Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Polaris, thanks for the sympathy and advice. I insisted on a nap around 2.30pm - I bounced him for ages and he fell asleep for 30 minutes. So he had an hour less sleep than usual and an hour extra awake time and he fought bedtime hard. He's very wakeful even now, an hour after he first fell asleep. I know today isn't a good day to compare because he's sick but it's interesting the difference between one nap and two!

I'm sorry you're coming down with something. Do you ever feel like being a parent is completely relentless sometimes? Putting aside the sheer wonder and joy they bring us - being a parent feels like you never have time to take a breath... You must feel it twice as much with two!

I'm so happy for you that OH managed to get her down for a nap, that must be a huge weight off your shoulders!

Rest up and I hope you feel better soon.
Hi girls. sorry i was away. i think i missed 10 pages. so i will just bud in here hoping everything is good and that i didnt miss too much.

anyway i had two good nights with aron until, i told you the owner of the home is coming to paint the windows in side out.
it took some days.

one day after that he got a cold. two days after that he got very high fever. turned out he had a cold, roseola, and an ear infection (made him cry all night on tuesday) in one, so the sleep was shit. and i just let him nap whenever he wanted.

now he is good again and we had great nights all in a sudden. our rules are, if he wakes 3pm from his last nap i let him nap a short 5pm nap. if he wakes 4pm he doesnt get a 3rd nap. the 3rd nap hasnt affected his nights.

past days he sleeps 8:30pm - i had to wake him up 1ams coz my breasts were exploding and i couldnt sleep. (i prolly need to ask at BF how to go about this, i would not like to disturb his sleep) then he wakes again around 4am or 5am. not sure why we have been having great nights. it is not the solids either. he hates puree and wants to eat what we eat, so he really eats very little. maybe 1 tsp 4 times a day of something.

i will try to bud in again in the evening. also have to prepare ívars bday party... *phew :dohh: OHs wedding anniversary is 28th september, no dining out i guess. haha, unless aron continues to sleep like this. maybe? i wish he will. then i can let MIL and FIL be here in the night.
Welcome back Bababas! Sorry that Aron has been unwell.

We went to the doctor and Cully has an ear infection, which coupled with a cold, teething and developmental stuff has created the 'perfect storm' of sleep problems. He was awake from 8-11pm last night and then woke crying constantly and had to be in mummy's arms all night. Yawn. I hope everyone is well.
Stephie - Poor Cully! I hope he feels better quickly! I hope you can find a nap today!

Lysh - So sorry you had an early wake up with coughing - that's the worst! I pretty much keep cough syrup by my bed when I'm sick, because I can't stand to have a coughing fit!

polaris - I hope you start feeling better soon too! I am always catching colds from Chloe - I call it the "daycare cold". So exciting that your hubby was able to put Clara to sleep! That's positive!

SE - Yay for your progress!!!! I hope the weekend didn't turn everything upside down!

bababas - Poor Aron - so glad he's feeling better! Your nights sound really good!

Chloe is currently going through some developmental sleep issues. Whenever she'd wake last night, she would start sitting up in bed, then lay down and roll around, over and over again. At 3:30am, I went back in again, but she couldn't get back to sleep very well, so I held her until I had to get ready for work. Poor girl - she is going to be so cranky at daycare!

For naps, I'm still putting her down in her crib. Sometimes she wakes right back up and then that nap is ruined, but about half of the time I can get her down. I just let her sleep until she gets up, and the 2nd nap is the last nap no matter how short it is. (Previously, if she would wake before 3pm, I would try to catnap her at 4:30 or 5, but that really ruins bedtime.)

Yesterday, she had a 40 minute morning nap, and 1 1/2 hours in the afternoon. She woke up from the 2nd nap at 2pm, so bedtime ended up being 6:30pm.
Welcome back Bababas! Sorry that Aron has been unwell.

We went to the doctor and Cully has an ear infection, which coupled with a cold, teething and developmental stuff has created the 'perfect storm' of sleep problems. He was awake from 8-11pm last night and then woke crying constantly and had to be in mummy's arms all night. Yawn. I hope everyone is well.

uff those days are really difficult. :hugs: cant imagine i got through them. im a bid annoyed easily these past days though. i feel better now though. hope you are fine as well.
Stephie - Poor Cully! I hope he feels better quickly! I hope you can find a nap today!

