Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Aimee, I'm sorry to see you here! I remember when our babies were newborns and I was so jealous that yours was STTN :) Why do you think he's waking again frequently, anything going on?

Bananaz, I am so, so curious to know how your night went. I'm hopeful for you... sitting up isn't as uncomfortable as rolling onto your tummy (when you're not used to it), so I'm thinking it might be an easier milestone to work through. I'm dreading when they start crawling if it makes them wakeful.

Shadowy Lady, 2 two hour naps?! That's fabulous. Hope it brings a good night.

Jessica, did you use the monitor last night?

Strike, please don't despair. I promise you what you are experiencing is totally newborn behavior. Trust me, I wanted to leave my baby in a church pew many times... and sometimes still feel that way! Even if she's not a great sleeper as she gets older, they develop personalities and become so much more lovable. Hope you see some success with the elimination diet.

Last night wasn't good for us. Charlotte is really sick with a cold and tummy bug, so I had to break our rules. She refused her bedtime bottle and her dream feed and hadn't eaten since 4:30pm, so I attempted to feed her when she woke at 1am. She refused again and did eat at 3am. Then she woke up on and off for the next 2 hours. I feel like such a failure after our good nights and like all of the hard work will go to waste since she may now want to eat in the middle of the night again. I wasn't really sure what to do though.. I don't feel comfortable not feeding her for so long and I think sick babies need cuddles.
Jessica, Charlotte is sometimes up for a long time between her last nap and bedtime. I try to put her down at 4pm for a nap sometimes and she just won't sleep or she'll sleep for 20 minutes. I think 6 months is a weird age for naps because they're trying to transition from 3 to 2, but aren't quite ready yet. Ideally, I'd like Charlotte's afternoon nap to just be longer. If she could nap from 12:30pm or 1pm to 3pm, we'd be good to go! To be honest, it doesn't seem to affect her night sleep, although I know the "experts" woudl say differently.

I'm having this too with the 4pm at the mo. I put LO down as soon as she does a tired cry and she either cries or sleeps, I never know what she'll do at the time until I put her down. It's very frustrating :wacko:
PS. We both have a cold at the mo so LO was crying every half hour for a few nights with a sore throat so I was a little tired! I think the cold is coming to an end now though because she only woke up twice last night. I can't believe the last few weeks, the 6 months stage is a killer!! I really feel for anyone going through this now x
We only had 3 wake ups last night. Feel like a brand new person. Really hope it keeps improving coz I've been so worn out these last few weeks. Her day time naps are getting worse though. I put her down at 11 for her first nap, it's now 12:10 and she still isn't asleep... Been awake nearly 4 hours now. Far to long for her but she just won't go to sleep!!!
That's great Steph! Was just saying to a mom friend, it's always something, isn't it?

Anti, glad to hear things are looking up for you. Sorry to hear the nap isn't coming... she'll sleep eventually, she has to!
Noelle - So sorry to hear Charlotte is sick :( I guess you just have to do what you have to do to get through it and then deal with the sleep issue afterwards. How frustrating that that would happen right when she's starting to sleep through, ugh!

anti - I'm glad you had a good night. I hope she naps soon!

Last night was actually one of the best my LO's had in a long time, despite her really late car nap. She went down at 7:20pm and didn't wake until 2:40am, when I nursed her for 3 minutes (I'm hoping to eliminate that feeding altogether tonight). She squawked loudly maybe three times before then but when I turned on the monitor she was asleep so I'm not counting those. Anyway, after that feeding she was down until 4:45 when I fed her again, and then she slept until getting up for the day at 6am.

Thankfully she seems to have forgotten about the sitting thing for the moment, which she often does when she's learning a new skill. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she's doing it more regularly and it becomes an issue, but I'm hoping that since she's known how to get down from sitting for several weeks it won't take too long for her to figure out that that's what she needs to do to go back to sleep. Either that or she'll learn how to fall asleep sitting up :haha:
Noelle - It's just the cold hun don't worry it will pass. Sofia has had two cold already and she's only 3 months. I'll tell that each time her sleep became a mess. Ended up barely eating during the day and wanting to be up and cry at night. During her second cold I started giving her the soother at night which did help. Once she was better I started taking it away. Does Charlotte take a soother?

