Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Yikes lysh!!!!!! It's just one day. You can get back on track tomorrow...but yikes. Sounds rough!

Did seeing a newborn make you broody!?!? Despite it all?! Lol
5000 posts? That's a lot of sleepless nights!

Iysh - totally agree with Gaia. Tomorrow will be better xx
Thanks ladies...it was better than I thought. DD slept until 5 and did not wake up numerous times during the night like I expected- in the past she would have, so I guess this is progress.

I am just hoping the rest of the year will not be like this with naps when I go back to work.

Hope you all got some good sleep!
stephie - i saw on your previous post that a tooth is coming. yey! and that you had an easy night. good.

amy and polaris - waking a sleeping toddler! :dohh: aaaaaaa hehe my ds1 has been needing wakings, he is on dropping his nap. didnt nap yesterday in school. ones he didnt nap. then fell asleep around 5pm on the sofa. when he woke up he was ever so grumpy for an hour.

lysh - uff that sounds bad. one of those days. well good she slept well in the end.

Aron has been sleepy these 2 days. you think it is coz of WW26? also the weather here is cloudy, rainy windy. the 3rd nap has been difficult though. needed to go out with him yesterday in the stormy weather so he can sleep a cat nap in his pram.
Sorry for not replying to everyone - I will catch up tomorrow. Having a bit of a nightmare - the AC in our bedroom is broken. Did I mention it's 40 degrees outside?! It's almost 7pm and I've just managed to get the inflatable mattress up in the playroom downstairs. Cully is feeding to sleep now after being awake since 12.30. Getting things fixed is so hard in Dubai - tomorrow is the first day of our weekend and no one works... Wish me luck! I don't have high hopes for tonight. Cully is so sensitive to changes in his environment.
I think DH managed to fix it - at least temporarily! We've migrated back upstairs - almost 8pm and Cully still awake :dohh: but at least he is nursing to sleep again!
lysh - Thank goodness she had a great night of sleep! Chloe usually does ok too at night when she has little sleep during the day, unless she's had too many days like that in a row. Do you need some ideas for SIL to try for naps?

bababas - Maybe Aron is going through a growth spurt now and needs a little extra sleep? I'd want to nap in that kind of weather too. A grumpy toddler would scare me to pieces! haha I hope he doesn't drop his naps yet, I thought that was closer to 5yo? I could have read that wrong though!

Stephie - Glad you got the air working - that sounds way too hot! I can't sleep if it's too hot, but we've been keeping our house about 5 or 6 degrees (F) warmer than we used to at night. Is the 2nd top tooth on it's way out yet? We are still sitting at 2 bottom teeth - which she bit me with last night. I scared her though, because my reaction was to yelp!
Time to catch up :flower:

Bababas, I think GWTF sounds like a good approach for right now. That means, if it doesn't make nights worse, napping after 2 hours awake -- he's still going through the 3-2 transition, right? Am I right that there is not a real pattern to Aron's wakings and naps except that he is waking up a lot? It's hard to know what to do in that situation since you don't have as many clues about what is wrong. There definitely are random good nights and bad nights. And with what you said about him being interested in the world all of a sudden, it does sound like it could be developmental. Hang in there :hugs: it's a good thing they are so cute, huh? :baby:

NotNic, sounds like Fin has been busy!! Congrats on all the new teeth and on walking. Sounds like he is doing great on one nap. The other day I met a 14-month-old who has a long morning nap too. 6:30 wake up is very respectable! So hilarious about him pretending his mouth hurts. Clever boy! <3 Thank you for your encouragement. I wish we could do what you do with bedtime, it sounds just right, but Munchkin won't stand for it, at least not without crying. We enforce dark bedroom play time before 6 AM and he hates it. I used to do the same after bedtime if he didn't want to sleep, but he caught on and now he yells until we take him outside and turn on the lights! :shrug:

I think the reason so many of us are WIO is that the sleep trainers tend to leave the thread :haha: it's just the rare mothers, like me and Polaris, for whom ST has not been permanently effective, who stick around! And of course Noelle...

