Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

He still won't nap in his crib at daycare. The last time he did was last Thursday. I'm not sure what to do. Somehow we are surviving but obviously it's not great. He naps for about 10-15 minutes in the teachers' arms and that's his entire nap. We could continue WIO on this too, or I have two other ideas: I could start bringing him in early instead of letting him take his first nap at home, so that he's even more tired there and (I'm assuming) will eventually have to nap; or I could talk to the teachers about doing a little sleep training at daycare (having him SS a couple times in his new crib so that he can stay asleep in there when they transfer him). What do you guys think? I don't have very much confidence in either of those ideas, though!

oh poor thing. is it possible to have the pram or something like that. in ds1 baby nursery (he was 14 months then) we came with the pram. where they push him to sleep. like back and forth. it was a big one. my OH used to be in it. an old silvercross or how you call them. so he had enough space. good that MIL kept it :haha:
SE - If you are comfortable letting them sleep train, that might be the quickest way to resolve the nap issue. I would give them some definite boundaries though based on how you want them to do it. Chloe's daycare does cio for naps too, and it does help. We have regressed though since she no longer has the rock n play to sleep in there. Very hard decision for you!
Thanks. Bababas, we can't bring a pram in, as they are pretty restrictive about what they will use with the babies because of their licensing. Amy, I would probably want to be there for the first couple times at least to make it less stressful for him. Similar to what we do at home but just in the nap room at daycare. I just wish he could have his blankie with him! I know that would make it a lot easier since he's so used to having it at home :( I'm sure they'll say no but I think I'll ask them if he can have it if I write them a note or something.
SE - Nothing in the crib at my daycare either but they let Chloe hold a burp rag! Not supposed to, but it calms her down.
Thanks girls! .... Vacation we are constantly on the go and gets so tired she would sleep in the car for cat naps... Maybe she is under tired even tho I think she's to tired!
His blankie is smaller than a burp rag. DH calls it his "napkin" :haha:

I have to take him in early tomorrow anyway so we'll see if he can get a nap in sometime during the day. That's why he napped (for 20 minutes) last week, too. If not...we're screwed.
Stephie we have a one bedroom reserved too, but I meant about leaving him in the bed in the evening? Since its not on the floor? I'm a bit unsure what to do about that. Ill be bringing our magic foam bumpers for the bed but still. F is FAST.

SE I'm sorry naps at daycare still haven't improved! I can't believe he doesn't just pass out, that's crazy! I guess that 10-15 min is refreshing him.

We had a super busy day today and F took three small naps, now is not wanting to go to bed again! Sighhhhh. He's soooo busy and active he just won't stop moving! To be fair he had a nap at 5 in the car so I shouldn't have even tried bed before 8. It's 8:20 now and he is dropping off...
Gaia sorry, I misunderstood. We have a video monitor so we take it turns to watch the monitor. I've already had two scares though where I've taken my eyes off the monitor for a few minutes and looked back to see him crawling to the edge. We rearranged the room so the bed is in the corner and I pushed the travel cot at the foot of the bed. I also built a pillow wall last night which seemed to have helped. He sat up but didn't try to scale over the wall!

Do you have a video monitor? If we didn't have one I would just put the mattress on the floor... If the room is too small, could you phone ahead and ask them to remove the base and just start with it on the floor when you get there?

SE, good luck today! I hope he manages to take a nap at daycare.
Lol, I can imagine the staffs confusion about that! Bed on the floor!? Hahahahahah!

Will have to see when we get there I guess...I asked for a crib in the room, wishful thinking...
LOL we are going to Wales in September and requested a cot too! Ha! Yeah I can see that happening. But it is a useful barrier for one side of the bed and you can also use it to put all their clothes etc in!
Polaris - that is exactly what we are using the travel cot for! Lol! Baby storage and bed barrier... I think the owners think we are really precious because I asked the cleaning lady (who is the owner's sister) to please not spray air freshener because it's bad for the baby and there were a few raised eyebrows at our bed configuration.
We have a new tooth this morning, number 5! She actually wasn't too bad with this one, although I'm hoping it might have been a contributing factor in how long it's taking her to settle recently. I haven't dared to do the longer wake times yet, she just seems SOO tired coming up to four hours that I just bring her up to bed and she feeds to sleep perfectly but then comes wide awake again and won't settle for another 45 minutes approx. Very frustrating!! I have just cancelled my yoga class because I've missed the last two weeks because I couldn't get her settled in time. Boo hoo!
That sounds so much like my life Polaris! I wanted to do an evening bootcamp class but haven't been able to. I'm holding out hope for the fall...lol.

