Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Happy early birthday Katrina! I think DH should take her for a night so you can sleep :)
Oh I wish! I just can't make that many bottles :(

Also my DH gets really cranky in the night, so really its best if I do it.

Goodness what happened this morning? She woke up at 6:30, I tried to put her down to finish her night sleep but she would NOT do it, so I got her up at 7:00 ish, (she wasn't crying, just laying there doing nothing). Then I tried to put her down for her nap at 8:00 and no dice, she just laid there and didn't do anything. I left the room, no crying or anything but I heard her in there "chatting", and it had been a good 20 min, I go in, she's rolled over and chatting to herself. So I just tried again (its now 8:45) and she did cry a little bit this time (she's obviously overtired!) but I seriously don't know what to do! Maybe I should have left her in the crib when she was just talking to herself and not worried about it, and waited for her to fall asleep...
MrsPear - I'm sorry things have been so rough for you but it sounds like moving LO out of your room is the right move. I moved my girl into her own room at 5 weeks old and we both slept much better after that.

katrina - If she's happy and hanging out then I would probably just leave her. Maybe she needs some extra time to fall asleep? Oh, and happy birthday!!

Last night was rough, but I realized right before bedtime that she has a tooth that's just starting to erupt so at least there is a likely reason. She went down at 6:30pm and woke up at 8:30, but resettled herself within about 3 minutes. Then she woke up at 9:30 and quickly became so frantic and hysterical that I had to actually pick her up and bounce her for a while to get her to calm down. It took me another 15 minutes of shush-patting to get her to go to sleep. Her next waking was at 1:40 and after 20 minutes of watching her do the same resettle/cry/repeat routine from last night I finally decided to give her some Tylenol and nurse her. I guess that helped because she stayed down until 5, when I nursed her again and she went back to sleep until 6:45.

I'm hoping that darn tooth will get all the way through her gums today and she will be back on track tonight.
Hey girls!

It is 10:50am right now and I've just put Lilly down for her first nap of the day. It's so cute when I put her down to sleep. She cries for literally FIVE seconds, grabs her blankie, turns over and goes to sleep. She's the cutest. :cloud9:

Noelle, she did really good for being sick!! I hope she gets over her cold soon though, it's no fun having a sick baby. :(

Bananaz, poor baby. :( Hope she's feeling better soon. It's so sad to see them in pain I'm sure. Lilly has yet to cut a tooth, is teething but no sign of one coming any time soon. I'm lucky though that she hasn't been fussy at all yet, but I'm sure that will change when a tooth is about to break through!

Katrina, happy early birthday!! Hope you have a good one. :D I would also leave her be while she is chatting to herself, don't go in until she cries. My Lilly does this and eventually sends herself off to sleep.

Mrspear, your post takes me back to when Lilly hit the 4 month sleep regression. She was waking every 30min and I was exhausted. I do all the night feeds, but when the regression hit, I had to get DH to help me. I couldn't deal with waking every 30min on my own. SO GLAD that has passed!

Lilly went through the rolling over phase too, it was AWFUL. But it passed a lot quicker than I thought it would, and now she doesn't roll over at all in bed.

Last night was a good one.
She is still waking up multiple times between the time she goes to bed and the time we go to bed, I just can't figure it out. I've tried moving her bed time, and her nap times, feeding her more, etc, it's not working. It's not really a huge bother since I'm awake anyway, but it would still be nice if she could go to sleep and stay asleep!

She went to bed at 645pm and only drank about 2oz before passing out in my arms.
She then woke at 730pm to finish her bottle.
Then woke up at 830, I went into her room to turn her whales on (we have this sheep that plays different noises, her favorite is the whale noises). I didn't interact with her at all, didn't even look at her, just turned the whales on and walked out. She put herself back to sleep. :D
She then woke at 1030 screaming bloody murder, I picked her up and shh'd her and rocked her and she fell back asleep. I soon went to sleep after.
She then slept until 425am where she woke up for a bottle. Fed her her whole 6oz, and she slept until 845am where she woke up for the day.

So all in all it was a good night. I'm really proud of her for doing such long stretches during the night, and for putting herself to sleep sometimes.

Can I ask a question? How do you ladies put your LO's to sleep, for naps and bedtime?
I'm still feeding to sleep... :blush: but she just won't go down any other way. If I just try rocking to sleep or singing it doesn't phase her. She needs the bottle nipple in her mouth to fall asleep. She doesn't and has never taken a binkie (pacifier) either.
I feed to sleep for every nap and bedtime.
Bananaz, ugh teething! I'm so dreading that. Sounds like the tylenol helped. You can get infant advil too and it lasts longer if you want try something with more stamina.

