Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Thanks haha noelle I was obviously over-complicating it :)
Those MOTN parties suck. Socity and MiniKiwi, what are their routines like during the day?

MrsBean, so, so true on the milestones! Charlotte seems to hit a lot of those physical milestones early. I sometimes wonder if it's because she's small and she can pull herself around easier than a bigger baby. Isn't Quinn a wee one too?

Quinn is little, he's very slight and I think it must have something to do with it. His nursery thinks he will be an early walker but as most of his cousins have been nearer to 18 months I'd be surprised. You never know.

Boo - go Jack!! 12 hours of blissfulness :)

I was informed that Quinn was up for about 90 minutes last night, chatting away but I slept through it. Poor DH didn't though, eek! He didn't want to get up for nursery this morning though he was doing his teenager impression!
another sttn :happydance: but she was a bit restless at 2:30 am for 10 mins and went back to sleep on her own.....really hope this goes on for a but so i catch on sleep:sleep:
Still rough going on the sleep front here. Charlotte is waking 45 minutes after bedtime and then usually around midnight. Then waking early. Quick awakenings, though. I've been able to return to sleep relatively quickly, so I'm actually feeling okay! Usually just a quick cuddle and pacifier works to get her back to sleep. I'm pretty sure this is developmental and will pass.

I am a little nervous, however, because DH and I are supposed to have our first night away together this weekend. We're just going 30 minutes away, but my mom will be watching Charlotte. She usually goes to bed easily for a sitter, but I am concerned she will be upset if she wakes in the night and I'm not there. Fingers crossed she STTN for mom.
Still rough going on the sleep front here. Charlotte is waking 45 minutes after bedtime and then usually around midnight. Then waking early. Quick awakenings, though. I've been able to return to sleep relatively quickly, so I'm actually feeling okay! Usually just a quick cuddle and pacifier works to get her back to sleep. I'm pretty sure this is developmental and will pass.

I am a little nervous, however, because DH and I are supposed to have our first night away together this weekend. We're just going 30 minutes away, but my mom will be watching Charlotte. She usually goes to bed easily for a sitter, but I am concerned she will be upset if she wakes in the night and I'm not there. Fingers crossed she STTN for mom.

how nice for you guys! don't worry :)
last night was horrible..............i made her dinner cereal with whole milk (first time she's ever had it)

she was fine, we went to bed. she woke up later and was restless, so put her bottle in her mouth. well she vomited everywhere. it was even more scary because she was on her back and it was dark.

got her up, changed her and etc. had another small vomit 25 minutes later. then she fell asleep till 3 am, woke up and gagged/dry heaved.

she then slept again till 5:40 am when she had 2 oz of formula, sucked it down and looked for more so had 2 more oz.

then slept till past 8, had another 2 oz, then some baby food.

it was awful. she also had one poop, stinky and green but not diarrhea.

no fever, no more vomit. i'm inclined to think the milk wasn't sitting well, i'm so afraid she has a bug and i've caught it too....i can't imagine being sick like that and still taking care of her :(

horrible night :(
Still rough going on the sleep front here. Charlotte is waking 45 minutes after bedtime and then usually around midnight. Then waking early. Quick awakenings, though. I've been able to return to sleep relatively quickly, so I'm actually feeling okay! Usually just a quick cuddle and pacifier works to get her back to sleep. I'm pretty sure this is developmental and will pass.

I am a little nervous, however, because DH and I are supposed to have our first night away together this weekend. We're just going 30 minutes away, but my mom will be watching Charlotte. She usually goes to bed easily for a sitter, but I am concerned she will be upset if she wakes in the night and I'm not there. Fingers crossed she STTN for mom.

how nice for you guys! don't worry :)

Thanks, I'm really excited! Our relationship really suffered at the height of my PPD and things are good now, so I think it's really important that we reconnect. Do you girls think C will be okay?
She'll be fine Noelle - just call to reassure yourself but they don't care haha. As long as someone's looking after them that is!

Socity - sounds like a bug. You won't know until you try it again if she has an issue with whole milk although unless I'm being dumb (likely) then isn't it cows milk in formula anyway?

Just keep washing those hands and hope that you don't have norovirus because all 3 of us did and it sucked. Luckily it just made Quinn sleepy so we could get some rest in the end but wow, that bug is violent!
Last night was one of the worst. Toddler up 3x (5x, OH did 2x) with a cough and the baby up about 8-10x, love that 4 month regression.


Big progress today! He self-settled for the first time!!! :) Some of you girls might remember I always give advice to offer positive sleep associations like a music box, well, today, the music box worked!!! :) I just put him in his bed around nap time, turned it on, and went to go grab a coffee, came back, and he was asleep. I didn't even expect it!!!!