Lysh - So sorry you had an early wake up with coughing - that's the worst! I pretty much keep cough syrup by my bed when I'm sick, because I can't stand to have a coughing fit!

polaris - I hope you start feeling better soon too! I am always catching colds from Chloe - I call it the "daycare cold". So exciting that your hubby was able to put Clara to sleep! That's positive!

SE - Yay for your progress!!!! I hope the weekend didn't turn everything upside down!

bababas - Poor Aron - so glad he's feeling better! Your nights sound really good!

Chloe is currently going through some developmental sleep issues. Whenever she'd wake last night, she would start sitting up in bed, then lay down and roll around, over and over again. At 3:30am, I went back in again, but she couldn't get back to sleep very well, so I held her until I had to get ready for work. Poor girl - she is going to be so cranky at daycare!

For naps, I'm still putting her down in her crib. Sometimes she wakes right back up and then that nap is ruined, but about half of the time I can get her down. I just let her sleep until she gets up, and the 2nd nap is the last nap no matter how short it is. (Previously, if she would wake before 3pm, I would try to catnap her at 4:30 or 5, but that really ruins bedtime.)

Yesterday, she had a 40 minute morning nap, and 1 1/2 hours in the afternoon. She woke up from the 2nd nap at 2pm, so bedtime ended up being 6:30pm.

looks like everyone had been a bit unwell. hope all are getting better. my cold is gone. it was hard being sick with fever chills while aron was crying all night :dohh:

those late naps. well yesterday the late nap ruined us as well. he had a hard time falling asleep. but the night was great. but he woke up early though. 6am. coz ds1 woke up and went to OH. gonna close the door of our bedroom earlier this night. was too lazy to go close the door at the 3am feed. :dohh:

wow you are so string holding her since 3 am :hugs:

tonight OH tried to give Aron his bed bottle. ehem.... aron was looking at me all the time complaining. so i left the room. then he went NO WAY! so when i entered the room again, he almost flew into my arms. :haha: we are practising since my work has celebration which i would like to attend on saturday. OH said we can practise again tomorrow. it think it will only work, when i am really gone to the celebration, coz it will be on another little island :haha: but still nearby. poor my guys.
Polaris- Wow, that must have been a good feeling knowing that someone else could put your LO to sleep!!! Hope you are feeling okay- it seems like everyone is battling something.

Stephie- Your poor baby, hope he feels better!! These LOs do bring SO much joy, but yes it is relentless at times.....especially when not feeling well! We definitely do not have the magic fairy coming to give us a break! lol Hope you are hanging in....the nights are very long when a LO is ill. How is he doing now?

bababas- 8:30 is great! What time does your LO go to bed? My DD has NEVER slept that late. Actually, she has never slept past 6:30- I think that was the latest once and that was a fluke!

AmyS- Yikes, how are you doing?? You must be so tired! I have had those 3:30 wake-ups and I know how exhausting they can be.

Well, today students started and so did full time work- missed my girl like crazy. She has been waking up a bit earlier again...today was 4:50. Because I had to go to work she could not fall back asleep with me after nursing. See how tomorrow goes.
Praying for a better night for F and I. I feel like a bad mummy because I got really angry with F last night and I'm just so tired of not having the sleep almost every other parent I know in real life has. To start, Monday he woke at 5.15am and I had to do an extra full day in the office so could have done with a bit longer. Then we stayed at my mum's overnight and he took forever to settle, eventually going down at 9pm. He then woke up in the middle of the night screaming. Not crying but full on screaming which lasted an hour. He refused to be calmed down, locking his knees, pushing away from me. I was so tired and I had no patience. Plus I was trying desperately to calm him down as we were waking people up. I ended up shouting his name to try to stop him and was a bit rougher with him than I ever would dream of being. I feel awful about it today. After the screaming he woke me up numerous times crying in his sleep and was awake at 6am.

