Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Will respond more later...have to go back to work today. :( DD was up at 4 again- patted her for 20 minutes and just finally went back to bed. She cried for less than 5 minutes this time and slept until 5:35...needless to say, mommy did not go back to sleep. I was too anxious at that point. Wish me luck...going back to work is harder this time than I thought it would be.
Good luck Lysh. Just remember that it's harder for you than for her!! Especially after she slept well. :hugs: :hugs:
NotNic - Sitting up before awake? Yikes. I'm not looking forward to that either! Glad you had a much better night - sounds like he is on the mend!

lysh - I hope you both have a good day today! I can't imagine having the summer off and then going back full-time - that would be so hard!

SE - I have a hard time categorizing sleep troubles too - I tend to go with overtired during the week, but undertired on the weekends!

Stephie - Yay for hubby!! I think it's perfectly okay to tell him it's now his job to put Cully back down when he wakes at night...I tried to tell mine that naps are his job now, because the past 2 times he's put Chloe to sleep for naps, she's slept for over 2 hours in her crib!!!

It seems like bedtime is getting harder now. She will almost fall asleep on the bottle, and then either be wide awake on her own, or like last night, the dog will start barking and wake her up. I think this might be my cue to start doing things differently - stop feeding her to sleep?

As I said above, hubby put her down for her afternoon nap, and she slept for 2 hours in her crib! I couldn't believe it. She needed it, because she only slept for 20 minutes at daycare in the morning, but then I think she ended up being undertired at bedtime even though she was cranky and rubbing her eyes.
Hi everyone. I'm back online but I haven't really caught up properly yet. I had a lovely week with my mum and Clara's birthday was fantastic. Still can't believe she's a year old! Also Thomas is starting preschool on Monday so I have a lot of butterflies about that, really hope it goes well!

No real update on sleep. Clara is still sleeping very badly. I am blaming teething again for the moment.
Glad Clara had a lovely birthday Polaris. Is Thomas excited about pre-school. Ah grown up babies!!

Amy - don't worry. Finlay seems to be a bit more extreme than most :D He always practices everything in his sleep. He claps and waves in his sleep and nursery have caught him dancing during nap time when he definitely is asleep! :haha: Noelle advised us to include lots and lots of practice of whatever skill he was working on during the daytime to get it out of his system. That helped a lot.

Seaweed - I was reading my reply before and I didn't mean to sound judgy about smaller feeds. I hope I didn't offend you. My bfing friends found that most of their babies started having less short feeds during the day around munchkins age and found life much easier to plan especially as they approached returning to work. It was something that happened naturally for them rather than them actually introducing it.

Lysh - good luck for today x
NN, hon you certainly did not offend me! I've heard the same thing -- a friend of mine said that she had a biting problem around Munchkin's age that was solved by dropping from 4 feeds to 2 (ha!). Of course he won't take a single feed now so all I can do is wonder whether it would have helped if I'd made a change earlier...but I'll never know! Glad you guys had a better night :thumbup:

Polaris, glad you've had such a good week! Sorry about the bad sleep though. Blaming teething sounds entirely reasonable to me. IMO, when you are WIO it is important to always blame something (other than yourself). Seriously! Just pick whichever is most likely out of teething, development, illness, uncontrollable routine disruption, the seasons changing...at least one of those has to seem at least somewhat likely at any given time.

Amy, when Munchkin does that I say he's undertired :haha: glad she got a good nap in. Are you planning to work on not feeding to sleep, then?

