Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

i'm guilty of yelling, at my LO, my dh, the dog, even the cats.

i feel cheated too. just that there were 4 babies born in my family in 2012 and i've got the hardest one. she won't sleep on her own, cries in the car, cries in the stroller, even fusses in the ergo now. everyone else is out doing fun things, posting cute pictures, doing normal things and i'm just a mess.

i have always had an anxiety problem but it was mostly dormant during pregnancy and even for her first couple months, then it came back with a vengeance and the lack of sleep and anxiety generated from dealing with her are just making me miserable.my IBS is also flared up so i also have to worry about attacks from that. i'm afraid to go out sometimes

i dread the nighttimes, and even the days sometimes. i watch my 10 month old niece during the week and even though she has her separation anxiety moments she is so much easier and just goes down for a nap and goes down for bed with no fuss.

i really try to be positive, i love her to bits but this is sooooo much harder than i ever pictured. i can't really talk to anyone because people just say, "she's so cute though", "just let her cry", and the worst..."well, what did you expect?" so i really stuff it down but sometimes it blows up and i have an even worse day then usual.
4 wake up calls last night...the last one she was up for an hour....my cold is worse too and this morning I have the shivers all over my body :(

I feel like I will never get over my cold...especially when I get 2-3 hours of sleep per night
Socity, I have always suffered from anxiety and when I was pregnant I felt GREAT (medication and therapy free). I think that happens to some women - I've talked to others with similar experiences. It must be hormonal.

I too have friends and families with much easier babies who just don't "get it". It sucks. I love my little girl, but you wonder "why us?" when it comes to things like colic and reflux. I certainly don't feel qualified to handle these issues, so I question why the universe dealt Charlotte and me this hand in life. On the flip side, Aliss tells me the "terrible twos" will be nothing to us while the moms of said "easy babies" will struggle a bit more.

Hang in there mama!
Yuck Shadowy Lady, so sorry! I haven't really been "sick sick" yet since I had Charlotte (somehow, it's a miracle). I had a minor cold for three days and that's really it. I'm not sure how I could recover if I did get ill! Although I will admit to fantasizing about having a little bug so that I could stay home from work, nap and make DH do all the work for a few days :)
Question - do you ladies ever feel like your efforts to soothe backfire? Last night during her long waking I kept comforting Charlotte every 10 minutes or so, but I actually felt like I was waking her up! She would be fussing/crying on and off for some time, but I'd pick her up to comfort her and she seemed MORE upset by that. I don't want to just let her cry, but at the same time this experience made me understand why people do CIO rather than CC. I almost felt like she wanted to be left alone.

Lily does this, so I realized she is not fully awake and I just leave her be. If she works herself up worse then I will pick her up to soothe her but if not I leave her be, this is how they learn to self settle.
Last night was OK for us. She was very overtired and cried out a lot in her sleep early in the evening. She had a somewhat long waking around 3am-4am, but it wasn't terrible. I couldn't figure out if she was stuffy, having separation anxiety, etc.

Question - do you ladies ever feel like your efforts to soothe backfire? Last night during her long waking I kept comforting Charlotte every 10 minutes or so, but I actually felt like I was waking her up! She would be fussing/crying on and off for some time, but I'd pick her up to comfort her and she seemed MORE upset by that. I don't want to just let her cry, but at the same time this experience made me understand why people do CIO rather than CC. I almost felt like she wanted to be left alone.

I don't know if this helps, but we had massive success with CC for the past week. It had perfect effect almost straight away: LO learned how to self soothe on day 1, slept an 8 hour stretch on day 2 and from day 3 has slept through 12 hours (we're on day 7 now!). Prior to that she had typically woken every 90 minutes since her 4 month sleep regression needing boob to be soothed back to sleep (she is now almost 10 months old). I thought sleep was a lost cause, but we seem to have fixed things (for now....)

The key thing with the comfort visits for us was to limit it to 2 minutes at a time, do exactly the same thing when you go in there (eg pat them the same way, kiss them the same way and say the same words before leaving). You must leave after 2 minutes and whatever you do, do not pick them up!

