Psychic Predictions - Lets see whose more accurate!

Not sure how i feel to be honest,i build my hopes up every month so trying hard not to this never know,what will be will be i guess.
I do temp some mornings when i remember,but i used to religiously so over the next couple of days I'll check my temp,I'll be able to tell by what they say over the next day or two
Gail said I would be concieve by May... But I am on day 120 something of this cycle and am currently getting a ton of blood work done to see if something is wrong with me, so I highly doubt that I will be getting a bfp by the time Gail predicted. She did however say that I would have a baby in 2013, and her spirits weren't clear on when I would concieve, but she felt it would be by May. My other prediction is November, and tomorrow I should be getting my reading back from Mesina.
Wish someone would get a reading right an give us all some hope x

Well af got me 5 days early so I now have 2 chances an a may bfp x mesina predicted April/may x oh I should add for those who dont already know last yr she predicted a dec bfp which did happen although it ended in miscarriage x

:dust: all round xxx
I'll post but it's really long :) I didn't really ask for a specific month, she said by autumn :) I'm happy with that, i have patience as long as i know it will happen :)

[ Hello Natalie,

I have done your reading today, thank you so much for your patience. Let me first say that I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis of PCOS. You are most welcomed to write any essay you like to me with your questions! It does make a lot of sense why things have seemed so delayed in your conception, but I shall try to cover this for you in the reading.

This reading is laid out into two parts; the first is the general reading, which is just an overview of what is happening around you now and into the near future. The second area is dedicated to your questions, where I go into further details on each to give as much detail as possible. If there is anything that doesn’t make sense, please feel free to send me an email for clarification.

Please allow several days for me to respond to follow-up’s however, as readings are my top priority. Thank you for understanding.

Enjoy your reading!

Your Reading

Present: The present shows a deep commitment to having a child, yet not all the support that you need yet to bring a pregnancy into your life. I do sense that your condition will slow things down and yet I do not see this as an impossible journey. There is a child in Spirit who is trying hard to get here to you, so I know this is a path that this child wants and is destined to take with you. However the reading shows a need for more support, as though there is help to come in ensuring that this pregnancy happens for you –something that the other readings did not cover in real detail before. However, the phone reading uncovering a possible blockage here (I get a much deeper sense via phone, the vibrations are stronger) was perhaps the first indication that there may be more help for you needed. Whatever the case may be, the reading shows very strongly that your commitment and this child’s commitment to coming will ensure that this baby makes its way into your lives.

Past: The past shows a reveal of truth and here is where I feel you have uncovered the diagnosis of your condition to bring further light into your situation. I sense relief and worry at all once –to know that there is something happening within your body creates both emotions and gives you a starting point from which to operate from in this journey to a child. Yet I can clearly sense that it also creates the deep worry that your journey is longer than you had hoped or wanted –that you may be faced with more obstacles than you expected. But Spirit do not give me the impression that everything is lost, or that things are impossible –I feel here a sense of peace and believe that this is still very much for you up ahead and not to feel as though it is an unobtainable joy for you to experience. Yet knowing the truth and getting some answers is the beginning of a new light from which you can now work.

Near Future: Here I feel a slight detachment to family and yet a sense of your relationship more than I do a child just yet. You and your partner will go through a coming together –you will find a renewed strength between you developing through all of your trials in this pathway and it will bring a new balance into your lives as a couple that will be very healing for you both. My feelings here are good –while there is a feeling that you are facing a lot of realities about your family in the future, it brings a new sense of togetherness that you both really could use in your relationship and gives you the determination as a couple to look into how you can manifest your desires. Communication will be better and your bond will get stronger –as my feelings are that you especially will be getting a sense of hope restored that this is not going to be completely blocked for you falling pregnant. It’s almost as though you are coming “back” to being yourself and feeling a lot more positive about your life ahead of you.

Relationships: Here I see decisions being made, choices discussed and actions that will follow. You will be showing a lot of strength here and I believe that you are the driving force behind these choices in your relationship. It is as though you are becoming a woman on a mission, feeling out the possibilities and exploring ways that may help improve your chances of a child coming into your life. I feel like you are doing research and seeing what sort of alternatives there are out there for you –yet I am not at all suggesting that you have to have help to fall pregnant, I just see you looking around and feeling others experiences giving you some hope and equally ideas in how to help yourself. I am told you must push that you will need to be the dictator in getting any help that you may need. Not in your relationship, but for the relationship –for the pregnancy. While I do not believe you will have to have a lot of help to find your child coming into your life, I can see that you being proactive will help you a lot in seeing how you can help bring this on.

