Questions plus Venting!


Mother of 2
Dec 31, 2012
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I am new to this forum. I joined in hopes of supporting others and getting support. We are TTC baby #3. I had no trouble at all conceiving my DD (last pregnancy). I did 4 weeks of accupuncture and got pregnant the first month! She is 4 years old!

I turned 30 and it felt like everything went down the tubes! I am whining a little! :baby:

I have been having anovulatory cycles and my hormones are abnormal. Half the time I don't even know if I ovulate! I used to get EWCM every month, now I am lucky if I get it or even know when I ovulate. My cycles are so abnormal, one month it might be 41 days, the next it might be 26 the next its 33. This is all new for me! I used to be very regular!

Next month (if we don't conceive this month) my Dr is doing a clomid response test! If that doesn't regulate my hormones, he said he is going to do a procedure to unblock my tubes! :nope:

Who knew TTC could be so depressing and frustrating! I am thankful for my two beautiful children! I just never thought I would have trouble trying to conceive a 3rd!

I feel bad because so many women are having trouble just conceiving their first, but in the same sense I am feeling sorry for myself and this two week wait is just plain torture! :wacko:

Anyone have any insight on clomid?! Thanks and thanks for the response!
Do u have PCOS? I have really wild irregular cycles when not on clomid - up to 75 days was my longest and 22 being my shortest (generally longer though) I only recently found out that I have PCOS and do not ov on my own. Im finding conceiving my second just as painful as my first and Ive been on clomid longer this time round too! So thinking my pcos wasnt as severe last time? not sure.
It cud be that ur tubes arent blocked at all - if u have a hormonal imbalance it cud be any number of things causing it. Although the proceedure to unblock ur tubes will highlight any other problems if any are present.
Clomid worked for me so I wud recommend it highly - I wud ask to be monitored whilst taking it to make sure ur on the right dose xx
Do u have PCOS? I have really wild irregular cycles when not on clomid - up to 75 days was my longest and 22 being my shortest (generally longer though) I only recently found out that I have PCOS and do not ov on my own. Im finding conceiving my second just as painful as my first and Ive been on clomid longer this time round too! So thinking my pcos wasnt as severe last time? not sure.
It cud be that ur tubes arent blocked at all - if u have a hormonal imbalance it cud be any number of things causing it. Although the proceedure to unblock ur tubes will highlight any other problems if any are present.
Clomid worked for me so I wud recommend it highly - I wud ask to be monitored whilst taking it to make sure ur on the right dose xx

Thank you so much for responding. I have not officially been diagnosed but that's what I am thinking, either that or fibroids! When I do get AF I get horrible cramps and back pain(not normal for me)I am just so thank ful to have finally found a DR that will listen! My last one just kept assuring me that I had two previous children so nothing was wrong. My last hormone test my estrogen was low and FSH was slightly elevated. He said he will know more after the clomid test. I was wondering if you had tried accupuncture? My friend has PCOS and was TTC for 7 years. I bought her one accupuncture session and she got pregnant the first month. Worth a shot! This time around I have been trying everything! I feel like I have done everything right. I am not sure if my tubes are blocked or not but yea like you said I am hoping it will highlight whats going on and give me some answers. Did the clomid make you feel hormonal? I am starting it cd 5 of my next cycle. I am anxious to get started! 75 is a loooong cycle! I would be losing my mind! Good luck to you! :dust:

PS I am new at this, so bear with me ;)
Do u have PCOS? I have really wild irregular cycles when not on clomid - up to 75 days was my longest and 22 being my shortest (generally longer though) I only recently found out that I have PCOS and do not ov on my own. Im finding conceiving my second just as painful as my first and Ive been on clomid longer this time round too! So thinking my pcos wasnt as severe last time? not sure.
It cud be that ur tubes arent blocked at all - if u have a hormonal imbalance it cud be any number of things causing it. Although the proceedure to unblock ur tubes will highlight any other problems if any are present.
Clomid worked for me so I wud recommend it highly - I wud ask to be monitored whilst taking it to make sure ur on the right dose xx

