Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Daneuse - I'm so sorry but I can tell you, in my experience, it DOES get easier. It gets so much easier. My LO self settled last night, actually alone, proper self settling. I was shocked when I poked my head around the door. We had months of hell at nap and bed times, it was exhausting. So exhausting, so frustrating. The only thing I can't recommend enough is the moby. Big hugs for you, you are doing so, so well :hugs:

Megan - I'm sorry I have no advice at all. Just know we're all here for you with our internet hugs :hugs: I really hope you see an improvement soon
Thanks, it really helps to feel love from ppl I don't even know!
I feel the same Megan! And when I see despairing posts I do genuinely feel sad for the poster because I know that feeling so well.

Joni is sick at the moment with unexplained fever (probably viral). We spent all day at hospital doing tests yesterday but nothing conclusive. As she doesnt sleep well at the best of times I haven't really noticed a huge difference! But she is just sad and cuddly all day. I have to say I was impressed with our gp who took me veryseriously because I gave her calpol in the morning and so at the surgery she didn't even have a temperature but was just crying.I thought the gp would think im just neurotic but even just the crying was enough, she said if she's been miserable like that for 24 hours and has had a temperature we must go and be checked. So that made me feel like she was really listening when I said she doesnt normally just cry and cry, she's normally really interested in her surroundings at a new place like the surgery. So all in all Joni is sick and not sleeping great but no worse than normal! X
So I have good and bad news. Good news is, Sofia was so tired that she slept at 6:30 pm and didn't wake up till......5:30 am!!!!! 11 friggin hours!!!

The bad news is, as I expected her to wakeup around 12-1, I was up from 1 am till she actually woke up, checking to ensure she was breathing. When she did wakeup, I jumped to feed her as my boobs were killing me. She barely ate anyway....she babbled away for 30 mins and then woke up at 6:30 to actually eat!

I really hope this is the new trend. I'm exhausted from the 3 hour sleep I had but still happy and hopeful :)
Hello ladies!

AngelUK - I'm so glad CIO etc worked so well for you. Sometimes Seren is the same, she's better being left to grumble out or if we go in she gets worse, because she really wants to be asleep.

Bananaz - I hope that she settles a bit easier soon. I guess all you can do is persevere, and know that eventually it won't last forever. Sorry the ssshhhing is not working, it's my only tool! :dohh:

Megangrohl - Sorry you had a really tough night a couple of nights ago :hugs: It must feel like it's never going to end, and unfortunately I bet the doctors comments have made it feel much worse.

I'm sure you've already tried this too, but have you put the cot with the side down, next to your bed, and gradually shifted her an inch or so over towards it, and then into it? So that the cot is sort of part of the bed, but it would at least give you your own space? Although if you are already having some success in keeping her in her room, that may be a backwards step. :flower:

I hope you manage to get some decent sleep and properly relax for a couple of nights before you go back into the fray again. You never know, a couple of days away from you might do Lily some good too.

Socitycourty - sorry you are in a similar situation to Megan. :hugs:

Mrspear - So sorry that Joni is ill. I'm so glad your GP took you seriously, she sounds fantastic. Poor mite, I hope she feels better asap. :flower:

Shadowy Lady - YAY for no MOTN party! I hope that is the end of them for you! Fingers and toes crossed! :happydance: And FANTASTIC that she STTN! How wonderful! Hopefully you're at the end of the sleep regression/WW19 etc.

Lady Bee - Great night! I agree with everyone else about either watering down the feed or just giving him less ounces every couple of days or so, and hopefully he won't wake.

Daneuse - Could she be hitting a growth spurt? Hence the cluster feeding? Either that or comfot, will she take a dummy/pacifier?

As for us, I think we are definitely into WW26 (based on the date she was born, not on her due date). She has spent the last two nights finding it tough to go down to bed, but once she's down she sleeps until about 3am and then every half hour or so I have to get up and go in and reposition her as she's scuffled into the corner and is stuck (even though she now sleeps on her tummy).

On the plus side, she rolled tummy to back today, so that's what I think she's been working on in her sleep, and causing her to crash around the cot.

