Noelle610 - i know how you feel, my boy is nearly 8 months old and at first he was doing great at sleeping. He got to 6 months old and it all went downhill. He wakes up every night almost every hour on the dot, i don't know how he does it. He just doesn't seem to want to sleep. I also feel like that im losing it
I just don't know what has happened. There is no difference in his bedtime time routine. Im just hoping it gets better
It's so frustrating when you just can't figure it out! If I knew the "why" of it, I think it would be easier to cope.
For me, quite honestly, I think I just have a "bad" (hate to use that term) sleeper. I know it just comes more naturally to some babies. When I accept it, it's easier. I truly struggle more when I'm looking for the solution and nothing works.
I was speaking with a client the other day who was encouraging. He told me his first child slept through the night at 6 weeks. He thought it was because they had a great routine and he was doing something right. He parented the next baby in exactly the same way... and he didn't sleep through the night until he was well over a year old and even then it wasn't consistent. He basically, said "All kids are different and you're doing nothing wrong". That helps to hear.
This is pretty much what I was going to say to you. My son wasn't a great sleeper and I was constantly exhausted. He never slept much during the day, was awake until after midnight until he was about three months old, woke every hour during the night for feeds, etc. My new baby is a much better sleeper - she's not sleeping through but at 11 weeks she already sleeps pretty solidly from 6.30 to 6.30, just waking very briefly for feeds. It's nothing you are doing wrong - babies are just different. Everything that didn't work with Thomas works perfectly with Clara. She's just predisposed to sleep better I think. She sleeps much more during the day too.
Just to give you some (long-term) hope, Thomas is an excellent sleeper as a toddler, at three he sleeps 12 hours through the night and has a 1-1.5 hour nap during the day too. We very rarely have to go into him at night unless he's not well. He slept through the night from 9 months, had a regression for a couple of months after I went back to work when he was 11 months, and has slept through consistently from about 14 months. So just because you have a "bad sleeper" as a baby, it doesn't mean it will always be this way.