Anti - so glad things are improving for you guys :)

Bananaz - yey! I hope your LO just tries this sitting thing during the day when you wanna take pics and sleep well at night. Isn't that the ideal?

I had dinner with some friends last night and then rushed home and bathed Sofia, fed her and put her to bed at exactly 7:45 pm. She proceeded to sleep till 3:30 am!!!! I did wake up twice before she woke though: once when my DH got home and then again coz I rolled over my messed up wrist :/ Once I fed her at 3:30 am, she slept again till 6:30 am which is when my DH went to change her and whatnot coz he thought it was 7:30, lol! So I ended up putting Sofia in bed with me and we took a nap till 8:30 am :D

Really hoping this keeps improving. My pedi seems to think that Sofia is a naturally good sleeper but then again all babies go through rough periods when they have a cold, are teething,... She's been napping in her swing for an hour now and I'm hoping she'll stay down for another so I can get some errands done around the house.
Noelle, so sorry you had a bad night after so many good ones. Hope little charlotte feels better soon.

Bananaz, so glad you had a better night. I often give Lilly a few sips of milk if she's being particularly difficult. Once I take the bottle away, she does one cry/yell, grabs her blanket, rolls over and goes to sleep.

I didn't use the monitor last night. I left both our doors open though. She went to bed at six, after once again being up for four hours, woke at 7, 8, 10, and 11, all to be resettled. I went to bed at 11pm and she didn't wake until 4am. I fed her, she only took 2 or 3 oz, and she went back to bed until 630. When I went in to feed her at 630 she was wide awake and playing so I thought for sure she was up for the day. I fed her her whole six ounces and to my surprise she went back to sleep until 9am. :happydance:

All in all it wasn't a bad night at all. I just need to figure out how to get her to stop waking so frequently between the time she goes to bed and the time I go to bed. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks ladies! Shadowy Lady, Charlotte used to take a soother but refuses it now. Good and bad I suppose!

Jessica, I wonder why she wakes so frequently at the beginning of the night... I have no ideas! Any hunches yourself?
I have no clue. :(
If I could figure out why I think we would be down to only two wakings the entire night.
ugh I wrote an update but it deleted. Oh well.

Last night wasn't good for us, but there were several factors involved. Things are still going in the right direction. I just wish I could have several nights in a row that were "normal" and not crazy... as in from outside factors, like having to go pick people up from the airport or whatever...

jessica - hmm that's strange. Maybe she is still used to you coming to her in the early night?

anti - glad your night was better! Its sad to see new people in this thread but I'm glad we can all support each other

bananaz - so glad you had a good night!!

Shadowy - wow a good night for you! What happened to your wrist? I think I injured my shoulder when I was doing PU/PD with Lily one night!!

Noelle - ugh it stinks that right when you feel like you are starting to get things under control you get something new right? Well it sounds like you handled it well, and as long as Charlotte can self-soothe at the end of your cold I bet you will bounce back.

Steph - Another new face! Sorry to hear your LO isn't sleeping well, but I'm glad you got a good night last night.
I have no clue. :(
If I could figure out why I think we would be down to only two wakings the entire night.

Does she cry out when she wakes? Have you ever given her 5 minutes or so to see if she'd go back to sleep?
Bananaz, so glad you had a better night. I often give Lilly a few sips of milk if she's being particularly difficult. Once I take the bottle away, she does one cry/yell, grabs her blanket, rolls over and goes to sleep.

Elsie does the exact same thing with nursing. It's so strange. I know the issue couldn't really have been hunger since she barely gets anything to eat, and it's not that she wants to suck to sleep either because she's still awake and protesting when I put her down. But somehow 3 minutes on the boob usually accomplishes what an hour of rocking and shushing couldn't. Maybe it's just a comfort thing?