Ah Noelle, don't worry, it's your mother. Even if she does wake, she's with grandma. It's hard, but she'll be fine. And if she cries, just tell mom you don't want to hear about it. I'm doing this at 8 months too with Philippe, for a wedding. Easier said than done eh?
Aliss, that is wonderful! We had really good success introducing a lovey around 6 months. Very helpful for self-settling. Our pediatrician has recommended a night light, but I can't decide if that would be distracting.

Easier said than done, for sure :) But my mom is lovely and she is so good with Charlotte! Good thinking on telling my mom I don't want to hear about it if she's upset. Honestly, my mom is really excited for DH and I and probably would just lie if it didn't go well unless there was something to be concerned about. Is it bad that I'm looking foward to the uninterrupted sleep? :rofl: It's good you're Philippe at 8 months, right when the next regression comes!
I think it really depends on the baby eh? I know Alex found the light to be far too distracting (and typical DUH me took a few months to figure that out). Philippe seemed to like it.

Remember girl, you can't regress from crap! So, maybe having a bad sleeper has it advantages ;) Enjoy the night off and you better sleep that night or I'll come smack you!
I think it really depends on the baby eh? I know Alex found the light to be far too distracting (and typical DUH me took a few months to figure that out). Philippe seemed to like it.

Remember girl, you can't regress from crap! So, maybe having a bad sleeper has it advantages ;) Enjoy the night off and you better sleep that night or I'll come smack you!

Agreed and I think Charlotte is similar (shocking) in that she would find it distracting.

Isn't that the truth. We are going through a "regression" of sorts right now, but it's honestly nothing compared to what I've experienced in the past. Easy peasy.

I promise to sleep, even if I have to knock myself out!! :rofl:
Aww Noelle, sorry things aren't going as well with Charlotte. Don't worry about leaving her with your mom, it's your mom! and it's only one night anyway, if it doesn't go well, it doesn't go well but as long as Charlotte is used to your mom, I'm sure they'll both be absolutely fine!

Aliss, so sorry you're having such a rough time :hugs:

Socity :(! Hope you have a better night tonight and LO feels better soon

Thank you so much for the advice yesterday, Noelle :hugs: I actually think I might love you! We had the best night we've had in SO long! I stretched Mia's last nap out and put her to bed at 7pm, she did one of the usual wakings at 9pm but that's still a huge improvement and the best bit - she went back to sleep until 4:40am :happydance::happydance::happydance: Unfortunately she was up for the day then but OH and I both felt so rested when we woke up that we thought it was like 7am! I'm so happy, I really hope this continues.. One night without a motn party feels like we've won the lottery :haha:
Thank you so much for the advice yesterday, Noelle :hugs: I actually think I might love you! We had the best night we've had in SO long! I stretched Mia's last nap out and put her to bed at 7pm, she did one of the usual wakings at 9pm but that's still a huge improvement and the best bit - she went back to sleep until 4:40am :happydance::happydance::happydance: Unfortunately she was up for the day then but OH and I both felt so rested when we woke up that we thought it was like 7am! I'm so happy, I really hope this continues.. One night without a motn party feels like we've won the lottery :haha:

I am SOOOO happy to hear that!!!! Sometimes small changes can make a big difference :)
Noelle I think she'll be fine honestly. I worry myself so much when we leav jack. But tbh we do it quite a lot as both sets of parents absolutely love to have him sleepover! Well prob about once a month so not tons. But it's funny, my mum likes to be honest and give me blow-by-blow descriptions of when he woke and what he did (which my OCD self likes haha) whereas OHs parents alllllways just say 'oh he was an angel!' And leave it at that :haha:
Once they told me he slept 7pm until 8am. I was like whaaat?! Then I found out he slept until 6.30 then spent the rest of the time snoozing in their bed, lol x
I think I need to join you ladies! I have never had a stellar night sleeper (he naps pretty well thankfully) but since 16 weeks he has been especially tough! He was down to two short wakings and I was happy with them, since we bedshare and they are very short and not disruptive.

I started messing with bedtime, trying to turn his fourth nap into bedtime around 7 and it didnt go well. He would sleep one cycle then wake and I would try and get him down again. Sometimes it took and we would later transfer him to our room when we went to bed, other times it was SUCH a battle!

Now I am back to a later bedtime around 9, and I'm just going to bed then too since I'm so tired anyways. He usually does 4 hours sometimes 5 but then it's every 1-2 after that!

