Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Noelle - I hope she is ok. Does your doc not have an on call physician? These things always seem to happen on weekends. Or when you can't get a hold of someone
I know Katrina! They actually have Saturday hours, so we are on our way now. Will keep everyone posted.
katrina - Yay! That's great! Given the progress you were already making I would guess the rice cereal is just a coincidence, but I do know a lot of people who swear by it so who knows...

Noelle - I'm so sorry Charlotte isn't feeling well :( I hope after her doctor's visit you're both able to catch up on sleep. Let us know how it goes!

Shadowy Lady - No I haven't talked to a pedi yet, this has only become an issue just recently but if it keeps up then I may have to! I'm glad you got 7 hours, that's awesome :)

I finally got LO to go down and STAY down after almost an hour and a half of trying. By the end she was too tired to protest much when I picked her up so I just held her for a few minutes and then laid her back in the crib and after a bit of patting she was out. She woke again at 4am for a feed and then went down easily (thank god) until 6:30.

I still don't know what to do about the sitting issue. She knows how to get down from sitting - I watched her doing it repeatedly on the monitor last night. The problem was that she just kept getting back up! And then she would sometimes rotate herself so that she was facing a corner or she was pressed right up against the crib bars, at which point she was really stuck. Urgh.

To make matters worse I couldn't sleep myself last night. I didn't go to bed until 9pm and I woke almost an hour before she got up the first time and then of course I was really wired after trying to get her down for so long. In total I got probably 4 hours of broken sleep :coffee:
bananaz - I'm so sorry! Does she get a lot of sitting time in the day? I bet you give her lots of time to exercise, but I have found that Lily tries to turn over in her crib a lot more if she doesn't get enough tummy time during the day to practice.
bananaz - I'm so sorry! Does she get a lot of sitting time in the day? I bet you give her lots of time to exercise, but I have found that Lily tries to turn over in her crib a lot more if she doesn't get enough tummy time during the day to practice.

Right now she spends probably 90% of her awake time on the floor crawling around, sitting up and getting back down. I've even been playing fetch with her to try and wear her out lol. But she's so active and driven it wouldn't surprise me if that's not enough practice time for her.

It's crazy how many milestones she's hit in just the past couple of weeks - pulling to standing, commando crawling, sitting herself up, babbling, getting her first tooth. Her brain must be in hyperdrive right now, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that her sleep is off.

Why won't these babies just take a break and relax once in a while??
Bananaz, I dread milestones for this reason! My LO is so sensitive to learning new skills that she just doesn't sleep. The weeks of her learning to roll were hell for us in terms of sleeping. I saw Charlotte get up on all fours in her crib the other night and I freaked out thinking, she better not starting crawling now she just started sleeping decently! LOL. We also give her lots of practice time, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

I just got back from the pediatrician. Turns out Charlotte has a double ear infection. They gave her an injection of antibiotics since she has been vomiting so much. They said they can sometimes kick in in only 12 hours, so here's hoping that's our experience so we can all sleep a little tonight. Poor kid.
I just got back from the pediatrician. Turns out Charlotte has a double ear infection. They gave her an injection of antibiotics since she has been vomiting so much. They said they can sometimes kick in in only 12 hours, so here's hoping that's our experience so we can all sleep a little tonight. Poor kid.

Oh no, poor thing, how terrible :( Ear infections are the worst. I hope she feels better soon. I hope you can at least give her some pain meds to help her be more comfortable?
I just got back from the pediatrician. Turns out Charlotte has a double ear infection. They gave her an injection of antibiotics since she has been vomiting so much. They said they can sometimes kick in in only 12 hours, so here's hoping that's our experience so we can all sleep a little tonight. Poor kid.

Oh no, poor thing, how terrible :( Ear infections are the worst. I hope she feels better soon. I hope you can at least give her some pain meds to help her be more comfortable?

Thanks. I've been trying to give her tylenol but she just pukes it back up! I may try putting it in some expressed breast milk, which she seems to tolerate in small doses.
Noelle - finger crossed for you guys tonight. Hoping the medication will act by then and she gets to rest (and so do you).