Thank you so much for responding. I have not officially been diagnosed but that's what I am thinking, either that or fibroids! When I do get AF I get horrible cramps and back pain(not normal for me)I am just so thank ful to have finally found a DR that will listen! My last one just kept assuring me that I had two previous children so nothing was wrong. My last hormone test my estrogen was low and FSH was slightly elevated. He said he will know more after the clomid test. I was wondering if you had tried accupuncture? My friend has PCOS and was TTC for 7 years. I bought her one accupuncture session and she got pregnant the first month. Worth a shot! This time around I have been trying everything! I feel like I have done everything right. I am not sure if my tubes are blocked or not but yea like you said I am hoping it will highlight whats going on and give me some answers. Did the clomid make you feel hormonal? I am starting it cd 5 of my next cycle. I am anxious to get started! 75 is a loooong cycle! I would be losing my mind! Good luck to you! :dust:

PS I am new at this, so bear with me ;)

:D They didnt tell me what levels my tests came out at although I did find out that I have an underactive thyroid too which affects fertility apparently they like it to be around 1-2....mine was 5.9 :wacko:
Have you ever had an infection post partum? I had a very nasty psudomonus infection that wudnt go away for weeks - my consultant gave me a HyCoSy to check my tubes because of this.
Yeah lol I have been quite hormonal on the clomid - my poor hubby :haha: I am finding though that with each month the symptoms reduce which is gud :) Ive had no s/e with 50mg, hot flashes-hormonal-moody-headaches etc with 100mg and weirdly NOTHING on 150mg!! Im not complaining though :D
No, Ive never tried accupuncture, Im saving up at the moment so may do if i get to the ivf stage (i'll be doing egg sharing if the clomid doesnt work) Only problem is my cars gone and broken down on me so I now know where my savings will be going! :dohh:
Clomid worked wonders for regulating my cycle thyer about 28-29 days long now :D xx
Do u have PCOS? I have really wild irregular cycles when not on clomid - up to 75 days was my longest and 22 being my shortest (generally longer though) I only recently found out that I have PCOS and do not ov on my own. Im finding conceiving my second just as painful as my first and Ive been on clomid longer this time round too! So thinking my pcos wasnt as severe last time? not sure.
It cud be that ur tubes arent blocked at all - if u have a hormonal imbalance it cud be any number of things causing it. Although the proceedure to unblock ur tubes will highlight any other problems if any are present.
Clomid worked for me so I wud recommend it highly - I wud ask to be monitored whilst taking it to make sure ur on the right dose xx

Thank you so much for responding. I have not officially been diagnosed but that's what I am thinking, either that or fibroids! When I do get AF I get horrible cramps and back pain(not normal for me)I am just so thank ful to have finally found a DR that will listen! My last one just kept assuring me that I had two previous children so nothing was wrong. My last hormone test my estrogen was low and FSH was slightly elevated. He said he will know more after the clomid test. I was wondering if you had tried accupuncture? My friend has PCOS and was TTC for 7 years. I bought her one accupuncture session and she got pregnant the first month. Worth a shot! This time around I have been trying everything! I feel like I have done everything right. I am not sure if my tubes are blocked or not but yea like you said I am hoping it will highlight whats going on and give me some answers. Did the clomid make you feel hormonal? I am starting it cd 5 of my next cycle. I am anxious to get started! 75 is a loooong cycle! I would be losing my mind! Good luck to you! :dust:

PS I am new at this, so bear with me ;)

:D They didnt tell me what levels my tests came out at although I did find out that I have an underactive thyroid too which affects fertility apparently they like it to be around 1-2....mine was 5.9 :wacko:
Have you ever had an infection post partum? I had a very nasty psudomonus infection that wudnt go away for weeks - my consultant gave me a HyCoSy to check my tubes because of this.
Yeah lol I have been quite hormonal on the clomid - my poor hubby :haha: I am finding though that with each month the symptoms reduce which is gud :) Ive had no s/e with 50mg, hot flashes-hormonal-moody-headaches etc with 100mg and weirdly NOTHING on 150mg!! Im not complaining though :D
No, Ive never tried accupuncture, Im saving up at the moment so may do if i get to the ivf stage (i'll be doing egg sharing if the clomid doesnt work) Only problem is my cars gone and broken down on me so I now know where my savings will be going! :dohh:
Clomid worked wonders for regulating my cycle thyer about 28-29 days long now :D xx

Oh yea thyroid does effect it! did they give you meds for your thyroid? I wonder if that would help?! I never had any infections but as an RN student I know psuedomonus is no joke! What is hyCoSy, I haven't heard of that!? Oh great, my husband will LOVE the hormones! He already tells me I act like I am pregnant 90% of the time! Let's hope that you don't have to get the IVF and that you get pregnant before that!

Do you know when you ovulate usually? Do you get any symptoms when you do?