I'm definitely not willing to try CIO at his age or anytime soon, so I'm hoping this is linked to th current wonder week phase?! He's always been sensitive to them!
Finlay had his first two sleepovers last Saturday and the Saturday before. We had stuffy black tie does to go to. The first Saturday was not good. He started crying as soon as we arrived at the in laws. I text to see how he was and apparently he went to bed at 7.15 without any dinner. The feedback was he was 'inconsolable' and he slept through to 7.30am. He's NEVER gone to bed that early or w/o eating something since he's been on solids. Also I'm sceptical that he slept through and to that late. (MIL was a bit smug about that. Personally I think she didnt hear him). The following week he was at my mums. He fell asleep on the evening drive down and didnt wake up when she got him out of the car. She let him sleep until 11pm and then woke him to give him his bottle and change his nappy. It took mum three attempts to settle him and apparently he called out for 'Mama'. He then slept through to 6.15. Guess which one I believe? Mum said she felt bad when he was calling for me but at least we know he is using the word. :) Both Sundays though he was right as rain so if he was unhappy he was fine about it afterwards.
Hi ladies

I've been posting in this since DS was born (8.5months ago!!) and I'm still not getting any sleep :-( We had a brief improvement but it's beyond ridiculous again. He always falls asleep with/after his bedtime bottle okay and sleeps a good 3/4hour stretch but then is up every 45mins or hour. I am sure there is nothing wrong with him except he wants to be cuddled/rocked/fed. We already co-sleep the second half of the night but TBH he doesn't sleep any better - he pulls my hair, scratches me, rolls over onto his tummy and I worry about it, eats my face (seriously) but cries if I move him to his own bed. I try to feed him to get him back to sleep but he just plays with it/blows raspberries etc. but cries when I take it away!

I am so tired. DD has been poorly and wakes twice a night. I can't go to bed when they do as I work Mon- Fri half days so have to be up at 6 and out by 7.30. Then afternoons are spent with the kids and getting dinner/bed organised and then I have to tidy and organised everything for the next day etc. so it's 9pm when I go to bed at DS is always up from 10pm onwards! Today it was so bad I could feel myself falling asleep at work and got myself a "talking to" from my manager.

The kids dad doesn't live with me, he won't take them to his house but does come over one night a week supposedly to help but he doesn't wake even if DS is screaming so I have to poke and shout at him to get up so I'm still awake anyway.

I live with my Mum who complains if either child makes noise and wakes her during the night plus the kids wake each other so my whole focus is trying to keep them quiet all night.

I notice that DS sleeps much better if I'm not in the room (if Mum isn't home I sleep on the couch) and will go 3-4hours at a time.

I already use white noise, he can put his own dummy back in etc. I'm out of ideas now :-( I've tried shush/pat and pick-up-put-down but all it does is wind DS up and he screams and stays awake longer! He's very spirited and has to have white noise and blacked out room to sleep.
Not an expert at all but Finlay (who slept through until 4mth regression) suddenly improved at 38 weeks. I didn't do anything different. Only thing that changed for him was that he suddenly started being able to pull himself up and crawling improved. Like the others suggested, I gave him more floor time to practice and he started to get it. Apart from that I think it was his age that made the difference.

Have you tried not co-sleeping at all since he doesn't sleep much better? I was thinking if he can ss then giving him a chance to do it or fidget in his own space might help. Do you also jump to settle him straight away? My oh is a nightmare with interrupted sleep, so I used to rush to F with my eyes shut! I'm sure that made his hourly wake ups more regular. I have now turned the monitor down so I'm not easily disturbed by his grumbling and he either sleeps through or wakes 1-2 times. Could you try giving your lo a little longer to settle at the wkend when it doesn't impact everyone else so much? If you explain to your mum I'm sure she'll be a bit more supportive if its for everyone's long term sleep.
I think I need to join you ladies! I have never had a stellar night sleeper (he naps pretty well thankfully) but since 16 weeks he has been especially tough! He was down to two short wakings and I was happy with them, since we bedshare and they are very short and not disruptive.

I started messing with bedtime, trying to turn his fourth nap into bedtime around 7 and it didnt go well. He would sleep one cycle then wake and I would try and get him down again. Sometimes it took and we would later transfer him to our room when we went to bed, other times it was SUCH a battle!

Now I am back to a later bedtime around 9, and I'm just going to bed then too since I'm so tired anyways. He usually does 4 hours sometimes 5 but then it's every 1-2 after that!

I'm definitely not willing to try CIO at his age or anytime soon, so I'm hoping this is linked to th current wonder week phase?! He's always been sensitive to them!

Welcome to 4 months, it really sucks. It`s mostly a waiting game! Developmental stage + growth spurt. 6 weeks for my 1st, hope you get through it quick!

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