I didn't use the monitor last night. I left both our doors open though. She went to bed at six, after once again being up for four hours, woke at 7, 8, 10, and 11, all to be resettled. I went to bed at 11pm and she didn't wake until 4am. I fed her, she only took 2 or 3 oz, and she went back to bed until 630. When I went in to feed her at 630 she was wide awake and playing so I thought for sure she was up for the day. I fed her her whole six ounces and to my surprise she went back to sleep until 9am. :happydance:

All in all it wasn't a bad night at all. I just need to figure out how to get her to stop waking so frequently between the time she goes to bed and the time I go to bed. Anyone have any ideas?

Sounds like you're going to have a great sleeper once you sort out all those early night wakings! How do you resettle her usually? Have you tried waiting for a few minutes?
ugh I wrote an update but it deleted. Oh well.

Last night wasn't good for us, but there were several factors involved. Things are still going in the right direction. I just wish I could have several nights in a row that were "normal" and not crazy... as in from outside factors, like having to go pick people up from the airport or whatever...

jessica - hmm that's strange. Maybe she is still used to you coming to her in the early night?

anti - glad your night was better! Its sad to see new people in this thread but I'm glad we can all support each other

bananaz - so glad you had a good night!!

Shadowy - wow a good night for you! What happened to your wrist? I think I injured my shoulder when I was doing PU/PD with Lily one night!!

Noelle - ugh it stinks that right when you feel like you are starting to get things under control you get something new right? Well it sounds like you handled it well, and as long as Charlotte can self-soothe at the end of your cold I bet you will bounce back.

Steph - Another new face! Sorry to hear your LO isn't sleeping well, but I'm glad you got a good night last night.

hello Katrina!! not new, just can't keep up!! :haha: I have been in an out of this thread since the start :flower:
HAH that's just like me to forget someone - sorry steph! :( Can I blame sleep deprivation? :haha:
Here's a question - how many of you put your LOs down with loveys/"transitional objects"?

I was hesitant at first because the SIDS guidelines say to leave the crib bare until baby is a year old, but after reading several sleep books that recommended introducing a lovey (including Ferber, interestingly enough) I decided to start giving LO a stuffed frog at bedtime and I think it's made a big difference for her. At first she just kind of ignored it or flung it around but now when she wakes she feels around for it and then cuddles it or sucks on the tag while she's going to sleep. I still don't think I would've given it to her before 6 months because I'm neurotic and the SIDS thing would've worried me too much, but at this point she's totally mobile and the frog is small and firm enough that it would be really uncomfortable for her to choose to smush her face on it.
Jessica, I would put her down for a short nap at 4pm - even go for a 30 minute walk or something so she'll doze and that should see her through until bedtime without being overtired. It may be the case that she's ready for a slightly later bedtime? I would imagine that's why she's waking up lots in the early evening.

I would also give her 5 minutes before going in. Go and do a job and watch the clock so it doesn't sound like an hour!!

Noelle - I'm sure it'll pass. Colds suck. Not sure if you keep her cot elevated for the reflux but it can help with a cold too. x
Bananaz, I started using a small "blankie" for Charlotte around 5 months. I think it helps. Weissbluth recommends one around this time too. I think the risk of SIDS after a baby can really move - like roll around - is very low. It doesn't worry me at all.

MrsBeano, I hadn't thought of a later bedtime (with a 4pm) nap for Jessica's Lilly. Sounds like you might be on to something! Jessica, you mentioned that Lilly slept really well after going out a bit late, right?
Ah, I wanted to use a little blankie but one of Elsie's favorite games is pulling blankets over her face and then freaking out and hyperventilating underneath them :dohh: She's a weirdo...
Ah, I wanted to use a little blankie but one of Elsie's favorite games is pulling blankets over her face and then freaking out and hyperventilating underneath them :dohh: She's a weirdo...

babies are funny in scary ways sometimes!

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