Now if we could just figure out crawling..... :dohh:

Aaahhh well, it's better than crying hysterically every 1.5 hours, or every 15 mins from 4am and not knowing really why. At least it's a quick fix and she seems as desperate to go back to sleep as I am.

Noelle, I hope Charlotte is having a good stretch of sleep! :flower:
Wonder Weeks are the worst! I'm so glad we only have a couple more until I don't have to worry about them anymore!

Go Sofia, STTN! That is great. Maybe an early bedtime works well for. It did for Charlotte at that age. Sorry you struggled to sleep Shadowy Lady. Hopefully S keeps this up and you can relax.

Charlotte is still shocking me and sleeping through or waking only once briefly. I'm loving it! I'm waiting for our 8/9 month sleep regression when it all goes to crap. Unfortunately I'm struggling to sleep again. It is nowhere NEAR as bad as it was before, but I find myself drifting in and out of light sleep at 2am or 3am until I get up. I have a follow-up with my doctor next week, so perhaps she can help tweak my medication a bit. From what I've read online, this seems to be common, as the meds start wearing off after you've been sleeping for 5 or 6 hours.
Shadowy Lady I'm sorry you had trouble sleeping even though your LO slept! Hate it when that happens! I hope she continues in that pattern though... 11 hours would be blissful on a regular basis ;)

Noelle sorry to hear you're having problems sleeping too. Hope you can sort something out. It must be frustrating! Go Charlotte though for sleeping so well!

I slept like crap last night too, I'm not sure why! I kept waking up for no reason whatsoever and freaking out about the baby being in the bed (he wasn't...).

Regardless, we are still doing really well with naps and night time. :happydance: I'm so proud of Alexander. We had a hiccup yesterday (lots of crying and complaining at afternoon nap time :() but he seemed to have sorted himself out by the evening and settled peacefully at bedtime in about 10 minutes without any fuss. Woke only once for his usual 3 am feed. Best he's slept in a long time!!

Naps today were great and he settled wonderfully, though didn't sleep as long as I would have liked. I'm going to move bedtime earlier today to compensate because I think he may end up overtired.
Hey ladies...doing my best to catch up!
I hope most of you are at least getting some restful nights here! For the past two nights, my LO has only woken up once! I actually slept for 5 straight hours Thursday night and then last night for 6 straight hours!!!!! She even woke up for the day at 4:40 Friday morning and then 5 this morning (this is good for her!). I am hoping for another good night....her naps were thrown off today though, so we shall see!
By the way, for those of you who started getting decent stretches, did you find you felt WORSE at first???? I felt like a truck hit me all day Friday and today was rough too.

Just remember ladies (as I see some of us are at our wits end) that this is a phase and eventually it has to pass. I know it sometimes feels like this will be forever, but it won't. I remember feeling completely hopeless at times during the newborn months when my LO was colicky, needed to be held 24/7, and rarely slept. However, it did pass and things did get better. So all of this shall pass one day as well!

Okay, that is my positive outlook for the day! ha Let's see how long it lasts! :winkwink:
Hi everyone, I'm back! :dohh:

I've been trying to catch up with everyone's posts but am so sleep deprived that I'm sorry if I miss anyone!

Bananaz, I think I'm going through a WW at the moment too (the week 22.5-26.5 one - OT, why do they call them 'weeks' when the damn things last for a month?!), so I feel your pain. :cry:

Daneuse, I think you and I are at exactly the same point. Rafe was sleeping badly around Christmas for about two weeks, which I thought was the four-month regression. He got better - was back to 1-2 wakeups and the occasional nine-hour stretch - but in the last 10 days it has all gone to hell. The worst he has ever been. Absolute maximum of two hours' sleep at a time at night, but sometimes only 45 minutes. I'm also on deadline for work so am desperately trying to get everything done while in a semi-conscious state.

Megan, things sound really tough for you too... I hope they improve. Afraid I have no suggestions as 'tough it out' is pretty much the only strategy I have right now.

Shadowy, I'm so glad Sofia is sleeping better, I hope you catch up with her tonight!

