Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

We put her down around 9pm it used to be much earlier but were finding she is waking up MUCH LESS if we put her down at 9pm which helps because I don't enjoy waking up a million time's through out the night...

She self settles going to bed she might crawl around her crib and play with whatever she can play with for 30 mins usually we just go in and put her on her side and give her the blanket and she cuddles up to it and sleeps.

The middle of the night is unpredictable she could be up 1-6 times a night still :S... I'm still feeding her every time but i've only been giving her a couple of sips and she pass's back out which i'm assuming this is why she is waking up because this is her comfort to go back to sleep... Ive tried water but she would flip out and actually start hitting my hands and etc and throwing me away and screaming till she got her sip of milk literally I dont even go through 1 oz of milk its literally sips.

I have no idea what to do or how to even get away from this because everything i've tried she just flips in the middle of the night which makes it easier to give her a sip of milk and go back to bed....

There is time's and this is going to sound so mean but i could just literally go back to bed because i am so tired of waking up a million times a night for the pass 9 months i could just sleep while she cried in the background.

i get help Oh works nights sun-thrusday.. so friday nights and saturday nights he helps and wakes up with her and lets me sleep in..

I talked to my Dr he told me to cut the bottle completely and just let her cry and do CC... But I dont have the energy maybe i need to GET the energy because i cant handle this anymore...

I need to be guided.

I should also add she is up around 8am-9am every single morning with out fail.
She has 2 naps a day which can be from 45-1hr30 mins depending on her day and what she feels like.

Her naps around 10am or 11am and 3pm.

I'm starting to get a little panic because i'm back at work the end of september and i won't be able to be myself if i'm always tired and can barely make a work day because i've been up all night giving sips of milk.
Aubree started waking around 3am but nasty mum I am I refused to give her a bottle and after a few days she no longer woke up,

It's hard but you can do it if its what you really want xx
Melly I'm sorry you're feeling lost. This baby sleep thing is just sooo hard for some babies. Hugs xxxxx. My LO wakes 3-6x every night for a sip or two, but because I BF and bedshare it doesn't impact my sleep much at all. I can imagine having to get up and give a bottle must be exhausting! I wish I could offer more advice, but I know some others here will be able to!

Stephie - it really IS liberating to go with the flow isn't it!? I like a routine but sometimes it's just not possible and that's when baby wearing and BFing become my best friends! Also bedsharing while traveling is amazing because there is no issue of baby being in a foreign place, wherever YOU are is fine! I'm so glad you're feeling zen and I bet C will respond to that and be easygoing too :)

AFM - another great evening! And I am amazed at how long her slept in total! The one thing those sleep experts got right with my baby is that early bed does not equal early wakeup! He went to bed at 6:45 and didn't get up this morning until 7:30! He woke at 8, 11, 1, 5 but all were easy wakeups and I even had that 1.5 then 3 hour 8-11 stretch to do housework and watch TV and read! 4.5 hours to myself!? Woah!

The pantley pull off thing is usually a major fail with F unless he's asleep. Sometimes it's fine but mostly he cries and flips out and eventually just gets fully awake and I have to start all over. I have tried a few times to refuse nursing an he sobs hysterically and I end up nursing him again...it's a bit of a mess when I attempt that...

The second nap yesterday went exactly like that, but I old him "Ok, I will nurse you but I cannot lie here with you so you can nurse until you fall asleep and then I have to go do some things." Sounds crazy but then he nursed, quickly fell asleep and unlatched. Lol. Then took a 1.5hr nap alone.

Probably just tired himself out sobbing, or maybe he's super intelligent ;);)
I agree with Ticking Clock, Melly my dear... It's going to be hard, but you need to stop feeding her every time she wakes. Would you consider just straight CIO? At this age it should be easier on both of you and it's easier to stay consistent with. I do think she should have an earlier bedtime, but you can push that back gradually once she learns to self-settle.
The second nap yesterday went exactly like that, but I old him "Ok, I will nurse you but I cannot lie here with you so you can nurse until you fall asleep and then I have to go do some things." Sounds crazy but then he nursed, quickly fell asleep and unlatched. Lol. Then took a 1.5hr nap alone.

Probably just tired himself out sobbing, or maybe he's super intelligent ;);)

I don't think that sounds crazy! I do that type of thing with Charlie all of the time. She sometimes like to play around at bedtime - throwing her paci and blankey out of the crib, screaming, and then laughing when mom comes in ;) I will often go back in, lay her down and tell her, "It's time to sleep now". If she does it like a million times, I'll go in, lay her down and say, "It's time to sleep now. Please don't throw your things out of the crib since you like sleeping with them. Mommy isn't going to come back unless you really need her". Usually that does the trick! I don't know if it's the tone or what, since she obviously doesn't understand exactly what I'm saying.
Thanks girls you are prob right we decided To do a 2nd family vacation we leave in a few weeks last time we went she pretty much sttn every night in the hotel ... Ill be doing a couple days after we get back I think it needs to be done her sleeping is getting so bad even going to Bed ever since she learned crawling she crawls the thing for 2 hours before going to bed .
Yup. Knew it. Too good to be true. Back to the evening battle.