Your relationship will be a much stronger force for you this year –everything you two are experiencing together is giving you a sense of love and devotion to one another. It is a truly beautiful feeling for you both.

Hopes/Fears: Here I can see you worried about a child never coming into your life –your fears that you may never see this joy for your family are very real. However, while I know you have not lost hope completely, you have had a lot of up and down moments emotionally that have been hard for you to endure. You are a very strong woman and my feelings here are that you will be drawing on that strength to push you through all of this and find your path. While for some the journey is not the easiest one, it is not the trials that we face as much as how we chose to deal with them.

Stay strong –I honestly believe this child is still destined for you regardless.

The Outcome: You will come to a point of solutions and feel as though you are unblocking what seems to be blocking you. While I know you cannot fully heal, cure or even make it all go away –you are seemingly finding more answers and help to make this all a bit easier for you. Yet there is some upset ahead, I have to say the wait is a bit more to come, but the outcome of it all will be worth it. Here I feel you coming to a point where there is hope, yet a sense of failure. I am honest here, yet I do not want you to see this as a negative, as spirit say “it is the calm before the storm” –as though just when you are feeling that perhaps there is too much reality, you seem to find that something emerges to bring you the peace that you need. As I initially said –this is a point of solutions. It is a time when things are getting unblocked and I feel it is summer time when you reach this point.

Your Questions

this is my fourth reading from you :) I love your readings but mine have all been about conception and they have all been wrong so far :( so my first question is why are so many people's conception predictions from you right but mine are wrong? does that mean something bad? :( first time you said december, second time january and third time february/march...what makes it change for me? :( does it mean I will never have children?

It does not at all mean that you will never have children. When I have been faced with women who have had trouble conceiving –when the blockage is one that is slowing things down this seems to happen. My belief is that what I can see is a child who is trying hard to come into your life –Spirit show me the openings in the path where that soul is likely to make his or her appearance. Yet your body is faced with blockages that are making it difficult to secure. While I do believe in destiny of course, I also feel that there are some things which are destined to happen but that the timing of it occurring is not quite as important as the event itself. What I keep seeing is a child who wants to come –who is trying to come –but the messages may have been designed to push you to find the help that you needed to discover the problem and that the timing can sometimes be off. Timing is a tricky thing to get right in readings, especially when spirit are needing to relay the messages that this is coming, that it will happen. Sometimes they push hard and try to show me what is coming and sometimes either I get that timing off –or they are intentionally pushing so that you do not lose faith in your journey. For instance, had the predictions been that you were not to have any children ever –you may have slumped and given up your hope. Not that you would live on a reading’s word completely, but if you were in that place within yourself that you felt this was the case, I could have been reaffirming that to you and making it more of a reality. But what I will never do, is say something just for the sake of bringing hope if I really do not see it. I honestly see a child for you, I truly feel that child will come –it is just the timing because of what your body is going through that makes it tricky. I hope that helps explain it a bit!

When I have honestly sat with someone who is destined to not have children, I will always say I see none. The energy they omit is very void and there are no children in spirit who step forward and indicate that they are to come. I have met many people in this situation –for some it is a choice of their own, for others it is a hard reality that they must face. But I will always say –and for you I do not feel this way, you clearly have a child who is trying hard to get here, your journey is to do everything you feel you are able and willing to make that possible too. And I believe you will do just that.

the last reading I had from you was in december over the phone and you said that the spirits kept showing you my insides and you asked if I had had an operation or if I was going to have one and you said you could see some sort of block there. I didn't know what you were talking about so you said it might be a spiritual block but in February I was diagnosed with PCOS so I understand now that that's probably what you were seeing? my next question is, is there anything else that I should be worried about healthwise?is the polycystic ovaries syndrome going to delay things majorly for me?