I have no help to offer anyone unfortunately, as I just needed a vent. OH is trying, but just doesn't get why I feel like caving his head in when
a) he complains he 'didn't sleep too well either'. There's a material difference between stirring and waking briefly when the baby cries, then going back to snoring bliss, and being up 10 times to feed, comfort, cuddle, or change the baby for at least 15 minutes each time,
b) he offers to do extra laundry/cooking/baby care time, but somehow translates that to doing a 50 percent share, meaning no actual extra help to me at all (or massively overestimates what he can actually do in a day, meaning half the stuff he promised to do just gets left for me when he goes off to work),
c) takes LO out so I can work, but pays absolutely no attention to nap times, and brings back a chronically overtired baby, or one who is in the middle of a nap at 5.30pm. :growlmad:
Lady Bee and Lysh, thrilled to hear about some positive strides!

Lark, I have been through the same thing with my DH. I basically did all of the night feeds for the majority of Charlotte's life yet he would complain about being "tired" (!!!). Men, I tell you.

Last night was awful for us! I am wondering if my poor baby is sick, overtired or a combination of both. She napped from 9:30am-10:30am, but her second nap gave us trouble - I put her down at 1:50pm and she woke at 2:20pm (usually sleeps 90 minutes for this one) because of a big poop and wouldn't go back to sleep. Super grumpy. Then I took her to see a friend and her baby and it turns out the friend's baby got ill after we got together. Anyway, I went out with friends and DH put Charlotte to bed at 6pm because she was so exhausted. I got home around 9pm and he said she had already woken THREE TIMES. That's highly unusual for. She's either been sleeping through or waking once around the 2am mark. She then woke again at midnight and took an hour to resettle. I gave her advil and she went back to sleep. She then woke again at 4am. Yuck.
Noelle, Quinn & Charlotte have been texting each other. This tooth was really causing him a lot of pain last night :nope: He woke at 10, 1, 3 & 5 screaming. He settled with teething gel on a dummy and I kept up with the paracetamol & ibuprofen but he was a mess.

Today I WISH I liked coffee. Luckily he's remarkably chipper.

Lark - I hear ya re your DH. When I was on mat leave I think he thought his contribution should consist of bathtime. YEAH BLOODY RIGHT.
Noelle, Quinn & Charlotte have been texting each other. This tooth was really causing him a lot of pain last night :nope: He woke at 10, 1, 3 & 5 screaming. He settled with teething gel on a dummy and I kept up with the paracetamol & ibuprofen but he was a mess.

Today I WISH I liked coffee. Luckily he's remarkably chipper.

Lark - I hear ya re your DH. When I was on mat leave I think he thought his contribution should consist of bathtime. YEAH BLOODY RIGHT.

Ugh these crazy kids! They better start sending each other messages about STTN :winkwink:
Sunnie - hugs to u...hoping Serene leaves her exploring for daytime.

Lysh - so happy you're getting some rest mama!and yes when Sofia sleeps good i don't sleep at all coz i'm waiting for her to wakeup :/

Lark - OMG sorry to hear Rafe is back at it again. I hadn't seen u here so i imagined you were blissfully asleep. And you have a right to be mad at DH. I would be if mine didn't help with night feeding.

Last night there was no sttn, booooo! But she did sleep at 7 pm, woke up at 12:30 for a feed, went back down and is still asleep at 7:20. I slept in the basement and had an 8hour stretch!!!! OMG i can't even type it coz i worry i jinx it lol. It would be nice if Sofia sttn but at least i know now she's capable of it abd she'll get there sooner or later (hopefully sooner).
Bananaz, I think I'm going through a WW at the moment too (the week 22.5-26.5 one - OT, why do they call them 'weeks' when the damn things last for a month?!), so I feel your pain. :cry:

I know! The last Wonder "Week" was 5 weeks long! They should really just point out the weeks when babies aren't going through some crazy developmental shift.
Noelle - Sorry you had a difficult night :( I hope it was just a random blip and she'll be back to sleeping well tonight.

mrsbeano- Poor baby, and poor you! Which tooth is it?

Shadowy - That sounds like a pretty nice night both for you and baby! I'm glad you got some rest.

