Psychic Predictions - Lets see whose more accurate!

I am intrigued now :lol: how do I go about finding/getting a reading from mesina? I'd only ever heard of Gail and so that's why she's the only one I've been too x
I am intrigued now :lol: how do I go about finding/getting a reading from mesina? I'd only ever heard of Gail and so that's why she's the only one I've been too x

Hi hun heres her email address

OMG Mesina is amazing!!! I am totally blown away with the reading. She is by far the best psychic i have had a reading from :happydance:
I have a dodgy tummy that came on about 10 mins before she rang and she picked that up, kind of embarrasing :haha:
She says i will be pregnant within the next couple of months, and i will get a propsal June/July and that i will be pregnant then! She said even May :happydance:
She gave me a little sad news about my Father in-law :( and she even said what was wrong with him and him in and out of hospital!
She also said i have quite alot of spirits in my house, looks like i wont be sleeping tonight :nope: blooming hell i cant wait till my OH gets home weekend :wacko::haha:

:hugs: she sounds so amazing, the more I hear about her, the more excited I get :blush:

Sorry about the news about your father in law :hugs:
She is amazing i nearly cried :blush::haha: You will love her reading! Are you having a TTC related question reading?

Yeah, I couldn't actually think of anything to ask other than "when will I conceive?", not very original I know :blush:
Paula, according to predictions Mesina predicted wrong for you (Jan)......?
Yes she did! And she explained that this baby should have been concieved by now, he/she is waaaaay overdue! Its hard to pinpoint a month as my cycles are really long! I think thats why her and Gail have both said within a few months! Im a special case :dohh::haha:

I wonder if that's why they get me wrong too? I want another reading now too :haha:

your reading sounds great :happydance: was it the 45 minute one? :)
Well girls!!

Tested today, BFN!!!!!!!!

So much for implantation bleeding and everything else. Messina didn't get back to me and Mary said If I still wasn't pregnant she would do a spell for me after my next periol. AHH WELL!!!! back to the drawing board, just shows you don't believe everything you're told, Unfortunately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to hear that fairytoes :hugs:

it's the 5th working day now since I ordered my reading, so I'm really hoping that it arrives later on today or tomorrow morning / afternoon as I'm way too excited to be able to concentrate properly one anything else :rofl:
:cloud9: I received my reading from Mesina just now, another one who says april conception with a little boy ... I'll post my reading in the Mesina reading thread, I absolutely love it :happydance:
She's a bit pricey is Mesina :haha: I'll just stick with my one reading from Gail for now. She's got 5 days to get it right, if not, there will be trouble!!
Well as some of you will know I was predicted a dec bfp by 4/5 mediums which I got an that was right but they all also said this pregnancy would be fine which it wasn't x my faith took a turn for the worst an I needed answers so I got another reading from mesina x it's great an helped me to decide I want to try ONCE more x now just need to get hubby on board going to talk to him tonight x wish me luck x here's my reading if anyone interested x if you go down to my questions it explains how they can be so wrong yet right xxxx

I have done your reading today, thank you so much for your patience.*


This reading is laid out into two parts; the first is the general reading, which is just an overview of what is happening around you now and into the near future. *The second area is dedicated to your questions, where I go into further details on each to give as much detail as possible. If there is anything that doesn’t make sense, please feel free to send me an email for clarification.


Please allow several days for me to respond to follow-up’s however, as readings are my top priority. Thank you for understanding.


Enjoy your reading!


Your Reading


Present: *The present shows the devestation that you have been through regarding pregnancy and the heartbreak that you have endured. This is not the first miscarriage, I am aware of that. I do not keep copies of the readings for long – however I can sense this has happened a few times before as I get the sense of deep betrayal and upset. This child does intend to come into your life, this I feel so strongly – the attempt to keep coming and enter into your life is such a strong energy, it is like the same soul over and over, repeating itself and trying to come through. The determination is strong, yet I am aware that you can only endure so much loss.


Please let me say, I am so sorry for your loss and pain with this. As a woman I can understand and sympathize with you. This must be very difficult and I respect how strong you are to continue to try and bring this life into your own.


Past: *The past shows the happiness and elated feelings surrounding the pregnancy that you lost. Naturally, between myself and others the guidance was that you would carry to term and thus you got your hopes higher wanting this to be healthy and progress to a full term pregnancy. I can understand how the prospect was for you and feel that absolute joy in your heart – your deepest desires unfolding. I do not want my words to hurt, but rather respect your position only. This happiness is not lost in your life, it will return – I do believe that. However, stay grounded on your path, as Spirit can at times give us the messages but not always fill in the gaps that may take place. I will explain further in your questions.


