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Question about pee!!

Hey mumof3! So sorry that AF got you this month. It does sound like you had an early mc possibly - same thing happened to me a couple of months ago and although I never got a BFP (or anything like it) on a test I was 2 weeks late which is very very unusual for me. Also had a horrendously heavy period resulting in me going to A & E in fright! Docs were no help though and just sent me home again. But I did manage to get Tranexamic acid from GP which has been a Godsend, and now my AF is just about manageable (they were getting a bit heavy over the last couple of years).
So sorry for you but this month will def be your month!!! Hope its both our month!!!

Adelaide sounds amazing! I am so jealous you live practically next to a beach and the sea, which I adore. I'm not a surfer but there is something so peaceful about looking out over water - you are so lucky!
Edinburgh is a gorgeous city with lots of greenery, rolling hills, the castle, a lot of history and great shops lol! But the weather...well, as for the rest of the UK, is crap! I aspire to retire somewhere sunny, perhaps near the sea, whats the weather like over there?

CD 12 for me today. Just got ferritin blood results - now 41 - woo hoo, optimal for fertility. Was down at 9 at one point and I reckon I had practically no chance of conceiving the last 20 months cos of that. So lots of dust to both of us and lets see what happens this month. BTW - tell me more abour your psychic reading...intriguing!
Hey mumof3! So sorry that AF got you this month. It does sound like you had an early mc possibly - same thing happened to me a couple of months ago and although I never got a BFP (or anything like it) on a test I was 2 weeks late which is very very unusual for me. Also had a horrendously heavy period resulting in me going to A & E in fright! Docs were no help though and just sent me home again. But I did manage to get Tranexamic acid from GP which has been a Godsend, and now my AF is just about manageable (they were getting a bit heavy over the last couple of years).
So sorry for you but this month will def be your month!!! Hope its both our month!!!

Adelaide sounds amazing! I am so jealous you live practically next to a beach and the sea, which I adore. I'm not a surfer but there is something so peaceful about looking out over water - you are so lucky!
Edinburgh is a gorgeous city with lots of greenery, rolling hills, the castle, a lot of history and great shops lol! But the weather...well, as for the rest of the UK, is crap! I aspire to retire somewhere sunny, perhaps near the sea, whats the weather like over there?

CD 12 for me today. Just got ferritin blood results - now 41 - woo hoo, optimal for fertility. Was down at 9 at one point and I reckon I had practically no chance of conceiving the last 20 months cos of that. So lots of dust to both of us and lets see what happens this month. BTW - tell me more abour your psychic reading...intriguing!

Yeah sux hey :( i really really hope all goes well for next month, i really hope you get yours too sounds fantastic i think you will get it now that your results are 41 that is awesome, it makes me so happy to think we will both be getting a really good chance at a bfp next month coz your bloods are all good and i have af so at least im in the running, i was starting to worry that i wasnt working properly especially since i was nearly 6 weeks late for af :( coz if i wasnt bfp then there could have been something wrong :( but at least that is all behind me and i can move forward :) heres to a big fat bfp :) lol :happydance:
As for the weather here well it doesnt ever snow here, in fact i have only seen snow twice, first time when i went to the uk :) and second time when my husband and i were on our honeymoon in Tasmania, we saw them they day we were leaving for the airport home ;) i was sooo happy to see it just in time to leave :) the weather here can be cold but not the same as the cold is there as it only gets to about 10 degrees sometimes less (especially at night) but not very often, i think the worst i have ever seen it was about -3 over night but like i said it is few and far between, and it can get really really hot here, the most i have ever seen it get here is about 45 degrees which doesnt happen often either, yesterday got to about 28 degrees and it will probably be the same today, i havent checked the weather today but it feels like its about that :) but its more nice than bad :) i got my psychic reading from a lady called Anne-Marie Barker at www.readings-at-serendipity.co.uk/ and it cost me about $5 about 2 pounds?? not much anyway u should give her a go :) let me know how you go :) by the way i have started my own journel now so we can chat on their if you want :)
Hi mumof3girls.. Sorry to hear that the dreaded witch got you. It definitely looks like you had a chemical as I had the same this year. My tests were always faint and they gradually got fainter until a week later I came on. I wish really that I didn't test so early, I think I'd rather not of known that I conceived for it to be taken away. I understand they are common but that doesn't help when you are desperate for a baby. Hope it's your month this time for it to be a sticky one xx
Hi mumof3 - good idea - how do I link to your journal page? I am so jealous re your weather - 28 degress - my goodness its about 6 degrees here today and was icy overnight, and that is just the start of it. Last year we had snow up to our knees!