DH did all the dirty work sleep training wise as we thought she would find it more upsetting if it was me walking away from her. On day 1, he went in after 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 5 min then 10 min. DH left the room after 2 minutes even if she was crying hard- he felt like a complete crap bag doing it, but ultimately it had more effect. She put herself to sleep in 33 minutes for the first time in 5 months with LESS CRYING than when we were trying to implement the no cry sleep solutions! There was also no hysterical crying involved, just angry/confused crying at first because she wanted to be nursed, then frustrated crying as she tried to figure out how to put herself to sleep. On day 2 she went to sleep with only 3 mins crying (no reassurance visit needed) and from day 3 she has gone to sleep without a fuss, saying 'niy niy' (night night) ie she wants to go to sleep!

If you follow that reassurance visit guideline, hopefully (if your LO is anything like my one), your LO will realise that you are there if they need you but that they must put themselves to sleep.

Our daughter did get more worked up during and after each comfort visit, but she needed to go through that to come to the realisation that mummy and daddy are still there, that she is safe and secure, and that she can go to sleep.

She's been a much more energetic and happy baby since she's been sleeping through too, so I am glad we did it in the end (I wish we had done it earlier to be honest!)
Question - do you ladies ever feel like your efforts to soothe backfire? Last night during her long waking I kept comforting Charlotte every 10 minutes or so, but I actually felt like I was waking her up! She would be fussing/crying on and off for some time, but I'd pick her up to comfort her and she seemed MORE upset by that. I don't want to just let her cry, but at the same time this experience made me understand why people do CIO rather than CC. I almost felt like she wanted to be left alone.

Lily does this, so I realized she is not fully awake and I just leave her be. If she works herself up worse then I will pick her up to soothe her but if not I leave her be, this is how they learn to self settle.

Yup, I think you're right. Some kids are just "loud" when settling. My DH is going to get us a video monitor - he thinks it would help me to see that she's really half asleep and not have to respond to every peep. I try not to, but it's hard because I always wonder if something is wrong (teething, illness, stuck in crib, etc)
Last night was OK for us. She was very overtired and cried out a lot in her sleep early in the evening. She had a somewhat long waking around 3am-4am, but it wasn't terrible. I couldn't figure out if she was stuffy, having separation anxiety, etc.

Question - do you ladies ever feel like your efforts to soothe backfire? Last night during her long waking I kept comforting Charlotte every 10 minutes or so, but I actually felt like I was waking her up! She would be fussing/crying on and off for some time, but I'd pick her up to comfort her and she seemed MORE upset by that. I don't want to just let her cry, but at the same time this experience made me understand why people do CIO rather than CC. I almost felt like she wanted to be left alone.

I don't know if this helps, but we had massive success with CC for the past week. It had perfect effect almost straight away: LO learned how to self soothe on day 1, slept an 8 hour stretch on day 2 and from day 3 has slept through 12 hours (we're on day 7 now!). Prior to that she had typically woken every 90 minutes since her 4 month sleep regression needing boob to be soothed back to sleep (she is now almost 10 months old). I thought sleep was a lost cause, but we seem to have fixed things (for now....)

The key thing with the comfort visits for us was to limit it to 2 minutes at a time, do exactly the same thing when you go in there (eg pat them the same way, kiss them the same way and say the same words before leaving). You must leave after 2 minutes and whatever you do, do not pick them up!

DH did all the dirty work sleep training wise as we thought she would find it more upsetting if it was me walking away from her. On day 1, he went in after 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 5 min then 10 min. DH left the room after 2 minutes even if she was crying hard- he felt like a complete crap bag doing it, but ultimately it had more effect. She put herself to sleep in 33 minutes for the first time in 5 months with LESS CRYING than when we were trying to implement the no cry sleep solutions! There was also no hysterical crying involved, just angry/confused crying at first because she wanted to be nursed, then frustrated crying as she tried to figure out how to put herself to sleep. On day 2 she went to sleep with only 3 mins crying (no reassurance visit needed) and from day 3 she has gone to sleep without a fuss, saying 'niy niy' (night night) ie she wants to go to sleep!

