hey bananaz thank you for the link, DF is going to try that for a few nights and I am going away for 2 nights because it is much needed. I am so stressed out! this separation anxiety is terrible, and it is only at night. my mom says i should just let her sleep in my bed but that is NOT an option. She moves constantly, I am an incredibly light sleeper and it wakes me up every 5 minutes. And like you, we have no help. It is just DF and I. I feel a bit worse for you as you are a single mom
I am really happy to hear you're going to get away for a few nights. I think it will be good for you and your family.
I think cosleeping is great if it works for you, but you shouldn't feel you must if you can't get rest that way. Your healthy is important too.
Best of luck -- keep us posted!