Sorry to hear about your car! :( Here's hoping 2013 will be your year!! :)
yeah im now on 75mcg for 5days then 50mcg for 2days :) Have been on meds for it since april this year and its still not in the 1-2 range :growlmad:
The HyCoSy is where they put dye in through ur cervix whilst doing an transvaginal u/s to see where the dye goes - makes u cramp but it is interesting to see what happens.
ur hubby will be like yay!:happydance:the hormones lolol
Im lucky as i use a trigger shot to make me ov wich take about 24-48hrs to work so i use opks to see when its happening then bd every day (if we can!) till after my +opk. Oh I ache like mad and cramp slightly when i do ov :)
Just hope my cars not too expensive but i think i may need a new one

Hope u have a very happy new year too hun 2013 WILL be our year!!

yeah im now on 75mcg for 5days then 50mcg for 2days :) Have been on meds for it since april this year and its still not in the 1-2 range :growlmad:
The HyCoSy is where they put dye in through ur cervix whilst doing an transvaginal u/s to see where the dye goes - makes u cramp but it is interesting to see what happens.
ur hubby will be like yay!:happydance:the hormones lolol
Im lucky as i use a trigger shot to make me ov wich take about 24-48hrs to work so i use opks to see when its happening then bd every day (if we can!) till after my +opk. Oh I ache like mad and cramp slightly when i do ov :)
Just hope my cars not too expensive but i think i may need a new one

Hope u have a very happy new year too hun 2013 WILL be our year!!


That does sound lucky. I bet you get your :bfp: before you know it! Where are you at in your cycle right now? I already feel hormonal. I fwas crying an hour ago for NO reason! I feel better now though! LOL

I hope your car isn't too expensive either.
fxd we both get our :bfp: and soon! :) im on cd19 so im about 5dpo and 6dp-injection have tested today and got a neg hpt so the triggers outta my system now :happydance: so any symptoms i have are maybe symptoms not trigger symptoms :D
Funny u shud say about u crying earlier for no reason, id recorded the fireworks at london to show my mum cos she missed it and as we were watching it i had to fight the urge to cry!!! All i can think is what the hell?!!? :haha:
Im feelinf REALLY achey and have to keep sitting down halfway through doing stuff - im lucky my job involves sitting at a desk for the most part haha :)
I see u only have 7days left till u test, will u test early? I generally start testing at 9dpo lol

Yeah I really hope my car doesnt eat up my savings :wacko:
hey :flower:
i have been off contraception for 3 years in march and still no baby #2
Have been diagnosed with pcos and i suspect i have endometriosis but have gynae appt end of jan so will ask for investigation then.
my doc has put me on contraceptive pill for 3 months to try to improve egg quality/reduce cysts so i think next step will be clomid. Have 1 pack of pills left.
would love to follow your journey and also compare notes too when am also actually on clomid to compare lol? :)
fxd we both get our :bfp: and soon! :) im on cd19 so im about 5dpo and 6dp-injection have tested today and got a neg hpt so the triggers outta my system now :happydance: so any symptoms i have are maybe symptoms not trigger symptoms :D
Funny u shud say about u crying earlier for no reason, id recorded the fireworks at london to show my mum cos she missed it and as we were watching it i had to fight the urge to cry!!! All i can think is what the hell?!!? :haha:
Im feelinf REALLY achey and have to keep sitting down halfway through doing stuff - im lucky my job involves sitting at a desk for the most part haha :)
I see u only have 7days left till u test, will u test early? I generally start testing at 9dpo lol

Yeah I really hope my car doesnt eat up my savings :wacko:

Hey sweet lady! :) We are close! I think I am 5dpo also! Darn it, I tested today too and of course BFN! I have af type symptoms though! :( I have PMDD (I think I told you?!) anyways I usually get tired and super moody a week or so before and that is somewhat starting. Hmmm with those symptoms, this might just be your lucky month! ;) Girl it is SO hard for me to not test early!!!!!! I have already tested twice! Gotta love those 1dollar tests from the dollar tree ;) I am going to try super hard to wait till I am actually late though! I feel bad for this new girl I work with! She is 9 weeks pregnant and I keep pestering her about her symptoms! Hahaha:rofl:

I bet she is sick of me already! ;) What day are you testing again?? in 3 days??:dust:
hey :flower:
i have been off contraception for 3 years in march and still no baby #2
Have been diagnosed with pcos and i suspect i have endometriosis but have gynae appt end of jan so will ask for investigation then.
my doc has put me on contraceptive pill for 3 months to try to improve egg quality/reduce cysts so i think next step will be clomid. Have 1 pack of pills left.
would love to follow your journey and also compare notes too when am also actually on clomid to compare lol? :)