If you follow that reassurance visit guideline, hopefully (if your LO is anything like my one), your LO will realise that you are there if they need you but that they must put themselves to sleep.

Our daughter did get more worked up during and after each comfort visit, but she needed to go through that to come to the realisation that mummy and daddy are still there, that she is safe and secure, and that she can go to sleep.

She's been a much more energetic and happy baby since she's been sleeping through too, so I am glad we did it in the end (I wish we had done it earlier to be honest!)

Thanks, this is very helpful. I think the issue is that I'm picking her up and rocking to soothe, which I never used to do. I used to only soothe from outside the crib and I think that worked better and somewhere (after multiple illnesses and teething) I got off track. I need to be more consistent in my responses.

I totally hear you on the less crying thing, too.... My daughter always cries when she falls asleep. Honestly, she could have great naps, great stimulation and fun between them, eat well and be full and content and it seems she still needs to let off steam. I feel like she often cries LESS when I'm not interfering.
Socity courty- I hear ya. Coleton had colic, has reflux, we went through failure to thrive and then 10 weeks of an RSV induced cold /bronchitis and now the worst sleep regression ever. It is like we cannot catch a break.

Bumpbear -We did CC at bedtime and were happy with the results but about 4 weeks ago it quit working. After 3 nights of him crying an hour and a half with no end in sight I am back to nursing him to sleep. I think it is because of wonder week 37 and the 8 month sleep regression so I bet your LO will do much better. I am going to try CC again soon but it drains me emotionally.

Well. Last night was the worst sleep night I have had since having a baby. Coleton went to sleep at 7:30. I laid down at 8:30 and fell asleep at 9. C woke up at 9:20 AND was up until 2:30!!!! At first he just was awake and couldn't fall back asleep but he wasn't fussy like he normally is when that happens. He seemed content to just cuddle. At 11:30 he fell asleep. From 11:30-2:30 it was a vicious cycle of fall asleep, lay him down, he wakes up screaming within 20 minutes. The screams were weird like he had a nightmare or was in pain. I finally got him down in the swing and he slept an hour. Woke up at 3:30. Got down at 4:45 and he woke up at 5:55. I decided then that we were both staying home so I called in to work. He has had maybe 5 hrs sleep and I have had 2. He is even refusing naps today. He will be so exhausted and either not fall asleep or the one that actually stuck he woke within 10 minutes. I have no idea what is going on. He does not have a fever. Anyone? I really cannot survive on 2 hrs sleep! DH is a firefighter so he works 24 hr shifts meaning I am on my own.
Aimee, that sounds just terrible! I would have called into work too. Five hours in the middle of the night has to be a record.
Aimee - I thought my night was bad until I read about yours :( Hang in there friend. We are all here to support each other. I also got about 2 hours of sleep and am sick with a feverish body :'( I wish i knew the magic answer...my only suggestion would be to somewhat teach him to self-sooth. We used Ferber's self soothing as Bumpbear describes and worked great for us :)

Noelle - thank you :) Trust me you don't wanna be sick when you have a non-sleeping baby. It's twice as rough to operate on minimal sleep with a sick body and congested head :( and to answer your question, I don't pick up Sofia if I'm not intending on feeding her. I just go in and sshhh her and leave. Usually that does the trick.

A bit of better news, I started to put Sofia in her new magic sleepsuite to nap this morning instead of the Woombie. She fussed for longer (like 20 mins) but she did fall asleep and has been napping now for 1.5 hours. I will be putting her in the sleepsuite tonight as well as starting the night weaning process (Ferber style). I'm intending on having at least 3.5 hours between feeds.

I'll let you ladies now how it goes. Since she already knows how to self-soothes I'm expecting it to be not too bad....or at least hoping so!
i have had 3 colds since my LO was born, one of them I had a 102 fever and I was sweaty all over, she just kept crying to be held, I thought i would die from the powerless feeling I had, I couldn't take care of myself for even a minute, it was awful.

