Ahhh, su/bu, gotcha! I couldn't figure out the acronym for the life of me
. Ugh, don't you just hate that pregnancy symptoms and AF is coming symptoms are identical! Seriously, Mother Nature has a twisted sense of humor
. Yes, I'm testing tomorrow and not looking forward to it; the BFN's are brutal
. I need to know about a BFP ASAP so I can get a 'scrip for Prometrium. Even if I did happen to fall this cycle I won't likely get a BFP then. The one time I tested early, at 10DPO, was with our DS2 and it was BFN. AT 13DPO BFP. I just hate BFN's
With our two boys, I just knew I was pg, knew it. Over the last year+ I've lost connection with my body and can't read myself at all. The way I'm feeling right now (just, off, ya know?) I would love to believe I'm pg again but refuse to fall into that and instead I'm choosing to remind myself that it's probably the progesterone
So your last pill was Thursday night and your temps are still up? Are you still getting headaches? AF should arrive within a couple of days after stopping the progesterone, give or take. But the fact that your temps are still up is definitely reason to hope!
I think I've practically written a novel here myself
. But you're so right on it feeling good to talk with someone in a similar situation
. And we're cycle buddies, woohoo!
So you guys are going for #3? So are we
. I don't tend to see much of TTC/NTNP #3 on SI boards. We conceived in September of 2012, I lost the pregnancy in November, first m/c. Our boys and that pg were conceived on the first "try" but after the m/c I didn't fall again for five or six months. I believe it has been a hormonal issue. I am positive I felt implantation failing every...single...month
. So then, finally got pg again, turned around and lost that pregnancy too. Really did my head in and I had to step back for a minute. I'm so sorry about your losses; it's one of the most difficult things that we women can go through
. Hmph, "difficult" isn't even a strong enough word...
DS2 reeeeally wants his oatmeal
. BBL!