I wonder if that is classic teething, because the problem literally started for us when he started teething in March. But it's been so long now, it's hard to think its anything except just his M.O.

OT of sleep but F just went 3 days without poop! Crazy considering we do BLW and all he eats is BM and blueberries. I finally put him in the 'poopersaucer' this morning because it tends to help him along. And voila! Lol.

It is bizarre though how much effort it seems to be taking, for BM and blueberries...

He ended up going to sleep just after 8 and waking this morning just after 6. It was 29 degrees in his room and he was super restless all evening so hoping things cool down, his tummy is more settled and tonight is a bit better.
Polaris, could you take her outside for a few moments just before the 4 hour mark then do bath and bed? Sorry you had to cancel your class!

Gaia, Cully barely eats anything and he's had periods when he only poops every 2-3 days. I think it's just their tummies adjusting to solids. Lol at the blueberries and breastmilk diet! We joke Culver is surviving on breastmilk and cucumbers! X
sorry about your yoga classes polaris. i would like to do some classes in the evening too. but unpredictably he sometimes wakes up after one hour and will only settle on boob. would also love to go to the movies again.... guess i have to wait we will see how long :wacko: he wont really take the bottle :wacko:
Oh, the dream of getting some time to ourselves at nights! haha! Dream big girls! I would like to: exercise, clean, read a book, or watch a movie. So far, I haven't done any of this, even though she is sleeping well at the moment. I am NOT sleeping well, so I am still going to bed early.

Stephie and Gaia - I finally found one food that Chloe will eat - sweet potatoes! But did you know that if they eat too much sweet potatoes, it can turn their nose orange? And Gaia, the poopersaucer! haha - Chloe has one of those too, but I freak out if she starts pooping in it, because that means HUGE mess for me!

Polaris - That's too bad that you can't make your yoga class. We went through that a few weeks ago (or longer?), eyes pop open, and then wide awake again. I agree with Stephie about taking her outside if you can at the 4 hour mark. That always helps me get a little more wake time out of Chloe.

bababas - I love going to the movies - I try not to pay attention to what's coming out anymore, since we probably won't see anything until it's out on DVD.
Last night, I had to resettle Chloe a couple of times. I'm sure it's because her last nap ran late. It wasn't too bad though, since I was awake anyway. Darn insomnia. And then the stupid dogs woke her up too early again.

And today was my first day of not visiting her at daycare over my lunch hour. Very sad. I called and checked on her though!
Oh, the dream of getting some time to ourselves at nights! haha! Dream big girls! I would like to: exercise, clean, read a book, or watch a movie. So far, I haven't done any of this, even though she is sleeping well at the moment. I am NOT sleeping well, so I am still going to bed early.

Amy, I so relate to this! I had a terrible time teaching myself to STTN after Charlie started doing so! I think it was anxiety related; I had to go on some medication. Hopefully you don't go that route.

Once you can finally relax and have an "adult" bedtime, it's nice. Mine is 9pm, so still early, but it gives me enough time to watch some bad TV and eat dinner with DH. I even read a bit before bed. It's bliss! Every evening I thank my lucky stars because I know what it feels like to dread the night time.
I'm dreaming of watching an entire episode of the new Vampire Diaries without having to run upstairs because baby boy is about to climb off the bed!

Amy, I'm so sorry you are struggling with insomnia. I get it too - it's hard to switch your mind off sometimes. I find reading before sleep really helps me unwind.

Edit - did I say climb off the bed? I meant hurling himself face first onto the tile floors off the bed.
Noelle - I haven't quite figured out why I'm not sleeping, other than I'm not used to sleeping with the 2 dogs and hubby again yet. I just feel wide awake when I lay down, even though I'm not. I'm not ready to try any meds yet, since I don't like to feel groggy if I need to get up with her during the night. Hopefully it works itself out soon!

And it is very liberating to be able to lay her down in bed and know that I have a couple of hours to do whatever I want because she (most likely) won't be waking back up until morning!

My normal bedtime is usually 9 too! That's late enough for me!
Amy, it may clear on it's own. I was an extreme case. Another mom on BnB used to say she had PTSD from her LO's night wakiings and I thought that was a bit extreme... Until I experienced it! It's just hard to relax. Some of my mom friends had the same experience and didn't need meds. I think I'm just weird :haha:

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