I'm more afraid of getting a tummy bug (which I already have a phobia of!) and a baby who won't let me put her down! i worry about it all the time.

I've been up since 5, couldn't get her back down. trying to talk myself out of being terribly grumpy today :(
Aimee - I'm so sorry. Honestly I would take him to the pediatrician just to get him checked out and make sure he's okay, even if he doesn't have a fever. IMO that goes beyond just having a "bad night." Big hugs to you, do you have any other family or friends you can call to give you a break?

Shadowy Lady - Sorry you had such a rough night too. I hear you on the cold thing, I've had mine for almost a week and it doesn't seem like it's getting any better.

Noelle - YES, my efforts to soothe definitely backfire sometimes! I think most of my LO's crazy long MOTN parties happened when I went in there too soon and interrupted her while she was trying to fall asleep. The video monitor is a good idea, I know it's been an invaluable sleep tool for me.

Last night was surprisingly really good for us, despite the fact that Elsie's cold seems to be getting worse. She went down a little past 7pm and slept until 3am. Unfortunately she ended up being awake for almost an hour at that point because I had to wipe the gunk off her face which makes her hysterical, and then after I finally got her calm and nursed her back down she sneezed and her face got covered in snot again so I had to start the process over :dohh: Anyway, I finally did get her back to sleep and she stayed down until 7am, despite lots of coughing. I'm secretly hoping that these 7-8am wakeups will last beyond her sickness, but I'm guessing that they won't.

And to those who asked, I had a great time going out the other night :) Of course I felt like total crap the next day but it was worth it.
Aimee I would guess teething or just a bad sleep. If he was sick with something it would have probably come on by now, I think. but anytime something is out of the ordinary for my LO i call the advice nurse because I just don't know. it's confusing sometimes!

That sounds awful. just try and get him to nap or even nap with him so you can get a rest :hugs:
Bumpbear -We did CC at bedtime and were happy with the results but about 4 weeks ago it quit working. After 3 nights of him crying an hour and a half with no end in sight I am back to nursing him to sleep. I think it is because of wonder week 37 and the 8 month sleep regression so I bet your LO will do much better. I am going to try CC again soon but it drains me emotionally.

Well. Last night was the worst sleep night I have had since having a baby. Coleton went to sleep at 7:30. I laid down at 8:30 and fell asleep at 9. C woke up at 9:20 AND was up until 2:30!!!! At first he just was awake and couldn't fall back asleep but he wasn't fussy like he normally is when that happens. He seemed content to just cuddle. At 11:30 he fell asleep. From 11:30-2:30 it was a vicious cycle of fall asleep, lay him down, he wakes up screaming within 20 minutes. The screams were weird like he had a nightmare or was in pain. I finally got him down in the swing and he slept an hour. Woke up at 3:30. Got down at 4:45 and he woke up at 5:55. I decided then that we were both staying home so I called in to work. He has had maybe 5 hrs sleep and I have had 2. He is even refusing naps today. He will be so exhausted and either not fall asleep or the one that actually stuck he woke within 10 minutes. I have no idea what is going on. He does not have a fever. Anyone? I really cannot survive on 2 hrs sleep! DH is a firefighter so he works 24 hr shifts meaning I am on my own.

Perhaps it's the start of night terrors? I don't know much about it but I think all my baby sleep books (I have bought many!) have chapters on that.

Re CC- can you get DH to do it and go out somewhere? That was my plan- I organised my closet while he got on with things and planned to go out for a walk if it got too much, but luckily it was not too bad and she fell asleep before it got to the point that I couldn't bear it. I did have a bit of a sob later though when I went to bed that night because it was her first night where we hadn't ended up bringing her in to our room and I missed her. My boobs were also full to bursting and I was worried she would be hungry (but she wasn't, she was fine!)
OMG I havent posted in a while but wanted to add I HAATTTTTTTTE it when ppl who have no kids, no babies etc bitch that they are tired. Don't even get me STARTED!!!!!! You have no fecking idea what tired is!!!!!!!!! One of my friends bitched cuz he only got to sleep 8 hours instead of 12. I would KILL for that!

