I wouldn't be to impressed with her bringing her baby to class anyway. It's not day care. Cancel the class!
I'd be annoyed if it was my education that I was paying through the nose (add in an arm and a leg, both arms and legs if you're reading this post in the future) and the lecturer's mind wasn't fully on the job they were being PAID to do - and their mind wouldn't fully be on the job if they had their baby in the class with them.
That's leaving the breastfeeding politics out of it and just focusing on them having their baby in class. I home-tutor kids - one of my tutee's parents has said if I need to to bring the baby with me and she'll have an hour's cuddles while I tutor - I'd never take her up on even that level of offer - I don't think it's appropriate behaviour - when I'm being paid to do a job for the period of time I'm doing it... that's what I'm doing.
I expect a hysterical barrage of at least five posts in the next 10 minutes of how I'm an evil person and mummys' rights trump over all else and assumptions about my own parenting skills.
I don't think you're awful or evil, it's a valid point. But I think it brings up the important issue of finding help as a parent. This professor is a single parent, her job is the only source of income she has presumably. The way work is viewed in this country (US), is that sick days are for slackers... sorry to say it but that's how it is. I know far far far too many people who go to school or work when they are sick. I know far too many people who don't use up their sick days, even more disturbing, I know people who don't use their vacation-time. So it is not out of the ordinary for any person to choose work over other options.
I'm married, I stay at home with the baby while OH works and then I work in the evenings. We don't have anyone helping us, we can't really afford daycare, and we've never had anyone babysit for us except my parents who live on a different continent and only do so when they are visiting. So I can understand that feeling of "what do I do!!!!" at times of an emergency.
And this was an emergency. I'm sure the mother did not mean to take away from anyone's education, hence why she chose to brave class with a sick child. I certainly would not feel infringed upon on a one-off like this. There needs to be more of a sense of compassion or at least a sense of understanding for the choice this mother made.