Stephie, so glad to hear things went better for you last night. How interesting about your DH being able to get him back down! Munchkin never settles for DH. I hope tonight is even better :thumbup:

Munchkin was up at 5:20 and clearly was not ready to wake up. I think he sat up and was just not sleepy enough to go back to sleep at that time. There was a lot of traffic on the way to daycare this morning so he slept for nearly 25 minutes...I hope it doesn't mess up the rest of the day too badly. Still not nursing, but he's really starting to walk now so maybe if it was developmental, that will magically fix it?
Seaweed - I love your checklist of possible excuses for poor sleep! I just had to laugh because it really is such a guessing game really - pick the excuse that sounds most likely! So sorry that the nursing strike is continuing - but yay for proper walking! Clara doesn't crawl at all anymore, she just walks everywhere, it is amazing to me how quickly she went from not walking to walking competently because with Thomas that process took months! Very interesting that you are considering a sleep consultant - you will have to give us a blow by blow account if you go ahead with it, I would be fascinated to hear what the process involves and what they advise.

Stephie - I'm glad to hear that you had a slightly better night. Those MOTN parties are no fun. Although Cully's good nights are sadly a bit like Clara's good nights, i.e. still pretty rubbish. However, it is very promising that your DH was able to resettle him and that he slept for such a long stretch afterwards! Can I just ask, when you say you tried feeding him as soon as he woke up, was that different to what you had been trying? I am just asking out of curiosity because I have got into a habit of sticking a boob into Clara's mouth as soon as she stirs and I'm not sure if this is a bad idea in the long run?

Notnic - sorry that F has been under the weather and that teething is back with a vengeance. But wow, you are nearly done with teething already!! I keep counting how many teeth Clara has left to go and the answer is always "too many"!

Amy - sorry you are having bedtime difficulties - but great news that your DH was able to settle her for such a long nap in the crib!! I find the whole undertired/overtired thing so confusing!! I wish there was just an easy way to tell what was going on with them!!

Lysh :hugs: I hope today went smoothly with your return to work and that LO napped well with your SIL. I am already dreading going back to work in January.

So to update properly on Clara's sleep - I guess thinking about it there have been some improvements. She seems to be in a good routine in the daytime now, she gets up about 7.30 and naps for about an hour at 10 a.m. and about 1.5 hours at about 2.30 p.m. She will now nap in the carseat if we are out and about, which makes life a lot easier. She is settling fairly easily at bedtime too, going to bed between 8 and 8.30. (By the way, I finally got some decent audiobooks which are going down a treat with Thomas while I am upstairs getting Clara settled - so thank you to those who suggested audiobooks). Also she is generally doing 2 to 3 hours in the evenings before her first waking, which is a huge improvement. It's just after that that things go seriously downhill. At the moment she is generally sleeping until about 11 p.m. and then seems to wake up every 20 minutes or so for the rest of the night. I think that's an exaggeration but that's what it feels like. I don't know how she can sleep so soundly for naps and in the early evening and then wake up so often for the rest of the night. However the fact that she is now sleeping well in the early evening gives me hope because she never used to sleep well at that time.
Hey ladies...thank you all for your well wishes. Today went okay....I was more upset than DD. She cried when I was leaving and held her little hand out towards me, but DH said once I shut the door she was redirected and fine. Thankfully I have off tomorrow...it is nice having a day this week and only a day next week to get back into the swing of things.

She only napped for 40 minutes today, so hopefully her night will not be too crazy. I will respond more tomorrow....I do not have the concentration to read carefully and respond as I have been up since 4, feeling a bit cross eyed!!!

Sleep well ladies!
Yay for Thomas liking the audio books! Finlay took an age to progress further than 2-3 steps. It was like he forgot he could do it as we would go days before he would try again. I think he was working on his balance as in that time he started being able to stand unsupported for a few mins at a time. On the Thursday before he walked he managed 10 steps (once then didnt try again) then all of a sudden on the Sunday he had a burst of walking. Then the next day he was just a walker. Nursery were amazed on the Wednesday as they'd never seen him take a step and now he was practically running. I would say indoors he walks 98% of the time. Outdoors he's better holding your hand. I think he gets too tired! Teeth wise we we've had 6 through since he was 13mths old! Before that he'd been a pretty slow teether
Notnic, wonderful news that you are having better nights! I agree with you about daddies having less to offer than mummies! I really like that tip Noelle gave you about practising the skills they are working on. It's a good one.