Megan :D Sorry to see you here, but SO glad you and your DF worked things out! It's better for everyone. :D

The pillow didn't last for long. I was trying to night wean as well as he's hardly drinking in the day due to having so much at night. Got him down to one feed last night! He had a MOTN party as well, maybe him & Coleton have some sort of signal that we don't know about?! Finished the night by propping myself up on pillows again while he slept on me, I don't sleep but it's comfortable.

How was everyone elses night? Please tell me at least someone here got some sleep?!!!!
Yaaaaayyyy!!! Lilly was the same before. She would hardly have ANYTHING to eat in the day because she was eating so much at night. I didn't really have the intent to night wean it just kind of happened. She's having so much in the day time now and is much happier. :D

We had an ok night, I guess. We went to bed at 10, Sebastian woke at 11 and cried for 2 minutes before going back to sleep. At 12:30 Dominic woke crying and I thought he wanted his bottle but by the time I had prepared it, he had fallen asleep again. So I left it cause I knew he'd be up again soon. He wanted the bottle at 1:40 instead and was awake babbling for a good 30 mins after that. Then they woke for the day at 5:30. So not a whole lot of sleep but better than it has been.
Thing is... do you ladies feel that the constant worry about sleep and the constant tiredness robs you a little of what should be an amazing time? Ppl keep saying try and relax and enjoy their babyhood, it goes by to quickly. And I know that is so and I want to cry cause it is going by so fast! But although I love my boys with all my heart and consider them the greatest joy of my life and feel so very blessed to have them both, I know I would enjoy mummyhood more if I got to sleep more. I feel bad for admitting this but the constant tiredness is casting a pall or haze over the last 9 months and a bit and I feel cheated. :( Any one else?

Seems like your night wasn't too bad, but ahh, such an early wake up! I don't think I could function if I woke up at 5:30. :/

Last night was OK for us. She was very overtired and cried out a lot in her sleep early in the evening. She had a somewhat long waking around 3am-4am, but it wasn't terrible. I couldn't figure out if she was stuffy, having separation anxiety, etc.

Question - do you ladies ever feel like your efforts to soothe backfire? Last night during her long waking I kept comforting Charlotte every 10 minutes or so, but I actually felt like I was waking her up! She would be fussing/crying on and off for some time, but I'd pick her up to comfort her and she seemed MORE upset by that. I don't want to just let her cry, but at the same time this experience made me understand why people do CIO rather than CC. I almost felt like she wanted to be left alone.

YES! I'm actually pretty horrible at comforting Lilly anyways, lol, but especially at night! She just cries in my arms. :/ There was one night a few months back where she had woken up in the night and I went in to feed her, she didn't want her bottle so I tried rocking her. Didn't work. Tried bouncing her. Didn't work. Tried singing to her and patting her bum. Didn't work. I was getting so frustrated why nothing was working, she just kept crying, so I just put her back down in her crib. The moment her head touched the mattress she was instantly asleep. I couldn't believe my eyes.

i'm guilty of yelling, at my LO, my dh, the dog, even the cats.

i feel cheated too. just that there were 4 babies born in my family in 2012 and i've got the hardest one. she won't sleep on her own, cries in the car, cries in the stroller, even fusses in the ergo now. everyone else is out doing fun things, posting cute pictures, doing normal things and i'm just a mess.

i have always had an anxiety problem but it was mostly dormant during pregnancy and even for her first couple months, then it came back with a vengeance and the lack of sleep and anxiety generated from dealing with her are just making me miserable.my IBS is also flared up so i also have to worry about attacks from that. i'm afraid to go out sometimes

i dread the nighttimes, and even the days sometimes. i watch my 10 month old niece during the week and even though she has her separation anxiety moments she is so much easier and just goes down for a nap and goes down for bed with no fuss.

i really try to be positive, i love her to bits but this is sooooo much harder than i ever pictured. i can't really talk to anyone because people just say, "she's so cute though", "just let her cry", and the worst..."well, what did you expect?" so i really stuff it down but sometimes it blows up and i have an even worse day then usual.

