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Psychic Predictions - Lets see whose more accurate!

I just searched for psychics and found this thread...hi smep girls....Jaime this is all your fault you know that I am now researching to find out which psychic has the most accurate readings.

So girls sorry to barge in but from your experience on this thread who has been most accurate?x

Gail was wrong for me and others, see front page - Paula hasn't updated in a bit but mine (voopine) was wrong.
I actually really liked suzannes reading. She was very detailed!
Gail - April Conception (Girl)

Cheri22 - January either conceive/birth/find out (boy) *if I get pg in April I will be due in Jan!

Panrosa - April 2012 conception and born in Jauary (girl)

JennyRenny - APril conception birth towards end of January (boy)

Suzanne - April conception OR find out (girl)

Mesina - July conception born in April 2013 (boy)

Ruby... waiting

Brenda... waiting

Cheri22 - CORRECT

View attachment 383321

Congratulations :)
I think you forgot to say hope4bump was right too ;-) x
Gail - April Conception (Girl)

Cheri22 - January either conceive/birth/find out (boy) *if I get pg in April I will be due in Jan!

Panrosa - April 2012 conception and born in Jauary (girl)

JennyRenny - APril conception birth towards end of January (boy)

Suzanne - April conception OR find out (girl)

Mesina - July conception born in April 2013 (boy)

Ruby... waiting

Brenda... waiting

Cheri22 - CORRECT

View attachment 383321

Congratulations :)
I think you forgot to say hope4bump was right too ;-) x

Lol and i didnt have to pay you!
Gail - April Conception (Girl)

Cheri22 - January either conceive/birth/find out (boy) *if I get pg in April I will be due in Jan!

Panrosa - April 2012 conception and born in Jauary (girl)

JennyRenny - APril conception birth towards end of January (boy)

Suzanne - April conception OR find out (girl)

Mesina - July conception born in April 2013 (boy)

Ruby... waiting

Brenda... waiting

Cheri22 - CORRECT

View attachment 383321

Congratulations :)
I think you forgot to say hope4bump was right too ;-) x

Lol and i didnt have to pay you!

Mark my word. I will not order any more readings....outside of the Suzzane reading I just ordered! LOL
I just searched for psychics and found this thread...hi smep girls....Jaime this is all your fault you know that I am now researching to find out which psychic has the most accurate readings.

So girls sorry to barge in but from your experience on this thread who has been most accurate?x

Gail was wrong for me and others, see front page - Paula hasn't updated in a bit but mine (voopine) was wrong.

Ah crap now I understand the first page! She has been wrong loads! ugh well £5 down the drain!:shrug:
I just searched for psychics and found this thread...hi smep girls....Jaime this is all your fault you know that I am now researching to find out which psychic has the most accurate readings.

So girls sorry to barge in but from your experience on this thread who has been most accurate?x

Gail was wrong for me and others, see front page - Paula hasn't updated in a bit but mine (voopine) was wrong.

Ah crap now I understand the first page! She has been wrong loads! ugh well £5 down the drain!:shrug:

She has to be right! She told me May :)
**Front page updated** Eeeek it looks like we are getting ourselves a few :bfp::dance:

**Front page updated** Eeeek it looks like we are getting ourselves a few :bfp::dance:

Hi Paula, my weren't updated correctly...Mandy, Devan, Kerry and Gail were wrong for me, waiting on the others, thanks
Chocdelight: are they available to get online?

Yes hun. I got the reading through email and you pay for them online. I am ready to share it now after reading through it I dont know how many times.

This was it:

From: Sams Angel Readings
Sent: 22 April 2012 19:03:31

Hi Sarah

Thank you once again for contacting me earlier, I am glad that I could provide you with some reassurance. Due to the nature of your concerns, and to put your mind at ease, I have been a bit naughty and gone ahead with your reading as a matter of priority.

Sarah, I get a sense of a complicated person around you. I feel that this could be your significant other, I feel it is your husband. It feels that at the moments thoughts and plans are clashing with one and other, it may cause some resentment. It is really important Sarah that you try to get to the root of all this and talk openly with him.

There has been a loss connected with you too hasn't there? I am sorry to say that Sarah, but I feel it very heavily, it feels to me that there has been a miscarriage. I am sorry for your loss. I also feel that this connects strongly with the problems around you and your husband at the moment, you are hurting from this, but I feel that you tend to try to not talk about it, if you don't talk about it, its not real is how I feel you try to deal with it, your husband however I feel is hurting badly too, because he can see in his heart and eyes the pain it causes you that you try to hide from everybody, including him.

Please know Sarah that the pain, worries and inhibitions can be overcome, it takes time, but the first steps are to talk to one and other, do not be afraid to cry, to grieve, shout scream, whatever it is that you both need to do. It will become easier in time.

There is also a sense of needing to accept all that glitters is not gold, there is help, advice and support from friends, again I feel this ties with you and your husbands loss. Please try to stop shutting everybody out, they mean well.

Times of success play strongly upon your mind, its important and drives you. I feel that you want to start again, but that the timing does not feel right for all involved. Try to understand others positions and feelings on this too. By taking that time to listen to them a decision that you desire will come.

Your relationship is strong, dedicated and close. There is extra responsibility ahead that will arise from this union. Fears can hold you back, try not to allow these to interfere with the direction you need to go.

There is a need to heal mentally, and working together takes you forward after a period of rest, completeness is ahead with a feeling of abundance connecting with family and friends.

The Angels are also showing me a unit of three at the moment, I feel that this reflects you, your husband and child. I am also shown that your angel baby is very much loved and protected by the Angels. They are watching over your little one for you, and wanted me to tell you this.