Lysh, I'm glad your girl was ok with you going back to work. It's so hard. I hope she sleeps later for you tonight and you aren't so tired. I have no idea how I am going to function at work in two months... Sleep deprivation turns me into a complete idiot who can't string sentences together. You're doing amazingly well!

Amy, I think this age is characterised by a much greater awareness of the world around them. I'm finding bedtime really hard too. I don't know what the answer is! Maybe experiment with a longer awake time. How is her self settling going? Do you put her awake in her bed? What is daycare doing now?

Polaris! Welcome back :) I'm sorry Clara is still sleeping so badly. Feeding him immediately is different to what I had been trying. I usually only feed him if he is rooting around. Normally I try and jiggle him lying down or sit up and rock him (and rock him and rock him). This last few days I've been feeding him as soon as he stirs and he settles so much quicker (except during the MOTN parties). I know it's not hunger at the other times because he latches for a minute then falls asleep. I don't know which is better long term to be honest. I feel your frustration about day sleep vs night sleep. Cully has been asleep for 1.5 hours and only fed back to sleep once after 20 minutes. He goes down so easily for his nap too. I don't know why night time is so difficult for these two. Oh, and we are also getting a good 2-3 hour sleep in the early evening!

SE, I'm also intrigued about the sleep consultant! I can't wait to hear about it. I'm sad he hasn't stated nursing yet. I'm going to check out your other thread after this. Boo hoo for the early wake up. He probably really needed the sleep in the car.

Our MOTN parties are continuing. He was awake three hours last night. It's becoming too much. I'm going to stretch his awake times as long as possible and see if that helps. It might be the wrong approach but I feel like he's undertired (oh, the eternal debate!). 10 hours awake time is too short for him. I feel like he would sleep better on two naps but he's still refusing an afternoon nap. This morning he was awake from 6.20am - 11.10am (happily) which is almost 5 hours. I'll aim for 6.5 this evening (which is what he's happily been doing) and hopefully the extra 1.5 hours awake might stop the MOTN parties.

He also surprised me yesterday by standing independently for about 10 seconds so maybe I was wrong about the developmental stuff causing MOTNers.
just wondering how many of you ladies have LOs that are >18 months?
AmyS- It is hard transitioning from a SAHM to a working mom. However, at the same time I am grateful I am in a profession where I have that opportunity. As painful as the transition is, I would not give up the 10 weeks I got to stay home with her. I try to remember that when I feel really down about leaving her.
Now that bedtime is getting harder for your LO, it might be a good opportunity to break the feeding to sleep habit. If it is not working anyways anymore, might as well, right? I figured when things consistently get difficult with dd, I will break the nursing to sleep, but as long as it keeps working I am sticking with it for now!
That is amazing that your LO slept for 2 hours!!!!!!

Polaris- Wow, good luck to Thomas! I think as parents, we are probably more nervous than the children with new things!!! How long have you been a SAHM? I find once I get into the swing of things, it does get easier, however Mondays continue to be the hardest. Glad naps are getting better for dd, now she just needs to lesson her nightime wakings! From what I have read in the past, the first stretch of sleep is usually the deepest. That use to be my DD's longest stretch of sleep and then it would go downhill.

Notnic- So I guess you found once your LO got the confidence he took off? My LO has been progressing with walking for the last week....some days she seems to want to take independent steps more than others. Right now she is more into having me hold her hands while she walks. I am waiting for her to just decide she can do this herself and then take off!! Congrats on your son walking! Exciting!

Stephie- 3 hour MOTN party????? Poor momma!!!! Keep trying different things...my LO surprises me with how long she can stay awake. She does get a grumpy and a bit overtired, but she actually did sleep better last night even though she had a short nap. I am the same way BTW....I loose brain cells and I have a hard time functioning on lack of sleep....I struggled at work at first, but somehow adjusted well enough to be fairly competent!!!