The past few nights Elsie has been having an hour-long MOTN party after her 3am feeding. It hasn't been too bad though because she never invites me to the party. Mainly she just rolls around squealing to herself, and it actually worked out pretty well because she then ended up sleeping in until 6:30 or 7. This morning, however, she had her MOTN party at 1:30am and got up for the day at 5:30 :coffee:

Anyway, I think I'm finally giving up on nursing her down for naps. Today I tried putting her straight in her crib after her nap routine and she cried for maybe 30 seconds and then started settling herself, vs. the 20+ minutes of crying she had been doing after I tried to nurse her down. It's really sad for me because it was the only time I got to snuggle with her but clearly it just wasn't working anymore :nope:
Noelle - definitely see your doctor about tweaking your dose, there is no point taking anything at too low a dose, as you will see less and less benefit. :flower:

Charlotte must have something bothering her, it doesn't seem normal that she could have such a huge setback from sleeping well the night before. She could be overtired, but if so, being low key today should get her back on track. :thumbup:

Lady Bee - Don't worry, I think it is totally normal to have a few set backs when you are trying to change LO's patterns, eventually he'll become consistent. You are doing so well :thumbup:

Lysh - Fantastic that you are getting some decent sleep. Yes it's always normal to feel worse as you start catching up on sleep, I think your body stops running off adrenaline (in survival mode) and suddenly realises how sleep deprived you are! :haha:

Larkspur - Sorry you are here. We're in WW26 fussy period too (although it feels more like stormy period, so I hope it passes soon!). I agree, we seem to have skipped the sunny period from WW19 and are straight back into the messy stages.

Grrr OH's can be such a pain sometimes, hugs to you and I hope you can explain to him (as calmly as possible) why he is such an ass :winkwink:

Mrsbeano - I'm sorry you are also having a rough time, I hope the tooth gets through asap for you. I don't like coffee either, it makes no sleep so tough!

Shadowy Lady - Boo to no STTN, but yay for the 8 hour sleep! One night feed and back to sleep is great considering you are just out of the MOTN parties. Long may it continue, and I hope she STTN's again for you tonight.

Bananaz - Oh no, I'm sorry you are suffering MOTN parties too! I guess at least she doesn't need you, although i guess you can still hear her, and so are awake?

It's great she can self settle for naps, but I know what you mean about no more snuggles - they grow up so fast!

Well.... a bit of a mixed bag here today. Seren slept pretty well last night, woke at 4am to be repositioned, and again at 6am before up for the day at 6:30am. Unfortunately she had pooped during the night at some point, which I hadn't spotted because she went immediately back to sleep each time she had gotten herself jammed about the cot.

She hasn't pooped in the night since she was about 2 weeks old, I think it's the change in formula that has done it, as I think it's much easier for her to "go" on the new formula (go figure, the comfort should stop constipation). The formula change, combined with a bigger teat size and infacol in the bottle seems to have done the trick, not nearly as much of a problem with wind now.

Seren hasn't tried to roll front to back today, but I think it's because she's had a particularly grouchy day. She can't settle to anything, and has been listless and not that interested in what is going on.

She's cried a lot for really no reason today, possibly a bit of teething as she was drooling a lot, but nothing to make her really uncomfortable.

To make things even worse, we are in a nap transition! :dohh: She used to do 2-2.5 hours awake with a 30 minute nap, and repeat. As she slept 12 hours and was fine during the day, it was clearly all she needed So she had about 5 naps per day.

Suddenly she is doing:

1.5 hours awake then 30 minute nap
2.5 hours awake then 1.5-2 hours nap
3 hours awake and 45 minute nap
1.5 hours awake and bed.

Which is great because she's getting one proper nap, and the last one is a full sleep cycle.

But we've had to shift her bedtime back. It was originally 7:30pm (according to the EASY routine), but with her naps, she could only manage until 6:30pm but then slept to 6:30am. Now she seems to want to do 7:30pm to 6:30am.

Although I think she may have slept later this morning if she hadn't filled her nappy.

Also a bit weird about putting her down to bed. She wants her dummy while sitting with me for a bit (almost as if she's winding down) and then she pushes it out of her mouth herself, I pick her up, she puts her thumb in her mouth and I can put her down on her tummy and she'll sleep.