Mrsdh - totally understand how devastating that must be. Here's to all of us getting BFP's very very soon! xxx
Thanks minno. I wish you the best of luck too in this ttc journey. With all it's highs and lows I'm sure we will all get there in the end. Lots of baby dust to you xx
Hi mumof3 - good idea - how do I link to your journal page? I am so jealous re your weather - 28 degress - my goodness its about 6 degrees here today and was icy overnight, and that is just the start of it. Last year we had snow up to our knees!

Mrsdh - totally understand how devastating that must be. Here's to all of us getting BFP's very very soon! xxx

I actually have no clue how to link but i have put it out there to get some help doing it:)
Its windy here today but not cold its just right :) do u have a journal?
Mrsdh - thankyou yeah it was at least the end of wondering for me, but i do think i had a chemical as my af was really heavy today, more than usual, and i have been really crampy too (way more than usual) and i had all the symptoms as well, :( oh well time to move on to next month for my bfp :) and i am positive i will get it :)
Hi mumof3girls.. Sorry to hear that the dreaded witch got you. It definitely looks like you had a chemical as I had the same this year. My tests were always faint and they gradually got fainter until a week later I came on. I wish really that I didn't test so early, I think I'd rather not of known that I conceived for it to be taken away. I understand they are common but that doesn't help when you are desperate for a baby. Hope it's your month this time for it to be a sticky one xx

Yeah i have a bad habit of testing too early, i really need to stop lol :) but i must admit its kind of fun :) haha btw - November WILL be our month, i am optimistic :)
Ha ha mrsdh you make me smile - I am feeling so much more optimistic already! Currently on CD 14, where are you in your cycle?
Hey mumof3 - just sent you a message - whats going on in your cycle at the moment - has AF eased off a bit? I hate AF!
Ha ha mrsdh you make me smile - I am feeling so much more optimistic already! Currently on CD 14, where are you in your cycle?
Hey mumof3 - just sent you a message - whats going on in your cycle at the moment - has AF eased off a bit? I hate AF!

Hi minno. I'm on bloody day 18 and still no ovulation!! I'm getting later and later each month. Last month was day 23 before my lazy egg decided to move it's butt! Lol . I so want one of us girls to have a bfp to report, hope you have a good egg so to speak this month ! And I agree, I hate AF with a passion xx
Hi there chick! Lazy egg lol :) Does your ov date vary a lot? I seem to be getting earlier and earlier - day 10 the last 3 months! But my LP always seems to be around 14 days so I'm hoping its ok. Today is Cd14 for me - you watch, pre-menstrual signs will be staring any day now [sigh] - how long does it bloomin' well take! Its been nearly 2 years and nada!
Ha ha mrsdh you make me smile - I am feeling so much more optimistic already! Currently on CD 14, where are you in your cycle?
Hey mumof3 - just sent you a message - whats going on in your cycle at the moment - has AF eased off a bit? I hate AF!

Hi minno. I'm on bloody day 18 and still no ovulation!! I'm getting later and later each month. Last month was day 23 before my lazy egg decided to move it's butt! Lol . I so want one of us girls to have a bfp to report, hope you have a good egg so to speak this month ! And I agree, I hate AF with a passion xx