So DD slept from 7:45-5:35. We started her bedtime routine at 7:05- she was so tired from not napping much that she was asleep rather quickly. It is unfortunate that I woke up at 3:40 and then was anxious that she would wake up, so I had a hard time falling asleep. Then when I finally did fall back asleep, our cat decided to start meowing at the top if his lungs. :coffee:
NotNic - Dancing in his sleep is so awesome!! What a cutie! I do try to practice her new skills when she's home with me, but I'm pretty sure the daycare people are too lazy to help with that!

SE - I would feel better about stopping feeding to sleep if she was more established on solids. And, I'm terrified to change her routine!! I'm so glad they can't talk at this age, because she'd probably tell me I was a mean mommy! haha

polaris - Glad Clara is getting a good stretch of sleep at the beginning, but the rest of the night sounds rough! To me it sounds like she's tired enough to stay sleeping for naps and the first part of the night, but her developmental stuff is keeping her up after that because she is better rested? Does that make sense? (And I don't ever have a clue about what's going on, just speculation.) So glad the audiobooks were a hit!!

Stephie - I put her in bed awake for one nap last weekend, and she fell asleep in 10 minutes with a little fussing. I haven't tried nights though. She is still self-settling for all but one or two wakings at night. I think I need to cap naps at 3:30 from now on! And if she doesn't sleep at daycare, then bedtime will just have to be at 6pm.

Three hours for you last night?? How are you handling this, poor girl? I think I would try the longer wake times too, and lots of standing practice! He probably is mentally gearing up to move those cute baby feet forward and start running on you!

lysh - Thank goodness you have today off, being up that early! I sometimes have a hard time getting back to sleep too if I think she's gonna be up soon. And the cat, that's something I forgot they do. I haven't had a cat in years. Sometimes I could kill the dog for barking right when I get her to sleep, but it's hard to stay mad at their furry faces.

Last night was another hard night to settle. She didn't sleep much at daycare, and hubby had put her to sleep before I got home, so she ended up with another late nap from 4:45-5:30pm. Then she was soooo cranky and tired, that I tried to put her down at 7pm - didn't work. But then she was in a great mood, and so funny! Finally got her down at 8pm, and she woke up once at 4am, so I fed her, and she was back to sleep until 6:30am.

My plan now to try is: I will feed her out in the bright living room when she starts to get cranky, probably about 7pm. Then, I'll read her a book and let her crawl around with the lights dimmed. Then when she starts acting cranky again, I'll rock her for a few minutes and put her in her crib and see what happens. If it doesn't work well this time, I'll try again in a week or two. I'm not in any hurry to make this change, and I think when she's ready, she'll transition easily. (Haha, yes, I'm delusional! Or just overly optimistic!)
Polaris, I'm glad there has been a little improvement with C's sleep, and that you're in a regular routine -- that always helps me feel like things are more under control. And so glad the audiobooks are helping!! :thumbup: Sorry about the every 20 minutes still though. That is so rough and you deserve a medal for doing it night after night AND being a wonderful parent to two all day. Hope Monday goes well :hugs: transitions are tough but, as you already know, with some time you get through it, and often you get closer and see new interesting sides of each other in the process.

Lysh, congrats on surviving your first day! :hugs: I'm glad you get a slow start back. Glad the night was ok but sorry you were awake so early. That happens to me too sometimes since Munchkin tends to have a NW in the early morning. What if you don't look at the clock unless LO is awake? Do you think that would help?

NotNic, Polaris, and Lysh - yeah, it's funny about the walking. Munchkin is starting very gradually, which I knew to expect by now since that's how he seems to pick up all of his skills. He's been able to take a few wobbly steps for a couple months, and took his first real independent steps about a month ago! He still likes to hold my hand when he can, but he's voluntarily walking across the room by himself now. I think it will be a gradual process of starting to use it instead of crawling more and more of the time. Must be so funny to have one of those babies who "just takes off"!