At least we have a new streak. 5 easy evenings in a row!
hi everybody hope everything is going fine. OH and ds1 start sumer vacation now. and my dad is coming in 5 days, so i will try to keep up with this thread, and try to read as much as possible. bit difficult with 3 guys messing the house up :haha: oh soon 4 guys when my dad arrives :haha: another visit is coming from germany. the baptism is around the corner. have to use the time to get a hair cut, massage while my dad is here, and OH is in vacation. also get the car cleaned at the shop OH never does it :haha:

i will try to keep up with the thread, apologise if i cant write a lot.

the night was fine today, but seems like i had insomnia. woke up Aron when i crawled into bed, he just drank and self settled. the home phone went off batteries and was beeping around 1am, and we couldnt find it. until it shut up by itself. after that 2am Aron wanted another sip. ummm and i just couldnt sleep. then i had to go to the dentist early.

ok you guys take care. i will try to read daily :hugs:
anyone else find there babies naps got a little shorter once they started crawling? she will nap for like 40 mins and she won't even call for me after shes fine crawling her crib for as long as it takes me to go get her i swear i left her crawling for 30 mins before.

She was a crap napper before she got good now its going back to crap.. yesterday she had maybe 1 hour total sleep all day and she STTN?

I dont understand her.... I so thought i was going to be up all night with an over tired baby but thats not the case thinking about when she was STTN pretty much at the hotel her naps were super short at like 30-45 mins because we were out and about on vacation..

Maybe she just doesn't need much day time sleep.. but she looks aweful her eyes are red and baggy and constant rubbing if i dont atleast try to put her down.
Amy, I'm probably being needlessly defensive about Chloe, but doesn't she need to sleep too?!? Although the fact they are holding her for naps is a win I guess :)

Gaia that's terrible, I'm so sorry! At least the good runs are getting longer! Do you have any idea what's changed tonight?

Bababas, have fun with your family sweetie and enjoy the haircut and massage! I'm sorry you couldn't sleep. I hate it when that happens with the phone. I also always lose my mobile but I have the opposite problem because it's on silent (so as not to wake the baby) so can't even call it to find it. Would you believe I spent an hour today of our vacation looking for my phone? Doh.

Melly it sounds like you are doing it tough. Cully wakes up lots too and while I am breastfeeding it takes its toll because he has to be picked up every time. So I do feel your pain! What happens differently on holiday? Maybe try to take note this trip and then replicate it at home? She's only a few weeks older than Cully and I think it's normal for them to still wake a bit at this age, but you need to balance that with your own sanity of course! Oh I just saw your second post. Why don't you try her on just cat naps and see how she goes? She'll probably get used to it pretty quickly and won't seem so tired. Maybe she's waking because she is under tired. I found with C that he was waking much more before I extended his last waketime.

We are having such a nice time. We stuck with our 'at home' routine today so it will be interesting to see how he goes tonight. It's been a bit tough getting him down for naps. Just as he is falling asleep something will catch his eye and I can see his mind go 'oh, what's that... Wait, this isn't my room!' Then he has to look around whipping his head back and forth!

The weather is lovely here. A bit hot and humid but a really nice sea breeze comes in the afternoon to cool things down. We live for rain and windy days now we are in Dubai. It was 48 degrees centigrade the day before we flew out! DH is loving reconnecting with Cully. It makes me so happy to have our family back together. Poor DH actually said to me 'I'm so glad Cully remembers me!'

Gaia, your right about bed sharing making night times easy. He was quite quick to settle last night. We've got a two bedroom place so I've insisted DH spend a night or two in the other room to catch up on sleep but he's looking forward to nighttime snuggles again!

I hope everyone has a great night! X
Oh, Stephie, wink wink, I'm sure you'll get your snuggles too! Glad you're having such a great time!!

Melly - My daughter gets like that too - she might nap for 30 minutes during the day, and still sttn. It's crazy, and it doesn't seem to follow the rules!

Gaia - I would go with super intelligent! I wish Chloe would nap that long alone - wow!

bababas - I've been having insomnia too. Most of the time I can't get to sleep because my hubby snores. So annoying!

Chloe had the worst day at daycare yesterday, poor girl! She wouldn't nap, she wouldn't stop crying. They had to call me to come give her Motrin just in case she was teething. It was awful. And, I can't visit her anymore over my lunch hour. I've been doing that every day since she's been going, but now she's starting to have seperation anxiety.

Surprisingly, with her total of 30 minutes of naps yesterday, she did sttn last night. I put her to sleep early at 6:15pm and the silly dogs woke her up at 5:15am. She would have slept longer if they hadn't been barking.
Bababas - enjoy your family time! Hope you sleep better tonight :)

Melly - I agree with Stephie, personally I think it's normal but you have to be happy too ;) Def take note of why she's sleeping better on vacation!

Amy - that sounds awful, poor C! I'm terrified for daycare, the thought literally makes me sick. I'm sure she will adjust soon though...but that must be tough. At least the lack of sleep didn't equal a bad night! Yay 11 hours is amazing!!!!!!!!