Hey Minno, no af is being very vengeful this month she is hurting really badly and its not very nice, lol I havent had af this bad since my last mc which was about 4-5 yrs ago at about 6 weeks :( it is horrible :( but hoping it wont last long :) then ill be back in the saddle again so to speak lol:) haha

hi mrsdh - lazy eggs suck lol i think u need to have a good talking to your eggs and tell them that u will not put up with their lazyness haha u never know they just might listen lol u are welcome to chat on my journel if u can find it lol im not sure how to add a link do u have any hints??
Hello !!! Well they do say it's your LP that's important rather than when you ovulate so 14 days is ideal. Mine is 12 days, used to be 9 but started taking vit b complex to lengthen it. My ovulation date does vary every month. Before my little girl I always ov'd on day 14-15 but now it's all over the place. The earliest has been day 16 so far. The good thing about earlier ov is that you get more chances per year than someone like me. I must say you have a good attitude to ttc, as I imagine it's been like a rollercoaster of emotions trying for nearly 2 years. I hope you have found some comfort with support from others in the same shoes. I'm sure you will have your day soon , they say the best things come to those who wait. Fingers crossed you don't have to do any more waiting xxxxx
Hello mumof3girls.. Sorry to hear that the witch is giving you a hard time, they do say you are more fertile after mc so maybe your reading will be right?! Let's hope so :) I'll have to find your journal, I've no idea how to do a link. It took me a week to try and add a ticker!! I'm so not with it where these things are concerned!! I don't even know how to add a smiley face so still do the :) what a dizzy woman I am. I'll go off now and try and find you xxxx
P.s also going to have a good chat with my eggs! I think they need to know that we are a team and I seem to be putting my bit in, it's high time they get with it and pull their lazy finger out and get mating??!
Hello ladies! I am replying to both of you in different places all over this website - its great fun :)

Mumof3 - so sorry AF is being a witch! Hopefully she will burn out shortly and you can get on to the new cycle - as Mrsdh says, you may find youare more fertile this month and it will happen! So exciting!!

Mrs DH - kick those lazy eggs' butt! Don't stand for any nonsense! I want all three of us to do it this month, or at the very least by Xmas. I think we've all waited long enough thank you very much. Maybe my eggs are lazy too :) xxx
You girls are amazingly funny :) you always brighten my morning :) to do a smily just take the nose out of yours and u will have it :) otherwise just click on the ones next to u when u write something, i really love talking with emotioncoms lol :) it only happens when u quote someone though lol yes i think we should all have a talking to our eggs they have been very shameful lately and they need a good kick lol :)heres to bfp in november :) yay xx
You girls are amazingly funny :) you always brighten my morning :) to do a smily just take the nose out of yours and u will have it :) otherwise just click on the ones next to u when u write something, i really love talking with emotioncoms lol :) it only happens when u quote someone though lol yes i think we should all have a talking to our eggs they have been very shameful lately and they need a good kick lol :)heres to bfp in november :) yay xx

Ahh that's nice mumof3girls :) it's been lovely having a bit of banter between you 2 girls, at least I'm laughing a bit more since hooking up with you both. Thanks for advise on the smiley face , hope it's worked for this post. How are you now on your cycle? I'm 2 days post ov, yippee, now the waiting begins. I do hope my big talk with this egg worked, told them off for slacking and asked them to be a bit more flirty with my DH sperm!! Lol . Hope you are feeling positive still, I'm counting on us staying together throughout this mission! Xxxx
Smileys all over the place Mrsdh - fantastic! :) :)
Tell your eggs to be really slutty with DH sperm and I'll tell mine while I'm at it. 2 days post ov - oooo interesting times - the wonderful 2WW - here's to a productive one!
You two ladies are the experienced ones in this threesome lol Come on give me some hints/tips - I'm desperately in need of some!! xxx
lol your post almost made me wanna pee! haha - i was about to comment that it's normal and that i went through that as well but its good to know that everything is settling down now =)
Hi there yogamommy. Wow - you live in sunny Florida - I am coming there on hols in April and can't wait - what's the weather like then?

Glad the post made you smile. Did you pee a lot in the early stages? I am at that point in my cycle again (day 19) but I pee a lot pre-AF anyway so its probably just that :( I just find that every month my symptoms are the same and nothing's ever different. So I feel like if it does happen one month, then I shouldn't get any symptoms early on - but maybe I'm wrong? xxx

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