Thankfully he and my 7mth old niece I was looking after today behaved beautifully. They both napped and played together nicely, and ate the proper lunch I made and acted in a way that made you feel looking after two children is a breeze (I think someone upstairs is trying to convince me about having another one!!) F was so worn out he was fed, bathed and in pjs before his Daddy got home and I'm in bed ready to crash out.

I'm sorry to be a Debbie Downer, especially as we have moments of real improvements. I just feel at 15mths, we should be past this now. My OH sleeps through everything (unless I forcibly wake him up) and that makes me even more bitter about the crap sleep thing. I know overall there are plenty of people who have much, much worse sleepers than I and I should be grateful but really I'm kind of at the end of my tolerance now. Also seeing friends whinge on Facebook about 1 awful night's sleep being a shock to the system after months of sttn makes me want to ply their children with red bull! Joking obviously but the temptation to write something bitter on their page was a something I struggled to hold myself back from.

Sorry for my rant. I know all of you are struggling and it feels selfish to whinge here. But I do feel better for not bottling it up. Wishing you all sweet dreams and peaceful babies xxx
Teething I hate you. Up at 12, again at 1am.... He's now had calpol and I'm waiting for that to kick in. Lots of cries out and I'm now listening to lullabies over the monitor. These last two teeth need to get through and then we need a break! We are so done!
. I ended up shouting his name to try to stop him and was a bit rougher with him than I ever would dream of being. I feel awful about it today.

I am typically a calm, easy going person but there are times I lost it with my DD as well. I did it twice when driving in the car because she will sit in the back at times and scream and scream and scream (she hates cars). Sleep deprivation, being stressed with life, feelings overwhelmed, etc. can lead to less patience for us mommas. Today I got frustrated with my daughter again.....and here we are transitioning with me going back to work and I was not being as sensitive towards her as I usually am. :nope: I was letting the stress of work influence my reactions to my girl. My point in sharing all of this, is that we all strive to be good, caring mommas, but sometimes lack of sleep and/or stress gets to us. We make mistakes- just have to learn from them. Having my daughter has made me look at myself in ways I never have before. And yes, it is hard sometimes when we have challenging LOs. Hang in there momma!:hugs:

DD is napping without me around, but she has to be held. She woke up at 5 this morning, so that was not too bad. Just have to get through this week....
Hugs all around :hugs::hugs::hugs: No need to apologize for whining here, it`s really the whole point of the thread. LOL.

It is so hard sometimes, on one hand I have no idea how F is 10 months. On the other I feel like I havent slept more than 4 hours at once in a LIFETIME.

To be honest, I dont expect to not be woken at night for another year, and that expectation is my way of not setting myself up for frustration and disappointment. I used to think that was conservative but honestly, I am starting to think it may be more than another year...:nope:

Last night, F fought bedtime until 10! Yikes. I think it is his eye teeth, even though his molars are not in yet. Maybe its both. Sighhhhh.
bababas- 8:30 is great! What time does your LO go to bed? My DD has NEVER slept that late. Actually, she has never slept past 6:30- I think that was the latest once and that was a fluke!

Well, today students started and so did full time work- missed my girl like crazy. She has been waking up a bit earlier again...today was 4:50. Because I had to go to work she could not fall back asleep with me after nursing. See how tomorrow goes.

yes he usually is asleep by 8.30pm now and wake up 7-8am. could be earlier but i have to put ívar to sleep as well. and it is better to put the big guy to sleep first. but anyway as long as his brother is there and awake he wont fall asleep anyway :haha:

how is work? hope you are enjoying it. wow you go early to work. hope you can enjoy some coffee. is your little girl in playschool during that time? i would miss her too.
Sorry for my rant. I know all of you are struggling and it feels selfish to whinge here. But I do feel better for not bottling it up. Wishing you all sweet dreams and peaceful babies xxx

:hugs: :hugs::hugs: i totally understand you. it must be even more tough since you started working already. it is good to let it out when you have too.

how did you manage to make 2 babies nap :shrug: seems like a magic trick to me :haha:
Hugs all around :hugs::hugs::hugs: No need to apologize for whining here, it`s really the whole point of the thread. LOL.