Awhh hun. :hugs:
You need a girls day. Can you leave LO with DH one night and go out with a couple of friends and stay the night at a hotel that night? You wouldn't believe what one full night of sleep can do for you.

4 wake up calls last night...the last one she was up for an hour....my cold is worse too and this morning I have the shivers all over my body :(

I feel like I will never get over my cold...especially when I get 2-3 hours of sleep per night

Eeeeek, I hate being sick. :( I always feel like colds go on for aaaages. It's even worse when you have a baby. Hope you get better soon hun.

Well. Last night was the worst sleep night I have had since having a baby. Coleton went to sleep at 7:30. I laid down at 8:30 and fell asleep at 9. C woke up at 9:20 AND was up until 2:30!!!! At first he just was awake and couldn't fall back asleep but he wasn't fussy like he normally is when that happens. He seemed content to just cuddle. At 11:30 he fell asleep. From 11:30-2:30 it was a vicious cycle of fall asleep, lay him down, he wakes up screaming within 20 minutes. The screams were weird like he had a nightmare or was in pain. I finally got him down in the swing and he slept an hour. Woke up at 3:30. Got down at 4:45 and he woke up at 5:55. I decided then that we were both staying home so I called in to work. He has had maybe 5 hrs sleep and I have had 2. He is even refusing naps today. He will be so exhausted and either not fall asleep or the one that actually stuck he woke within 10 minutes. I have no idea what is going on. He does not have a fever. Anyone? I really cannot survive on 2 hrs sleep! DH is a firefighter so he works 24 hr shifts meaning I am on my own.

You poor thing, that sounds awful! Good on you for calling in to work. No one should go to work on only two hours of sleep. I don't know how you're handling it! You're my new hero!

Last night was surprisingly really good for us, despite the fact that Elsie's cold seems to be getting worse. She went down a little past 7pm and slept until 3am. Unfortunately she ended up being awake for almost an hour at that point because I had to wipe the gunk off her face which makes her hysterical, and then after I finally got her calm and nursed her back down she sneezed and her face got covered in snot again so I had to start the process over :dohh: Anyway, I finally did get her back to sleep and she stayed down until 7am, despite lots of coughing. I'm secretly hoping that these 7-8am wakeups will last beyond her sickness, but I'm guessing that they won't.

And to those who asked, I had a great time going out the other night :) Of course I felt like total crap the next day but it was worth it.

Awhh, glad you had a good time, you needed it! And glad Elsie had a good night! Lilly hates when I wipe her face too, she goes ballistic!

Poor baby, hope she gets over this cold sooner than later.

I haven't posted in a few days mainly because there's nothing new really. Lilly is still sttn, but has been waking at about 5-530 every morning for a bottle, then will go back down until 730-8.
I'm not complaining, I just wish I could send some of this sleep dust to you ladies, I know a lot more of you need it more than I do!

Lilly has learned how to crawl so every morning when I go to get her I find her crawling around her crib, hehe, cutest thing ever. I can't believe she can crawl though. I just look down at her and she looks so grown up.
She also follows me everywhere now that she knows she can. Hehe.
I do need a night. I'm thinking of having my mom stay here as she might be a little better at settling her than my DH...he tries but she can sense that he's nervous or frustrated and she doesn't usually settle with him.

I have never wanted to leave her overnight because I feel like she's too fussy and will ruin the babysitting person's sleep as well as just cry her head off, I hate to think about it even though I'm dying for the break
ughhhh taking Woombie away is not going well...she woke up 10 mins after I put her down moving her arms about and crying. I'm going in every 5 mins to console her but it's been an hour and no change :'( to make it worse DH is in his martial art class for another 2 hours.