Stephie, sooo sorry about your MOTNs :hugs: three hours is really too much. I still can't believe you rock him that whole time. I think it's good that you are not letting him get up and play, but how exhausting! Might as well try more awake time. I hope it works for you guys. He will be walking in no time!

Kosh, not me, sorry. I think some of the babies from the original group are getting close to 18 months though (and some maybe over 18 -- I joined late so I don't know everyone who was here). Maybe have a look through the earlier pages and try some PMs? The toddler section might have more help, too.

Amy, what about just giving C her bottle earlier in the routine, not cutting it out altogether? Do you think she would not take as much? I understand not feeling in a hurry about it though. And I don't think it's delusional to expect it to be easy once she's ready, because it seems like that's been the pattern with her so far. Either way, personally my feeling is that it's ok if she thinks you're a mean mommy sometimes! Sometimes meeting their needs means we can't give them everything they want...I'm sure we'll all be facing this situation more often into the toddler years! :p

AFU - hold onto your hats, because this is going to be a novel!

First an update. Bedtime last night was just awful. Not in the usual way, either. LO calmed down relatively quickly (I mean, he did complain for several minutes, but not for too long) but then he spent TWO HOURS trying to fall asleep sitting up. :( It was so frustrating for me and must have been a million times more so for him! I actually left his room and let DH handle it after an hour and a half. My patience was wearing thin and I needed to pump. He even fell down two or three times but then popped right back up!! Eventually he fell asleep sitting up and DH moved him.

He slept until 6:05 and then went back to sleep until 7:15. :shock: It's probably because he went to sleep so late (close to 10) but it was still very weird!

He has also fallen asleep in my arms three times in the past 2 days, which is completely unlike him. But very sweet! But bizarre. I mean crawling up to me and falling asleep in my arms while we're just playing on the floor -- not when I'm trying to hold him and rock him or anything. It seems like it must be linked to not nursing somehow, like he needs to learn a different way of being comforted.

Now about the sleep consultant -

DH and I decided to go ahead, and we had our consultation today. Let me give a little more background first. Part of the reason we decided to do it is that we found this particular consultant. Based on her association with a particular parenting style (RIE) I felt pretty certain that we would be well aligned on basic values and fundamentals. My sense is that most sleep consultants just tell you to CIO, and I have no interest in that. Also, I've felt like my approach to sleep falls somewhere between strict sleep training and WIO -- I want to be responsive but also have firm boundaries -- and I've struggled with the balance, especially when I don't know many other parents who have a similar perspective, so I thought it would be interesting to hear from an "expert" in that approach.

She offers a few different plans, but what we had was a single 1-hour consultation session. She sent us a questionnaire in advance (e.g., daily schedule, where does baby sleep, do you have a bedtime routine etc) and then formulated a plan for us based on that and went through it during the session. She will also send articles and worksheets on what we talked about. We can purchase follow-up support calls separately if we need to.

We're going to have one more night of doing what we've been doing, and then make some changes starting tomorrow night:

- I'm not going to stay in the room anymore. If he's getting really upset I will go in and sit with him, possibly pick him up, and offer reassurance (not milk), but never take him outside the room and always leave while he's awake. Basically this means finishing off the gradual retreat plan, since I never did finish it!

- No milk from bedtime until 6 AM :shock:

- Try putting him down earlier (I am skeptical, but I'll give it a try)...look for "soft signs of sleep" such as staring into space and looking peaceful and contemplative, which come before eye rubbing (which is the first one we usually look for). The only reason I think this might ever work is that she said that if you miss the window, it takes 90 minutes for them to be ready to sleep again, which certainly seems consistent with my experience.

She also really emphasized talking about the whole thing a lot with him...not just while it's going on (which I've already been doing a lot of -- e.g. "I see that you are very frustrated right now as you're trying to go to sleep. I'm sorry it is tough tonight. I'm here and I love you.") but also before and after. So, telling him beforehand, repeatedly and in detail, what's going to change and what's going to happen instead; and debriefing in the morning, to help him process it and also so he knows (to the extent he can understand the language, of course) that I really was listening to him from outside. I haven't experimented very much with this kind of thing so I'm interested to see whether it will make a difference.