It is so hard sometimes, on one hand I have no idea how F is 10 months. On the other I feel like I havent slept more than 4 hours at once in a LIFETIME.

To be honest, I dont expect to not be woken at night for another year, and that expectation is my way of not setting myself up for frustration and disappointment. I used to think that was conservative but honestly, I am starting to think it may be more than another year...:nope:

Last night, F fought bedtime until 10! Yikes. I think it is his eye teeth, even though his molars are not in yet. Maybe its both. Sighhhhh.

me too i am just tuned to no sleep for a year. that is what keeps me going :haha: sorry for the late bedtime. wow. how long was F awake before bed? or maybe just not sleepy, too excited.

We had a good night.
sleep 8.30pm
1:45am feed and poop big time due to his antibiotics.
5am feed
7am wake

he is napping now, but woke up ofcourse coz of the f neighbours dog sh*T!!! i hate it!!!!! i want him to nap til 11 coz he only takes two naps now!!! now im pissed! WHY!!!! this dog always ruins my day. this neighbour too. is always singing! i dont want to hear her sing. retired people... get a hobby. ok sorry i am a mean person sometimes. aaaa
Alright Ladies sorry I haven't been on BNB as much this summer was crazy busy we went on 2 vacations and was just always busy busy busy.. I ended up breaking one of my arms my right arm at that and im "right handed" go figure so its starting to feel a little bit better....


I'm seriously so fed up that right now I want to spend my days crying because she's so stubborn I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel.

She's 11 months old her routine is still the same accept she is fighting one of her naps like crazy most days i cant even get her to take it she just won't....

I was suppose to be at work right now but with my hand being broken and her not sleeping at night and waking up 10 times a night i'm way to exhausted might be a silly excuse but i'm starting to feel depressed i feel helpless that my baby has bags under her eyes literally PURPLE bags under her eyes because for the life of her fights sleep.

I'm doing something tonight this all has to change i'm scared shes going to hate me but its so unhealthy....

somebody tell me what to do

I'm home alone all night by myself OH works nights.
so sorry about your arm. what happened?

oh i dont know much what to do. have you tried cio?

what is she waking up for, what does she want? what i have heard from people i know as a last resort, when the mom started working again. was leaving the baby with the father and mom would sleep somewhere else like grandparents. then it got better, i have heard, 3-7 days usually did the trick. but i have never tried this myself so i dont know. if aron still wakes when i go to work i might try this, since OH will be staying home with him for 2.5 months paternity leave. sorry i am not that much help. i also heard co-sleeping works with others.
I did co sleep but its to dangerous now that shes standing, crawling and getting ready to walk i have a huge king bedroom suite and my bed is kind of tall and its so big the way my room is set up right now i could never put my bed to the wall... she's been in her crib since she was about 5 months old when she started rolling all over the bed in her sleep.

She's waking up for no reason at first i thought it was milk and i'm kinda getting the point its not the milk because she will just play with the bottle and not even go back to sleep this baby can play in her crib for hours before she goes down I put her for a nap around 10 15 ( she hasn't slept all night) and its 11:40 and she's not sleeping yet.. shes playing!

I don't believe she's teething right now I honestly think she just hates sleep so much or she doesn't no how to give her self in she just doesn't go until she cant handle it no more car ride's used to put her to sleep not anymore.. nothing put her to sleep its almost like i need to wait hours before she's fed up and then start CIO once she starts crying...

frig i'm so lost. :(
oh man that sounds tough. is there something like a sleep professional in the area? coz since she is just wide awake playing it is a bit difficult what to do. you would think she would just sleep in the end if she is sleepy right? but doesnt sound like it. :shrug: :hugs:
Melly - How many naps a day are you on? Do you think she might be ready for one nap? At over 11 months old, she might be ready to transition. Maybe she's up so much because she's undertired by bedtime??
Yeah at this point shes been playing in her crib for like 2 hours .. I'm just going to get her out because this is just dumb i think she might be ready for just 1 afternoon nap and shes going to have to get through the grumpies to get used to it..

shes usually on 2 but most days just 1 ..

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