Questions for those who have more than one child


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2012
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So im 38+2 with number 2 and thkught I'd pass the time by reading some of your stories.

I was wondering what gestations your baby were born at and whether it was natural or induced/ section etc.

And whether the gender made a difference girl/boy

And what the weight of your babies were?

And the age gap between them

I will have a 19-20 month age gap and had my daughter at 39+5 but went in to labour very early hours of 39+4 and she was 6.12, I've been told this baby is a boy and small ish too. But I think he may be bigger due to being a boy and I can't help but shake the feeling that he's going to be born late!

Thanks everyone

I had both kids by section, my first was emergency at 40+6 and my second was scheduled at 39+2 for various reasons (gestational diabetes, previous section, large for dates baby and I was morbidly obese etc etc).

My first was 7lbs 4oz/3.3kg, 52cm long and a boy.

My second was 7lbs 15oz/3.6kg, 47cm long and a girl.

They are about 23 months apart.
My first induced 10 days after due date. A girl 8 lb 10 oz
My second ( 23 month age gap) Induced 7 days after due date. A girl 9 lb 1 oz
My third ( 23 month age gap) induced ON due date. A boy 9 lb 11 oz. they didn't think I should go past due date like my others unless I wanted a 10 plus lb baby. They were right, he would've been over that if I waited...
Anyhow best wishes!!
I'll put the dates of mine or the age gaps are confusing because of our losses! All spontaneous labours and natural births.

2000 girl 40+3 7lb 4
2004 boy 40+0 6lb 4
2007 girl 38+5 6lb 4 (died 5 days old)
2009 girl 39+4 7lb
2011 boy 39+1 6lb 11
2012 boy (born sleeping 18 weeks)
2013 girl 40+5 6lb 2

So there's no pattern at all to mine, they seem to come when they want! Although all have been fairly small babies. My boys haven't been my heaviest 2 of the girls were the heaviest
Also my waters never broke naturally with any of them. 4/7 were born in the caul a and the other 3 were broken- 2 at my request as I was pushing.
Hope you're not waiting too long for the new arrival! X
my son was 8lb3oz and born at 41 weeks weeks.

11 months 11 days later little sister arrived. 4 days overdue and 7lbs 15oz. 3 hour labour
My daughter was born at 38+5 by induction because of pre e she was 7lb 6 my son was born at 40+4 all was going well then my BP spiked and I was induced. He was 8lb but all scans showed him to be small. There is 4 years between my 2x x
Girl 41+5wks (induced) 8lb 14oz

Girl 41+5wks (induced) 8lb 1oz

Girl 41+5wks (induced) 8lb 12.5oz

All same gestation, same sex, pretty similat weights (all born on a Friday, too!)

There is 2.5yrs between my first and second, and 13 months between 2&3 (so 3.5yrs between oldest and youngest.)
My oldest was born at 37+0, it was an induction due to waters breaking at 36+2. Weighed 7lb2oz.

Daughter was born at 36+3, again induced due to waters breaking at 36+1. Weighed 6lb12oz.

Youngest was born at 32+6 by EMCS, waters broke at 32+4. Weighed 4lb5oz.

So all of mine have been cos of waters breaking first.

There is 6 years between my first 2 and 14 months between 2 & 3. Will be about 20 months between 3 & 4.
DD1 was 7lb 13oz (54cm) born 12 days overdue.

DD2 was 7lb 15oz (53cm) born 9 days overdue.

There is just over 25 months between them. Thankfully didnt have to be induced with either (they both arrived the day before I was scheduled for induction) xx
Mine were:

Ds1 born on due date 7lb 8

Ds2 (2 and a half years later) born on his due date 8lb 1

Ds3 (15 months after ds2) born at 36 weeks via c section weighing 6lb 7
41w (induction) 8lbs 3oz 21 1/2 inches long -boy
39w (induction) 6lbs 4oz 18 Inches long -boy
second induction was due to him be small for dates as well as having low fluid levels and being in constant hives for the last three months of pregnancy.
4 yrs and almost 9 months difference
I was wondering what gestations your baby were born at and whether it was natural or induced/ section etc:
My son was born at 41+2 and was natural, my daugther was born at 40+6 and was also natural. Both came after a stretch and sweep, and I had a waterbirth in hospital with gas and air as pain relief with my son, and my daughter was born at home on dry land with not even a paracetamol :D

And whether the gender made a difference girl/boy:
I didn't notice too much of a difference between my pregnancies - I showed the same, if not a little smaller with my daughter. Didn't get too much more sickness one way or the other - my sickness was pretty mild both times. Only difference with that is that I developed some food aversions with my daughter's pregnancy. And I didn't have any strong cravings with my daughter's pregnancy like I did with my son's - but the stuff I did want was sweet with my son and savoury with my daughter.