Stephie - so glad things are going well! Yay for family time! I love when DH has a long weekend, we are going on a mini trip in a week or so for our anniversary and it'll be our first family getaway. A bit nervous about sleeping arrangements in hotel for nap and evening. What are you doing about leaving C in bed alone?

AFM - Nope, no clue why he refused to sleep until 10pm. The only thing different was that he slept 12 hours plus 3 hours of nap so honestly might have just really not been tired. Only got 9.5 last night though so let's hope tonight is different.
Gaia, I thought long and hard about what to do and we decided to go for an apartment (I think a hotel suite would work too with a door that closes) and I bought our monitor along. For naps today DH sat in with us so he could watch Cully sleep and in the evenings I'm settling him as usual and then we are escaping into the living room to relax while he sleeps. I guess if F is a heavy sleeper you guys could even try transfer him to a stroller and go out for a meal? It wouldn't work for Cully though. We are happy just chilling at home though in the evenings :)

Amy, I am so sorry for poor Chloe. How sad you can't go to see her too! Did the pain relief help? Big hugs to you both!!
Bababas, have fun with your family sweetie and enjoy the haircut and massage! I'm sorry you couldn't sleep. I hate it when that happens with the phone. I also always lose my mobile but I have the opposite problem because it's on silent (so as not to wake the baby) so can't even call it to find it. Would you believe I spent an hour today of our vacation looking for my phone? Doh.

thank you. phones are evil! i miss the old phones, where there was no caller id, and you could do prank calls when bored :haha: and you just hang off the phone if you dont want anybody to call you :haha: im a grouch lol.
bababas - I've been having insomnia too. Most of the time I can't get to sleep because my hubby snores. So annoying!

oh i know that. since i co sleep now, OH is in another room :haha: sometimes i still hear him :haha: he started a really bad snore when a car bumped into him from behind and he had problems with his neck poor guy.
Yup. Knew it. Too good to be true. Back to the evening battle.

At least we have a new streak. 5 easy evenings in a row!

so sorry gaia. how long do you have to battle? my friend´s lo, she says every night is a battle. until it is 10-11pm. and he wakes up 6 sometimes. poor her too.

Chloe had the worst day at daycare yesterday, poor girl! She wouldn't nap, she wouldn't stop crying. They had to call me to come give her Motrin just in case she was teething. It was awful. And, I can't visit her anymore over my lunch hour. I've been doing that every day since she's been going, but now she's starting to have seperation anxiety.

Surprisingly, with her total of 30 minutes of naps yesterday, she did sttn last night. I put her to sleep early at 6:15pm and the silly dogs woke her up at 5:15am. She would have slept longer if they hadn't been barking.

oh poor girl! :hugs: hope it gets better soon.
:wave: and :hugs: everyone! I'm so sorry to have gotten so far behind. Things are still busy so I don't really think I have time for my usual catch up :( but I'll try to get to most of you quickly!

:hugs: to the newbies, I saw we had a couple of you several pages back -- 4 month sleep regression for at least one of you? Right? So tough!! Hang in there and please keep us posted. How have things been in the past couple days?

Gaia - I'm sorry your streak ended! Bummer. Hope tonight is good again!

Bababas - I'm sorry about the insomnia. So annoying when you finally get a chance to sleep and can't. I hope you enjoy your vacation and having family over!

Amy - :hugs: :hugs: my heart goes out to you. I can totally relate about the separation anxiety and not being able to visit. And Munchkin has had days just like that since he switched classrooms. It's heartbreaking to have to leave them so upset. Hang in there hon, just remember that she is fine and safe there and it's good for you to have some time to yourself too. Glad for the STTN though! I hope that continues!!

Stephie - I'm so so glad that everything is going so well! :thumbup: All three of you completely deserve a vacation (well, especially you and DH :lol:) and I hope it continues to be relaxing and great.

Melly - did you see Noelle's recent Baby Club post about a nap regression? That's supposed to be around 11 months so you'd be a bit on the early side, but it could be! Or maybe she's just getting more excited from crawling around, and therefore doesn't want to nap, but is also tiring herself out more?

Polaris? How are you doing?

I know I must have missed at least one or two people! I'm sorry.

AFM - still WIO, and, dare I say it? -- things have been a little better the past couple nights! No big freakouts, no 4:30 AM mornings, and some longer stretches. Obviously tonight is going to suck now, but what can you do.

He still won't nap in his crib at daycare. The last time he did was last Thursday. I'm not sure what to do. Somehow we are surviving but obviously it's not great. He naps for about 10-15 minutes in the teachers' arms and that's his entire nap. We could continue WIO on this too, or I have two other ideas: I could start bringing him in early instead of letting him take his first nap at home, so that he's even more tired there and (I'm assuming) will eventually have to nap; or I could talk to the teachers about doing a little sleep training at daycare (having him SS a couple times in his new crib so that he can stay asleep in there when they transfer him). What do you guys think? I don't have very much confidence in either of those ideas, though!

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