Questions about the stripping of membranes, or sweeping.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Hi, I have only recently been made aware of this procedure. I know in the US its called "stripping the membranes" and in the UK its called "Sweeping the membranes". I have loads of questions for anyone who has been through this or will have it done.

Why did your dr do it?
How early into the pregnancy will they do it.
Does it hurt?
Did it work for you?
Will it have any negative effects on baby or mother?
How soon after you had it done did you go into labor.

I'm excited about trying this and will ask my dr if she'd be willing to do it for me at my 38.5 appointment.

Thanks for all and any help!! :)
Can't answer any of your questions as I don't know lol (this is my first).. But just wanted to say here in the uk they only do sweeps when you are 40 weeks + .. So I doubt you'll get a sweep at 38 weeks.. I don't know if its different in the US though
I had one done yesterday at 38 weeks but so far nothing... My doctor here said they will do them from 37 weeks . If this one is unsuccessful I plan asking for one when I see mw next tues as well
I had one done yesterday at 38 weeks but so far nothing... My doctor here said they will do them from 37 weeks . If this one is unsuccessful I plan asking for one when I see mw next tues as well

Really? I didn't have my normal MW on 38 weeks appt.. But had another community midwife and she told me they only offer them to overdue mums 40 weeks + (she booked me in for one at 41 weeks if i go over)
I know that they tend to cause very light cramping, but some women say they are very painful. I think it varies. I know the more dialated you are, the better.

Many doctors in the US don't offer them, you have to ask. If they want you in labor soon, they'll usually administer the gel instead.
Due to previous csec consultant does not really want me going over as I can't be induced so they are giving me best chance of it happening before then they are offering sweeps.
I only have my cousin to reference from, her Dr did it at 38 weeks and she went into labor two days after. I know that induction at 39-40 weeks if a possibility for me so depending on how my ultrasound goes next week we'll see. I'm going to ask her to do it at 38.5, if she agrees awesome, if not no biggie! Thanks for the responses so far!!
I thought that you can have it when you are 40 weeks. I just came back from my midwife's appointment and the earliest she is allowed to book me is 41 weeks.

I'm really disappointed. She also said "some women never go into labor naturally" which made me think she probably thinks I'm one of those.

I'm really fed up now, having period like cramps all day today. About the cramps she said they are not a contractions and they are not a start of the labor it's just the uterus practising. Sorry for using your thread for ranting...:blush:
Why did your dr do it? - Because it was my due date and it is my first baby
How early into the pregnancy will they do it - not sure, think it depends on your practitioner, but in the UK it is now standard for mothers of first time babies to be offered a sweep on their due dates
Does it hurt? - It depends who you ask! I found it very uncomfortable, but not exactly painful. I would say be prepared for it to be unpleasant - it doesn't take long though.
Did it work for you? - No! Had it on Sunday and still no baby. Midwife told me before she did it that the first one often doesn't work, but the second one is usually more successful. I have another one scheduled for 9am tomorrow morning, so shall see if that is any more effective.
Will it have any negative effects on baby or mother? - No
How soon after you had it done did you go into labor. - Erm, I haven't done yet!
I've just come back from my 40 week apt with midwife she said at the 41 week appt I will be offered a sweep and stretch she said they can only offer this if you are 7 days overdue and not before. Funny how it varies.

I've just come back from my 40 week apt with midwife she said at the 41 week appt I will be offered a sweep and stretch she said they can only offer this if you are 7 days overdue and not before. Funny how it varies.


I was told exactly the same thing today :wacko: I thought it's 40 weeks in the UK :nope:
I had one done at 39 weeks (had gone to hospital as i thought my waters were leaking and they said might as well do one whilst they was checking) and then i had one done at 40 + 5 days. Obviously the first didn't work, but the second one did, my waters broke six hours later and i was in full labour 12 hours after having it done!

They sort of just run there finger round your cervix to soften/open it. Didn't hurt at all either time.
I was told by my midwife (and have also seen online somewhere) that for first babies they now offer a sweep at 40 weeks and for subsequent babies, they only offer them from 41 weeks onwards. Not sure why that is though and it does sound a bit like what happens in reality varies depending on which part of the country you are in!

I should probably have added to my previous post that I didn't get any cramping after my membrane sweep and I was 1cm dilated and the midwife said she could easily get her finger in there to do it. I suspect if you have only just started dilating it would be worse!
I had one done at 40 w 5d, had my daughter 2 days later. It didn't hurt.

I had an exam with no sweep but I think I had a stretch or something because it hurt a lot! I had bleeding and regular contractions from it, but they faded out. My drs here (U.S.) will give a sweep at 38 weeks.
I had one done at 40 w 5d, had my daughter 2 days later. It didn't hurt.

I had an exam with no sweep but I think I had a stretch or something because it hurt a lot! I had bleeding and regular contractions from it, but they faded out. My drs here (U.S.) will give a sweep at 38 weeks.

I hope my Dr is like your Dr and will do one at 38 weeks, I'd just like to try at least once :)
my mw refused me one today at 40 weeks exactly she is coming to my house to do it a week today :-/ its gunna be the longest week in mylife if bubs doesnt come soon lol
apparently if its going to work it will work within 48 hours
thats allt he info i have really
I'm in the US and my doc said she'd do one at my request starting at 37 weeks. She also said I'd have to be at least 1 cm dilated - or enough to get a finger through for the sweep.
I had 3 for my 1st DD, one at 40 weeks, then every 5 days and eventually went in labour after the 3rd. its interesting as each time they tell you how favourable your cervix is for labour (bishop score) so you get an idea how close or not you are!

Today I had one I am 40+1 and I have another one booked in for monday. It did not hurt at all today, I have mild back ache and period type cramps. she also had mucus on her glove, like 'the show' so she 'unplugged me!' (TMI)
today she said I am 50% effaced (needs to get to 100%) 1-2cm dilated and soft and strtchy cervix, anterior. my bishop score (BS) is 6 (out of a POSSIBLE 13) so thats not bad. I remember with my DD having a low BS until the 3rd S+S so I knew my body was getting ready. I remember that last S+S being quite painful and I had lots of 'show' after.

anyway fingers crossed!
I had a sweep at 38+5 as they were concerned my baby was too small and wanted to get her out quickly. It worked for me - went into labour within 48 hours. It was rather unpleasant but not too painful. I'm hoping I'll be able to have a sweep this time too, if baby not making any signs of arriving on my due date. I don't want to go too overdue! Best of luck x
I'm in the US and my doc said she'd do one at my request starting at 37 weeks. She also said I'd have to be at least 1 cm dilated - or enough to get a finger through for the sweep.

Yay! Thanks!!!!!! That'll be the first question I ask at my appointment on Monday, I can't wait!!

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