Jessica, that's a great long stretch you got! Go Lilly! I put Charlotte down awake. She will talk to herself or fuss sometimes, but she's usually out within ten minutes. It took a lot of practice though, with me going back into her room to sooth her every couple of minutes when we started doing it around 4 months.
jessica - Wow, that's a great night! Yay, Lilly!

I also still feed to sleep most of the time just because it's the fastest, easiest method but singing and bouncing can work too, or if she's really tired then I can sometimes put her in the crib and shush-pat. I never put her down all the way asleep though - she's always awake enough that she'll roll over and make herself comfy when I put her down. For a while I was able to put her down wide awake but then I panicked about her not needing me anymore and I think I coerced her back into nursing down. Oops :blush:

My only advice is to keep trying different methods because they change so fast. Singing and shush-patting didn't do anything for Elsie until a couple months ago, before then only feeding or bouncing worked.
I think it was a good night! I don't really count the wakings she had before I went to bed, so if I don't count those, then it means she only woke up one time. :D :D Yaaaaay.

Feeding to sleep is easier and faster, I would love to be able to put her down awake, but I'm too scared and lazy, haha. I don't want to get her overtired, and mess up her whole night. :/
Feeding to sleep is easier and faster, I would love to be able to put her down awake, but I'm too scared and lazy, haha. I don't want to get her overtired, and mess up her whole night. :/

Totall understand. That's how I felt when the doctor suggested night weaning. I just didn't want to try it because I was so exhausted and it never seemed like the right time. I was honestly really grateful when we did it - it worked so quickly. Unfortunately I'll probably have to do it AGAIN since Charlotte has been sick and I've been feeding her if she wants it. She just really needs her fluids since she has a cold and has been sick to her stomach, regardless of what time of day it is.

I don't necessarily say this to convince you to make the change RIGHT NOW, but just wanted to share some hope if you ever decide to try something new!
Last night was good for me too! I started to get him ready for bed at 8 30 but by 9 30 he was still wide Awake so I popped him in swing and told my oh to watch him while I
Showered. Went back to check on him and he was passed out. Too bad it was his swing, but its like he won fall askeep if I rock him but the swing works amazing. Anyways he slept til 230 then again til 530 was fussy on And off til 740 when we got up. Got him back asleep around 9 where he slept three more hours! I'm thinking maybe I should move his bedtime up? Since he obviously needed more sleep. What do you ladies think?
Last night was good for me too! I started to get him ready for bed at 8 30 but by 9 30 he was still wide Awake so I popped him in swing and told my oh to watch him while I
Showered. Went back to check on him and he was passed out. Too bad it was his swing, but its like he won fall askeep if I rock him but the swing works amazing. Anyways he slept til 230 then again til 530 was fussy on And off til 740 when we got up. Got him back asleep around 9 where he slept three more hours! I'm thinking maybe I should move his bedtime up? Since he obviously needed more sleep. What do you ladies think?

That's great! An earlier bedtime has always worked best for my LO - even at a young age. It's worth a try. If the swing is working for you, use it. Your LO is so young, you can worry about good habits later. Hope you got some rest yourself! :flower:
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm sure it will be great.

Sounds like everyone is doing well, bananaz - I bet after that tooth comes through Elsie will be doing better as well.
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm sure it will be great.

Sounds like everyone is doing well, bananaz - I bet after that tooth comes through Elsie will be doing better as well.

Oops I just saw this, happy birthday sweetie :hugs:

We're going backwards thiugh:dohh: Sofia didn't wanna be put down at all last night. She's acting like a newborn :nope:
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm sure it will be great.

Sounds like everyone is doing well, bananaz - I bet after that tooth comes through Elsie will be doing better as well.

I hope so. She's been taking 25 minute naps yesterday and today. I'm about to lose my mind :wacko:
You have to take a picture of Elsie when her teeth come in - her smile is going to be fantastic!

Sorry that you're regressing Shadowy. I know there's a four month sleep regression that can sometimes happen in month 3. As long as she can self-soothe it should end. Its when babies begin to sleep more like adults. I really hope that's what is happening and it will end soon.
Katrina - thanks hun! Hope you get spoiled for your birthday. You totally deserve it :)

Sofia ended up doing her normal nap hours but at different times. Hoping tonight will be better. I hope she hasn't forgotten how to self sooth and I didn't introduce a bad habit by picking her up when she was crying but not hungry last night...
Hi Ladies! Trying to catch up a bit!