I'm at the breaking point now with like 2 hours of sleep, having a fever and dealing with all the crying....should I just put her back in the Woombie?
lysh - at the time I started threatening my DH with bodily harm for complaining about being tired, he didn't help AT ALL. I was on duty with LO 100% of the time. DH would opt to go to bed super late even when he had to get up in the morning for work, then complain because he got woken up for a few mins at a time whenever the baby woke up at night and in the morning he was "soooo tired" :wacko:
Sorry you guys had such a terrible night :( I can't even imagine having to get up in the morning and go function at work after some of these sleepless nights...most days I'm lucky I have the energy to have a shower and get dressed

Some days are harder than others, I am just glad I have a job that keeps me so busy that I have no time to feel tired.

Question - do you ladies ever feel like your efforts to soothe backfire? Last night during her long waking I kept comforting Charlotte every 10 minutes or so, but I actually felt like I was waking her up! She would be fussing/crying on and off for some time, but I'd pick her up to comfort her and she seemed MORE upset by that. I don't want to just let her cry, but at the same time this experience made me understand why people do CIO rather than CC. I almost felt like she wanted to be left alone.
Yes!!! Our pedi said to go in and every 10 minutes so she knows we did not abandon her....however, the minute we go in she starts SCREAMING! I want her to know we are still there, but I feel like it ends up upsetting her more and takes her longer to settle. :shrug: I have no idea what the answer is!!
4 wake up calls last night...the last one she was up for an hour....my cold is worse too and this morning I have the shivers all over my body :(

I feel like I will never get over my cold...especially when I get 2-3 hours of sleep per night
:hugs: I am so sorry.....a night like that sucks even more when sick!!!! I hope you have a better night tonight. You asked about the woombie in another post...personally, I would do what you have to do to get sleep right now!!! But that is just my opinion! I say deal with the woombie when you are feeling better and have more energy to deal with the extra wake-ups while she transitions out of it.

Well. Last night was the worst sleep night I have had since having a baby. Coleton went to sleep at 7:30. I laid down at 8:30 and fell asleep at 9. C woke up at 9:20 AND was up until 2:30!!!! At first he just was awake and couldn't fall back asleep but he wasn't fussy like he normally is when that happens. He seemed content to just cuddle. At 11:30 he fell asleep. From 11:30-2:30 it was a vicious cycle of fall asleep, lay him down, he wakes up screaming within 20 minutes. The screams were weird like he had a nightmare or was in pain. I finally got him down in the swing and he slept an hour. Woke up at 3:30. Got down at 4:45 and he woke up at 5:55. I decided then that we were both staying home so I called in to work. He has had maybe 5 hrs sleep and I have had 2. He is even refusing naps today. He will be so exhausted and either not fall asleep or the one that actually stuck he woke within 10 minutes. I have no idea what is going on. He does not have a fever. Anyone? I really cannot survive on 2 hrs sleep! DH is a firefighter so he works 24 hr shifts meaning I am on my own.
OMG.....what a crappy night!! I want to cry for you reading that....I am glad you took the day off. I wish I had an answer for you, I just hope your evening goes a little better!:hugs:

Well, last night little girl did really well! She slept from 7:15-midnight. I nursed her for 30 minutes and then she slept until 5:15!!! I of course had a hard time sleeping the second half of the night (I never had a problem before, but lately I am getting insomnia after the first nursing session). But at least she slept well! I am hoping for another good night in which I sleep too!!!!
ughhhh taking Woombie away is not going well...she woke up 10 mins after I put her down moving her arms about and crying. I'm going in every 5 mins to console her but it's been an hour and no change :'( to make it worse DH is in his martial art class for another 2 hours.

I'm at the breaking point now with like 2 hours of sleep, having a fever and dealing with all the crying....should I just put her back in the Woombie?

I remember weaning Lily. Do not stop once you have started. It will take a week or two for LO to adjust but she will get better at it! Persevere is all I can say. Maybe try it when you are feeling better though?

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