Amy, I just love the image of Chloe looking around for you over the bumper! :cloud9: You certainly should be proud of her. <3 So glad to hear naps are going better at daycare. I hope today was good too. By the way, I always call daycare if I'm wondering how things are going. Maybe they think I'm crazy but I figure it takes just a few seconds and really makes me feel more at ease! :shrug:

Stephie, we're having 7 hour WTs not infrequently here too (pre and/or post nap). As long as it's working ok for you... :shrug: GWTF means GWTF, right?! I'm sorry to hear about your AC, I find it so much harder to stay patient and calm when it's so warm! I hope you guys can get it fixed right away. And I hope tonight goes well :hugs:

Lysh, glad you had a nice birthday :thumbup: I'm sorry about your rough day yesterday but glad it didn't affect the night too much! How have things been since then? :hugs: I wouldn't worry about naps staying like this in the long term. My LO takes a looooong time to adjust to new situations but he does eventually. I'm sure she will adapt!

Gaiagirl, how well I know that wide awake after bedtime thing... :dohh: 10:40 is late though! What a little night owl you have. I hope you all got some sleep eventually!

Polaris, so glad you had a better night :happydance: maybe the walking is finally starting to tire her out more? I hope you feel better rested and the rest of the day went well! I don't think your description of your morning sounds dull. All of us understand how valuable it is when your LO actually sleeps and you get some extra time to get things done!

AFU - I'm going to jinx it now but things have been going really well! It makes it very easy to GWTF. :p Last night was actually our best ever, STTN 7:35-5:45, and for once I didn't wake up at 4 myself! :happydance: I wouldn't say no to a few more of those.

He's still been having one nap around 12:30, usually about 45 min give or take, plus usually (not always) 5 minutes in the car in the morning. I can't fathom how he stays awake until 12:30 but apparently he does! I think the car nap helps. In the evenings he's usually fine. He wants to be outdoors all the time now (or maybe he always did and just didn't know how to ask before!) so I think that helps, too.

Wishing all of you a good night (actually, for most of you, a good day)!
Lysh, poor baby girl! That's terrible! Im glad she slept ok last night. No one but me has ever even tried to put my son down for a nap - I'm not sure how he'd go with anyone else.

Polaris, three cheers for Clara! She's giving you a great 'birth day' present! And I can finally wish her happy birthday for tomorrow. It's lucky I wished her an early happy birthday - it reminded me to send flowers to my mum! I also love those mornings when you get some time to yourself to get chores done.

Bababas, I think 2 hours is fine if that what he wants :) WW could definitely be making him more sleepy, or a growth spurt?

Amy, how were daycare naps?! I agree, waking a baby is awful! Cully screams hysterically so I've stopped waking him now - even if he takes a really late nap. Hubby claims he saw the second tooth this morning but I'm not so sure! When he wakes from his nap I will try to investigate. He's so funny about me trying to touch his mouth though.

NotNic, thanks for the words of encouragement. It's so important to stay positive! Bad sleep can't last forever, right?

SE, I agree that the car nap is helping if he is anything like Cully - even a few minutes dozing can result in hours of extra awake time. It's still such a long time! Cully has been taking his nap around 10.30am at the moment and I don't think he could stay awake much longer. I'm hoping he stretches it out before I go back to work or DH will have to leave work and try to put him down. I digress...

I'm sure walking makes then more tired. Plus mentally there is so much going on for the little toddlers on the thread. I hope the good nights continue for you guys :)

Well - our AC lasted the night but it's playing up again for nap time so I've got the fan aimed at him and hoping for the best! Gaia and Polaris, I have so much sympathy for you guys when you were complaining about hot nights - it's 29 degrees in our room and it's horrible.

Last night was actually good! He still woke frequently but is becoming so much easier to settle. I couldn't tell you how often he woke but I feel much more rested. From about 5am I needed to rock him and feed him every 20-30 minutes but the rest of the night was pretty good :)
bababas- That is nice your LO will sleep in his pram- mine never liked it and would scream the minute I stuck her in it. Now she will happily sit her stroller and go for a short walk because she is more aware and will look around- but naps, not so easily!!!! My MIL would sometimes put her to sleep that way, but LO would scream first. The hard part is like you said, the stormy weather....I am sure it is not fun when it is cold too! Cloudy weather probably makes babies sleepy like it does us.

Stephie- Ugh....yeah, sleeping in hot weather stinks! I hope you are able to get the AC fixed soon. Glad to hear most of the night went well- the easier they are to settle the quicker you can get back to sleep!!!

AmyS- Yeah, I did give SIL a bunch of ideas- like singing Hush Little Baby since that is what I chose to sing to her to help her settle once I got her in the crib. The problem is that she has 4 rambunctious children in a tiny home and dd is not use to noise. At home, she lives with me, DH, and our cat!!! lol The screaming of other children wakes her up and then she has a hard time settling. Plus, when I am home with dd, she sleeps and hour and a half for a nap, but part of it is in the crib and the rest is nursing- obviously no one else can nurse her! I just hope she adjusts- it was a bit of a nightmare last year and we ended up with lots of 4am wake ups!