In terms of expanding your family Sarah, again I must stress the Angels show how important it is to talk with your husband, there is still a need to deal with the grieving process first, I feel this is what holds you both back from the pursuit of trying for another child. When you have talked and cried together another child will be born to you.

Blessings to you

The reason it got me is that I have had a miscarriage which I dont talk about. I am trying to persuade hubby for another but he is resistant at the moment. The reading really made a lot of sense to me. I was really expecting some half witted response so was shocked when I got this.

Just got a reading from Sam's angel reading, she too like all the others says she sees a strong link to a little boy being born in 2013. She said she doesn't like to predict months and days, but was shown the angels bringing me a son in 2013. She also said that medicine will be involved, which my doctor is talking about putting me on medicine as soon as my blood results come in. I can't believe I keep getting more readings, but Sam said a lot of things about me that are right on the nose. She also said that she saw my son as a young boy of about 5, he will have a slim build and dark hair and be on the shy side. Here is her reading for me.

Thank you for contacting me for a reading.

To begin with I have concentrated on several different areas for you which include;

Tone, Challenges, Sub-Conscious, Feelings & Future. The reason for this is that it all plays a significant part in each individuals life, and can also be very helpful within a reading.

I feel that you at the moment are looking out for someone, what I feel with this is that it gives me a sensation of offering support, protection and a strong loyalty towards them. This shows me the type of person that you are, out to look after others, to give guidance and protection when needed. I also feel that you try to shield "blows" in life from others, but I have to ask you when do you give this sort of time to you? It is important that you protect yourself as you do others too and not overlook your own feelings, thoughts and desires.

I also get a sense of determination with you, when you have your mind set on something you will not give in, challenges can be placed on your path, yet you have a strong resilience to overcome them. I do get a sense though that at the moment it feels like there has been need to take account of situations around you. I feel that it is taken longer than you anticipated, and that because of this there is a general feeling of will this ever happen?

I also get a sense of feeling of defeat, this is not something that I feel you have voiced, but thought about it inwardly. There is a true sense of struggling to get results, and from this its like at times you have forgotten the real you. I feel that a lot of time is spent checking things, be it days and times etc. I also feel that you have feelings of being tired and drained of energy both physically and mentally.

I do feel that you have been through difficult times, there is a true sense of struggle here, and at times it may have created a feeling of loneliness and being uncomfortable around others. I get a feeling of depression too, but it feels more like it is masked, the best way that I can describe it is that you stifle your feelings, how you feel inwardly is not what you portray to the outside world.

It may feel that at the moment external forces are keeping you down, and holding you back. Rewards are not being seen at the moment for the hard work and effort that you have put into things.

I get a strong sense of expression with others, this is especially so in a friendship. I feel that it is a friendship that has formed with another going through the same or similar situation as yourself. It feels like you share your hopes, dreams, and experiences with them, and this is a good release for you, as it helps to stop you feeling isolated in your desires whilst also offering a support mechanism.

A goal feels so far away right now and causes emotional restraints and a feeling of despondency, however there is also a strong character that forms ahead. I feel that there are some underlying flaws/issues which is creating the problems you face at the moment, however it will be recognised. It is from this recognition success can be achieved.

Needless to say whilst explaining all the above to you there is a very strong linking between you and a boy. A son strongly links to you. When I look to see what your Son is like, I am not actually shown a newborn baby, but your son as he is older. This gives me a better idea of looks and character of him. Slim build, brown hair and softly spoken. He is a happy child, though prone to shyness. I am not getting any sense of problems connecting with him, which I feel reflects that the birth was without any complications, though I do feel extra monitoring was provided.

Are you taking medication at the moment? I feel that there is a link to some sort of medication. If this is the case talk with your Doctors about it and let them know if you are unhappy with it in anyway, because some things can be chopped and changed around for you.

I am attempting a timescale for you. I will only fully commit to a timescale if this is something that I am certain of based upon the divination I use, the messages received etc. That is only because when I am giving readings to people regarding pregnancy and conception I do not believe in giving false hope, it can have a huge detrimental affect on all involved and really goes against the grain. So I apologise in advance if at any point this may seem vague.

I am now turning to the Angels for more guidance for you. I am being shown that Angels are around you and are helping from a distance, they want you to try to restore the belief within your heart, as it they show a private battle of emotions that have been going on within you. They are showing me that they are trying to provide you some comfort, and want you to be open and willing to receive this from them.

I am also being shown from the Angels that relationships and activities are very much set to change. Energy is focused around you and your partner. Which shows that the ultimate timing is there for the taking. I am also being shown that Archangel Michael is watching over you very closely and protecting and guiding you.

When I look at this for a time frame what I am shown is that there needs to be a period of re-adjustment first. I am not being given a specific time of conception (which is very frustrating) but simply being assured that it is because something must run its course beforehand. What I am being shown though is the year 2013 and this is represented to me with an Angel presenting a child.

I must stress again that I have a strong connection with you that links you to a little boy....a Son. As I say I saw him as about 5 years of age when his character was really starting to come out. A second child can follow from your Son, but I do feel that it will be a 5 year gap between the two.

I also want to reassure you with any pressures that you have faced within the home that links to finance, I am being asked to let you know that things will start to settle down in this area and that by September there will be an even greater improvement. In fact as I stated September for finances I also felt a draw towards success ahead in family.

Please let me know if there is anything that I can help you with, if you have any questions about the reading then do contact me.

I would like to finish off this reading by saying to you, that you do have a lovely future ahead, and no matter how hard things can appear there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you. Keep the faith and belief going as your dreams will come true.

Hey paula! u can also put the gender prediction for me dear! Both cheri and ruby have said girl!!

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