Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

MrsBeano, and Noelle, yeah thats right. I'll try it tonight and see what happens!

Bananaz, we also have a small minky baby blanket for Lilly. She pulls it up to her face and rubs it on her cheek to get to sleep. It's so cute.
I put Olivia to bed with her Nunuk (it's a bear attached to a little blanket). She has been going to sleep while cuddling it since she moved to her own room at 2 months! I would probably be shot down by the HV if she knew :dohh:
uuugh I found out we are going to have to take my car tomorrow. My car has no room for the pack n play in the back, so those plans are wasted. What am I going to do? Lily is such a picky sleeper, and now I've gotten her used to sleeping in her crib...
uuugh I found out we are going to have to take my car tomorrow. My car has no room for the pack n play in the back, so those plans are wasted. What am I going to do? Lily is such a picky sleeper, and now I've gotten her used to sleeping in her crib...

Will she nap in the car seat while you drive there? Perhaps you could time your commute with her naps. Not ideal, but might work in a pinch.

Also, could you compromise and make the trip a half day so she gets some decent sleep either in the morning or afternoon?

I certainly can't wait until we don't have to obsess about these things!
Things are not good here ladies! Charlotte is very sick. She has a cold, is vomitting and may have an ear infection (we're going to the pediatrician today). We were up every two hours. I also think I'm getting sick. My body just aches and I know I need SLEEP.

When I was trying to get back to sleep last night I thought of you ladies and then subsequently had a dream that we all met up! How much fun would that be?! I'd love to get to know some of you in real life and commiserate about not sleeping. The women in my moms group are lovely ladies, but they don't get it. Example -- one baby's 4 month sleep "regression" was going from one night waking to two. UGH....

I think you will all laugh about this. When I called the doctor yesterday, he said they wanted to see Charlotte is we had a second bad night. He classified this as "waking more than 2 times". I wasn't sure quite what to say, as she'd only been STTN for a couple nights and this would have previously been a very good night or us LOL!
Things are not good here ladies! Charlotte is very sick. She has a cold, is vomitting and may have an ear infection (we're going to the pediatrician today). We were up every two hours. I also think I'm getting sick. My body just aches and I know I need SLEEP.

When I was trying to get back to sleep last night I thought of you ladies and then subsequently had a dream that we all met up! How much fun would that be?! I'd love to get to know some of you in real life and commiserate about not sleeping. The women in my moms group are lovely ladies, but they don't get it. Example -- one baby's 4 month sleep "regression" was going from one night waking to two. UGH....

I think you will all laugh about this. When I called the doctor yesterday, he said they wanted to see Charlotte is we had a second bad night. He classified this as "waking more than 2 times". I wasn't sure quite what to say, as she'd only been STTN for a couple nights and this would have previously been a very good night or us LOL!

Aaaw I hope that Charlotte gets better soon!!

If my doc said that to be, I would have been there every day for the last 6 weeks!! Erm...yeah, don't really know what else to say about that!! :dohh:

Meeting up is a really good idea, but where is everyone from?..I know what we need. A teleporter!! :haha:
Meeting up is a really good idea, but where is everyone from?..I know what we need. A teleporter!! :haha:

I think we're all accross the country unfortunately! I'm in Baltimore, east coast USA, but am originally from upstate New York :)
Things are not good here ladies! Charlotte is very sick. She has a cold, is vomitting and may have an ear infection (we're going to the pediatrician today). We were up every two hours. I also think I'm getting sick. My body just aches and I know I need SLEEP.

When I was trying to get back to sleep last night I thought of you ladies and then subsequently had a dream that we all met up! How much fun would that be?! I'd love to get to know some of you in real life and commiserate about not sleeping. The women in my moms group are lovely ladies, but they don't get it. Example -- one baby's 4 month sleep "regression" was going from one night waking to two. UGH....

I think you will all laugh about this. When I called the doctor yesterday, he said they wanted to see Charlotte is we had a second bad night. He classified this as "waking more than 2 times". I wasn't sure quite what to say, as she'd only been STTN for a couple nights and this would have previously been a very good night or us LOL!

Oh no poor Charlotte!! That's just so sad!

I do wish we could all meet - it would be so nice to talk to someone else who gets it.