She also said the sitting up stuff is just developmental and we have to wait for it to pass on its own, which is kind of what I thought...oh well :dohh:

Was that "blow by blow" enough for you, Polaris? :haha: Let me know if any of you have other questions. I'm apprehensive but excited about giving it a try, because I really do think he is ready for me to not be in the room anymore, especially after last night.
SE - Wow, I can't wait to see your update on this! It's a big change from what you've been doing. I usually wait until eye rubs to put Chloe down, maybe I need to be looking for the "peaceful and contemplative" look. It was funny when I read that, because immediately a picture of a baby wearing Hugh Hefner's pajamas with a smoking pipe popped into my head.
SE, thanks so much for giving us all the details from your consultation. I am really looking forward to hearing how it goes for you. It actually sounds really similar to the approach that I took with Thomas - it worked so well with him so I am optimistic that it will work for Munchkin.

I actually feel quite jealous that you have a definite plan, even though I'm WIO at present. I am so ready for getting more sleep but I just can't seem to get my head around actually doing anything about it, or even what would be the right thing to do if I did want to do anything. At the moment I just can't imagine being able to leave Clara alone to go to sleep.

MOTN party last night for about two hours, yawn! I was just saying to Stephie that at least we weren't having them at the moment. Remind me never to comment on things like that again!! I largely ignored her and pretended to be asleep and just let her crawl round the bed chatting away to herself. She actually didn't get upset, just didn't seem sleepy. I did wonder if she was overtired as she only had one nap yesterday because I couldn't get her down for her morning nap and then we had visitors so she just stayed up until 1.20 p.m. when they left.
Lysh she slept pretty well! That's great! It's awful when they are sleeping and you're awake. And the cat! We have two and (I love them but) they can be so annoying! I like SE's suggestion of not looking at the clock.

Amy, I think your plan is a good one and I think you're taking a good approach by trying again if it doesn't work this time. Cully has actually fallen asleep a few times not feeding by following that exact approach, but I rock him until he's asleep and don't put him down awake.

SE, thanks for the detailed update. I think keeping them in the bedroom for wind down is really important, particularly if they are sensitive to stimulus. I rarely leave the bedroom after bath time with Cully unless it's something stupid like I think I've left the oven on. When our AC was broken a few weeks back, just moving him downstairs added hours to his bedtime. What did she make of his one nap? Did she have any opinion on naps affecting night sleep?

I wish Cully had a Hugh Hefner moment each night :)

Polaris, I am SO sorry about your MOTN party! It's such a cruel twist of fate when you're already exhausted. I hope it doesn't happen again tonight! I wish I could just pretend to be asleep but I think I'd actually fall asleep and Cully would fall off the bed! Did she put herself to sleep or did you nurse her once she got it out of her system?

I'm feeling a bit despondent about sleep. Usually I'm full of optimism and think 'tonight's finally the night'. He's so happy and in such good spirits in the day - he charms everyone we meet - so I guess I can console myself that he's getting enough sleep (somehow!).
Steph, I'm sure I did actually doze off for some of it. She's able to get on and off the bed herself though and it's very low to the ground anyway so I'm not too worried even if she did fall off.

I actually thought she might put herself back to sleep but she wasn't showing any signs, so yes, I nursed her back to sleep after she got whatever it was out of her system!
Thanks Polaris :) I'm trying to teach Cully to get off the bed but he still barrels off head first and we have tiled floors. Only two days ago he actually did fall out of bed just before his nap! Silly boy.
Clara gets off head first too - but she does it in a controlled way if you know what I mean. I have the foam alphabet tiles on the floor so it's a soft landing if she does bump herself. I have the same beside Thomas's bed - he has fallen out of bed a couple of times and they really do break the fall!

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