Morning Y'all, how are we feeling? Anybody have a good fireworks night last night?

well i think i'm CD4 today and the :witch: is leaving the building. My clearblue digis turned up yesterday, so my drawer is all stocked for my fertile week, can't wait till saturday so i can start testing.

wow that's good timing isn't it! clearblue digi is sooo good. it's so clear. there's no guesswork involved, which is great :)

AFM, hubby and i had good BD session Friday night and last night (got digi opk smile on friday evening). While about to fall asleep last night, I felt a flutter in my left ovary, and sure enough - this morning my temp went up .3 degrees and it's easily above my cover line. So i assume that means i o'd last night. not sure if i should BD today again? Hubby leaves for his work conference and he said he's happy to do it but i'm exhausted i think!!
Hi girls ,hope ur all good.

Londongirl- thats so sweet at the bottom of ur post(ur sig).made my heart tingle with warmth,it's easy to forget- but we ARE all together in this after all.thanks:hugs:
one more thing- there's a lady on another thread called: it's not confirmed yet ...but(two week wait) who got her Bfp last week it was her first cycle with preseed,soy iso flavones & softcups.
So there's probably so many ladies getting their Bfp's with preseed etc,which we don't even know about!! x

Oh wow thanks for letting me know! I know there are sooo much. We could easily get 50 by Xmas eve, but as it's going, it's not the actual number I'm aiming for, it's the specific PEOPLE i'm aiming for (as in, if all of us regulars get our BFP I'd be over the moon, and if that means we only get to 24 for example by xmas eve, obviously i don't care!!!)
Morning Y'all, how are we feeling? Anybody have a good fireworks night last night?

well i think i'm CD4 today and the :witch: is leaving the building. My clearblue digis turned up yesterday, so my drawer is all stocked for my fertile week, can't wait till saturday so i can start testing.

wow that's good timing isn't it! clearblue digi is sooo good. it's so clear. there's no guesswork involved, which is great :)

AFM, hubby and i had good BD session Friday night and last night (got digi opk smile on friday evening). While about to fall asleep last night, I felt a flutter in my left ovary, and sure enough - this morning my temp went up .3 degrees and it's easily above my cover line. So i assume that means i o'd last night. not sure if i should BD today again? Hubby leaves for his work conference and he said he's happy to do it but i'm exhausted i think!!

oooh crossing everything i possibly can at the moment that this is your cycle. I'd say if you're up to it get another BD session in today just for luck, but if you're tired don't force it, i think you've done plenty for your sticky bean this cycle. :thumbup:

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