Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Oh bananaz that made me giggle inadvertently ending up with a baby down from 4.30! These babies are totally in control aren't they!!! And I do feel for you as those are all things I'd panic about too (eg nappy, sleep suit etc). You never know she may surprise you and have her best night yet!

I'm beginning to realise that no matter what time I put jack down he wakes at almost the same time every day. We had his grandpas party last night so he wasn't down til 8pm, whereas the night before he fell fast asleep on his bottle by 6.55pm (the earliest he's ever gone to sleep!). I fretted about that but he woke at exact same time both times. So now I'm aiming to make his bed time 7pm.... :)
Sometimes when Charlotte needs that third nap, I wake her after an hour or so so that she can have some awake time before bed and stay on her schedule. Yesterday afternoon she napped at 4:15pm, but I woke her at 5pm. It was actually kind of nice because she didn't go to bed until 7:15pm (she's usually a 6:30pm type of girl) and slept until 7:20am! It's like she knew it was Sunday :) She did wake up once last night around 2am, but just for a quick cuddle. All in all a good night.
Noelle, I'm so pleased that Charlotte is having a good patch. I am also extremely jealous.

We are in the middle of teething/crawling/sitting. RUBBISH!
I'm wondering at what age I can officially join in? HAH, looks like Philippe "sleeps" like his older brother :rofl: STTN at 2 years old, here we come!!1 :)
Sometimes when Charlotte needs that third nap, I wake her after an hour or so so that she can have some awake time before bed and stay on her schedule. Yesterday afternoon she napped at 4:15pm, but I woke her at 5pm. It was actually kind of nice because she didn't go to bed until 7:15pm (she's usually a 6:30pm type of girl) and slept until 7:20am! It's like she knew it was Sunday :) She did wake up once last night around 2am, but just for a quick cuddle. All in all a good night.

Wow, that's nice! I can't imagine Elsie sleeping in until 7 these days. Normally when she takes a late third nap and goes to bed a little later she still wakes up around 5:30-6am. The only time she sleeps in is when she's up for a couple hours in the middle of the night. I miss the old 9pm-9am days!

Anyway, as it turns out last night wasn't too bad. She woke up at 8pm and I changed her clothes and her diaper and fed her and she went straight back down until 4am! Then another feed and she slept until 5:45am. I guess she just really needed that extra sleep.
I'm wondering at what age I can officially join in? HAH, looks like Philippe "sleeps" like his older brother :rofl: STTN at 2 years old, here we come!!1 :)

Uh oh. Well, I think you're allowed to feel hopeless early since you've been through it before! Just turn your ticker from weeks to months and you're good to go :haha:
I'm beginning to realise that no matter what time I put jack down he wakes at almost the same time every day. We had his grandpas party last night so he wasn't down til 8pm, whereas the night before he fell fast asleep on his bottle by 6.55pm (the earliest he's ever gone to sleep!). I fretted about that but he woke at exact same time both times. So now I'm aiming to make his bed time 7pm.... :)

Yep, the same started happening with my LO which is why I pushed her bedtime earlier and it's worked out really well. I don't think I can get away with a 4:30pm bedtime every day though, haha.
Aliss- Bad sleep is bad sleep sister! Join on the fun.
Noelle/Bananaz- I wake Coleton up when he takes a late nap. 5:30 is the latest I let him sleep. It backfired on me last night. Couldn't get him down until 8:50! And I am way jealous of Charlotte's sleep. But way to go Elsie as well.

We fed C 6 oz of enriched breastmilk yesterday and still had a rough night. Ergh. I start back to work tomorrow so no more sleeping in or trying to catch a nap.
I know I complain but honestly LO is so much fun during the day. He laughs and giggles and is doing new things everyday. He just started splashing in the bath, knocking over blocks when I stack them, and playing peekaboo with me
All in all I will take wakey nights over the hell of colic we had those first 11 weeks. I need to just relax, realize this is my sleep for now, and enjoy him!
Bananaz!!! Didn't realize Elsie and Coleton were born on the same day!
We had a good night. Lilly went to bed at 7pm and slept until 4:45am, where I just had to shh her a few times, then went back down until 9am.

Noelle, it seems charlotte and Lilly are on a same sleeping schedule right now. Both sttn for two nights, both wake up once the next night, haha.
They must be communicating.
I always had Alex in bed by 6pm sharp, if I was gonna have a crappy night every night, I might as well get in a few hours of alone TV time with OH before! ;)
Ughhhh we're back to 3 wake up each night :( just when I thought things were getting better we're back to square one :(

We have Sofia's doc appt for 4-month shots this Thursday so I'll talk to her pedi about this then. Like last night she woke up at 9pm, 12:30 am and then 4:30 am and up for the day at 8 pm. I don't know why her first wakeup call is becoming earlier and earlier :/ and don't understand why she went from regressing to getting better to regressing again....

Jessica, Noelle and Bananaz, glad your LO's are sleeping better. Send some sleep dust my way :D

Aliss - join the "fun" hahaha! Hope you get some much deserved rest soon
Noelle! What an awesome night, you deserve this!

Jessica, so glad you're having a few good nights now. Long may it continue!

