PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

I have a quick question...

After ovulation is no CM normal .. I'm really dry as far as CM goes and I'm wondering if this is normal ... for pregnancy or not .. ? I'm just confused at this point.

I'm no expert with cm as I didn't really get much of the extra fertile ew stuff, but I know it turns creamy after ov and then becomes more sparce and drys up as u approach af xx

So there's hope :thumbup:!! I never get EWCM either!
Hi girls
This post comes with a wayyyy tmi warning!! :blush:

Soooo I did my digi test and it came up with a smile :flower:

I don't know if anyone else here relates to me, but when you're convinced your reproductive body is broken, it is sooooo exciting to get clear proof it is working :) :happydance:

On another positive note, I have o'd earlier than I remember ever this cycle and I put that down to healthy diet and gentle exercise and all the vitamins I'm taking :) :thumbup:

Anyway.... 10 mins after putting preseed in, DH and I had a woooonderful BD session with lotsa passion and I org****d at the same time as him. :blush::blush: And I'm sorry for the detail - but we're all adults!!! - I just felt that it worked..... He has held off for 2 days too... :haha::haha:

Anyway, I would love you girls who are spiritually inclined to pray that I can hold onto a BFP. I've had 2 already in 4 cycles. So gettig the BFP isnt the hard part, keeping it is :/ :nope:

Anyway, that's my graphic update! Lol hope You're all having lovely days/evenings :flower:
London: DH and I have had some amazing BD sessions this week too! I'll keep you in my prayers for a sticky BFP this month.
Oh Joeliza, you're only 2 days ahead of me! Yay! We can be testing friends!!
Oh Joeliza, you're only 2 days ahead of me! Yay! We can be testing friends!!

Yay! I have to be strong this cycle, tho. I refuse to test early. I hate seeing BFNs... I have one test left and am hoping one is all I'll need.
On a slightly off topic, I think I figured out why I've had all the pregnancy-like symptoms the last 3 months. I think it's the stupid prenatal vits I've been taking. Right this sec I have a pressure headache and mild nausea. I plan to stop taking them for a couple of days to test my theory.
great news london! you possibly made a baby AND you and DH enjoyed yourselves!
i'm hoping i'm right behind you! waiting for the results for my opk right now, should be any day.
you're in my prayers for a sticky bean!!
great news london! you possibly made a baby AND you and DH enjoyed yourselves!
i'm hoping i'm right behind you! waiting for the results for my opk right now, should be any day.
you're in my prayers for a sticky bean!!

Aww...I <3 your signature xx
I will be testing on 11/15 if the witch hasn't gotten to me by then. Cant wait.
I hope to be one of the 50. I will be testing 11/17 is AF doesn't show.
Yes that is soooo cute mummytobe11!!!!
This thread has such lovely girls though!

London - fab news about the smiley! And sounds like a perfect bd sesh!
Really hope this was the magical one!!!

Let the 2wk countdown begin!! Woooooo!!!

Will remember u in my prayers Hun xx
sorry i have been missing the last few days, i was in the kitchen all day baking for a function. ugh. I had a lot to catch up on in here so forgive me if i forget to respond to you personally. It has kept my mind busy though...baked all day and worked all night at the hospital...

Londongirl~ great news on the opk and bd session. fx for you that you keep that sticky bean this time.

Joycie ~ keep positive, it may take a little longer but at least there is a solution and now you can get working on it.

POPcorn...can't wait till you test tom. FX for you! and dont worry if it's not a BFP right away, as long as af doesn't show up, you are still in the game. Some people get their BFP's way late.

EmilyKate happy to hear that you are feeling great. Hope that continues for you in this pregnancy.
So i cried when you mentioned the family photo as a way to announce a BFP>>.sucha a sap. :haha:

AFM ~ still no i have resorted to the fact that i didn't ovulate this cycle. grrrrrr. :growlmad: I'm not taking any more opks this cycle as they are so friggen expensive and i have gone through 2 boxes already. I'm cd21 of a 28-30 day cycle so i doubt it would turn up + now. I am just gonna relax and i am going to purchase a CBFM to be sure of my fertile days and OV days. I believe it will save me money in the long run. LOL.