SE- Yes, it takes LO time to adjust. I think the hard part is that we have my MIL and my SIL watching her during the week. It is great having family, but it is not the same person all week. Then she has me on the weekends, so it a lot of change. She will adapt, but last year was definitely not the greatest when it came to sleep. So your 10 month old is on one nap a day? 45 minutes and then a catnap?

Yesterday DD only slept for 1 hour 15 minutes total during the day for naps. She fell asleep in the car for 1/2 hour and the rest with me. She woke up at 12:30 and ended up staying awake until 7:30...she was tired. SHe fell asleep at 7:30, but woke up at 4. I hope we do not start these early mornings again, it is hard during the work year.
Lysh, 4am wakeup?!? You poor thing! You must feel exhausted. Do you go to bed early? I wish I had some tips for you but the only way I helped my early riser sleep longer was by rocking him (for hours sometimes!). I hope she sleeps later in the morning for you tomorrow. Thanks for the hot-weather commiserations!
lysh - What about a white noise machine to drown out the other kids? Chloe's is pretty loud, and it helps drown out hubby's snoring and my recent coughing. Hope she can adjust well - now that she's older, maybe she'll be more willing to accept a little change!

Stephie - Glad you had a better night!! I hope your AC holds out - that would be so tough to sleep in that heat!

SE - I do call over my lunch sometimes! I warned them that I would - and they always suggest it anyway. Wow, you did have a great night! I can't imagine going all day on a couple of short naps like that. Chloe does it sometimes, but not without lots of complaining!
Daycare naps have gone down hill again! She took a 20 minute in the morning, and then a 30 minute from 5-5:30pm yesterday. Then, she cut her lip when she fell (so much blood!) and ended up in bed an hour later than usual. She was kind of unsettled all night then.
Stephie- Thanks! So you rocked your baby and eventually he just started sleeping later?

AmyS- Oh no!!! Poor baby! How is she? I was thinking about a white noise...not sure if it will help her sleep longer, but maybe for at least the 30 minutes she would sleep in her crib at home. The only thing is that the white noise machine would have to really DROWN out the noise really, really well. It is a small house and the kids are basically in the next room to where she is sleeping.
Lysh, I use a white noise machine for Clara and I find it brilliant. It doesn't totally drown out the noise but it masks it. If you are sleeping then you tend not to hear other noises outside the room, although you would hear them if you were awake. When the white noise is on, I am not disturbed by OH snoring in the next room and I never hear him going to the loo or going up to bed at nights, whereas without the white noise I would always wake from those noises and would definitely not be able to sleep through his snoring! So definitely worth a try!

My mum is visiting for the week so I probably won't be online much. Off to wrap Clara's birthday presents now! Good sleeping everyone!
Back later for a real post but HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARA!!!! :cake: :cake: :cake: Have a wonderful week, Polaris!
Happy Birthday to your little girl!

Any recommendations on white noise machines?
Lysh - I have the Marpac Dohm-DS that's on Amazon. Works great! She never wakes up when hubby is getting ready for work (very loudly!).

Polaris - Happy birthday to Clara! Have a great weekend!
We're having a major nursing strike here. It came totally out of the blue. I hope this is not the end of our BF relationship but I'm honestly not sure. I'm devastated. :cry: Thank goodness Munchkin can SS as well as he can but nursing was still the best way to comfort him and get him relaxed. Tonight is the first time ever he hasn't nursed at bedtime. I just can't believe this is happening.
We're having a major nursing strike here. It came totally out of the blue. I hope this is not the end of our BF relationship but I'm honestly not sure. I'm devastated. :cry: Thank goodness Munchkin can SS as well as he can but nursing was still the best way to comfort him and get him relaxed. Tonight is the first time ever he hasn't nursed at bedtime. I just can't believe this is happening.

SE :hugs: How long has it been going on for? Thomas had a nursing strike at about 15/16 months in which he didn't nurse at all for three or four days. I was sure that he was going to wean and I was so not ready for it because it came totally out of the blue. For us it began with a cold and blocked nose which made it uncomfortable for him to feed. I kept offering and after three or four days he just went back to nursing again. I did pump a few times during the time he wasn't feeding but not all that much. Fingers crossed that Munchkin goes back to nursing too.

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