It's ok, but I'm used to her wanting to be put down so she can self settle. Not that I'm complaining really, I get cuddles for once! :happydance:

I can cope with waking and repositioning, even several times a night, but hoping that they will be after 4am so I can get a solid chunk of sleep in.

Good luck ladies, I hope tonight is kind to all of us!
Well.... a bit of a mixed bag here today. Seren slept pretty well last night, woke at 4am to be repositioned, and again at 6am before up for the day at 6:30am. Unfortunately she had pooped during the night at some point, which I hadn't spotted because she went immediately back to sleep each time she had gotten herself jammed about the cot.

She hasn't pooped in the night since she was about 2 weeks old, I think it's the change in formula that has done it, as I think it's much easier for her to "go" on the new formula (go figure, the comfort should stop constipation). The formula change, combined with a bigger teat size and infacol in the bottle seems to have done the trick, not nearly as much of a problem with wind now.

Seren hasn't tried to roll front to back today, but I think it's because she's had a particularly grouchy day. She can't settle to anything, and has been listless and not that interested in what is going on.

She's cried a lot for really no reason today, possibly a bit of teething as she was drooling a lot, but nothing to make her really uncomfortable.

To make things even worse, we are in a nap transition! :dohh: She used to do 2-2.5 hours awake with a 30 minute nap, and repeat. As she slept 12 hours and was fine during the day, it was clearly all she needed So she had about 5 naps per day.

Suddenly she is doing:

1.5 hours awake then 30 minute nap
2.5 hours awake then 1.5-2 hours nap
3 hours awake and 45 minute nap
1.5 hours awake and bed.

Which is great because she's getting one proper nap, and the last one is a full sleep cycle.

But we've had to shift her bedtime back. It was originally 7:30pm (according to the EASY routine), but with her naps, she could only manage until 6:30pm but then slept to 6:30am. Now she seems to want to do 7:30pm to 6:30am.

Although I think she may have slept later this morning if she hadn't filled her nappy.

Also a bit weird about putting her down to bed. She wants her dummy while sitting with me for a bit (almost as if she's winding down) and then she pushes it out of her mouth herself, I pick her up, she puts her thumb in her mouth and I can put her down on her tummy and she'll sleep.

It's ok, but I'm used to her wanting to be put down so she can self settle. Not that I'm complaining really, I get cuddles for once! :happydance:

I can cope with waking and repositioning, even several times a night, but hoping that they will be after 4am so I can get a solid chunk of sleep in.

Good luck ladies, I hope tonight is kind to all of us!

Hopefully the night pooping is a temporary thing! Elsie did it for the first time ever a couple weeks ago and thankfully she hasn't done it since. I think sometimes when they are transitioning to new food their digestive systems have an adjustment period.

Anyway, I'm glad that her daytime sleep is starting to consolidate and she's getting a proper nap in! You may find that she's ready to drop the third nap at around 6 months, at which point her sleep will hopefully consolidate further and maybe you'll even get two good naps out of her.
Well it's 20:37 and Joni is in bed...I've got the standard evening anxiety...I know I can write that here and everyone will know exactly the feeling I mean :flower:
MrsPear - I know the feeling all too well!

Last night was awful. I can't even count how many times Charlotte was up. I'm not sure what's going - she was moaning and trying to get comfortable like she wanted to be sleeping, but couldn't. I thought it might be teething, but I gave advil and it didn't help. Can't feel any teeth on the gum line either.

I'm really frustrated and tired, but trying to keep a good attitude. I know now that all of this phases - good or bad - do pass eventually. Just keeping my fingers crossed that this one is a matter of days and not months!
MrsPear - I know the feeling all too well!

Last night was awful. I can't even count how many times Charlotte was up. I'm not sure what's going - she was moaning and trying to get comfortable like she wanted to be sleeping, but couldn't. I thought it might be teething, but I gave advil and it didn't help. Can't feel any teeth on the gum line either.

I'm really frustrated and tired, but trying to keep a good attitude. I know now that all of this phases - good or bad - do pass eventually. Just keeping my fingers crossed that this one is a matter of days and not months!

Oh no, is it possible she has another ear infection? Hope this passes quickly :hugs:

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