Hey girl!! :) Thank you SO much for responding! I am sorry to hear about your trouble TTC. I am thinking I may have PCOS too, although I wont know for sure until Feb when I see my MD for testing! I actually thought about going on Byaz again to get me somewhat regulated! I would LOVE to follow each other's journey and compare notes :) If I get a bfn this cycle I should be starting clomid early january. I kinda hope I don't have to. Good luck at your appointment! I hope it goes well! :)

hey :flower:
i have been off contraception for 3 years in march and still no baby #2
Have been diagnosed with pcos and i suspect i have endometriosis but have gynae appt end of jan so will ask for investigation then.
my doc has put me on contraceptive pill for 3 months to try to improve egg quality/reduce cysts so i think next step will be clomid. Have 1 pack of pills left.
would love to follow your journey and also compare notes too when am also actually on clomid to compare lol? :)

3years is a long time :( did u have trouble conceiving ur first? :hugs: I feel so down sometimes and weve only been trying for 14months this time round. I really hope u get some answers when u see ur doc and get ur bfp asap :thumbup:

Bet u'll be relieved to speak with ur doc at the end of Jan? Hopefully get things moving :)
fxd we both get our :bfp: and soon! :) im on cd19 so im about 5dpo and 6dp-injection have tested today and got a neg hpt so the triggers outta my system now :happydance: so any symptoms i have are maybe symptoms not trigger symptoms :D
Funny u shud say about u crying earlier for no reason, id recorded the fireworks at london to show my mum cos she missed it and as we were watching it i had to fight the urge to cry!!! All i can think is what the hell?!!? :haha:
Im feelinf REALLY achey and have to keep sitting down halfway through doing stuff - im lucky my job involves sitting at a desk for the most part haha :)
I see u only have 7days left till u test, will u test early? I generally start testing at 9dpo lol

Yeah I really hope my car doesnt eat up my savings :wacko:

Hey sweet lady! :) We are close! I think I am 5dpo also! Darn it, I tested today too and of course BFN! I have af type symptoms though! :( I have PMDD (I think I told you?!) anyways I usually get tired and super moody a week or so before and that is somewhat starting. Hmmm with those symptoms, this might just be your lucky month! ;) Girl it is SO hard for me to not test early!!!!!! I have already tested twice! Gotta love those 1dollar tests from the dollar tree ;) I am going to try super hard to wait till I am actually late though! I feel bad for this new girl I work with! She is 9 weeks pregnant and I keep pestering her about her symptoms! Hahaha:rofl:

I bet she is sick of me already! ;) What day are you testing again?? in 3 days??:dust:

that pmd doesnt sound too good :nope: before af i always get sensitive to stuff and tend to get upset more easily....damn hormones lol It generally takes the form of crying at silly stuff though :dohh:
Hahaha poas is kind of an addiction isnt it :) I bought a job lot off amazon so can test to my hearts content - Im hoping to make it to 9dpo before I test but we'll see how far I get :) Yeah Im now 6dpo so will try to hold out to test on sunday.
How weird is that? we're at a very similar stage of our cycles - maybe this month will be all of our months? fxd! :dust:

I bet ur colleague like having the chance to talk alot about her pregnancy though - no-one ever really took an interest in my pregnancy at work and wudve loved the chance to have a good old gossip and moan about all my symptoms lolol I think the most I ever discussed was my craving for ice and how id be giving birth to a penguin :haha:
:hugs: xx
fxd we both get our :bfp: and soon! :) im on cd19 so im about 5dpo and 6dp-injection have tested today and got a neg hpt so the triggers outta my system now :happydance: so any symptoms i have are maybe symptoms not trigger symptoms :D
Funny u shud say about u crying earlier for no reason, id recorded the fireworks at london to show my mum cos she missed it and as we were watching it i had to fight the urge to cry!!! All i can think is what the hell?!!? :haha:
Im feelinf REALLY achey and have to keep sitting down halfway through doing stuff - im lucky my job involves sitting at a desk for the most part haha :)
I see u only have 7days left till u test, will u test early? I generally start testing at 9dpo lol

Yeah I really hope my car doesnt eat up my savings :wacko:

Hey sweet lady! :) We are close! I think I am 5dpo also! Darn it, I tested today too and of course BFN! I have af type symptoms though! :( I have PMDD (I think I told you?!) anyways I usually get tired and super moody a week or so before and that is somewhat starting. Hmmm with those symptoms, this might just be your lucky month! ;) Girl it is SO hard for me to not test early!!!!!! I have already tested twice! Gotta love those 1dollar tests from the dollar tree ;) I am going to try super hard to wait till I am actually late though! I feel bad for this new girl I work with! She is 9 weeks pregnant and I keep pestering her about her symptoms! Hahaha:rofl:

I bet she is sick of me already! ;) What day are you testing again?? in 3 days??:dust:

that pmd doesnt sound too good :nope: before af i always get sensitive to stuff and tend to get upset more easily....damn hormones lol It generally takes the form of crying at silly stuff though :dohh:
Hahaha poas is kind of an addiction isnt it :) I bought a job lot off amazon so can test to my hearts content - Im hoping to make it to 9dpo before I test but we'll see how far I get :) Yeah Im now 6dpo so will try to hold out to test on sunday.
How weird is that? we're at a very similar stage of our cycles - maybe this month will be all of our months? fxd! :dust:

I bet ur colleague like having the chance to talk alot about her pregnancy though - no-one ever really took an interest in my pregnancy at work and wudve loved the chance to have a good old gossip and moan about all my symptoms lolol I think the most I ever discussed was my craving for ice and how id be giving birth to a penguin :haha:
:hugs: xx

Hey girl! 7dpo now right? Not much longer till testing for you ;) Hope your feeling good today! It IS an addiction! I need to go on amazon and order some! Although I have been thinking about it and I might wait till after I am late to test! If I take forever to start like the month before last, I am gonna call my Doctor and ask for some hormones to make me start to so that way I can go ahead and hurry and start my clomid response test!

I hope this month is our month! I feel really tired today and having horrible cramps so I can't help but think I am gonna start soon.

I guess she probably does like it. :) Your so funny!
kellymassage - Ive got a confession........i tested today :dohh: obviously it was :bfn: lol yeah im now 7dpo so only a week or so till i really shud be testing :D
Im still feeling achey and kinda bloated, i glad for once that its my busy week this week cos time shud fly till i shud be testin :D
Really hope this is our month too x
That sucks girl! :( I tested yesterday too! LMAO!!! :bfn: for me too! I am kinda over it at the moment! I thought for sure it would be positive! Urgh! Oh well! ;) Hope your having a good day!

Heya hun - how u gettin on? Sorry i mustve started to post and my computer crashed (it does that a lot) then got distracted and forgot i havent replied properly :dohh: lol

Anyway, I hope ur doin ok. I had a chemical that cycle and Im taking a break for this cycle as i feel a bit fed up - lotsa:wine: for me lol xx
Heya hun - how u gettin on? Sorry i mustve started to post and my computer crashed (it does that a lot) then got distracted and forgot i havent replied properly :dohh: lol

Anyway, I hope ur doin ok. I had a chemical that cycle and Im taking a break for this cycle as i feel a bit fed up - lotsa:wine: for me lol xx

What you had a chemical?? :nope: Im so sorry girl!! I don't blame you for taking a break! I am just frustrated.. On CD 34 and still no sign of AF, got a positive OPK today and went to MD a week ago and he said I had cysts on my ovaries but he wasn't going to treat them.. No clue whats going on with my body.. Sorry to hear about your news :(
Heya hun - how u gettin on? Sorry i mustve started to post and my computer crashed (it does that a lot) then got distracted and forgot i havent replied properly :dohh: lol

Anyway, I hope ur doin ok. I had a chemical that cycle and Im taking a break for this cycle as i feel a bit fed up - lotsa:wine: for me lol xx

What you had a chemical?? :nope: Im so sorry girl!! I don't blame you for taking a break! I am just frustrated.. On CD 34 and still no sign of AF, got a positive OPK today and went to MD a week ago and he said I had cysts on my ovaries but he wasn't going to treat them.. No clue whats going on with my body.. Sorry to hear about your news :(

Yeah it was a bit of a bummer - felt pregnant and everything with it :( wasnt meant to be though.
Ugh....I know the feeling with long periods - I hate long uns :rofl: excuse the double meaning :D How long r ur periods normally? Do cysts give u +opks then? Didnt know that :) Dont know if they can do much for cysts - think they go away on their own? not 100% on that though. Wish our bodies worked they way theyre supposed to :(
Well I ended up being pregnant that cycle and diagnosed with a blighted ovum yesterday. DNC Thursday. Hope all is well with you Plex!

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