I do not believe that this will delay things majorly for you –as I can still see that child trying hard to come now. I have often seen others who are destined to wait very long periods of time and spirit will indicate that if that is part of their lesson or path. I still feel you will be pregnant this year, as I continue to see a pregnancy in 2012 for you –as though this baby wants to be here during that time. It seems important. I do feel however that back in December in our phone call that the blockage I must have been tuning into was literally your condition –so this makes perfect sense and I should have picked up the struggle you would have. Yet because I don’t feel the struggle that you are currently facing, it feels to me as though this baby will come naturally –without IVF or any interference, which is a good thing. However I do feel that you may need medication, as I am being shown pills, but since I am not a doctor I cannot advise there. I just feel that this may be offered to you and I am also being shown food, as though you may be able to alter your diet to help things along?Perhaps look into this too as it may be helpful.

There is a wait, but not years from now. I still feel this year will bring your child and because of the emotions and delays you have experienced, I know you will bond much more deeply with that baby than had you not gone through this first. I know that you will be much closer to your child and appreciate that soul so much more.

I just want to know what's ahead for me with regards to children and family

I feel that you will have a child ahead - in fact I feel you will have two children. I sense both male and female energies around you waiting to come and despite the trials you have to bring the first one into the world, I do not sense their age difference more than 3-4 years apart. I do believe however, that there is a time when you begin to not trust your instincts any longer with regards to pregnancy and you begin to lose just a little hope before you begin to run toward finding solutions to help you along this path to ensure you have a family.

You have a lot of love and happiness ahead of you and I believe that you will start to see this year that things are indeed progressing toward a pregnancy. I do feel a positive shift in June toward something with regards to Motherhood –so something in that month will be bringing you some hope and movement toward pregnancy. I am not reluctant to give you a month of conception, yet I feel that the emphasis this time should be more upon you healing your body and letting things flow naturally. To be honest, I feel that by the Autumn you should have fallen pregnant, which tells me that the summer months should prove fruitful in your venture to having this child. Between now and June I believe you are exploring options and alternatives, that you are starting to get a clear picture as to what is up ahead for you and what you can do to help this along the way. There are things to be looked at and perhaps as I said some medication that may be offered to you should you choose to push for some medical aid and equally something about diet which strangely I feel might help things. I believe you will not have to go down the road of IVF, not from what I can see here in the reading –so I am hopeful this is not your path.

There are three stones that I would recommend for you if you were willing to try: orange carnelian, Red Coral and Moonstone. Moonstone in particular would be good for you as it helps with both fertility as well as ovaries and the womb area. You could buy an inexpensive bracelet to wear with Moonstone, or simply obtain a piece on its own and carry it with you. If you place it on your stomach area before bed or at a time when you are alone and feel less silly (I know these things seem strange sometimes!) and just relax for 5-10 minutes a day it may aid the healing process within your body. I know not everyone believes in crystal healing or the power of stones, but I truly feel that the properties are very healing and its worth a shot! None of those should be particularly expensive –except perhaps the red coral which may be a little more.

Stay strong, I truly believe this is your path and feel that you will find your way forward to bring this baby along. I realise it must be quite hard when you feel so let down, but never let go of the hope.

Good luck to you both!

Blessings, Mesina
Wow what a lovely reading,she certainly spent some time on that one
I love it :) it's exactly what I needed and shes right - I'm not getting support from doctors right now, I'm just getting passed about between them and nothing is actually being done to help me! and I am always researching and reading about things I can do to help myself, I have been really worried about whether I will need IVF and yesterday I spent ages reading about it and finding out costs and what we could do to afford it so I think that's why she picked that up and mentioned it a couple of times. also, I have totally changed my diet for 6 weeks now and I just signed up for a nutrition course to learn more so I think that's why the spirits are showing her food and diet :)
and she is right about my relationship too, we have been getting closer and closer, especially in the last few weeks so I'm glad she says that'll get even better because it's what gets me through this :cloud9:
and she is right about my relationship too, we have been getting closer and closer, especially in the last few weeks so I'm glad she says that'll get even better because it's what gets me through this :cloud9:

Lovely reading and she is pretty honest in saying that she has been faced with someone who won't have children and have told them the truth. That is hard to tell someone that if you have a gift. It hard to be the one hearing that too. :flower::flower:
hi everybody. thought id just update and tell you all i got my bfp today...wasnt predicted by anyone, but i still got it... just hoping and praying for a stickey now xx :dust: to all you ladies xx
Omg i am so happy for you!I'm in shock lol,when did you test?

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