Near Future: *Here I see some stress and decisions that will need to be made. The indication I am being given is that you are torn between allowing this to happen all over again, or just shutting it off and down to prevent the heartbreak. You still have so much strength in you to do this, however I understand the let down you are facing and the energy to just turn away will cross your mind. I feel that there is more structure, I am seeing more medical terms here and wonder if you are discussing things on a medical side to help you make your choice. I feel you trying to grab hold of ideals and understand more – as though you are reaching out for explanations and trying to expand your horizons and options. Your weeks ahead are not easy ones, but rather you are facing your fears and deciding upon your feelings on everything.


Relationships: *There is a slight distance and disconnection in love – I feel that this has taken a huge emotional toll upon you both in many ways and I feel that you are a little more distant with your partner just now as you work through feelings and acceptance. My feelings are that you will both begin to come back to a new fresh start, with your energy as a couple being higher and more connected again by March time. I feel that you are trying to stay positive with each other, but at times I just feel you very low and not feeling interested in other things, which makes it hard on the relationship at times. This is not your fault, this is your mourning process and I feel that you are trying to keep a balance but that you have internalized your experiences in some respects and its been harder to reach out to each other.


Things will get easier and better in love – your relationship has a good strength and your partner will try to be there for you however he can. He may not always know the best way to do it –but he certainly tries I feel!


Hopes/Fears: *Your hope is for a completion in your family – that you can bring another baby into your lives and feel “done”. You have asked me if your family is complete and I sense that you already know that it isn’t, which is what has driven you to add to it. This urge and drive will not easily go, so despite how hard it is for you, I cannot see you giving up at this stage – you seem to still want to go forward and try again.


The Outcome: *Changes are coming up ahead and I feel that you are being led toward another pregnancy. There is something that will change the energy in pregnancy, something that I feel has been “hidden” that will help you bring this child forward into your lives. I do not understand what this hidden element is, I only feel that there is a shift and change which will help you make this possible. Just stay open to the future and see what it brings you – something is there to aid you as I feel that this child is still in your future and part of your destiny.


Your Questions



How could/why would my spirits be so wrong?


It is so hard to know exactly why this is – but I will tell you what I think, as a psychic and how I feel this has happened. All of the psychics you saw before December, could clearly see the pregnancy that was up ahead for you – and you did as you said fall pregnant which we could see. Then the images and reassurance that this child would be in your life, healthy and in your arms – the end result. Because I feel this is the same soul trying to enter and not different ones, my feelings are that it is the same child you have fallen pregnant with in the past coming into your life – so thus the energy is the same vibration and to see the child in your arms and feel it will come into your life, gives a positive confirmation that the child will be born to you healthy and here. We work on energy, some of us also images and mediums connect with your guides and get that confirmation – this child will be in your life and the pregnancy in December. Both true, but equally we have missed out on the part where the pregnancy in December was lost – because our guides want that reassurance to know that we will get there, but leave out the loss as it is not the best start if you know the pregnancy will end in the first place when you find out. Sometimes we are not allowed to be fully prepared, at times our guides want us to go through the motions of the events naturally and not prepare us for the losses or upsets – but just focus on the energy that it will manifest in the future – that we must stay on the path and keep trying.


The guidance is not there to fool you – or lead you into a false sense of security, as I am sure you must be feeling. But I see this as your guides way of saying “keep on the path – keep trying – it will come” and equally wanting to give that pregnancy the best chance by you being positive and not over stressing that you would lose the baby. I know its all a bit complicated – strange even – but while I do bring bad news to people and their guides will share that information if preparation is needed – this is not the sort of preparation they may have felt you should have – or it might have been a self fulfilling prophecy. What if one of us had said you would lose the baby? You may have resented the pregnancy and been more negative about trying again. It could have altered your future choice and they would not want that. The main message is that this child is coming – but the timing and the connection from the psychics saw the pregnancy plus the child in your life – assuming that the two connected.


For us it is like a game of charades – seeing the images and putting pieces together. Sometimes we are meant to give that message, so that the path doesn’t change, but the result is always the outcome – at some stage or another. It doesn’t happen often – most of the time spirit do not play games, but there are times when it is important to stick to the positive message to keep you moving forward and staying determined.