I forgot to update about last night. DH said Sofia was asleep till 10:30 pm when she woke up crying. He went and soothed her and left and she was still fussing. So her went to get her bottle but got back to find her asleep. She stayed asleep till 2:30 am when she had her bottle and down again (with no fuss) till 6:30 am when she had her second bottle and slept again. I woke up at 8:30 am, came up to find them both asleep. She didn't wake up till about 10 am....

So it was a decent night but I'm not sure what the 10:30 pm wakeup was about. I think it may have been her teething as she wasnt hungry or anything. I'm taking tonight off as well as DH is working long hours next week and cannot help.

Hope you all have a great night ladies :)
Well this is how our night is going so far :coffee:


This is after I soothed her and laid her back down twice. My dad thinks she may be doing this in her sleep?? I'm going to give her a couple minutes this time and see if she can sort herself out, since my running in there every time clearly isn't helping...
Ugh! I had three good nights of only two feedings And hopes he was getting into a routine. Nope. Tonight he's been up at 2 4 and 545 and he woke up at 845 before I went to bed. Ugggggh.
Bananaz, definitely give Elsie some time to work it out on her own. We had to do the same with the rolling. I also think she's probably doing it in her sleep.

Tentoes, we had two feedings up until 6 months, which is really normal. Three or four by a newborn is to be expected, so don't despair :) What does get easier, IMO, is that they become faster. Once your baby is more efficient, it won't take long to feed. Keep the room dark, speak softly (if at all) and don't make eye contact. This will help your baby to understand that it's night time and encourage her to fall asleep quickly after the feed. We got night feeds down to 15 minutes or so, so it was less disruptive in terms of moms sleep :)

Our night wasn't bad at all. I think the antibiotics are starting to kick in. Charlotte took an epic nap from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. Then she slept from 6:45pm to 3am. I fed her and gave her some advil and she's still sleeping now at 6:30am. Unfortunately I still woke every 2 hours... I've gotta do something about that! If only we could get some consistency.
Noelle - So glad Charlotte is feeling and sleeping better! 6:45pm to 3am is an awesome stretch, but of course it doesn't feel that way unless you're actually sleeping as well. I hope now that she's getting over the ear infections she'll decide to keep up with the long stretches and then you'll be able to relax.

tentoes - Unfortunately I think 3-4 feedings is pretty typical at that age, but as Noelle said they do become more efficient so the feedings do get shorter. And if he's been in the habit of only waking twice he may very well go back to that tomorrow, everyone has an off night once in a while :hugs:

Speaking of off nights, Elsie has been up every two hours all night doing her sitting and fussing routine. The good news is that she's resettled herself and gone back to sleep on her own within 5-10 minutes every time except for this last one at 3:30 when I fed her, but it still hasn't made for a very restful night. Now it's 4am and I only have a couple more hours of potential sleep at the most and I'm wide awake! I hate this.
Bananaz, I know I've said it again and again, but there's nothing worse than being awake when your baby is sleeping! It probably feels exhausting to listen to Elsie sit up and resettle herself all night long, but this will pass. And then it will be on to the next! I'm dreading when they start to crawl!

Why are some babies (like ours!) so sensitive to these milestones, while others skate through them with no sleep disruption at all?
bananaz - i don't know if anyone asked already, but does she sit during daytime too? Also, would it help to have her in a sleep sac?

Tentoes - I'm assuming based on your ticker your LO is 4-5 weeks old? I don't think you can expect a routine from her at such young age...you just gotta be patient now and continue as you are doing until she's older. Mine is 3 months and now is in a bit of a routine finally. She even went through stages of 7-8 hours stretches at night for 3 weeks and is now waking up again. Babies are like that even after 3 months so at a young age like yours for sure there is no consistency.

Noelle - glad Charlotte is better and getting some sleep. I know what you mean as i wake up even though Sofia's asleep too :/ Really hope this is not permanent.