And what the weight of your babies were?:
My son was 7lb11oz and my daughter was 6lb6oz.

And the age gap between them:
They are 5 years and a few weeks apart.

Good luck for your impending labour and delivery :kiss:
My dd was born 40+3 and weighed 6lb11.

Spontaneous labour, but she got stuck in pelvis and chord was almost strangling her. 28h labour in the end resulting in episiotomy and forceps.

My DS induced at 41+5, born 41+6 after second pessary - relatively quick and straightforward, no pain relief and no assistance. He weighed 8lb4! Big difference but he had a lot of cooking time.

Pregnancies were almost identical, symptoms, weight gain etc - yet two different children.

My dd is now 3.5 and baby is 9 d old.
DD born on her due date. Induced at 38+5 as they were concerned at how small I was measuring. She was 5lbs15oz. Quite a traumatic labour due to all the doctors around waiting for her to come out to make sure she was okay. Just gas and air for pain relief. Waters were broken during the later stages of pushing. Needed an episiotomy and ventouse suction cup to help get her out.

DS1 born at 40+2 after contractions started at home at 40+1. Very relaxed natural labour with a little gas and air (midwife kept taking it off me saying I could manage without lol). Weighed 6lbs15oz. Waters broken at my request literally 15 minutes before he arrived.

DS2 born at 41+4 after my waters broke at 41+2 (in my daughters nursery class!). Contractions never started so had to have the drip to bring them on. Just gas and air again but another very traumatic labour with lots of doctors and concerns about baby's heart rate (big question mark on heart monitor for the last 10 mins or so of labour). Another episiotomy and ventouse suction cup again (it's amazing how similar my 1st and 3rd labours were). Baby had to be turned in the birth canal as his head was facing sideways. When he finally arrived he weighed 6lbs14oz and was perfectly healthy despite the concerns during labour.
I went slightly overdue with both.
DD1 was born at 40+10 and DD2 at 40+3. Both were spontaneous labours and both natural deliveries. Two short labours (4 and 5 hour active labours respectively) and very short pushing stages. Twenty minutes of pushing and three pushes for DD1, and less than five minutes for DD2. Two waterbirths, both born in the same pool!
DD1 weighed 9lb 10oz and DD2 weighed 8lb 8oz.
DD1 was 2 years and 5 months old when her little sister was born.
My first was a boy born at 40+1 weeks, I went into labour naturally and he weighed 7lb.

My second was a girl, born at 41 weeks. I went into labour naturally literally an hour before I was due to be induced. She weighed 8lb.
DD1 induced as waters broke and never went into labour, born on due date after been induced ended in forceps delivery and she was 9lbs

DD2 again waters broke with no labour I had elected for a c section due to my bad recovery from episoteomy but had to bring c section date forward due to waters breaking early, born at 37 + 4 and weighed 7lb 9 there is 3.5 years between them
DD: 40+2, early labor but induced for preeclampsia. Ended in an EMCS. 6lbs, 5.4oz.

DS: 39+0. Went into early labor, failed VBAC. RCS. 7lbs, 8oz.

3 year, 5 month age gap.
what gestations your baby were born at and whether it was natural or induced/ section etc.
My first was 3 days before her due date and my second was 2 days before his. both were completely natural home births.
And whether the gender made a difference girl/boy
Didn't seem to! The labors were even the same length.

And what the weight of your babies were?

My first was 7 pounds 10 ounces. My second was 7 pounds 4 ounces
And the age gap between them
2 years 4 and a half months.
DS born emergency section 40+2, weighed 6lb 11oz
DD scheduled section, 39+1, weighed 6lb 6oz

23 months apart.

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