HAH you should tell your doctor you should have met ages ago.. :D :D

Oh my goodness..... oh my goodness!! Lily slept from 10:30 to...

Drum roll please...

5:00 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has this ever happened before? NO!! Did I get that many hours of continuous sleep? NO! But it DID happen, so it means it CAN happen... oh my goodness, I may be getting hope back. I seriously, seriously, seriously though she would NEVER sleep through until she was 3-4 years old. Honestly I had NO hope.

I was so excited that I woke up at 4:30 and could not go back to bed. I got her diaper ready and at 5:00 when I could tell she was gonna wake up I actually even changed her diaper in the dark! Then I fed her with only the light of the christmas tree :cloud9: Then I put a very sleepy baby back in bed.

I know this is a blip. It sucks that I am going out of town tomorrow. I know this won't be the reality, that this is a blip and tomorrow we will be back to 3-4 hours in between. But you know what? I have gotten the most sleep I have gotten since before she was born. Did I tell you guys I was hallucinating in her second month of life? Oh my goodness!!

Sorry but I'm just so happy...
Katrina, that is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!! It might be the start of a pattern :)
Things are not good here ladies! Charlotte is very sick. She has a cold, is vomitting and may have an ear infection (we're going to the pediatrician today). We were up every two hours. I also think I'm getting sick. My body just aches and I know I need SLEEP.

When I was trying to get back to sleep last night I thought of you ladies and then subsequently had a dream that we all met up! How much fun would that be?! I'd love to get to know some of you in real life and commiserate about not sleeping. The women in my moms group are lovely ladies, but they don't get it. Example -- one baby's 4 month sleep "regression" was going from one night waking to two. UGH....

I think you will all laugh about this. When I called the doctor yesterday, he said they wanted to see Charlotte is we had a second bad night. He classified this as "waking more than 2 times". I wasn't sure quite what to say, as she'd only been STTN for a couple nights and this would have previously been a very good night or us LOL!

Oh no poor Charlotte!! That's just so sad!

I do wish we could all meet - it would be so nice to talk to someone else who gets it.

HAH you should tell your doctor you should have met ages ago.. :D :D

Oh my goodness..... oh my goodness!! Lily slept from 10:30 to...

Drum roll please...

5:00 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has this ever happened before? NO!! Did I get that many hours of continuous sleep? NO! But it DID happen, so it means it CAN happen... oh my goodness, I may be getting hope back. I seriously, seriously, seriously though she would NEVER sleep through until she was 3-4 years old. Honestly I had NO hope.

I was so excited that I woke up at 4:30 and could not go back to bed. I got her diaper ready and at 5:00 when I could tell she was gonna wake up I actually even changed her diaper in the dark! Then I fed her with only the light of the christmas tree :cloud9: Then I put a very sleepy baby back in bed.

I know this is a blip. It sucks that I am going out of town tomorrow. I know this won't be the reality, that this is a blip and tomorrow we will be back to 3-4 hours in between. But you know what? I have gotten the most sleep I have gotten since before she was born. Did I tell you guys I was hallucinating in her second month of life? Oh my goodness!!

Sorry but I'm just so happy...

That's a great night, well done!! Just goes to show it can be done. Fingers crossed it happens again soon. x
Katrina - that's great!! And it may not be a blip. When my LO started sleeping longer stretches it happened very suddenly. I think sometimes something just "clicks" for them. Anyway, I hope it becomes a nice stable pattern for you, you've earned it!
Oh dear Noelle, sick babies :wacko: Maybe you could get a night in the spare room with ear plugs at the weekend? Ear plugs are the newest discovery in our house. It just means that you can nap on the weekend or truly have a night off without getting woken up by a crying baby - the worst kind of alarm clock.

Quinn has laryngitis from crying too much. Last night he wanted food at 11.45 which is just plain odd but was a good night on the whole.