Is my family complete?


No, I still feel a child up ahead in your future – even now the cards indicate this. I feel another pregnancy this year and I feel around April/May for the conception.*


Can you tell me something to regain my faith?


I do not know what I could share that will restore your faith – to be honest I do not believe this is possible until that child is in your arms. I do feel from spirit though, that this is a very destined child, which is why they keep pushing for the pregnancy to come. I also feel that the energy that surrounds the losses is heightening the love and devotion to this child, making much more of a bond and enabling you to love so much more deeply.


This has also been a test in your relationship – one that has not been easy to go through. However, you will be a stronger couple because of what you have been through together and you should trust in the foundations you have built together and never allow this to tear you two apart. I do not feel that will happen, but I do want to say it anyway.


You do have a female guide who is saying that she has been there with you – she shows an image of holding your hand, which just gives me the sense of her helping you through each step. I feel she was there through your loss and I also feel she is a strong guiding force for you. She is saying now that she will show you “the Robin” – she also claims she will show you a sign of love (she literally shows me a heart) when you ask her what you should do about the baby. I believe you are going to see this in a very in your face way – she just says ask and see. I also believe your child has angelic energies, and you will begin to see angels when your baby is coming again – but I get the impression that it is to ensure that the pregnancy stays healthy and that you carry to term. Get an angel for your child when you fall pregnant – I believe that this may help protect you both. I hope I am not pushing a belief here (I am Spiritual, not connected to one religion, I want to say this – but I am open to all) – but I really feel an Angel for this child is important.


K, do not lose your faith. Not so much in Psychic readings – but in your heart. Your guides have not forsaken you, they are merely trying to keep you on the path. These are your choices, but you have a very powerful child to come – a child that needs a lot of guidance but who will also teach others many things.


Good luck, I wish you well and hope that you find peace with your loss and path behind – and beauty in the one ahead of you.





For more information about me and a full list of the readings I offer, please see my website:
Psychic Whispers
Psychic Readings by Mesina
Contact: [email protected]
Psychic Whispers on Facebook
:hugs: I can't begin to imagine what you are going through, your reading is great.

Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Hi Ladies!

I too am trying to see what is coming up for me, I just had a reading with Gail Cuffe, here is what she had to say:

Linking in around you, I sense pregnancy is very much in your thoughts, and sense a little worry around you concerning this, but spirit who come in around you are showing a pregnancy ahead and they just want you to relax a little around this

I do feel some medical issues need to be addressed around your monthly cycles and I feel you will discuss this soon with doctors, and something will be given to aid conception or control your cycles more

Im also picking up a content path with you, a few areas I feel youd like to improve and a lady in spirit with an M initial is showing some lovely changes around finance, home, and also of course pregnancy related areas

I am seeing a June conception and testing, a healthy pregnancy and a baby girl born within 2013 and all is well with your pregnancy itself, labour and birth, and such alot of happiness is around this

So spirit just want you to not feel under too much pressure and reassure you pregnancy is on the way

I then see a further conception, a baby boy born 2015 and and a healthy pregnancy labour and birth

So to clarify I see 2 children ahead for you and wish you all the best for the future

Gail x

Lets see if she is right! What do you think? Did she ever say something true about you?

Thanks! Looove this forum, I think I am becoming addicted :)!

:dust: to all of you!
wtg4mymiracle, does Gail's reading make sense to you regarding initial M? You can see on the 1st page of this thread the predictions and results of others who have used Gail and the other psychics. Gail told me March BFP for me so I will keep you updated.

BTW: Gail's reading to me started off the same as yours (Linking in around you, I sense pregnancy is very much in your thoughts, and sense a little worry around you concerning this, but spirit who come in around you are showing a pregnancy ahead and they just want you to relax a little around this)
I think I'll have to look back at my gail reading I'm sure that's how mine started too
wtg4mymiracle, does Gail's reading make sense to you regarding initial M? You can see on the 1st page of this thread the predictions and results of others who have used Gail and the other psychics. Gail told me March BFP for me so I will keep you updated.

BTW: Gail's reading to me started off the same as yours (Linking in around you, I sense pregnancy is very much in your thoughts, and sense a little worry around you concerning this, but spirit who come in around you are showing a pregnancy ahead and they just want you to relax a little around this)

Mine starts off exactly the same too :lol:

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