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Question about pee!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
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Sorry if tmi ladies but I have been to the bathroom at least 20 times today and need the loo non-stop. I'm 9 dpo. I do get a bit of peeing more before AF though so think its just that - but it does seem way more than usual. Does anyone know if you can pee more before a BFP? Also, does anyone know why we pee more?
Lol - what a question eh :)
Hi Minno. Oooooh, that sounds promising. I don't know why it happen but I do know that increased peeing is one of the early indicators of BFP around the corner :happydance:

keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you xx
Thanks Juice, thats really encouraging. Oh no, I have to pee yet again. This is getting ridiculous!
I think its maybe something to do with hormones that increase fluids in the body or something but I dunno for sure. I do have to pee a lot before AF though - but as I said, this seems way too much. Bound to have my hopes dashed in a few days though :(
Sending lots of baby dust your way petal xxx
Thanks Minno. Oh I so hope AF stays well away for you....and for all us ttc'ers

I'll join you in spreading that baby dust...fingers crossed xxx
Just a wee update ladies. Peeing has settled a bit and am now headachey - classic AF run up :( Bet I'm out again this month. And to top it off I'm 41 on Thursday - Happy F*****ing Birthday!
peeing alot is due to the uterus getting bigger even before a bfp because so much is going on and you dont even know it :) as for the headaches that is also normal for a pregnancy as the hormones go flying high too which causes them among other things :) goodluck though :)
Thanks mumof3. I really try to tell myself these things but somehow I just keep thinking 'its just AF, its just AF'. Keep looking for that one cycle when things feel different but it never comes. Do you think that you can feel exactly as you do pre-AF and yet be prego?
Thanks mumof3. I really try to tell myself these things but somehow I just keep thinking 'its just AF, its just AF'. Keep looking for that one cycle when things feel different but it never comes. Do you think that you can feel exactly as you do pre-AF and yet be prego?

absolutly you can, a girl at work never even felt any different at all through her whole pregnancy, she said she didnt even feel pregnant until she got bigger, she gave birth to a healthy little girl last week so dont worry, everyone is different :)
Thanks. That cheers me up a lot. I hope my 'symptoms' don't mean AF. She's due on Sunday so we'll see.
I never felt any different during my pregnancy. I was sure I was 'out' the month I got my BFP. It was weird to go through the pregnancy without any symptoms. It never really felt 'real' until he was born, despite the eventual bigger belly and the baby kicks.
i know every pregnancy is different, although i tend to have all the symptoms, at least in the first 3 months, only my first child i was sick every single day of my whole pregnancy, it was a relif not to throw up on the day after she was born lol :) mother nature has a sense of humour i can tell you lol :) good luck to you all, i am currently waiting for either bfp or the wicked witch of the south lol my fingers a really x for a bfp, went out for dinner last night with friends and struggled to eat my meal, red meat is really making me feel sick, i have sore bb's, all day sickness, but i cant stand any cooking smells or any strong smells, the only time i have felt this way is when im pregnant, im 2 days late for the wicked witch and i have currently been having bfn so not really sure wether this is it or not but heres to hoping for a bfp very soon :)
i know every pregnancy is different, although i tend to have all the symptoms, at least in the first 3 months, only my first child i was sick every single day of my whole pregnancy, it was a relif not to throw up on the day after she was born lol :) mother nature has a sense of humour i can tell you lol :) good luck to you all, i am currently waiting for either bfp or the wicked witch of the south lol my fingers a really x for a bfp, went out for dinner last night with friends and struggled to eat my meal, red meat is really making me feel sick, i have sore bb's, all day sickness, but i cant stand any cooking smells or any strong smells, the only time i have felt this way is when im pregnant, im 2 days late for the wicked witch and i have currently been having bfn so not really sure wether this is it or not but heres to hoping for a bfp very soon :)
( although ticker says day 1 im actually day 2 still waiting for witch)
Here's to us all gettng out BFPs this month!
Its so reassuring to know that you can have no symptoms or the same symptoms you always get each cycle and still be pg. Guess we have to just wait it out, but its so hard. I keep thinking my body is telling me here she comes, and then I get that little hopeful voice saying maybe...
Never had any symptoms when I was expecting my son but then I was 8 years younger then and not really thinking about it at all!
I do get increased urination abt 10 dpo in my pg cycles.
The hcg horone causes a change in blood flow which increases urination
sounds very promising Minno and mumof3girls

hoping to hear about those BFPs from you both! xx
Sadly, no BFP for me this month :(
Awful when you get all the symptoms and have nothing to show for it at the end.
I am about to go to docs to she what she thinks about me taking clomid. I ov ok and have progesterone level of 36 but cycles are def getting a bit shorter (c. 24 days) although LP is always 14 days exactly. Any thoughts ladies? xx
Hi Minno

Sorry to hear you're out this month. I know how devastating that feels when you've been having symptoms (I've had this a few times, but last month was the one where it felt most like it).

I've no experience with Clomid so can't really help there. But, I think it's a good idea to speak with your Doctor about what options there are. But a 24 day cycle doesn't seem that short, and I think one of the main indicators is how long your LP is - you say this is 14 days so that is a good sign.

Fingers crossed for you xx
Thanks Leeze. Thats cheered me up. I do think that everything seems ok, and all our test results have been normal. My cycles go from 24-28 days but Lp is always 14 days exactely. I know I ov every month from blood tests and also CBFM/OPKs. Just wish it would happen. So hard to pick myself up each month. This cycle I am doing nothing in the way of the usual checking of opks and will see if trying to relax a bit helps. I'm considering giving up coffee too (love a cup of fresh coffee in the morning) but then I'll just be babyless and grumpy! lol xxx
ok girls heres the thing, im still waiting for the witch, i have gotten 4 vvv faint bfp and i have all the symptoms know to man, i give up, give me a :bfp:
already!!!!!! or send me the :witch: just please do something im tired of waiting :(

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