Steph, I'm in Leicester so we're only 30 miles away. Doesn't seem as exciting as across the pond does it?
For all those who asked if I go to Lilly straight away during her wakings, I don't. I leave her for as long as she fusses then as soon as it turns into a proper cry, I go see what's the matter. (Just reread that, it came out kinda snappy, I promise I'm not being snappy! Haha)

Last night was good. Let's start from her last nap.
She went down for a nap at 1:15pm, and slept until 4pm. YAY! The last week or so her naps have been suffering. She takes 2 or 3 1 hour naps, and although that may seem normal to other parents, it's not for Lilly. When she takes her longer 2 hr naps, when she wakes she's so happy and independent, not needy or clingy whatsoever. The last week since she's only been taking 45min- an hour naps she's been unusually clingy, and fussy. That's not like Lilly at all, she's not the fussy type whatsoever. It's been doing my head in! After her 2.5 nap last night she went straight back to the old Lilly, happy as can be, playing with her toys.
I've tried extending her naps but it's useless. She won't stay down. Pretty sure that 2.5hr nap was a one off, but it upsets me so much. It's like I have a completely different baby. :(

Anyway. Sorry for the novel there. She woke at 4pm, daddy got home at 6pm and they played until 7pm. We tried putting her down at 7pm and she wasn't having any of it. Absolutely did not want to go down, she wanted to continue playing with daddy! So 8pm rolled around and she was definitely ready for bed then. 4hours since her last nap. Maybe she's just gotten used to being up that long between her last nap and bedtime?

She woke up 2 times before we went to bed at 11pm. Then she slept from 11pm to 330am. Yay! I did have the monitor on last night, on very low, because I was curious if she was waking up between 11-4 and I just wasn't hearing it and nope, she didn't even stir. This is the... third (?) night in a row she's slept from 11-4. I fed her 5oz at 330, and she slept from 345-745 where she was up for the day.

I have to say, it's not sleeping through but I am LOVING it right now. I've gotten so much more rest it's unbelievable!
MrsBeano, a night with earplugs is definitely in order! Another reflux mom on this forum actually recommended I wear them on the regular! Reflux babies are loud sleepers. I don't do that, but I do use a fan for white noise and I only hear Charlotte if she really needs me, not if she's just stirring. So sorry to hear about your tough night with Quinn.

Jessica, so glad to hear you're getting that nice long stretch - especially in the middle of the night! Charlotte has always been a very good napper too, despite her difficulty with night sleep. It's interesting, because the "experts" would say our well-rested girls should sleep very well at night. Anyway, I get frustrated with those 45 minute naps too. I know they work for some babies, but Charlotte is happiest when she takes two really long naps. 90 minutes in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon is ideal for us. I've heard that they more consistantly take these types of naps as they age, so here's hoping.
Katrina! I'm jumping up and down for you, that is so awesome! I really hope it continues for you!

Noelle, poor Charlotte. :( And poor you! It must have been so rough! I do wish we could all meet up. I don't know one single person, besides DH, that knows what I'm going through. Family lives in Texas, and we live in North Carolina, and every single time we talk on the phone they ask, "Is Lilly sleeping through the night yet?"
Uhm. NO!
And then they continue to say things like, "I remember when so and so would wake at 4am every night. It was so rough."

Try waking up six+ times a night! You don't know what rough is!

Ughhhh, rant over. LOL.

Mrsbeano, so sorry your LO isn't well, hope he feels better soon!
Thank you guys for all the encouragement! Lily was up for the day at 7:40, when I went in her room and found her happily "swimming" around her bed :haha:

I don't even know when she got up this morning! :D

I do really hope it becomes a pattern, but if anything at least things are getting better!

Mrs. Bean - another sick LO! I hope he gets better very soon
Thank you guys for all the encouragement! Lily was up for the day at 7:40, when I went in her room and found her happily "swimming" around her bed :haha:

I don't even know when she got up this morning! :D

I do really hope it becomes a pattern, but if anything at least things are getting better!

Mrs. Bean - another sick LO! I hope he gets better very soon

That's awesome. She probably woke up happy because she was so well-rested!
Well done Lilly! I think that you just really benefit from any improvement in their sleep, because as much as it feels as though you can't cope of x number of broken hours sleep, you kinda do.

I know I have struggled with Quinn waking up but being up for 2.5 hours or so recently and I think its because my body had adjusted to short awake periods at night since he learned when night time was.

He's not being too bad today, pretty clingy but that's a good excuse to chill out for a day. He also fell asleep on me for the first time in ages and we both had a snooze on the sofa haha.

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