Bananaz, good to hear the accidental bed time went well in the end :thumbup:

Aliss, hoping you can catch a break. Two bad sleepers really isn't fair :hugs:

Aimee, I like your attitude. I remind myself of that too, Mia is so much fun during the day and generally in a good mood. It's great!

Shadowy, sorry you had a bad night. It's so frustrating trying to understand all that's going on with these LO's! I just try not to think about it now, it makes me a bit crazy! We have a great night then the worst ever two nights in a row, these babies just don't make sense!

We had a great night here. Bed at 7pm, up at 1am, up at 4:30am and it's only 5:30 now so she should be asleep for a little longer yet. I was 'up for the day' at 4:30 though :dohh:
Where to start? There's so much going on!

Aimee, I'm sorry you're still having a rough time. I really do agree with you about our babies being so much during the day at this age, though. I was telling another mom the other day that the tough nights are easier to bear because I actually LIKE my daughter, as opposed to when she was a refluxy, colicky newborn. I loved her, but I certainly didn't like her all the time!

Bananaz, I've found the same is true with Charlotte... Her wake time is generally not to influenced by when she goes to bed. I'm of the same mindset as Aliss - I like having some alone time if the night's going to be crappy anyway!

Jessica, so glad to hear about another good night! I think Lilly and Charlotte are having much of the same sleeping experience. Are they texting each other? ;-)

MiniKiwi, another great night, wonderful! I'm sorry you were up early. That's been the story of my life until recently, so I sympathize. When I woke up this morning and saw it was 6:45am on the clock, I'd felt like I'd really slept in! It felt like noon did in college.

Shadowy Lady, I hope the ped can help you. Honestly, 4/5 months is such a hard time for sleep. I know it will improve for you with time.

Aliss, I'm always happy to have you as a member of any group I'm in! That said, I was really hoping you'd have a different sleeping experience this time around :) That said, he's still so young! Lot's of time for things to change. It sounds like you're generally getting some more rest for yourself with bed sharing and breastfeeding, so that's pretty awesome.
Sounds like a few of the babies are on the right track!

Shadowey - whenever I think LO is improving, she throws me for a loop and goes 5 steps backward. SO FRUSTRATING.

Aliss - join in the fun! Hopefully Phillipe doesn't sleep as terribly as Alex did!

Last night was tolerable.
LO went down at about 7:30 and woke up at 10:30. Nursed her and got her back down at about 11. She woke up at 12:45. Took her into our bed. She took about a half hour to settle down to sleep. Woke up around 6am and I moved her back to her crib at 6:30 cuz she kept crawling around the bed. She slept until 9am which was SO NICE.
She's not normally an early waker anyway, I don't know how I'd survive if she was up at 5:45-7am like some of your babes! For some reason she tends to sleep until 8:30-9am if she's in her crib in the morning and tends to wake at 7:30-8 if she's in our bed...no idea why because when she was younger she would only sleep in if she was in our bed

Wish I could say LO was a happy babe during the day, but often she's not. High needs little miss has a lot of meltdowns, cries and whinges a lot and needs to constantly be held or touching me. Usually when I'm on BNB, I'm sitting on the floor playing with her and trying to type because she usually won't play unless she's touching me :wacko:
When she is happy though, she is so friggin cute and just melts my heart.
Can I join please?!

My LO was an okay sleeper until about 6 weeks ago. He would wake between 1-3 times per night between 7pm & 6am. He got a cold and started waking about once an hour. However he's perfectly well now but his sleep is getting worse. For the past month he's been waking every 20 minutes or so. Occasionally I get a 2 hour stretch but that's rare. I'm exhausted :-(

I keep telling myself this will pass but it's so hard. Really don't know what to do now!
Hi Irish! Sorry to see you hear. Charlotte slept really poorly after she had an ear infection, even after she recovered. I think they get used to the frequent waking and it becomes habitual. It did pass for us - hope it does soon for you too!
Irish Eyes - Yikes, I'm sorry your LO's sleep is so disrupted right now :hugs: How are you resettling him at night? Does he at least go back down quickly? I hope it gets better soon!

libby - Glad you had a decent night, and I'm very jealous of your sleeping in! Mia sounds a lot like my girl in terms of temperament so I definitely sympathize. Having to be "on" and interactive every moment they're awake is totally exhausting, especially when they're constantly melting down and you can't figure out what the $&@! it is they want from you (most of the time I don't think LO even knows what she wants). My girl has had some periods recently where she will just crawl around and play with things for a while and it's awesome, but unfortunately those times are few and far between.

Sooo I think I accidentally put Elsie to bed at 4:30pm for a second day in a row :blush: I did my best to avoid putting her down at that time but there was no way around it, her first two naps were just way too short and I couldn't get her to take a third one any earlier.

I actually tried to wake her after an hour but she didn't budge, even after I turned on the light, so I figured she needed the rest and let her be. At least this time I had the forethought to put her down in pajamas with a nighttime diaper on just in case. I think she might be getting sick :(
Is it so bad that a little part of me thought how nice it would be if Mia went to bed at 4:30pm? :haha:

I hope Elsie isn't sick. If she sleeps through until 6 though, it's not that weird is it? A lot of kids seem to sleep 13 hours.. could that be when she needs to go to sleep for the night?

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