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Psychic Predictions - Lets see whose more accurate!

KrystinaB: remember how I told you yesterday I only wanted 1 child? Well I got my Sam reading this morning, she mentioned this: I only see one child at the time being. It may be that you only want one child and perhaps that is why I am being shown one.

She sees next month/June for me, one child, didn't mention sex but that's fine with me.

Paula: Please add Sam prediction for me, May/June 2012, thanks
Sam and June for me too,if i remember correctly my Jenny reading said June too
Sounds like we might have a lot of May/June pregnancies on this thread. I really hope it all comes true!
Yeah she did but I've had another since then I'll have a read through my emails and paste that on here with my Sam one
Here is your reading. I hope it provides you some guidance.

Donna I get an overwhelming rush of emotions connected with you. I feel that you have been through so much, especially over the past year or so. It feels to me that there have been some significant events in your life, and that through the series of circumstance (I feel I want to use the word tragic) it has resulted in problems for you. The Angels came in straight away the minute that I started your reading, and are showing me healing being sent to you from them to you. A lot of this healing is being concentrated to your lower abdomen. If you have find you have a strange warm or tingling sensation today around this area then please do not be concerned, as it is the healing that is being sent to you from the Angels. They are also drawing my attention to a need deal with your emotions too, they show me that you can at times push them to the back of your mind, but that they are there all the same and cause a lot of upset to you.

Donna, I must say that I am very much sensing hurt. I again feel that this is very much focused on your body. You have had an Angel baby, I can feel the energy. The Angel baby has a great deal of love for you and draws very close to you right now. There is a deep connection between the two of you.

Donna I apologise beforehand as this is very much going to focus on that beautiful Angel baby I feel and the future that connects to a child. If this is not what you wanted from the reading and it was another area that you wanted focused on then please get back to me, and I will attempt to refocus on the area of your choice, however I am at the moment going to go with what the Angels are showing to me if that is OK with you?

I sense a fear of failure. A lot of unhappiness that results from a feeling of being incomplete. The union of love through two people joining together in the pursuit of completed family seems to have failed, and this has caused massive amounts of mixed emotions.

Hope however is there Donna, there is change that will come, and this will herald positive results. Timing has not been right and could possibly have been hindered through past events.

I have to go back to the Angel baby Donna, it is very rare that Angel babies are so persistent, but what this shows is that this little one is destined to come back to you. The Angels are showing me that something was not right the last time this little one was with you, which was a cruel twist of fate. For this little one to come back it has been difficult, but love and determination are the driving factors here.
I am trying to find a time frame for you with this Donna, I feel that the healing the Angels are bestowing on you now will play a large part in all of this. June is important. However I am not getting if this is conception or result. I do feel more inclined to it being conception however. Again I have to stress if this is not something that you want then be careful around this time. I do feel though that this little one is sat waiting patiently to be reunited with his Mum.

Donna I hope this gives you guidance, as I say if this is not the area you wanted me to concentrate on then please let me know. I went with what was being presented to me, so hope that you do not mind.


sorry i know its long but i dont know how to hide it
and this is my jenny one
Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of June from a cycle that begins in May (conception, the end of May). The baby shows as a girl and her EDD/birth date is referenced the month of February 2013 - specific reference to the 24th and 19th.
ok sorry about this but going through my emails i also found a sandra reading i had done on the 17th jan

Ok as i tine in i want to say where i feel that things ended with a bang, that's what im being told , that there was something going on towards the end of the year , would you understand where someone fell out or where there was some sort of argument just before new year as i'm being shown this big thing going on , i want to say where i feel that you have to close the door on the last year , and you are starting a fresh with this one , and i feel that you have to make sure that you start this year in a positive sense , i feel that you have to start to renew certain things in a sense, and start to concentrate on the important things in your life, i feel that this year will give you a new found motivation and i am seeing you being more determined to make yourself happy, im being told where you have not to feel that you have to please everyone else, i feel that this year should be about pleasing yourself and then maybe those close to you aswell.I want to say where i am being drawn to may now and they are showing me this in regards to a pregnancy , i want to say that im drawn to the dates of the 11th , 19th and also 23rd , just keep these in mind in regards to pregnancy.I want to mention that i feel May is going to be a conception month, and i feel that this baby would be born around the month of january the following year , i feel that the baby would be a girl and i'm being drawn to just over 7 lbs.Im being drawn to where you are being told this year to balance home life with career, make it half and half if that makes sense and don't let one overtake the other, i feel that home life is very important to you , and its going to become even more so this year , i feel that i'm being drawn to a project around a house , so im being drawn to you moving into a house that may need some extra work if that makes sense so you can have it as you like it, as i'm being drawn to really old wallpaper in it , so i feel its a slightly older house, i want to mention where im drawn to the month of June with that , and to confirm they are showing me loads of boxes, would you understand someone with a red sport car as im seeing this as being significant linked around this time and with the move, so please just keep in mind for me.I feel that Im being drawn to your career more aswell this year , there seems to be a bigger focus on it, i am drawn to university around you and studying , and i want to say where i feel that you are thinking of a change or you will be this year , and im drawn to teaching and helping people, im drawn to young adults as well with this , and i feel that you would be good in this area and im also being drawn to mentoring as well, just keep all this in mind as i feel it is coming up for you , and i also want to mention the month of september as being significant around that area aswell.I want to say where you have to follow you heart and your dreams this year , so you can look back on your life and have no regrets.I want to say where again you are being told to let the past go , move forwards and make a life for yourself in a sense, i feel that im also being drawn to where you have to try to forgive and forget certain situations and dont let it fester and build up.I feel that this year is a fertile year for you , in a conception sense but also in the sense that its a time for you to start new projects , try new things ,let go of worries and enjoy yourself and what's to come :)

this is really interesting,i never thought about it at the time butshe mentions a house move,i am indeed moving on the 11th may,only found out a week ago!! she also mentions old wallpaper which this house has and its not to my taste but i can live with it for now
my god i found another from babylovepredictions,she said pos test jan12..wrong or conceive jan 12,also wrong but she said it could be birth jan 13 which would fit in with may/june conception
Love your readings donna x an June just round the corner xxx
i love your sam reading mamadonna! it's amazing :shock: no wonder you are so pleased with it! i am really fighting myself to get one, i get paid tomorrow :haha:
Lol I bet you get one at midnight foquita :rofl:
yeah i really do love it,even if it doesnt come true i would have to say its one of my favourates

there is so much on sandras that i didnt think about at the time it was jan when i got that so just put it to the back of my mind with the dates beeing so far awy
i didn't get one from sandra i don't think :(

mrskg, my wages don't go in at midnight for some reason, if they did i would 100% be staying up to get a reading :rofl: i can't decide what to do as i'm getting my cards read a two weeks tomorrow and i think i might save myself for that! :)
my god my reading addiction is worse than i thought,just been though some old private messages on here and i must have bought a suzy on which was saying may:dohh: i must have deleted that one outta my emails for some reason,probably because i got that last dec and thought it was to far away:haha:
Just type sams angel readings it comes up xxx lol take it you cant resist xxx

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