Happy Birthday Katrina!!!!

Noelle- Sending healing thoughts to your LO!!! We keep fighting colds in our household. I think our bodies are so worn out that we are a target for colds!!! Now that I am back in the classroom I am surrounded by germs daily!

MrsPear- My LO had her regression at 3 1/2 months, thankfully it did not last long. Not that she went back to being a GREAT sleeper (never was to start with) but at least she is not waking up 9 times a night! Also, after moving LO into her own room (which actually was emotionally hard on me even though none of us were sleeping well being in the same bed together) that she ended up sleeping better (once she got use to it which did take a few weeks). Hang in there!

Bananaz- I dread teething. I hope your LO gets through it okay. I have a feeling, knowing our kids, it will be a challenge! lol But we can always hope! :)

Jessica- I still nurse to sleep. If LO wakes up while putting her down, I still put her down. If she stays asleep, then great. She is getting practice going to sleep without nursing while I am at work. And sometimes she does wake up a little bit when I put her down. I just have the same fears- I do not want to cause a domino effect for a bad night. I frankly do not have the energy right now!!!!!

SHadowyLady- I found 3 months to be harder than 4 months with my LO. At least now, my LO is getting a 4 hour stretch every now and then.

tentoes- An earlier bedtime helped my LO too.....she finally started getting longer stretches of sleep and I attribute that partly to the earlier bedtime.

Well, my LO had a rough past two nights. We had a nice stretch where there was NO crying. I would easily nurse her and put her down. She would have stretches of sleep that typically went from 3 hours to 4 hours to 2 hours. I would nurse her when she woke up and she would easily go back into her crib. The past few nights were a bit rough though....I am also fighting a cold so last night I just could not attend to her every 2 hours so she had to cry for a bit. DH would check on her, but finally she fell asleep and then had a decent 3 1/2 hour stretch. Hoping tonight is okay too!!!!

Work kicked my butt this week......it will take time to get used to it. Before leaving now in the mornings, LO wants to stay latched to my nipple. At first, she would refuse to nurse before I left because at that point she would not be hungry. Now she cannot get enough...I think she is started to understand the morning routine and that mommy is leaving so she wants to stay attached. My poor sweetie!
lysh - I'm sorry the past few nights have been difficult. Being sick and trying to take care of a baby is tough, I hope you're feeling better now.

Elsie just woke up after a 5.5 hour stretch and she keeps sitting up and crying. I went in to lie her back down once but she immediately sat up again. I thought maybe she was uncomfortable because her pain meds had worn off so I gave her another dose and tried to comfort her but then she became really hysterical so I left. Now she's sitting up in one corner of the crib hugging her frog and fussing off and on. I have no idea what to do :wacko:

Added: I went in and bounced her a bit and thought I'd finally gotten her settled, but after 5 minutes of lying there quietly she just sat up again out of nowhere! WTF! And now she's crying. arrrghhhh
lysh and bananaz - I'm so sorry that you have had rough nights. I don't know what to do for the sitting up thing.

Well happy birthday to me, Lily slept through (no crying - no even resettling herself) from 11:15 - 5:15. I got a full night's sleep. I can't believe it. I even slept through most of it too.... wow...

Last night we had my parents over for dinner and we fed Lily too - just a little bit of rice cereal, not really much at all, surely that's not it... you guys don't really think it was the cereal do you? That's just me looking for a quick fix...
Oh my gosh ladies, I'm so tired. Was up from 12am to 5am with Charlotte. She has a high fever and I'm going to call the doc soon - luckily he has Saturday hours. It's nights like these that put other "bad" nights in perspective.
Lysh - many hugs to you hun :hugs:Really crossing my fingers that things improve for you. I know it must be hard to have to work through this too...

Bananaz - man, I would literally just lay her down and cry :cry: have you talked to a pedi about what to do for the night time sitting up? You're making me scared on that stage now :/

Noelle - awww hun I'm sorry Charlotte is still not better. Best of luck in finding your doctor today and hoping she's back to herself soon:hugs:

Katrina - Yay!! She must have known it was ur birthday was treating u to good sleep :haha: You're making me wonder about the rice cereal though lmao!!

So last night DH was in charge as Fridays are my nights off. We had a couple of difficult nights so I was worried. Sofia went to sleep at 7:45 with lil to no fussing and I went to bed downstairs at 9 pm or so. I did hear her cry some times later but not for too long. Right now it's 9:30 am and both DH and Sofia are asleep and I had a good 7 hours stretch. Waiting for DH to wake up and tell me about the night. I shall update after...

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