Sofia was super fussy last night to start with. I've been trying to put her down awake but drowsy and it was always ok but now all of the sudden she hates it and wants to be held. So we let her fuss with continuous checking until she fell asleep at 8:30 pm. She had two feedings one at 2 and one at 6:30 am. She wanted to play after that though so I brought her into our bed till finally she slept at 8:30 am till 10:30 am.
Bananaz- I agree with everyone - I think she might be sleep-sitting (perhaps its like sleep walking?) I hope you get some rest soon. Lily is rolling around in her crib... She was awake for quite some time last night rolling around, but I can tell she's awake. I have to stop going in there and rolling her back over, even though she gets so upset.

I wish that she knew how to roll the other direction, but since she sleeps on her tummy she never gets any back time. I know, I shouldn't let her sleep on her tummy...ugh I wish she would learn to roll from back to tummy!
Shadowy Lady, Charlotte always goes down awake now, but until maybe 4.5 months it was only half of the time. Sounds like Sophia is making progress. She will learn!
bananaz - i don't know if anyone asked already, but does she sit during daytime too? Also, would it help to have her in a sleep sac?

Yep, she spends most of her day crawling around and working on the sitting thing, so you'd think she wouldn't need to do it at night too! Unfortunately she's just as mobile in a sleep sack as she is in pajamas - I think all those months of swaddling just helped her learn how to maneuver herself even when contained.

It's great that Sofia is able to put herself to sleep with only some fussing. That's still something I'm working on with Elsie, but TBH I've been too lazy/scared to really push the issue. It sounds like you're making a lot of progress though!

Bananaz- I agree with everyone - I think she might be sleep-sitting (perhaps its like sleep walking?) I hope you get some rest soon. Lily is rolling around in her crib... She was awake for quite some time last night rolling around, but I can tell she's awake. I have to stop going in there and rolling her back over, even though she gets so upset.

I wish that she knew how to roll the other direction, but since she sleeps on her tummy she never gets any back time. I know, I shouldn't let her sleep on her tummy...ugh I wish she would learn to roll from back to tummy!

I also had the issue with Elsie rolling onto her back and then getting upset at night, but she'd known how to roll both ways for months and it was still a problem! Thankfully once I stopped rolling her back over it only took her a couple of nights for her to figure out how to get herself comfortable again.

Would Lily enjoy hanging out on one of those play mats with toys dangling overhead? That might be an easy way to give her more time on her back during the day so she can hopefully figure out the rolling thing.
wow no updates since yesterday!!! Am I the only one who's LO is still not sleeping? lol!

Last night was pretty bad. We went from 2 night wakeup calls to like 4 and only 2 were for feeding. I'm starting to lose hope on this matter. It doesn't help that I only slept 2 hours (which was still interrupted too) and as per usual am unable to nap when Sofia naps :'(
Eesh sorry Shadowy Lady!

Our night wasn't so hot and I'm just trying not to think about it! I think the ear infections really did Charlotte in. She went to bed around 6:30pm and woke at 8:30pm (just as I was going to bed) and was WIDE AWAKE. That never happens to her. I couldn't figure out if she was overtired since she woke from her last nap around 2:30pm (but was in a GREAT mood all afternoon) or had had too much sleep over the previous days from being ill. I tried to feed her, but she still wouldn't relax. DH then took over for me because he was off work today and she finally drifted off around 9:30pm. DH gave her a dream feed around midnight. Then she woke at 2:30am and I fed her, not knowing about the dream feed. I really need to get back to not feeding at night, but because she's not taking her normal milk intake during the day yet I'm hesitant. We'll see how she does at daycare tonight. Then we were up for the day at 6:45am.

Reading that back, it doesn't sound half bad, but I'm exhausted for some reason! I think I'm getting a cold. I just feel like 6 months of sleep deprivation and insomnia has caught up with me. I probably fell asleep around 9pm, but woke at 12am when DH came to bed. I then woke around 1:45am, checked on Charlotte and was lying there awake until she woke at 2:30am. I think I was in a restless sleep from 4am until 5:15am when I decided to get up. DH has a cold and is snoring, so that doesn't help. I feel like I'm swimming today. OH and I have a work event to attend tonight - Hoping I can duck out quickly!

My BFF who has an easy baby (4 months and normally wakes only around 3am for a feed) who hasn't been sleeping very well the past couple of nights due to her 4 month shots. She sent me an email this morning titled "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?" in regards to not sleeping over the past 6 months.... haha

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