Ok, I've rambled long enough as i sit here with a big glass of wine and a bowl of mac and cheese! :wacko:
mammawannabe - have there been months you havnt O'd before? i hope you did and the opks just missed it. it might be far fetched, but it could happen! :shrug: fingers crossed you get a surprise bfp! :flower:
mammawannabe - have there been months you havnt O'd before? i hope you did and the opks just missed it. it might be far fetched, but it could happen! :shrug: fingers crossed you get a surprise bfp! :flower:

I'm not sure. I have only been using opks for 3 months and the prevoius 2 months i got a + on cd15. I can't chart BBT because i work night shift, so 4 nights a week i sleep during the day...

guess we will see. thanks
I know I haven't really been posting on here much, but tonight will be our first time using Preseed, and will for the next few days until I ovulate. Hopefully it works! fingers crossed that third months the charm!
Hi everyone, thanks for the well wishing. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I won't be testing today as I have had a massive temp drop, so sure that AF will show up today or tomorrow.

Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true and the IC was negative, so I was sort of prepared. The blow is as soft as it could be apart from that I'm babysitting all day, so can't exactly forget about it and can't mope about or cry either.

Onto month 8...Why won't my body do what it's supposed to? :growlmad: I wish we had started having babies earlier, but OH wasn't it ever going to happen? It would be easier if I wasn't turning 30, can't help but feel pressured. What if OH and I can't have a beautiful family like we've always thought? We wanted 3 or even 4 kids...yeah right, there's no way I will have the time. At this rate I'm losing hope that we will even manage one.

Can't wait for today to be over so that I can get under a blanket, drink wine, have a little cry and get ready for Monday, new day, new week, new cycle...I'm sure I will feel better by then.

Sorry about the moany post xxx
Morning ladies,

Popcorn - aww hun, i'm so sorry to see that little drop, i know how you feel i had that on wednesday it's like you're stomach drops with it. But chin up, there could be many reasons for this, as we said it aint over till the :witch: sings! And if she does turn up, well you've got a blanket and a glass of wine waiting for you, and several ears on here for you to moan into as much as you want.

londongirl - sosososo happy you had a lovely 'session' and just as happy to see that little smiley face (i think my grin matched it), i'll pray for your little sticky bean.
I know what you mean about thinking you're body is broken so you're glad when technology says otherwise. I felt the same the first time i saw a properly dark line on my OPKs after months of faint lines. FX'd for you honey. It's a bit like 'Animal Planet', you have a lovely couple of days procreating with DH, then he goes away for a bit leaving you in peace to 'nest' and create a calm and relaxed environment for the little eggy.

mod - FX'd for you, and hope you have as much fun as we all did.

AFM- Well i did eventually calm down from the 'gut punch' test results (still called the surgery for an earlier appointment though, got one for tuesday 7:30am, that's only a day earlier than my original appointment, but a sign of how desperate i was i snapped it up). Told DH when i got home he asked me what it means so i told him, after making him promise he wouldn't 'zone out' as i explained it. He put his logical head on and said, that's fine the doctors will able able to sort that out, might take a couple of months but we'll get there. That aggravates me so much!! i do love his logical side, but sometimes all i want is to be hugged and told "everything's going to be all right".
So i'm keeping up with the VitB's in the hope that it's just my corpus luteum thats being a bugger and these'll have some effect, but have also resigned myself to the fact that if it is a follicular problem then it's not going to be happening for us till after christmas, hopefully should be able to shed some more light on that on tuesday.

In the meantime, i've purchased Digi OPK's, a saliva microscope, and VIP FF (so i can now put my sharing page in my sig) and staretd taking grapefruit juice again, lets see what this cycle brings.

On another note, because i don't like running DH down too much. We went shopping yesterday, and while we're in the health and beauty aisle i'm checking out OPKs and Pregnancy tests to 'stock up', DH asks what i'm doing because he likes to be involved and helps me decide on what brand. When i pick up a Sainsbury's pregnancy test he says "oh no, don't get the cheap ones they don't work so good, you haven't had a proper result from them have you" I looked at him to see if he was serious, which he was, and said to him "erm . . hun, that's because i haven't been pregnant yet!" Bless him, he realised what he'd said and went a little red.
Joycie- I love your positivity you are one strong lady. Men eh? My OH is always trying to find logical solutions and he sucks at empathy, gotta love them though! It's really sweet that your DH is interested in what brand hpt's you get.
Hope your appointment goes well and you get an idea of how to move forward! Big hugs.

Thanks for the kind words. xx

Londongirl- woop woop- love it! :happydance::happydance:

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